Far Cry New Dawn Master Skinner Trophy Guide

Master Skinner
Collect at least one skin from every type of animal in Hope County. Not creepy at all.
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, FPS, Open World, RPG.
Far Cry New Dawn directory.
Here is the Far Cry New Dawn Master Skinner Trophy Guide. Quite a technical one to unlock, a basic overview would be you need to kill near enough every animal out there and loot their body. Some of these animals are quite hard to find though, to make your life easier, get Honorary Scout unlocked as it’ll glitch if you carry on with this one. Once you’re satisfied you have got Honorary Scout unlocked make your way to the cartographers’ and purchase all of the animal location maps.
This will cover the majority of the animals you need, in addition, there are several animals that are incredibly rare across Hope County, but a lot more common in certain expeditions. Oh, and you also need to take down all 4 monstrous animals as well. Ensure you only defeat these enemies with bullets / bows / melee as any sort of explosives or fire will destroy the animal and destroyed animals won’t provide you with a skin. Here’s the full list of all animals required to unlock Master Skinner.
Hope County Animals
These animals are very common and will show up on your map once you have bought the relevant maps.
- Black Bear.
- Bison.
- Boar.
- Bull.
- Caribou.
- Cougar.
- Deer.
- Demon Fish.
- Elk.
- Grizzly Bear.
- Moose.
- Pronghorn.
- Rattlesnake.
- Wild Dog.
- Wolf.
- Wolverine.
Monstrous Animals
Bring a powerful LMG with you and avoid explosives. Aim for the head and take these 4 challenges down.
- Bear.
- Bison.
- Boar.
- Cougar.
Rare Animals
These animals only show up on certain Expeditions and are the:
- Cattle
H.M.S. MacCroubrey Expedition.
Cattle can be found near the starting point, if no Cattle are visible, restart the Expedition. - Crocodile
Government Plane Wreck Expedition.
Crocodiles can be found in the river to the right of the starting point. - Hare
I.S.S. Crash Site Expedition.
Hare’s are hard to find given their small size, look in and around the woods, use the Binoculars to tag the Hare making it easier to find and take down. - Shark
H.M.S. MacCoubrey Expedition.
Look towards the stern (back) of the ship in the water, watch out for other Sharks when you dive down to loot the Shark skin. - Skunk
Alcatraz Expedition.
A Skunk can be found in a locked cell, shoot the lock and kill the Skunk before it manages to escape.
Once you have successfully skinned every animal listed above, your Trophy will unlock.
That’s the Far Cry New Dawn Master Skinner Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you collect one of each type of skin from every animal across Hope County.
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