Final Fantasy VIII Remastered UFO Trophy Guide

Complete the PuPu side quest
Author: FuzionByte.
Genre: RPG.
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered directory.
Here is the Final Fantasy VIII Remastered UFO Trophy Guide. You’ll need the Ragnarok to be able to start this quest, you’ll also need 50 Mesmerize Horns, which you can acquire from Mesmerize enemies on Trabia Continent. Have unlocked Carbuncle GF and have it’s Recov Med-RF ability. Use the Recov Med-RF ability to turn your Mesmerize Horns into 100 MegaPotions. Then you need to make sure you have unlocked Doomtrain and learnt the ability Forbid Med-RF. Use Forbid Med-RF on your 100 MegaPotions, to turn them into 5 Elixers. Do Not use the Elixers for anything but this side quest or you have to do the above over again.
Now you have your Elixers, we can start this quest. Having Diablos ability Enc-None will be very useful as well. Your objective is to get into a “battle” against 4 UFO’s. !!DO NOT ENGAGE THESE UFO’s!!. If you do anything to these UFO’s you will immediately fail the side quest. The 4 UFO’s can be found at the following locations:
UFO Encounter 1
Your First UFO will be on the beach by Timber, simply start the battle, put your controller down and wait for it to finish.
UFO Encounter 2
You will be able to find the second UFO will be around the Winhill area, run around, the UFO will find you soon enough, ensure you don’t press any buttons until the “battle” ends.
UFO Encounter 3
The third UFO will be on a tiny oval shaped island just off the east coast of the Trabia Continent, as always, put the controller down and wait for the UFO to fly pass.
UFO Encounter 4
Now that you have observed all 4 UFO’s, make your way to the North East part of the World map, you want to land on the mountain range just next to the Chocobo Sanctuary (large forested area) you’ll get into a battle, this time you’ll need to defeat the UFO. Once defeated go into your menu and make sure all 3 characters have the Item ability junctioned to them and that your 5 Elixers are in item slot 1. Now proceed back to where Balamb Garden was, run around the crater and you’ll get into a “battle” with PuPu. DO NOT ATTACK IT!
What you need to do is use your 5 Elixers on it, 1 by one, once successful, you’ll get a “thank you”, the “battle” will end, you’ll get PuPu’s card, and more importantly, your Trophy will unlock. That’s the Final Fantasy VIII Remastered UFO Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you complete the PuPu side quest.
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