FIFA 21 FUT 21 Icon Swaps 3 have launched
Autor: ValeNort46.
Genre: Sports.
FIFA 21 directory.
Icons swaps 3 have now released in FIFA Ultimate Team and just like in previous iterations you can now earn tokens that can be used towards earning an icon reward.
What are the rewards?
In total, 6 new icons have been added as rewards and the number of tokens they cost is as follows:
- 91 rated prime Vieira: 17 tokens.
- 94 rated prime Puskas: 13 tokens.
- 91 rated moments Ferdinand: 15 tokens.
- 93 rated prime Best: 11 tokens.
- 92 rated moments Schwernsteiger: 6 tokens.
- 93 rated moments Stoichkov: 8 tokens.
Other icon rewards include the option to receive a random icon from a set range including:
- 93+ icon moment player pick: 16 tokens.
- 92+ icon moments attacked player pick: 15 tokens.
- 92+ prime icon player pick: 9 tokens.
- Icon moments player pick: 10 tokens.
- 92+ icon moments midfielder player pick: 12 tokens.
- 92+ icon moments pack: 7 tokens.
- Icon moments pack: 5 tokens.
Alternatively, non-icon related rewards are also available if you don’t like any of the icons or prefer player packs and these are as follows:
- 81+ rated x25: 1 token.
- 83+ rated x25: 2 tokens.
- 84+ rated x20: 3 tokens.

How do I earn tokens?
Just like previous icon swaps the tokens you can earn are split into 2 release windows and you earn tokens by competing in squad battles and online friendly’s, the tokens available and the requirements are as follows:
Token 1: La Liga.
Using 11 La Liga players with at least 8 first owned players in the starting line-up:
- Win 4 matches.
- Score in 10 separate matches.
- Score 6 outside the box goals.
Token 2: Bundesliga.
Using 11 Bundesliga players with at least 8 first owned players in the starting line-up:
- Win 4 matches.
- Score in 10 separate matches.
- Score 6 via through assist balls.
Token 3: Ligue 1.
Using 11 ligue 1 players with at least 8 first owned players in the starting lineup:
- Win 4 matches.
- Assist in 10 separate matches.
- Score 6 finesse shots.
Token 4: Rivals.
- Score in 20 separate rivals matches using first owned players.

Token 5: Weekend League.
- Win 18 weekend league matches.
Token 6: A Selecao.
- Win 6 squad battles matches on minimum world class difficulty with 11 Portuguese players in your starting squad.
Token 7: Eredivise.
- Win 6 squad battles matches on minimum world class difficulty with 11 Eredivise players in your starting squad.
Token 8: UCL.
- Win 6 squad battles matches on minimum world class difficulty with 11 UEFA champions league players in your starting squad.
Token 9: Silvers.
- Win 6 squad battles matches on minimum world class difficulty with 11 Silver players in your starting squad.
When is the expiry date for the first bath of tokens?
These tokens are valid for just over 5 weeks with an expiry date of June 18th 2021 which is the date that the next batch of tokens will be released. So good luck in collecting tokens are earning those icons, please feel free to comment below on who you think is the best icon out of the bunch.
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