
God Of War Ragnarök Alfheim Nornir Chests

Here is the God Of War Ragnarök Alfheim Nornir Chest locations guide where we will help you find and unlock the 7 Nornir Chests located in the realm of the Elves helping you work towards unlocking Full BellyThe first 2 Nornir Chests can be opened on your first visit to Alfheim during the story with the last remaining 5 chests becoming accessible once (spoilers) Kratos and Brok go through the Forge together in Svartalfheim.

In order to open a Nornir Chest you will need to activate 3 Runes found in the local area to the Chest and will need to be either rung, ignited or activated simultaneously where you will receive either an Idunn Apple or a Horn of Blood Mead raising your health or rage meters respectively. Once you have the weapon for Kratos and are sufficiently levelled, go back to Alfheim and head through completing the Secret of the Sands Favour which will clear the sand storm making more of the Nornir Chests obtainable.

If you don’t complete the favour then you won’t be able to collect the majority of the chests throughout The Barrens. Once you have collected everything in The Barrens, you should then head through the Elven gate at the Northern section of The Barrens by using the Chisel on the dish, go through The Hjarta to The Forbidden Sands where you will need to subdue another sand storm by complete the Song of the Sands Favour unlocking Full Gufa in the process. Once the sand storm is cleared in The Forbidden Sands you can then go and collect the remaining collectibles throughout the area.

Nornir Chest 1

Alfheim, The Strönd.
Runes: N, C and R.
From the Mystic Gateway, follow the path up then squeeze through the crack in the wall, take a left and drop down to find the Nornir Chest.

The 3 Runes will need to be lit with a charge from your Blades of Chaos so equip them then go right from the Nornir Chest, look over the edge of the cliff to find the N Rune brazier.

The C Rune can be found by turning around and going opposite where the Nornir Chest is by the cliff face where you will see the top of the brazier sticking out behind a rock. Light it on fire.

The R Rune is found by going back up the cliff face you dropped down, taking a left then mantling up the 2 ledges. Take a left and drop down to the lower ledge where you can then look up to your right to find the R Rune brazier.

Once you have lit all 3 Rune braziers you can then go back and open the Nornir Chest which for me, contained an Idunn Apple.

Nornir Chest 2

Alfheim, Temple of Light.
Runes: C, R and N.
Once Kratos and Tyr have pushed down the statues to make the light bridge, cross the bridge then look to your right before you get to the next staircase. You will need to be very quick in hitting all 3 Runes as you only have a few seconds before the Runes reset.

The C Rune is found up to the left from the Nornir Chest. The R Rune is found just to the left of the Nornir Chest.

The N Rune is found by going into the corridor to the right of the Nornir Chest, looking right when you see the Twilight and loosing an arrow at the ore which is currently blocking the Rune.

Once you have familiarised yourself with where all 3 Runes are, stand against the edge of the walkway opposite the Nornir Chest and line up the C Rune which you can just hit with a quick throw of your Axe.

Recall the Axe and immediately hit the R Rune.

Again, recall the Axe quickly then aim at the Twilight Stone in the corridor so the Axe bounces off the Twilight Stone and hits the N Rune.

As long as you hit all 3 Runes in very quick succession you will be able to open the Nornir Chest which. for me, contained a Horn of Blood Mead.

Nornir Chest 3

Alfheim, The Strönd.
Runes: N, F and n.
Once you have Draupnir you can go back to Alfheim’s The Strönd Mystic Gateway, mantle up the ledges to the left and go through the gap on your right following the path as you would have done earlier in the game. Just after you have gone under the rock you need to lift out of the way go forward then right to find the Nornir Chest in a cut out that needs to be unlocked by throwing Draupnir Spears in to the 3 Runes then exploding them simultaneously with Triangle.

The F Rune can be found by looking to the left of the Nornir Chest to find a rock you need to throw a Spear in to the rock exploding it out of the way, go through to the new area looking directly forward across the chasm to find the F Rune on the side of the cliff, throw a Spear in to the Rune and leave it there.

To find the N Rune, turn around going back out of the small area and look up to the right of the Nornir Chest on the ledge in front of you, throw a Spear in to the Rune and leave it there for now.

Finally, the n Rune can be found over to the right on the side of the main path, throw a final Spear in to this Rune.

Turn around to face the Nornir Chest then blow all 3 Spears with Triangle, activating all 3 Runes at once unlocking the Nornir Chest which, for me, contained a Horn of Blood Mead.

Nornir Chest 4

Alfheim, The Below.
Runes: N, C and R.
I recommend going for this Nornir Chest once you have complete the Secret of the Sands Favour where you can then head back in to The Below following the path back down to where you climbed up the wall in the room with the Twilight Stones after the Dark Elf ambush except this time go straight through to the back room rather than climbing the wall. Go through the open wooden gate where you will see the Nornir Chest on your left which needs to be unlocked by quickly hitting the 3 Runes by throwing your Axe at them before they reset.

The N Rune can be found by mantling up to the right then looking through the archway to the ornate window on the right. Throw the Axe at the Rune ringing the bell.

The C Rune can be found opposite the Nornir Chest so quickly race back down the ledges and throw the Axe at the Runes’ bell.

Finally, the R Rune can be found to the right of the C Rune in the room you came through originally on the left side which needs to be hit quickly before the N Rune resets. Once you have rung all 3 Rune bells in quick succession the Nornir Chest will unlock which can be looted for an Idunn Apple.

Nornir Chest 5

Alfheim, The Barrens.
Runes: C, R and N.
Ensure you have cleared the sand storm by completing the Secret of the Sands Favour making The Barrens a lot easier to navigate. To find and unlock the Nornir Chest, head to the North East corner of The Barrens to find a structure that has been over run by Hive Matter, you need to clear the Hive Matter from the building then ignite the 3 Rune braziers.

To start off, we need to clear the Hive Matter so head round to the back of the structure and throw your Axe with a charged throw (aim and hold R2) through the 3 weak points in the Hive Matter clearing it all off the building, revealing the Nornir Chest.

The N Rune can be found to the left of where you stood to clear the Hive Matter on the edge of the small cliff and can be ignited by having Freya send 1 Runic Sigil in to the braziers’ base then another just below on the cliff which you can ignite with the Blades causing a chain reaction to ignite the N Rune.

You can find the C Rune round the front of the structure just off to the left from the Nornir Chest which can be ignited with a blast from your Blades.

Finally, the R Rune can be found on the top of the structure on the same side as the Nornir Chest and the C Rune which is ignited by throwing the Axe in to the explosive pot just to the right of the Runes’ brazier.

Once you have ignited all 3 Runes you will be able to loot the Nornir Chest which contains a Horn of Blood Mead.

Nornir Chest 6

Alfheim, The Forbidden Sands.
Runes: C,R, and N.
Once you have completed the Song of the Sands Favour to clear the sand storm in The Forbidden Sands, head West going under the rock in to a small area where you can find the Nornir Chest which needs to be unlocked by igniting the 3 Runic braziers.

The N Rune can be found over to the right side of the area where the Nornir Chest is located and can be ignited with a quick blast from your Blades.

Head back out under the rock then go over to the left where you will find the C Rune on top of the rock formation which can be ignited by sending 2 Runic Sigils in to the base of the brazier then another 2 Sigils just below enabling you to cause a chain reaction with a blast from your Blades igniting the C Runes’ brazier.

Finally, the R Rune can be found by turning right from the C Rune brazier and looking to the large rock where you will see the brazier on the cut out below the top of the rock which needs to be activated by sending 3 Runic Sigils to the rock just below the brazier then another 3 Runic Sigils on the solitary rock in front of you.

Hit the lower Sigil with a blast from your Blades which will cause a chain reaction igniting the R Rune brazier.

Head back through to the small area and loot the Nornir Chest, which, for me, contained an Idunn Apple.

Nornir Chest 7

Alfheim, The Forbidden Sands, The Elven Sanctum.
Runes: C, R and N.
Head over to the North East section of The Forbidden Sands then rather than mantling up to The Elven Sanctum, smash through the rocks in front of you where the Dark Elf corpses are revealing a new section underneath the Elven Library.

Head forward along the walkway to find the Nornir Chest against the back wall that needs to be unlocked by lighting the 3 Runic braziers in the local area. First off, turn around to the right of the Nornir Chest and throw the Axe in to the Twilight Stone allowing it to ricochet around the cavern clearing the Hive matter currently blocking the Nornir Chest from being opened.

From here, stay looking towards the cavern’s exit then go to the left wall by the wooden barricade and look across to see the C Rune brazier which needs to be lit by sending one triple Runic Sigil to the left of the brazier on the floor, another triple Sigil in between the first and the small fire where you can then send one more Runic Arrow in to the fire igniting both triple Sigils, which, if done correctly will ignite the C Rune brazier.

The R Rune is a tough one to ignite and will need you to use both Sonic and Runic arrows quickly and accurately, remember, you can switch between the arrow types with UpLook up to the right from the C Rune brazier to see an orange section of wall that will open for a few seconds when it is hit with a Sonic Arrow where you need to quickly send 3 Runic Arrows across to the base of the brazier (it doesn’t matter if the wall closes, we are going to re-open it later) then place another 3 Runic Sigils in between the first triple Sigil and the now lit C Rune brazier.

Now for the tricky part, you need to re open the section of wall with a Sonic Arrow then quickly fire a Runic Arrow in to the C Rune’s lit brazier causing a chain reaction along the triple Sigils before the section of wall closes to be able to light the R Rune’s brazier. This may well take you a few attempts but you will soon get the feel for what you need to do.

The N Rune can be found by turning around and looking out over the other side of the chasm to the small island and can be lit by sending one Runic Sigil in to the the left side of the brazier then another in to the small fire there igniting the Sigils lighting the N Rune brazier in the process.

Once all 3 Runic braziers are lit, go back and loot the Nornir Chest which, for me, contained a Horn of Blood Mead.

That’s where to find and how to unlock the 7 Nornir Chests in Alfheim.

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