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God of War Ragnarök Full Gufa Trophy Guide

God of War Ragnarok Full Gufa trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Full Gufa
Free the Hafgufas

Here is the God Of War Ragnarök Full Gufa trophy guide where we will help you free the Hafgufas which can be done on Alfheim after you have the Draupnir Spear as you’ll be powerful enough by then to take down the enemies along the way. In order to free the Hafgufa’s you will need to find and free 2 giant jellyfish from under the sands by completing the following 2 Favours:

  1. Secret of the Sands.
  2. Song of the Sands.

Once both Favours have been completed you will then have freed both Hafgufa’s allowing them to continue as a species earning your trophy in the process.

Secret Of The Sands

The Secret of the Sands favour can be started by taking a left from The Strönd Mystic Gateway in to The Canyons. Clear the Hive Matter by throwing the Axe through the 3 weak points revealing a wall on your right you can climb up then head forward to the Gulon sled you can ride around to the right once you get to the desert with the sand storm.

You are looking for the first building you come to which will unlock a new area, The Below which you need to climb down in to heading forward clearing the initial Hive Matter and taking down the Dark Elf who ambushes you which if you’re quick can just be hit off the cliff.

Look down to your left when the path is blocked by the Hive Matter aiming your Axe at the Twilight Stone to ricochet through the 3 weak points in the tentacles clearing the path. Take out the Dark Elf ambush then go through in to the cliff and take down the remaining enemies remembering you can stun them by ricocheting the Axe off the Twilight Stones dotted around allowing you to deal critical or fatal hits.

Climb the wall when they’re all down then mantle up to the left, slide along the zipline then mantle through the pillars aiming off to the right and deal with the Wretch and Nightmare enemies that spawn after dropping down to the lower level.

Turn around whilst staying on the lower level looking across the chasm to see a Twilight Stone you can throw your Axe in to ricocheting off through the Hive Matters’ weak points clearing the way. Mantle back up then jump back across the pillars this time heading to the right climb up and around the wall then swing across to the grapple point.

Drop down and slide down the chain where you need to clear the Dark Elf ambush. Once all enemies are down, go forward through the small hole, drop down to the right then turn around looking behind the debris blocking your path to find an explosive pot you can throw an Axe or Spear in to clearing the way.

Drop down and head forward looking to the right to see the weak points in the Hive Matter you need to throw the Axe through the left side so the Axe ricochets back across the Twilight Stone clearing the other 2 weak points disintegrating the blockage in front of you.

Jump across the gap then stop looking through the gap to your left to see an explosive pot you need to pop clearing yet more debris out of the way. Jump back across the the way you just came then go around to what is now your right, aim the Axe at the Twilight Stone on the left angling round to the right lining the shot up to clear the Hive Matter allowing you to jump up to the upper section.

Hit the gold disc on the right side of the pedestal once with the Axe then line up a throw with the Axe at a hard angle ricocheting from one Twilight Stone to another clearing the Hive Matter blockage out of the way.

Continue forward taking out the Nightmares as well as the nest and climb the wall where you will have to sit through a short amount of dialogue. Once Mimir has stopped talking, go over to the left standing at the edge of the platform looking down to the right of the debris and have Freya fire 2 Runic Arrows on the side of the ledge which you need to hit with a blast from your Blades of Chaos exploding the debris out of the way.

Jump across to the ledge then look down to your right where you can throw the Axe through a weak point hitting a Twilight Stone, ricocheting off through the remaining Hive Matter.

Recall the Axe, jump back across tot the right then throw the Axe at the Twilight Stone above you ricocheting through the area clearing the remaining Hive Matter around the Hafgufa.

Follow the path around to the right working your way up to the top of the area where you need to clear one last piece of Hive Matter which will be blocking your exit then head North following the marker to a dense pillar of Hive Matter you need to clear by mashing Circle which will free the Hafgufa completing the favour subduing the sand storm in the process.

Song Of The Sands

Head to the North of The Barrens and use the Chisel on the dish then have Freya speak the Runic word opening the path through The Hjarta to The Forbidden Sands, go straight once in the sand storm taking a right around the back of the structure on your right to find the entrance you can climb down to The Burrows.

The area is a lot more challenging to navigate than The Below where you freed the previous Hafgufa with trickier puzzles and tougher enemies so ensure you’re ready for a fight before descending. Once you’re down in The Burrows go straight forward clearing the blockage with a Sonic Arrow then jump across the gap dropping down to the level below.

Look to your left once you have dropped down to see a section of wall that you can send a Sonic Arrow into to open the wall section allowing you to send another Sonic Arrow in to the blockade clearing the path. Continue forward jumping across to the wall then back across getting around the section of wall you just cleared mantling along the wall jumping back and forth until you come to a small cave.

Stand at the back of the cave (the right side wall as you enter) then aim your Axe at the floor which is a Twilight Stone you can ricochet the Axe off removing the heavy inset section of Hive Matter in front of you.

Head forward and clear the Wretch nest continuing forward where you will need to take on an encampment of Grim and Light Elves. Once all enemies are down, drop down to the lowest level and squeeze through the gap on your right.

Drop off the edge and mantle across to the adjacent ledge where you need to look up to the left against the opposite wall to see a section of wall Freya can open with a Sonic Arrow revealing a Twilight Stone you need to throw the Axe in to clearing the Hive Matter blockage out of the way. You need to do this quickly before the wall closes again.

Jump back over to the wall then across to the newly opened section of the area where you can jump back and forth across the chasm to a section of wall you can climb down.

Deal with the Grim and Light Elves who will ambush you then climb the back wall. Once up top, drop down to your left and look up where you need to throw the Axe through 3 weak sections of Hive Matter clearing the way through to the Hafgufa who is currently trapped.

Look to the left of the Hafgufa to see an archway of Hive Matter you can throw the Axe through to the Twilight Stone which ricochets back clearing a strong section of Matter out of the way revealing a grapple point.

Swing across then look to your right aiming to the top left corner to see another section of wall Freya can open with a Sonic Arrow revealing a Twilight Stone you need to throw the Axe in to clearing one third of the Hive Matter.

Jump back across and go to your right when looking at the Hafgufa, line up another throw with the Axe through more weak points of Hive Matter clearing the next third of the blockage.

To free the final section of Hive Matter around the Hafgufa, swing back across then look up, carefully line up the Axe ensuring it goes through all 3 weak points which will then free the bonds trapping the Hafgufa in place.

Next up, we need to escape The Burrows and get back up to the surface to free the Hafgufa from its current confinement. Jump back across heading through the now open doorway, drop down and take out the Bergsra and the Grim who are waiting for you and climb the wall over to your right.

Climb, mantle and jump your way up and around the cavern to the ledge above then stand on the right side of the higher platform looking to your left where you can throw the Axe in to the higher of the 2 Twilight Stones which then ricochet down to another Twilight Stone ultimately finding its way into the Hive Matter blockage which will reveal another grapple point once it’s been cleared.

Head up to the next ledge, turn around and throw the Axe at the right side of the pedestal’s gold disc twice to reveal another Twilight Stone, throw the Axe in to the Twilight Stone on the left of the cavern so it bounces into the newly revealed Twilight Stone enabling the Axe to clear another Hive Matter blockage revealing yet another grapple point.

Grapple across and climb the wall where you can jump through the adjacent section of wall then head right to exit taking down the last remaining Light Elf in the process then climb back to the surface.

Once out, follow the mission marker or go around to the South West aiming towards the light in the distance then clear the last section of Hive Matter by freezing then smashing it out of the way ultimately freeing the Hafgufa from its prison which will then not only complete the Favour, it will also unlock Full Gufa for having freed both Hafgufa’s in Alfheim.

That’s the God Of War Ragnarök Full Gufa trophy guide complete I hope it helps you free the Hafgufas.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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