God Of War Ragnarök It Was A Good Day Guide

It Was a Good Day
Retrieve Mardöll
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG.
God Of War Ragnarök directory.
Here is the God Of War Ragnarök It Was a Good Day guide where we will help you retrieve Mardöll. Mardöll can be retrieved in Vanaheim when you have Freya as a companion as part of the Freya’s Missing Piece Favour and I recommend going back to Vanaheim once you have acquired Draupnir as you will have some tough enemies to take down along the way and you might be a but under-powered on your first visit. Either way, once you’re ready, go to the Mystic Gateway at Freyr’s Camp then have Freya fire a sonic arrow at the log on your left to clear the path and row your boat along the river, taking a right when the river opens up and follow it around to the Cliffside Ruins dock.
Clear the enemies there and climb up the wall over to your left, go around and jump across the platforms to your left.
Look straight ahead to the red vines then have Freya fire 3 Runic Arrows going to the left where you can use your Blades of Chaos to send a blast in to the sigil’s to cause a chain reaction clearing the vines and dropping a gold chain down.
Head back down to the ground then use the gold to climb up to the upper level, follow the path round and use your chisel to draw the pattern required then have Freya speak the Runic word when prompted to open the Pilgrims Gate.
Go back down the chain to your boat then follow the river around to the right and head through the canyon to the next beach you come to at Goddess Falls and clear out the enemies who are waiting for you.
Climb the wall at the back, go left, swing across the gap then climb up the wall on your right and jump across the stream where you can have Freya open the wall leading through to the Shrine where you will have a nasty boss fight against a powerful Soul Eater who is only weak to attacks when it’s core opens up to blast you with ice.
You need to throw your Axe or Spear in to the core of the Soul Eater whilst dealing with the Reavers, avoiding the purple poison which really tanks your health bar if you touch it whilst ensuring you don’t take increasing damage from the Soul Eater’s attacks making this fight more of a game of patience and tactics than overall rage.
Once the Soul Eater and subsequent enemies are down, go straight forward to the edge of the platform and look over to your right to see a blue disc behind the raised bridge you can throw Draupnir through then go around in front of the bridge taking care not to be hit by the pod firing poison spikes at you.
Have Freya fire 3 Runic Arrows ensuring you get the red vines to the right of the bridge in the first arrow then create 2 more sigil’s down the cliff face enabling you to fire a blast with your Blades to cause another chain reaction clearing the vines then throw a Spear through the blue disc dropping the footbridge down.
Follow the path up and around taking care not to get hit by the poison pods, clear out the enemies then look over to your right to find the main pod you can clear with another blast from your Blades. Continue making your way through the area getting pass the ambush to the 2 Revenants waiting for you which will go down a lot easier if you use Arrows to disrupt their attacks then head to Freya when you can following the prompts on screen.
Go over to the right once the Circlet is destroyed where Freya will clear the vines out of the way, use the chisel on the dish matching the pattern then head straight opposite the vine entrance and clear the red vines out of your way (sigil arrow and a blast with your Blades), go through and kick the chain down.
Slide down the chain and clear the enemies then go over to the Runic word where you will be told it’s incomplete so turn around then head right to the section of wall with a circular door looking up to your left and clearing yet more red vines out of the way.
If you look above the doorway you will see 3 small circles which you need to aim at and have Freya send 3 Runic Arrows into the middle of then hit the middle one with a blast from your Blades which might take a couple of attempts but it will work eventually if you adjust your aim slightly.
Head through and follow the path up and around taking out the Reaver who is being buffed from an enemy you can’t get to yet so either use your best attacks or activate your Spartan Rage to take it down then go round to the left and follow the path up and around taking out everyone who stands in your way.
Once all enemies are down head over to Freya, wait for her to destroy the Chalice then go to the left where she will clear the vines enabling you to use your Chisel on the dish completing the Runic word below you need to run back down to.
Once you have prompted Freya to speak the word, cross the bridge that forms then clear the way through the wall with your Chisel and go through watching the cutscene where Freya will eventually retrieve Mardöll.
Once Freya has retrieved Mardöll, your trophy will unlock.
That’s the God Of War Ragnarök It Was a Good Day guide complete, I hope it helps you retrieve Mardöll.
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