God Of War Ragnarök Muspelheim Legendary Chest Locations
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG.
God Of War Ragnarök directory.
Here is the God Of War Ragnarök Mupelheim Legendary Chest Location guide where we will help you find all 16 Legendary Chests in Muspelheim. When you go to Muspelheim in the story you will find only 1 Legendary Chest and it’s right on the story path as you make your down through the area. The remaining Legendary Chests in Muspelheim are locked behind The Crucible challenges which will require you to have found both Muspelheim Seed halves which are located in 2 Legendary Chests. (Check out the complete Svartalfheim Legendary Chests locations for exactly how to acquire both Muspelheim seed halves. You need chests 3 and 9). Once you have both Muspelheim Seed halves travel to The Crucible via a Mystic Gateway then interact with a sword selecting a particular challenge, which, once completed, will spawn the Legendary Chest.
Every time you complete a Trial you will receive a Legendary Chest as a reward which will rise up through a hole in the floor and are a good source of Divine Ashes, XP and Hacksilver as well as having Surtr’s Armour which is a very powerful armour when it’s fully upgraded. There are 15 Trials to complete in The Crucible giving you a total of 16 Legendary Chests to loot in Muspelheim (including the additional Legendary Chest in The Burning Cliffs).
In this guide, I will give you the name of the Trial as well as the reward, however, I have also made a complete guide for how to complete every Trial in Muspelheim where you will unlock Trials by Fire. Check out the complete Trials by Fire trophy guide for full information on how to find and complete all 15 Trials required in Muspelheim. The 16 base Legendary Chests in Muspelheim are as follows:
Legendary Chest 1
Muspelheim, Burning Cliffs.
You will gain access to the Burning Cliffs in Muspelheim in the latter part of the main story so keep progressing through until you’re tasked with heading over to the burning realm. Follow the main story path by dropping down where you will come across the Legendary Chest in a small room guarded by several Wisps which contains some Divine Ashes.
The Crucible Challenges
In The Crucible, you will need to interact with 3 Runic Swords which, at the start of The Crucible will have 2 Trials a piece, then after you have completed all 6 Trials you will be able to loot the Nornir Chest in the centre of the arena spawning a new Runic Sword as well as 2 additional challenges at each of the 3 Runic Swords. The Runic Sword in the centre of the area will give you a new Trial to complete for each 2 Trials you complete at any of the 3 original swords thus giving you a new Legendary Chest each time. See Trials by Fire for full details on the combinations you will need to spawn new Trials. Every completed Trial will spawn a new Legendary Chest so work your way through the Trials to be able to loot all 15 Legendary Chests which are as follows:
Legendary Chest 2
Muspelheim, The Crucible.
Runic Sword, F.
Trial: Weapon Mastery.
Complete the Weapon Mastery Trial by defeating the enemies with their opposing 3 shield elements:
- Blue Shield, use the Blades of Chaos.
- Red Shield, use the Leviathan Axe.
- White and Black Shield, use the Draupnir Spear.
Complete the Weapon Mastery Trial to receive the Shoulder Guard of Undying Pyres Chest Armour.
Legendary Chest 3
Muspelheim, The Crucible.
Runic Sword, F.
Trial: Flawless.
You need to defeat 15 enemies without taking a single hit and that does include splash damage so be meticulous with your approach. Use ranged attacks like throwing your Axe at the Draugr and hitting the Nightmares with a Spear. Save your Runic Abilities for the Gradunger and don’t be disheartened if this one takes you a good few tries as it is one of the tougher Trials of Muspelheim. Take down all 15 enemies without being hit to be able to loot the Legendary Chest which contains Divine Ashes, Hacksilver and XP for Kratos and Atreus / Freya.
Legendary Chest 4
Muspelheim, The Crucible.
Runic Sword, N.
Trial: Ring Out Challenge.
Head round to the N Runic Sword and begin the Trial where you need to throw 21 enemies out of the arena which is easier with the Blades or by using the Serpent’s Snare Skill for the Axe where you grab enemies and throw them. Whichever way you decide to do it, defeat 21 enemies to be able to loot the Legendary Chest which holds the Bracers of Undying Pyres Wrist Armour.
Legendary Chest 5
Muspelheim, The Crucible.
Runic Sword, N.
Trial: Feed the Rift.
Select the Feed the Rift Trial and defeat 2 waves of enemies, 6 and 15 respectively with most enemies dropping an orb you need to pick up and throw it in to the rift in the centre of the area. Complete both waves to loot the Legendary Chest which holds Divine Ashes, Hacksilver and XP.
Legendary Chest 6
Muspelheim, The Crucible.
Runic Sword, R.
Trial: Population Control.
Take out the Bergsra whilst not allowing more than 4 Grim on to the field so use AOE and hard hitting attacks as the Grim will keep spawning until the Bergsra is down. Once the Bergsra is dead, loot the Legendary Chest which contains the Girdle of Undying Pyres Waist Armour.
Legendary Chest 7
Muspelheim, The Crucible.
Runic Sword: R.
Trial: King Of The Hill.
Survive 3 waves taking out enemies in 1, 2 then 3 rings. Make good use of hard hitting abilities as well as Runic and Rage to remove any gathering of enemies. You will need to work quickly and efficiently to succeed here, however, once successful, you can the loot the Legendary Chest which contains Divine Ashes, hacksilver and XP.
Legendary Chest 8
Muspelheim, The Crucible.
Runic Sword, F.
Trial: Rampage.
A nice, simple kill 20 enemies in 2.5 minutes Trial, which, once completed will allow you to loot the Legendary Chest which contains Smouldering Embers, Asgardian ingots, Divine Ashes, Hacksilver and XP.
Legendary Chest 9
Muspelheim, The Crucible.
Runic Sword, N.
Trial: Health Steal.
Kratos’ health will slowly ebb away, however, it will be refilled by a portion every time you defeat an enemy so take down 22 enemies quickly and effectively before your health reaches zero to complete the Trial enabling you to loot the Legendary Chest which contains Blazing Embers, Luminous Alloy, Divine Ashes, Hacksilver and XP.
Legendary Chest 10
Muspelheim, The Crucible.
Runic Sword, R.
Trial: Kill Fuse.
You have to take down 22 enemies before the timer hits 0. Each kill will add 8 seconds to the timer so be fast in exacting your vengeance to ensure you succeed. Loot the Legendary Chest to receive Petrified Bone, Glowing Embers, Divine Ashes, Hacksilver and XP.
Final Challenges
The Final Challenges in The Crucible will require you to complete any 2 Trials at the 3 starting swords which will then make a combination on the central sword enabling you to complete the final 6 Trials in The Crucible and of course, loot the last 6 Legendary Chests.
Legendary Chest 11
Muspelheim, The Crucible.
Runic Swords: F and N.
Trial: Endurance Challenge.
Complete any Trial at both the F then the R sword to be able to access the Endurance Challenge at the central Runic Sword. You will have to survive through 99 enemies, all of whom need defeating. Later on there will be some harder enemies so conserve your health and abilities / Rage to have an easier time of it. Take all 99 enemies down to complete the Trial and spawn the Legendary Chest which hold Surtr’s Scorched Cuirass Chest Armour.
Legendary Chest 12
Muspelheim, The Crucible.
Runic Swords: R and F.
Trial: Phantom Challenge.
Complete any Trial at the R then the F Runic Swords to be able to attempt the Phantom Challenge at the central Runic Sword. Take down the Phantom as well as dealing with the other enemies who spawn in ensuring you smash the shrines when the Phantom catches some some rest. Defeat the Flame Phantom to be able to loot the Legendary Chest which holds the Surtr’s Scorched Girdle Waist Armour.
Legendary Chest 13
Muspelheim, The Crucible.
Runic Swords: F and R.
Trial: Shield Breaker Challenge.
Complete any Trial a the F then the R Runic Swords to be able to try the Shield Breaker Challenge at the central Runic Sword. Your objective is to take down an Einherjar Captain who can only be damaged for a short while once you have defeated the required number of enemies on screen. Halfway through the fight a powerful Centaur, Stalker will join the fight who an only be hurt under the same conditions. Manage your health and defeat both bosses to spawn the Legendary Chest which holds the Muspelheim’s Force Amulet Enhancement.
Check out the How it’s Going trophy guide for more information on the amulet.
Legendary Chest 14
Muspelheim, The Crucible.
Runic Swords: N then F.
Trial: Ring Of Fire Challenge.
Complete any 2 Trials at both the N then the F Runic Swords then get ready for a tough challenge. As soon as the fight begins, place a Runic Sigil on the Seidr brazier and throw the Axe at it freezing it in place. From here use the Blades or Spear to remove 15 enemies whilst the ring moves around the area which you need to stay in for the course of the Trial. Take down all 15 enemies without dying to spawn the Legendary Chest which holds the Surtr’s Scorched Arm Wrist Armour.
Legendary Chest 15
Muspelheim, The Crucible.
Runic Swords: N and R.
Trial: Onslaught Challenge.
Complete any Trial of your choosing at both the N then the R Runic Swords. Survive for 5 minutes (300 seconds) against a never ending barrage of enemies conserving your health and only using your Runic abilities and Rage when necessary. Complete the Trial to be able to loot the Legendary Chest which holds the Muspelheim’s Endurance Amulet Enhancement.
Legendary Chest 16
Muspelheim, The Crucible.
Runic Swords: R and N.
Trial: Boss Rush Challenge.
Complete a Trial at the R then the N Runic Swords and get ready for a back to back fight against 5 mini bosses. Defeat them all to be able to loot the Legendary Chest which contains the Muspleheim’s Essence Amulet Enhancement.
That’s where to find and how to loot every Legendary Chest in Muspelheim.
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