
God Of War Ragnarök Niflheim Legendary Chest Locations

Here is the God Of War Ragnarök Niflheim Legendary Chest locations guide where we will help you find all 8 Legendary Chests in the realm of mist. The first Legendary Chest can be found as you progress through the game’s main story as Atreus, another six Legendary Chests can only be opened as long as you are taking out Odin’s Ravens throughout the realms. There are 48 Ravens to find and destroy (check out the complete The Eyes Of Odin Favour guide for how to find and destroy all 48 Ravens).

Once you have destroyed every Raven use the Mystic Gateway to go to Niflheim where you will come to The Raven Tree then follow the path to the end to find the 6 Legendary Chests. The final Legendary Chest can only be found an unlocked once you have completed the main game where, upon your return to Niflheim, a new pathway will be available revealing a new area for you to explore leading you down to the Aesir Prison Wreckage. All 8 Legendary Chests in Niflheim are as follows:

Legendary Chest 1

Niflheim, Frozen Caverns.
After Thor smashes through the second ice wall follow the path around taking out the enemies as you go whilst heading through the darkness.

Drop down to the lower level then stay left to head through a dark passageway with a few enemies you need to take down allowing you to run to the end of the passage, mantle up to the ledge then loot the Legendary Chest which contains the Bitter Squirrel Runic Summon.

The Eyes Of Odin Favour

Before you can access the next 6 Legendary Chests in Niflheim, you will firstly need to destroy all 48 Ravens throughout 6 of the 9 realms. You can find full details in the, The Eyes Of Odin FavourOnce you have removed all 48 Ravens, you are then free to loot all 6 Legendary Chests in front of The Raven Tree.

Legendary Chest 2

Niflheim, The Raven Tree.
After you have removed 6 of Odin’s Ravens you can loot the first Legendary Chest in front of The Raven Tree which contains the Girdle of Raven Tears Waist Armour.

Legendary Chest 3

Niflheim, The Raven Tree.
The second Legendary Chest in front of The Raven Tree can be looted once you have removed 12 of Odin’s Ravens and contains the Bracers of Raven Tears Wrist Armour.

Legendary Chest 4

Niflheim, The Raven Tree.
The third Legendary Chest on The Raven Tree is accessible once you have removed 18 of Odin’s Ravens and holds the Cuirass of Raven Tears Waist Armour.

Legendary Chest 5

Niflheim, The Raven Tree.
Destroy 28 of Odin’s Ravens to be able to loot the fourth Legendary Chest in The Raven Tree which contains the incredibly powerful Breath of Thamur Heavy Runic attack for the Leviathan Axe.

Legendary Chest 6

Niflheim, The Raven Tree.
Keep destroying Odin’s Ravens until you have removed at least 38 of them where you can then loot the fifth Legendary Chest in The Raven Tree which contains the hard hitting Meteoric Slam for the Blades of Chaos.

Legendary Chest 7

Niflheim, The Raven Tree.
Once you have destroyed all 48 of Odin’s Ravens you will then be able to loot the final Legendary Chest in front of the Raven Tree which contains the, The Finger of Ruin Heavy Runic attack for the Draupnir Spear.

Legendary Chest 8

Niflheim, Aesir Prison Wreckage.
After you have completed the main game, head to Niflheim where there will be a new path that has unlocked to the left of the path before you get to The Raven Tree allowing you to make your way down to the Aesir Prison Wreckage.

Clear the Einherjar and throw a Spear in to the contraption allowing you to jump down to the next floor.

Remove the next Einherjar encampment then pull the Spear down one level using the chain and drop down again.

You will have yet more Einherjar to remove down here then throw another Spear in to the next contraption and use the chain to move it up two levels.

You can then use the Spears to jump back up to the highest level where you will now be on the other side of the prison allowing you to loot the Legendary Chest which contains the Nocked Proficiency Accessory for Freya.

That’s where to find every Legendary Chest in Niflheim.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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