
God Of War Ragnarök Niflheim Nornir Chest

Here is the God Of War Ragnarök Niflheim Nornir Chest locations guide where we will help you find and unlock the Nornir Chest helping you work towards unlocking Full BellyYou will, before going for this Nornir Chest need to complete the main story which will open a path next to the Ravens’ tree which will open a new area for you to explore. In order to open a Nornir Chest you will need to activate 3 Runes found in the local area to the Chest and will need to be either rung, ignited or activated simultaneously where you will receive either an Idunn Apple or a Horn of Blood Mead raising your health or rage meters respectively.

Nornir Chest

Niflheim, Aesir Prison Wreckage.
Runes: T, R and F.
You will be able to access the Aesir Prison Wreckage in Niflhaim after completing the main story then taking the new path that open up down to the Aesir prison Wreckage where you then need to make your way through the Prison to the Nornir Chest which is unlocked by destroying 3 Runic rocks around the local area.

After climbing down the ice wall, clear out the Einherjar waiting for you then throw a Spear into the contraption over the gap and use the Spear to drop down to the next floor.

Clear the next set of Einherjar then use the chain to lower the Spear down and drop down to the next level.

Take out the next set of Einherjar then go over to the open doorway and defeat the Light Elf where you can then smash through the section of wall above you. You will now be in the section of the Prison with the Nornir Chest which is found over to your left.

The R Rune is found by turning around from the Nornir Chest then looking over to the left to find the R stone in the corner.

To find the T Rune, drop back down through the hole you created by smashing through the wall, drop out of the doorway and go straight across the Prison to the cell door you can open revealing a Dark Elf. Take the Dark Elf down then look to the corner of the cell to find the T Stone on the window ledge.

Finally, the F Rune is found by crossing back towards the doorway where you fought the Light Elf and smashed up through the wall except this time, take a right and look down in to the bottom of the Prison to find the F Rune on the floor which can be removed with a quick throw of a Spear or Axe.

With the Nornir Chest unlocked, make your way back up through the section of wall you previously smashed through and loot the chest which, if like me, you have already earned Full Belly (you need 30 out of 35 Nornir Chests for Full Belly then the Nornir Chest will contain, Pertified Bone x10, Luminous Alloy x10, Asgardian Ingot x25, Shattered Rune x40 and 100,000 Hacksilver. Those of you who haven’t unlocked Full Belly by this point, will be able to collect either an Idunn Apple or a Horn of Blood Mead as well as, hopefully, the above rewards as well.

That’s where to find and how to unlock the Nornir Chest in Niflheim. Head back to the Full Belly trophy guide to help you find and unlock the Nornir Chests in the next realm you are planning visit.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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