
God Of War Ragnarök Odin's Raven Locations: Svartalfheim

Here is the God Of War Ragnarök Odin’s Raven Locations: Svartalfheim guide where we will help you find and destroy all 13 Ravens throughout the Dwarven homeland. The first 9 Raven’s can be found as you work your way through the story with the last 4 requiring you to have the (spoilers) weapon you receive when Kratos and Brok go for a walk together later in the game.

You will need to take out every one of Odin’s Ravens throughout the game in order to be able to access 1 of the Hilts required for CollectorDestroying a Raven will require you to get close to it then throw your Axe through the Raven removing it from the realm. All Ravens can be tracked on your World Overview. Here is where you can find and remove each of the 13 of Odin’s Ravens throughout Svartalfheim:

Odin's Raven 1

Svartalfheim, Aurvangar Wetlands.
From the start of the Svartalfheim area in the Aurvangar Wetlands, go forward then left before getting to the boat where you will see the Raven on top of the rock formation. Take aim and throw the axe through the Raven to begin the, The Eyes of Odin Favour.

Odin's Raven 2

Svartalfheim, Nidavellir.
Dock the boat then head up past Odin’s Statue where you will find the Raven on the right side of the roof with the water wheel spinning.

Odin's Raven 3

Svartalfheim, Bounty Bay, The Watchtower, Radsvinn’s Rig.
Coming out of the tunnel from the Nidavellir West Dock, head North where you can dock at the, The Watchtower beach in Bounty Bay. Take the first right and mantle up both ledges where you can then look to your left where there will be a crane over the bay.

Take the first right and mantle up both ledges where you can then look to your left where there will be a crane over the bay.

On the hook hanging down from the crane will be Odin’s Raven.

Odin's Raven 4

Svartalfheim, Bounty Bay, The Watchtower.
Behind Sidri’s shop will be a red explosive barrel you can throw your axe at to clear all of the gold out of the way allowing you to climb up the wall. Head around to the left where you will need to clear out a group of enemies and a boss: The Hateful which is part of Invasive Species.

Once the boss is down and you have looted the area, look South South West towards the Bay where there will be a Raven flying around in circles quite fast. I recommend aiming at the top right section of the large cloud above you which will give you a perfect angle to hit the Raven as it swoops across the screen.

God Of War Ragnarök Odin's Raven 4 Stand Here
Stand Here

If you press R1 whilst aiming the axe you can do a quick throw which will make it a lot easier than a power throw (R2) as any hit on the raven will count. Release the axe when you see the Raven at roughly the same location in the image below.

It may well take you many attempts to get this done but you will get there with practice. Once you do hit the Raven you will then be one step closer to taking them all down.

Odin's Raven 5

Svartalfheim, Bounty Bay, The Watchtower.
Cross the Bay from the North beach at The Watchtower where you destroyed Odin’s Raven 4, climb the chain then look to the left through the hole in the wall to find Odin’s Raven.

Odin's Raven 6

Svartalfheim, The Forge.
Ride the elevator up then follow the path around where you will see the Raven flying above you.

Take aim and throw the Axe at where the Raven will be in several frames to successfully destroy it.

God Of War Ragnarök Odin's Raven 6 Stand Here
Stand Here

Odin's Raven 7

Svartalfheim, Jarnsmida Pitmines.
After dealing with the ambush on the train car, take out every enemy where you can then go South to a gold chain you can slide down. There will be a Raven flying around above the water, wait for it to get in close then throw your Axe taking down another one of Odin’s Ravens.

Odin's Raven 8

Svartalfheim, The Applecore.
Free the rope allowing you to move the chain and slide across the chasm then go around to your left and boost Atreus up to the higher level.

Wait for the Square prompt where Atreus will spawn some ore you can block by throwing your Axe at the water channel just next to the water wheel to spill the water on to the wheel.

Retrieve your Axe then look to the water channel opposite where you can throw your Axe freezing the water allowing it to spill on to the wheel below activating a block to come across. Grapple across to the block then turn around and have Atreus fire an arrow at the ore enabling the block to move back to its original position.

Ride the block across then once you’re on the dirt, look to your left to find the Raven sitting in an alcove where a quick throw of your Axe will destroy another of Odin’s Ravens.

Odin's Raven 9

Svartalfheim, The Forge.
Continue through the story to where you ride the lift up to the top of the Forge area then head through the cave. Once you’re out in the open area, look over to the left to see the Raven on the cliff before you drop down which is taken care of by aiming slightly above the Raven with the Axe.

Odin's Raven 10

Svartalfheim, Alberich Hollow.
You will need the Draupnir Spear before you can locate this Raven so progress through the story until you have it then head to Dragon Beach on the Eastern side of Bounty Bay and climb the golden chain up to the platform.

Throw the spear into the spear point on the strut, mantle up then jump the gap turning left to cross the bridge.

Take down the Bergsra then grab a bomb from the pedestal and throw it at the debris blocking your path.

Once you have cleared the debris head a short way down the path and look up to your left where you will see Odin’s Raven on a cliff just above you which can easily be despatched with your Axe.

Odin's Raven 11

Svartalfheim, Bounty Bay, Alberich Island.
Head to Alberich Island in the Northern section of Bounty Bay after you acquire the Draupnir Spear, clear the enemies and throw the spear into the spear point on the right side of the area allowing you to mantle up.

Follow the path around and look left where you can have Freya loose a Sonic arrow at the blockage clearing the way where you will see the Raven flying around in front of you.

Take aim and throw the Axe at the Raven as it’s coming across from left to right to take it down.

Odin's Raven 12

Svartalfheim, Bounty Bay, Alberich Island.
From where you destroyed Odin’s Raven 22, go right to the end of the path then look down to your right where you will see a rock blocking a geyser you need to throw a spear into then explode the spear with Triangle removing the rock freeing the geyser and raising the grapple point up. Head around and grapple across to the wooden platform below then come off the platform to the right. Mantle up the small ledge where you will see a hole in the rock in front of you. The Raven can be found inside this hole in the rock.

Head around and grapple across to the wooden platform below then come off the platform to the right.

Mantle up the small ledge where you will see a hole in the rock in front of you. The Raven can be found inside this hole in the rock.

Odin's Raven 13

Svartalfheim, Bounty Bay, Lynbakr Island.
Before you can get to this Raven, you will first need to raise the Lyngbakr out of the water. Please click the link to go to the Making Amends trophy guide where we will walk you through exaclty what you need to do in order to free the Lynbakr. With the Lynbakr free head to the dock on the South side, climb the wall and go through the open gate in front of you.

Look over to the left and grab a bomb from the pedestal, turn around and go back the way the you came taking a right following the path around to where you can clear the debris with the bomb.

Jump across the gap and go right where you can go through a crawl space to the ledge on the Northern side of the Lynbakr, where, if you look down to your left you will see Odin’s Raven sitting on the edge overlooking the water which can be despatched with a quick throw of your Axe.

That’s where to find and how to destroy all 13 Raven’s throughout Svartalfheim.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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