
God Of War Ragnarök Pure Of Hart Trophy Guide

God of War Ragnarok Pure of Hart trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Pure of Hart
Return the Stags of the Four Seasons

Here is the Pure of Hart trophy guide where we will help you return the Stags of the Four Seasons. Before you can find and return any of the Stags you will firstly need to get over to The Crater in Vanaheim which is done by firstly completing the Creatures of Prophecy main story quest where you rescue Freyr and more importantly acquire Freyr’s Boat.

Head back towards the Mystic Gateway in Vanaheim where you will come across Lúnda’s dog, Helka beginning the Scent of Survival Favour which, once completed will land you in The Crater. Once you have access to The Crater, go back to Sindri’s House, head over to the left of the area and throw the Axe at the chimes to summon Ratatoskr. Speak with him where you will begin the A Stag For All Seasons Favour also receiving the very important Stag Feed which will help coax the Stags back to the World Tree.

Autumn Stag

Vanaheim, The Crater, The Sinkholes.
From the start of The Crater mantle over the cliff in front of you, take a right crossing The Plains then take the zipline down.

Take a right once off the zipline, freeze the poison plants then make your way around taking out the Seidr if they aggro, grapple across to the adjacent shore and interact with the Autumn Stag to return it to Yggdrasil.

Winter Stag

Vanaheim, The Crater, The Plains.
Head back to near the start of The Crater (Go back the way you came past the poison plant, take a left then mantle back up to the higher area using the grapple points to be back at the top of the zipline) where you jumped over the cliff, this time go straight past the cliff, drop down the grapple and mantle your way across the chasm.

Deal with the Draugr and Wyvern enemies whilst avoiding the Dragon’s attacks as best as you can then cross The Plains.

Take care of the 2 poison pods, drop down then swing across the 2 gaps and mantle up to the right to the Celestial Altar you need to use to change the time of day from Day to Night.

Kick the shield off the edge of the cliff, drop down and take out the Wight, Wisps, Draugr and Ogre enemies who will be present and go through the gate the Ogre was trying to smash through.

Follow the path round to the right being careful around the poison plants and squeeze through the gap where you will need to face and take down The Crimson Dread Dragon who can be challenging if you’re underpowered.

Follow the path round to the right being careful around the poison plants and squeeze through the gap where you will need to face and take down The Crimson Dread Dragon who can be challenging if you’re underpowered. Every so often the Dragon will take off and swoop in with a blast of flame. When it does this throw your Axe at its head to send it crashing back down giving you a few seconds to deal some heavy punishment.

Once The Crimson Dread is down, cross the arena and follow the path around to the right to the Summer Stag who will be over to your left. Interact with the Stag to send it back to Ratatoskr.

Summer Stag

Vanaheim, The Crater, The Jungle.
You will firstly need to complete the Return of the River Favour by bringing the waters back to The Crater making the area you need accessible which you have already done some of the work for by turning the time of day from Day to Night for the Winter Stag. Once the Return of the River Favour is completed, take the lift back down, get in the boat and row forward aiming for the dock on the right.

You will have 2 Wulvers as well as a Nokken to take down on this newly accessible island, which, once done will allow you to go up the stairs on your left as you dock to the Celestial Altar you need to interact with to turn the time of day back from Night to Day which is important in order to reach the Summer Stag.

Get back in your boat, row round to the right then take a left through the narrow passage to the dock, squeeze through the gap then take down the 2 Nokken as they will out heal any damage you can inflict on the Ogres allowing you to take both Ogres down.

After dealing with the enemies you will be able to pull a stone blockade down found opposite the gap you squeezed through, then, as long as the time of day is Daytime you will have a grapple point you can use to get across to the next section of land.

Go to the end of the path to find the Summer Stag you can interact with to feed it then send it back to the tree of Yggdrasil.

Spring Stag

Vanaheim, The Crater, Wishing Well.
Once the Summer Stag has been sent back to Ratatoskr, go forward, jump the gap then kick the gold chain down, cross the area to the opposite wall you can climb up.

Proceed round to the right and grapple across where you can pull the chain to open the gate now both Ogres have been dealt with.

Go through the tunnel taking out the Wretch Nest then throw a Spear in to the wall opposite the nest allowing you to mantle up to the higher platform.

Squeeze through the crawlspace following the path around, open the gate then look to your right to find the Spring Stag grazing. Feed the Spring Stag to have it sent back to the Squirrel.

Once you have returned all 4 Stags to Ratatoskr you will earn your trophy. There’s no need to return to Ratatoskr unless you want to.

That’s the Pure of Hart trophy guide complete, I hope it helps you return the Stags of the Four Seasons.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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