
God Of War Ragnarök Svartalfheim Nornir Chests

Here is the God Of War Ragnarök Svartalfheim Nornir Chests guide where we will help you find and unlock all 10 Nornir Chests throughout the Dwarven homeland helping you work towards unlocking Full BellyIn order to open a Nornir Chest you will need to activate 3 Runes found in the local area to the Chest and will need to be either rung, ignited or activated simultaneously where you will receive either an Idunn Apple or a Horn of Blood Mead raising your health or rage meters respectively. The first 7 Nornir Chests can be unlocked on your first visit to Svartalfheim as you progress through the game with the last 3 requiring you to (spoilers) have acquired the weapon Kratos receives when Kratos and Brok take a walk together. The 10 Nornir Chests that can be found and unlocked in Svartalfheim are as follows:

Nornir Chest 1

Svartalfheim, Aurvangar Wetlands.
Runes: B, F and R.
Pass the wheel in the boat with Atreus then freeze the first geyser by throwing your axe into where the water is spouting from, jump to the next island and freeze the other geyser to your right enabling you to mantle up to the platform above.

From here you can see the 3 runes you need to destroy: The R is found to the right of the tree above the Nornir Chest.

The B is found on the edge of 2 water pools to the right of the Nornir Chest. Hit all 3 to be able to open the chest which for me contained an Apples of Iðunn.

The B is found on an island behind the Nornir Chest. Hit all 3 to be able to open the chest which for me contained an Apples of Iðunn.

Hit all 3 to be able to open the chest which for me contained an Idunn Apple increasing my health.

Nornir Chest 2

Svartalfheim, Aurvangar Wetlands.
Runes: P, B and N.
After spinning the water wheel and lowering the next gate, continue through the water staying left where you can go through a small tunnel in the left cliff face. There will be enemies on the lower section as well as up to the left and back at the boat. Take them all down before going for the 3 runes to make this simpler.

Mantle up on the left side of the area then look up to your right to find a contraption with 3 golden discs. You need to throw your axe at the discs to spin the central column revealing the rune you require, which, in this case is the N.

Drop down the ledge to your left then down again, go forward and mantle up the wall and turn to your right to find another rune contraption you need to throw the axe at to reveal the B Rune.

For the final rune, go left and throw the axe at the geyser to reveal the discs and the Rune, recall the axe and throw it at the discs (it will go through the water), re freeze and repeat until you have the |> Rune lined up.

With all 3 activated, open the Nornir Chest which for me contained a Horn of Blood Mead which will increase the duration of your Spartan Rage when activated.

Nornir Chest 3

Svartlefheim, Bounty Bay, Dragon Beach.
Runes: F, R and f.
Come out of the tunnel from the Nidavellir West Boat Dock, take a right then right again where you can dock the boat on a beach next to a huge Dragon skeleton. The chest is at the back corner of the area underneath the destroyed wooden bridge.

Go right from the Nornir Chest behind the geyser where you will be able to hit the back side of the R Rune.

Turn around then go over to the geyser over to your right and freeze it with the axe to reveal the Runes location then throw the axe through the water breaking the F Rune.

Finally, go right then look behind the Nornir Chest over to the left to find another geyser which you can freeze to reveal the Runes exact location. Throw the axe through the water to smash the f Rune.

Once you have smashed all 3 Runes you can then open the Nornir Chest which for me contained an Idunn Apple.

Nornir Chest 4

Svartalfheim, Bounty Bay, The Watchtower, Radsvinn’s Rig.
Runes: R, N and C.
Leave Dragon Beach where you unlocked Nornir Chest 3 from the Northern beach then dock at the next beach on the right which will be for The Watchtower. Head North then East mantling up the 2 ledges, clear out the enemies then look to the Nornir Chest which is North West of the mining rig. To activate the 3 Runes you will need fire so equip your Blades of Chaos (Left) and we’ll get to it.

The R Rune is found by going North East from the chest, jumping over the gap then look left where you will see 2 barrels. Aim at the barrels and have Atreus fire an arrow at them with SquareYou can then, with the Blades of Chaos equipped, hold L2, aim at the brazier then light it on fire with R2 as long as you’re close enough which will activate the R Rune.

Once the R Rune is lit, travel South and mantle up 2 ledges then go South again to the end of the ledge where you can look down to a red explosive pot above the N Rune. Equip your axe and throw it at the pot which will explode, lighting the brazier for the N Rune.

Drop down off the ledge then head North West to find the C Rune just to the left of the Nornir Chest, equip the Blades then just like you did for the R Rune, hold L2 to aim at the brazier and then light it on fire with R2.

With all 3 Runes lit on fire you can then open the Nornir Chest which for me contained a Horn of Blood Mead.

Nornir Chest 5

Svartalfheim, Bounty Bay, Alberich Island.
Runes: N, R and C.
Head to the Northern beach once you have Nornir Chest 4 then head North right across the bay to Alberich Island. You need to be very quick in getting the 3 runes as you only have around 10 seconds before the first one resets meaning you will have to start again. I recommend doing one run to line up the R Rune then going for all 3 on your second run to have an easier time of it.

The N Rune is found to the left of the area and needs you to do a charged heavy throw (aim with L2 then hold R2 for a few seconds) at the left side of the board which will then bring up the N Rune giving you a few seconds to line up and throw the Axe (use R1 as it’s a quicker throw).

The R Rune is a tricky one and I reckon going for 2 runs in order to familiarise yourself with where the Runes are as well as and more importantly, aiming at the green section of the crane’s strut and loosing an arrow from Atreus which will collapse the crane strut swinging the R Rune around allowing you to hit it. You won’t have time to get all 3 runes on your first run but as the crane strut doesn’t reset, hit it then go for the 3 Runes. You will need to be very quick after getting the N Rune so immediately call your Axe back and throw at the R Rune as soon as you have it lined up.

God Of War Ragnarök Nornir Chest 5 R Rune Possible
2nd Run
God Of War Ragnarök Nornir Chest 5 R Rune Hit 2nd Run
2nd Run

The C Rune can be found by turning around from the R Rune and looking up to the right above the Nornir Chest, aim and throw the axe very quickly to have the C Rune activated.

Providing you have hit all 3 Runes within around 10 seconds you will then be able to open the Nornir Chest which for me contained an Idunn Apple. Please don’t be disheartened if this chest takes a good few attempts as it is one of the trickier ones to unlock.

Nornir Chest 6

Svartalfheim, Jarnsmida Pitmines.
Runes: R, N and C.
Come out of the tunnel from the start of the area after the train car ambush then drop down 2 levels. Look up to your right to see a wooden channel providing water to the water wheel, aim your axe just to the right of the end of the water system to freeze and divert the water which will turn the wheel in the opposite direction revealing a grapple point you can use to swing across to the Nornir Chest. The Runes for this Nornir Chest will need setting on fire with your Blades of Chaos in a specific order.

The R Rune can be found just to the left of the Nornir Chest.

For the N Rune, drop down to your left, go around and call back your axe if you haven’t done so already and swing across the grapple point (if you don’t have your axe, the platform will be lowered and you can’t cross). Look up and slightly to your right where you can re-equip your Blades of Chaos and light the N Runes brazier.

For the C Rune, jump back across the grapple point you used to get to the N Rune then look up to your left where you will see the water pouring down on to the C Rune brazier. Equip your Axe and throw it at where the water is coming out of the channel to freeze the water preventing it from falling down on to the brazier you can now light with your Blades.

With all 3 Rune braziers lit you can go and open the Nornir Chest which for me contained a Horn of Blood Mead.

Nornir Chest 7

Svartalfheim, Myrkr Tunnels.
Runes: R, N and C.
After you have met with the Norns which is story progression, continue through the game to where you need to craft the Draupnir Spear which will take you to the Myrkr Tunnels. Follow the linear path around until you have opened the gate by freezing the gate mechanism with the Leviathan Axe and have defeated the Bergsa.

Look up to the left of the area to see a wooden water channel above a water wheel which you need to freeze allowing the water to fall down on to the wheel below turning the wheel and opening the gate to the passageway on your left.

Continue through the passage then look to the back wall to see the Nornir Chest which needs to be opened by lighting 3 braziers dotted around with the Blades of Chaos. The R Rune can be found to the left of the Nornir Chest and will require you to throw the Leviathan Axe at the barrel spout to the right of the Rune brazier which will spill liquor across the floor.

Aim 2 or 3 Runic Arrows at the left wall which, once lit with the a blast from the Blades will cause the alcohol to explode lighting the R Rune brazier in the process.

The N Rune brazier can be found on the corner opposite the Nornir Chest on the left as you come down the corridor from the passageway you went through to enter the area.

The C Rune can be found to the left of the N Rune just down the corridor behind some boxes you can smash out of the way.

Once you have lit all 3 rune braziers you can then go and loot the Nornir Chest which for me contained an Idunn Apple.

Nornir Chest 8

Svartalfheim, The Forge.
Runes: F, B and f.
You will be able to unlock this Nornir Chest after acquiring the Draupnir Spear in the story. Head back through the area where you fought the Dreki boss earlier in the game then take a left to find the Nornir Chest which can be open by throwing the Draupnir Spear at the 3 Runes then pressing Triangle to explode all 3 spears unlocking the chest in the process.

The F Rune can be found over to the left of the Nornir Chest on the side of a rock across from the broken bridge supports. Throw a spear in the Rune and leave it there.

The B Rune can be found to the left of where you threw you spear at the F Rune just above you, again, throw a spear into the Rune then leave it there.

The other f Rune can be found by going around towards the train car then mantling up the ledge in front of you, look over to the left where you will see the f Rune on the edge of a large rock, throw 1 more spear into the Rune.

Head back to the Nornir Chest then explode all 3 spears which will then unlock the Chest which for me, contained a Horn of Blood Mead.

Nornir Chest 9

Svartalfheim, The Applecore.
Runes: C, N and R.
You will need to return to the Applecore after you have the Draupnir Spear which you will acquire later in the game through story progression, and to get back to the Applecore, go to the Aurvangar Wetlands, take a left and ride the ferry across to Sverd Sands, take down the Bergsra and continue to the end of the path to the elevator you can take down to the Applecore.

Once down in the Applecore take out the enemies then head down further and take out the 2 revenants which you will need to use Runic Arrows for to be able to hit them.

After all enemies in the local area are dealt with, look to the right of where the revenants were initially to see a spear point you can throw Draupnir into then mantle up to the ledge, go forward and mantle up again to see the Nornir Chest which can be unlocked by throwing Draupnir into the 3 runes then blowing them all at once with Triangle.

The C Rune can be found up on a suspended platform to the left of the Chest.

Look to the left of the C Rune to find the N Rune on another suspended platform.

Turn around from the N Rune then mantle up the 2 ledges in front of you, turn around looking to the left to find the R Rune against the rocks.

Ensure all 3 Runes have a spear embedded in them then press Triangle to explode all 3 at once, unlocking the Nornir Chest which for me contained an Idunn Apple.

Nornir Chest 10

Svartalfheim, The Applecore.
Runes: F, f and B.
Drop down to the left of Nornir Chest 17 then go right to to the end of the path, throw the Spear in to the wall and mantle up the corridor above.

Throw a Spear into the yellow glowing rock in front of you and explode it out of the way, go forward then grapple across to the right, follow the tunnel to the end and kick the gold chain down.

You will have a boss fight initiate when you go down the chain so ensure your Runic abilities and health are charged up then employ heavy Axe / Spear attacks to take Miklimunnr down. Once you have looted the drops from Miklimunnr go through the crawl space to your left, go through the doors then look right and shimmy across the wall.

Go forward grappling across, take a right then drop down to the right, jump the gap and go through the gap. If you need to clear the blockage, drop down to the left and shoot the barrel behind the rubble, go through and grapple across to the left. Mantle up to the ledge above you then go through the wooden doors in front of you.

Once through, go right looking to the left to see a Spear point you need to throw a Spear in to then use the Spear to mantle up to the higher level and go right to find the Nornir Chest which needs to be opened by throwing Spears in to each of the 3 Runes then exploding them all at once.

The F Rune can be found by going left from the Nornir Chest opposite where the Mystic Gateway is on a table.

The f Rune can be found by going left from the first F Rune past the Yggdrail Rift looking to the right where you will see an explosive pot on top of the gold debris pile. Explode the barrel then throw a Spear in to the f Rune.

The B Rune is a tricky one to find and requires you to go to the edge of the platform to the edge of the Nornir Chest overlooking the cavern where you will just see some blue light shimmering through the waterfall on the left. Take aim and throw the Spear through the water when the hit marker turns yellow signifying you will hit your target with the Spear.

Press Triangle once you have embedded a Spear in to each of the Runes to explode all 3 Spears unlocking the Nornir Chest, which, for me, contained a Horn of Blood Mead.

That’s where to find and how to open all 10 Nornir Chests throughout Svartalfheim.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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