
God Of War Ragnarök Things Left Behind Artefact Set

Here is the God Of War Ragnarök Things Left Behind Artefact set guide where we will help you find and collect the 6 artefacts that make up the set which is part of The CuratorTo see which artefacts you have collected for the Things Left Behind artefact set. go: Touchpad> Goals> Artefacts> Things Left Behind which will only appear after you have collected 1 of the artefacts in the set. You will be able to acquire the Things Left Behind artefact set in Svartalfheim after completing the game’s prologue and has the following 6 artefacts required to complete the set:

  1. Hreidmar’s Brassard.
  2. Griep’s Firebomb.
  3. Bari’s Grenade.
  4. Lofnheid’s Whetstone.
  5. Althjof’s Statue.
  6. Durinn’s Stone Statue.

Collect all 6 artefacts to complete the Things Left Behind artefact set.

Artefact 1: Hreidmar's Brassard

Svartalfheim, Aurvangar Wetlands.
Row the boat to the next section of land from the start of the area where you need to throw the axe at the base of the geyser freezing the flow then jump to the next island. Look to your right and freeze the next geyser and mantle up to the platform above then look right to find a corpse in front of whom on the floor will be the Hreidmar’s Brassard artefact.

Artefact 2: Griep's Firebomb

Svartalfheim, Nidavellir.
After Sindri upgrades Atreus’ bow, go through the sewer then into the building on your left with the orange light by smashing through the barrels. Go through the building to the sewer at the back of the buildings to find the Griep’s Firebomb artefact on the floor.

Go through the building to the sewer at the back of the buildings to find the Griep’s Firebomb artefact on the floor.

Artefact 3: Bari's Grenade

The Forge.
Dock at The Port, go through the area taking out the enemies where you can go through and open the gate at the back of the area. Head through and take the train car up the mountain to the upper level.

Follow the walkway down, go right then jump up the ledge where you can drop down, smash the box to reveal the Bari’s Grenade artefact.

Artefact 4: Lofnheid's Whetstone

Jarnsmida Pitmines.
After you have dealt with the ambush, look South towards the lower area to find a gold chain you can slide down. At the bottom of the chain go the waters edge to find the Lofnheid’s Whetstone artefact.

Artefact 5: Althjof's Statue

The Applecore.
Once you’re off the boat with Atreus, go up and around from Sindri’s shop, take a left down the path then look over to your right to see a pile of gold rubble. You need to clear this rubble which is done by going left, dropping down then throwing your axe up at the explosive red pot to clear the way.

Go through the now open path and clear out all of the enemies then assuming you have done so without mantling up to the area above, swing across to your left then mantle up to the right.

Head through the doors in front of you then mantle up to the left where you can collect the Althjof’s Statue artefact on the floor.

Artefact 6: Durinn's Stone Statue

The Applecore.
Proceed through the area to where you find the Dwarf who died in the rocks and you receive your first Relic, take down the enemies who ambush you then go through the crack in the wall. Send an arrow across the chasm to the hanging basket to reveal a grapple point you can swing across with.

Follow the wooden path around then take the first left swinging across the chasm using the grapple point in front of the flowing water.

Drop down to the left and have Atreus send another arrow destroying the debris allowing you collect the Durinn’s Stone Statue artefact from the floor.

That’s the where to find all 6 artefacts that make up the God Of War Ragnarök Things Left Behind Artefact Set. Head back to the, The Curator trophy guide to help you find any other Artefacts or any outstanding Kvasir’s Poems you may need.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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