
God Of War Ragnarök Vanaheim Nornir Chests

Here is the God Of War Ragnarök Vanaheim Nornir Chests locations guide where we will help you find an unlock all the 11 Nornir Chests located throughout Freya’s homeland, Vanaheim helping you work towards unlock Full BellyThere are 11 Nornir Chests to be found and unlocked throughout Vanaheim with the first 6 Nornir Chests being accessible as you make your way through the main story.

For the remaining 5 Nornir Chests you will need to get yourself to The Crater which is a hidden region you can access by first progressing through to near the end of the game where you rescue Freyr and more importantly acquire Freyr’s Boat. You will then, on your way back to the Mystic Gateway, start the Scent of Survival Favour which, once completed, will land you in The Crater.

Then before you can acquire every Nornir Chest in The Crater, you will also need to complete the Return of the River Favour which makes every area in The Crater accessible as long as you’re strong enough to take down the enemies you’ll face along the way. In order to open a Nornir Chest you will need to activate 3 Runes found in the local area to the Chest and will need to be either rung, ignited or activated simultaneously where you will receive either an Idunn Apple or a Horn of Blood Mead raising your health or rage meters respectively. I earned Full Belly when I unlocked Nornir Chest 9 in this guide so every subsequent Nornir Chest, for me, contained Shattered Runes. If you haven’t unlocked your trophy at the same point then you will receive either an Idunn Apple or a Horn of Blood Mead instead of the Shattered Runes. The 11 Nornir Chests in Vanaheim are as follows:

Nornir Chest 1

Vanaheim, The Southern Wilds.
Runes: C, N and R.
Proceed through the game pass the Gulon ambush where you will come to the Nornir Chest on the main path which will require you to burn the vines freeing up 2 of the Runes with all 3 needing to be turned to their correct positions by throwing the Axe at the gold discs on each of the 3 contraptions.

The C Rune can be found up to the left of the Nornir Chest on the opposite cliff and will need 2 hits on the left disc with the Axe to reveal the C Rune.

The N Rune is found by turning around from the C Rune where you will need to equip the Blades of Chaos and burn the vines away then give the contraption 1 hit on the left disc with the Axe.

The R Rune is located back down the path you came down to find the Chest, look over to your left to see a large bundle of vines. Burn them away on the lower level with the Blades which will free the R Rune contraption up on the cliff to the right allowing you to hit the discs revealing the R Rune.

Once you have lined up all 3 Runes, open the Nornir Chest which for me contained an Idunn Apple.

Nornir Chest 2

Vanaheim, The Abandoned Village.
Runes: R, C and N.
Continue through the story to where you deactivate the purple plant, destroy the poison pods on the wall, burn the vines, climb the chain the pull the chain down to allow you to rope across the water. Climb up the wall and head forward where you will come to a crane puzzle. We will be solving the puzzle as well as lighting all 3 Rune braziers required to open the Nornir Chest and there’s a lot of steps so bear with me.

God Of War Ragnarök Nornir Chest 10 Destroy Poison Pods
Destroy Poison Pods

Firstly, go around to the left, look down and burn the vines with the Blades of Chaos which will free the crane you will need to move around a few times in this puzzle.

Go back to the start and throw the Axe at the gold disc on the right to bring the fire bucket around to just in front of you. Grapple the fire bucket and swing it left with Left+L3 which will ignite the R Rune you can just see over to the left if you angle the camera. Once you have successfully lit the brazier you will see the blue flame coming out from the top.

Go left to where you burnt the vines and grapple across to the small island over to your left and throw the Axe at the disc on the right side of the crane to swing the fire bucket around to your position. Grapple the fire bucket and swing it to the left to light the C Rune brazier which is in a cut out in between the tree roots.

Grapple the fire bucket then press Down+L3 to swing the bucket towards you then quickly re-grapple the bucket and press Up+L3 to send the fire bucket into the vines which will burn them away.

From here, hit the gold disc on the right of the crane twice to enable you to swing back across to the starting area.

Go to the wooden platform then throw the Axe at the gold disc on the right twice to move the grapple point around so it’s in front of you allowing you to jump across to the opposite section where you can light the N Rune.

Head forward then take a right back down the hill next to where you are walking down to the river bank where you can look to your left, equip the Blades and light the N Rune brazier.

With all 3 Runes lit, turn around from where you lit the N Rune’s brazier to find the Nornir Chest which for me contained a Horn of Blood Mead.

Nornir Chest 3

Vanaheim, River Delta, Cliffisde Ruins.
Runes: F, P and R.
Starting off from the Freyr’s Camp Mystic Gateway, clear the log on your left with a Sonic Arrow then row your boat along the river taking a right when it opens up staying right around to Cliffisde Ruins then clear out the enemies.

The Nornir Chest can be found in the top right corner of the Ruins on the ground floor and requires you to turn the 3 pedestals to the correct letter in order to unlock the Chest.

The R rune can be found around to the right from the Nornir Chest, stand at the water’s edge and look left where you will just be able to see some red vines. Have Freya send a Runic Sigil in to the vines then 2 Sigils just below ensuring they’re connected then quickly send a blast with your Blades to cause a chain reaction clearing the vines. It might take a few goes but you’ll get there soon enough.

For the P Rune, row your boat across the river to the adjacent dock, turn around and look back across to the Cliffside Ruins where you can throw the Axe at the right side of the pedestal on the rock cluster once to spin the device around to the P.

In order to find the F Rune, row back across to the Cliffside Ruins then climb the wall at the back left wall wall, follow the path around to the left jumping across the platforms again going to the left then look over the edge below to find the pedestal leaning away from you which will, again, need one throw to the right side of the contraption to spin the device around to the F Rune.

Once all 3 Runes have been correctly adjusted to their corresponding letters, the Nornir Chest will then unlock which contains an Idunn Apple.

Nornir Chest 4

Vanaheim, The Veiled Passage.
Runes: C, R and N.
If you have already unlocked either It Was A Good Day or New Friends then you will already have opened the Pilgrim’s Gate. If not, here’s a quick run down of what you need to do. Stay at Cliffside Ruins and go back up and around to where you looked down to activate the R Rune for Nornir Chest 19 this time looking straight across to the cliff face lining up 3 Runic Sigil’s along the cliff face then hit them with a blast from your Blades to clear the vines and drop a chain down. Head back down to ground level and climb the chain where you can use the Chisel on the dish revealing a Runic word Freya needs to speak to open the Pilgrim’s Gate.

Once open, row through the canyon to Goddess Falls then take a left behind the rocks before you get to the dock to head into The Veiled Passage and dock your boat over on the right as you enter the cavern. Go to the bomb pedestal against the back wall, grab a bomb and throw it to the debris on the right to clear the path to the Nornir Chest.

Grab another bomb then look across the water to the cavern wall and have Freya place 2 Runic Sigil’s on the red vines over to the right then throw a bomb across the water to the sigil’s aiming slightly higher to allow for the curve hence why we place 2 Sigil’s to allow a larger target which will clear the vines in the explosion.

Get one last bomb from the pedestal then look to the left to find a bell behind a metal grate then over to the right to see the other 2 runic bells then fire 2 Sigil’s to the lower right of the left side bell and another 2 sets of 2 Sigil’s going along the cavern wall.

Throw the bomb at the middle ringing all 3 bells if done correctly (look at the images above for the correct Sigil placements) which will then unlock the Nornir Chest that contains a Horn of Blood Mead.

Nornir Chest 5

Vanaheim, Goddess Falls.
Runes: C, R and N.
Come out The Veiled Passage and dock at Goddess Falls, clear the enemies and climb both walls to the upper level near the Vanir Shrine entrance. Once you’re on the upper section, jump over to the island on the right of the entrance to the Vanir Shrine to find the Nornir Chest which needs to be opened by lighting 3 Braziers around the area all of which will can only be lit with a chain reaction from Runic Sigil’s, however, you need to be quick as the Sigil’s will disappear after a few seconds.

The R Rune can be found to the right of the Nornir Chest and will need you to send 2 Runic Sigil’s into the rock just below the brazier, another 2 on the rock just below the first 2 sigil’s ensuring they are touching then another 1 Sigil on the rock in the middle of the steam which you can then hit with a blast from your Blades causing a chain reaction lighting the R Rune.

The N Rune brazier can be found by swinging back across to the main path then looking up to your right on top of a rock above the waterfall. Stand on the land as close to the left side of the waterfall as you can then send 2 Sigil’s to the base of the brazier, another 2 on the rock pillar below the first 2 sigil’s ensuring they are connected and finally another 2 sigil’s on the top of the rock that is slightly sticking out of the waterfall. Send a blast from your Blades to the lowest double Sigil to cause a chain reaction lighting the N Rune brazier when you’re successful.

Finally, the C Rune can be found over to the left of the Vanir Shrine entrance and can be lit by going down the small wooden bridge then look to the left to find the brazier on a ledge above you. Send 2 Sigil’s to the base of the brazier, another 2 just below on the cliff face and finally 1 more Sigil allowing you to reach them with your Blades to blast all 3 Sigil’s lighting the brazier in the process unlocking the Nornir Chest once all 3 braziers are lit which for me, contained an Idunn Apple.

Nornir Chest 6

Vanaheim, East Barri Woods.
Runes: P, F and C.
After Kratos and Atreus are done in Helheim, you will need to go to Vanaheim as part of the story where you can exit through the wooden gate on the right side of Freyr’s Camp with Vildisvíni. Proceed through the area past the Centaur and Gulon ambushes to the East Barri Woods. Clear the rock out the way with the Spear then go through taking care of the poison flower which can be destroyed with a ranged attack then take a left when you can up the stairs and around to the Nornir Chest which can be unlocked by rotating the 3 Rune pedestals dotted around the local area.

The P Rune pedestal can be found by turning around from the Nornir Chest, go to the top of the stairs you just climbed then look to your right, place 2 Runic Sigils at the base of the pedestal with another Sigil close to it allowing you to cause a chain reaction with a blast from your Blades clearing the vines. You can then throw the Axe at the gold disc on the right side twice to reveal the P Rune.

The F Rune can be found by going back to the Nornir Chest then look up to the left where you can reveal the F Rune by throwing the Axe at the gold disc on the right once.

Finally, the C Rune can be found by going up the left path from the Nornir Chest itself where you will encounter a Fierce Wulver you need to take down then look straight across the path below to the small structure, inside of which will be the pedestal. Throw the Axe high allowing for the descending trajectory to hit the gold disc on the right revealing the C Rune.

Once all 3 Runes have been revealed go back and loot the now open Nornir Chest which, for me, contained an Idunn Apple.

Nornir Chest 7

Vanaheim, The Crater, The Plains.
Runes: R, C and N.
Complete the Scent of Survival Favour which becomes available after completing the Creatures of Prophecy main story quest where you acquire Freyr’s Boat which will take you off to The Crater. From the, The Crater Mystic Gateway (where you start) mantle over the cliff in front of you then head over to the right. Go round the rock and take a left before dropping down watching out for the Seidr up to your right and the Dragon over to your left to find the Nornir Chest which needs to be unlocked by hitting 3 Runic Bells.

The first 2 Bells, the R and the C are found up to the left and right of the Chest respectively but they won’t be any use to you yet.

The N Rune can be found by turning around, going to the end of the path you just came up, taking a left then mantling up to the left.

Continue around to where you will take on 3 Seidr, 2 normal and 1 Revenant which can be a challenge to take down as the braziers around the local area will out heal any damage you inflict usually. You can deactivate the braziers with a throw of your Axe with the effect lasting longer if you place a Sigil on the brazier before freezing it. You can, if you’re powerful make good use of your Rage and Runic abilities to smash the enemies apart before they have a chance to heal, the choice is yours to make.

Once all enemies are down, go over to the right, drop down and look to the left where you will see the N Rune surrounded in vines you can burn with a quick blast from your Blades.

Now for the tricky part as you only have a few seconds to hit all 3 Runes. Go left to the tree, look under the branches and throw the Axe at the R Rune.

Quickly recall your Axe, sprint back to where you freed the N Rune, look down to the left to find the C Rune and throw the Axe at the top of the Rune.

Finally, recall the Axe then quickly throw it at the N Rune to hopefully, as long as you’ve been fast enough, unlock the Nornir Chest.

Don’t be disheartened if this takes a good few attempts. It is a difficult one to get right. Once the Nornir Chest has unlocked, go back to where you fought the Seidr, kick the shield off, drop down and loot the Nornir Chest, which, for me, contained a Horn of Blood Mead.

Nornir Chest 8

Vanaheim, The Crater, The Plains.
Runes: N, F and R.
Starting back at The Crater Mystic Gateway, mantle over the cliff in front of you, take a left, drop down then cross the chasm. Take out the Draugr and Wyvern enemies whilst avoiding the Dragons attacks as best as you can then cross The Plains.

Avoid the poison pods, drop down then go right to the gate. Place 3 Sigils on the wall to the right of the gate then throw the Axe at the Sigils which will freeze the poison plant behind the gate allowing the gate to be opened.

Head through the gate ensuring you have a maxed out Rage meter with either Fury or Wrath as your Spartan Rage equipped then take out the Seidr which is easier if you freeze the healing braziers or get the Seidr away from the braziers to deal maximum damage. Either way, take them all down then head to the back of the area to find the Nornir Chest which needs to be open by breaking the 3 Runic Seals around the local area.

The F Rune can be found on top of the cliff to the left of the area which can easily be destroyed with a throw of your Axe.

The R Rune can be found on the opposite side of the area from the F Rune in the cavity of a tree trunk, which can again, be destroyed easily with the Axe.

For the N Rune, look to the brazier to the right of the Nornir Chest, place a Sigil on the brazier and throw the Axe in to the Sigil freezing the poison production for a short while.

Go round to the left through the now safe area quickly and look to the back of the large tree on your left to find the N Rune which can again, be broken with the Axe.

Quickly leave the area and go back to the Nornir Chest before the brazier defrosts then loot the Nornir Chest which, for me, contained an Idunn Apple.

Nornir Chest 9

Vanaheim, The Crater, The Jungle.
Runes: B, N and E.
You will need to firstly complete the Return of the River Favour which will make a lot more of The Crater accessible. Once you have completed the Return of the River Favour, take the lift back down then row the boat across to the next island on your right and clear out the Wulver and Nokken enemies who will be lying in wait.

Once the enemies are clear you will be able to find the Nornir Chest opposite the dock which can be unlocked by rotating the 3 contraptions to reveal the correct Runes in the local area. The E Rune can be found up to the right of the Nornir Chest in front of the wall. Hit the gold disc on the right twice with the Axe to reveal the E Rune.

For the B Rune, head left, climb the stairs and go round to the right of the Celestial Altar then look up to your left to find the pedestal on the side of the building. Throw the Axe at the gold disc on the right twice to reveal the B Rune.

Finally, the N Rune can be found by looking to the corner of the wall on your right over the water, placing a Runic Sigil on the red vines there and removing them with a blast from your Blades. Once the pedestal is free, throw the Axe at the right side gold disc once to reveal the N Rune.

With all 3 Runes lined up you are free to loot the Nornir Chest which, for me, contained a Horn of Blood Mead. This Nornir Chest was my 30th and final Nornir Chest I needed to unlock my own Full Belly trophy so every Nornir Chest left in this guide, if you haven’t already acquired 30 as you progressed through the game will contain either an Idunn Apple or a Horn of Blood Mead. Every Nornir Chest I have left to complete this guide contains Shattered Runes.

Nornir Chest 10

Vanaheim, The Crater, The Sinkholes.
Runes: C, R and N.
Once you have collected the Nornir Chest in The Jungle, row across to the Mystic Gateway and travel back to the Crater Entrance Mystic Gateway where you will be back at the starting point in The Crater. This time, mantle over the cliff in front of you, take a right and deal with any enemies along the way as you cross The Plains.

Slide down the zipline then turn around, go to the back wall and look to your left to find the Nornir Chest which can be opened by igniting the 3 Runic braziers in the local area.

The N Rune can be found over to the left of the Nornir Chest. Going towards the N Rune will trigger the Quaking Hollow Favour which you won’t need to worry about when going for the Nornir Chests in Vanaheim. As for lighting the N Rune, place 3 Runic Sigils to the right of the brazier, another Sigil just to the right of the triple then a final Sigil just to the right again where you can use a blast from the Blades to cause a chain reaction igniting the N Rune.

The C Rune can be found to the right of the Nornir Chest across a pool of water and can be lit by placing a double Sigil down to the right of the brazier and another to the lower right of the wall then use the Blades to chain reaction across to the brazier.

For the R Rune, use the grapple points to mantle back up to where you slid down the zipline then mantle up to the right and follow the path around to where you can jump the gap to adjacent ledge.

Before jumping across, look down under the ledge you can jump to where you will see the R Rune brazier which is lit by placing 3 Sigils on the right of the tree roots just above the brazier then another 2 Sigils just under the lip of the ledge.

Jump across to where you placed the Sigils. Aim the Blades at the edge of the ledge and send a charged blast (hold R2) which will then catch the higher Sigil chaining down the edge of the cliff to the next Sigil lighting the brazier in the process.

With all 3 Runic braziers lit, slide back down the zipline then head back around to the Nornir Chest which contains either an Idunn Apple or Horn of Blood Mead with mine containing Shattered Runes as I already have the Full Belly trophy by this point.

Nornir Chest 11

Vanaheim, The Crater, The Sinkholes.
Runes: E, B and T.
Firstly, ensure you have completed the Return of the River Favour which will bring the waters back to The Crater allowing the areas you need to become accessible. Once you have Nornir Chest 10, turn around from the Nornir Chest and take the first right freezing the poison plant and jumping across the gap. Clear out the Seidr if they aggro taking note of the boat docked to your left which you will need shortly.

Grapple over the river, mantle up and head through the passage taking care of the poison plant on the ceiling, throw a Spear in to the wall on your right to clear the way then head down to see some Seidr being roasted by a Dragon.

Go right and take out 2 more Seidr then throw a Spear in to the pillar on the right where the Dragon will be perched as it attacks you and blow the pillar away.

Go left to the left most pillar which the Dragon will land on and throw another Spear freeing the area from the Dragon allowing you to go all the way to the right and pull the chain opening the path up.

Turn around and go back the way you came dropping back down to the boat you passed earlier and row the boat around to the right staying right to the dock behind where the Dragon toasted the Seidr.

Go round to the left once out of the boat and pull the chain to open up more of the waterway. Get back in to the boat and row through the newly opened gate to the beach then open the gate on your right.

In the next area you will need to move quickly as the Dragon will turn the corridor in to a furnace at every opportunity which can be a real pain on the harder difficulties so lower it if you’re struggling. There will be a Draugr that bursts out of the left wall creating an alcove you can duck in to. Take out the Draugr then look to the opposite wall to find a large rock with 3 Spear points. Throw one Spear to the Spear point on the right then go back in to the corridor, progress forward when the Dragon isn’t firing at you.

Take out the next 2 Draugr that create another alcove for you to hide in. Look across to the rock and place 2 more Spears giving you 3 in total then blow the rock out of the way.

Clear the Draugr as you follow the corridor round to the left ensuring you don’t lose too much health then mantle up to the right when the Dragon is having a break.

Hug the left wall throwing a Spear in to the rock on your right and blow it to cause a rock slide removing the Dragon for now (you won’t need to worry about the Dragon for this Nornir Chest).

Climb the wall around to the upper section where you will be ambushed by a powerful Centaur: The Untamed Fury who’s health you need to whittle down until it disappears then look over to the right to find the Nornir Chest which can be unlocked by throwing 1 Spear in to each of the 3 Runic columns in the local area.

The B Rune is found to the left of the Nornir Chest on the front of the grey pillar. Throw a Spear in to the B Runic column and leave it there.

The E Rune can be found on top of the pillar to the right of the Nornir Chest. Throw another Spear into the E Rune Column then leave it be for now.

Finally, the T Rune is situated over to the right of the area as you look at the E Rune. Throw a final Spear in the T Rune column then go back to the Nornir Chest and blow all 3 Spears at once to unlock the Nornir Chest which will contain either an Idunn Apple or Horn of Blood Mead. Mine contained Shattered Runes as I already had the Full Belly trophy at this point.

That’s where to find and how to unlock all 11 Nornir Chests throughout Vanaheim.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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