
Golf With Your Friends Trophy Guide

Author: ValeNort46.
Genre: Sports.

Welcome to the Golf With Your Friends Trophy Guide.

  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, PC.
  • Trophies: 37: Platinum: 1, Gold: 4, Silver: 14, Bronze 18.
  • Release Date: 19-May-2020.
  • Missable Trophies: None.
  • Glitched Trophies: 2: Three Pointer, Shoot Out.
  • Online Trophies: None.
  • Difficulty Rating: 6/10.
  • Approx. time to 100%: 30 Hours.

Golf With Your Friends is quite simply a crazy golf simulator that can be enjoined by gamers of any age, published by Team 17 we get to play around courses all which have a themed twist to them. So grab your putter and work your way through the game as you aspire to become the platinum golfer all with the help of this guide..

Golf With Your Friends Platinum Golfer trophy
PlayStation Platinum Trophy

Platinum Golfer
Collect all trophies

Golf With Your Friends Beginner Putter trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Beginner Putter
Take 50 shots

See Master Putter for more information.

Golf With Your Friends Amateur Potter trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Amateur Putter
Take 500 shots

See Master Putter for more information.

Golf With Your Friends Master Putter trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Master Putter
Take 1000 shots

Each time you make contact with the ball no matter how light or heavy and no matter where the ball lands it all counts as a shot so just play the game and this will unlock naturally.

Golf With Your Friends Not enough time in the day trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Not enough time in the day!
Out of time

Playing any course with the default settings will grant you a shot clock of 120 seconds which starts immediately when it’s your turn, simply put your controller down and let this timer run out.

Golf With Your Friends The course is that way trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The course is that way
Go out of bounds

See Stay on target for more information

Golf With Your Friends Stay on target trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Stay on target
Go out of bounds 50 times

Out of bounds can be done easily on most holes by simply finding an uneven piece of the course like a hill and hitting the ball at full power thus launching it into the air and away from the course, with this done 50 times your trophy will unlock.

Golf With Your Friends TIMBER! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Play a full game of Forest on Classic

See Treemendous for more information.

Golf With Your Friends Friends with Pharaoh's trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Friends With Pharaoh’s
Play a full game of Oasis on Classic

See Parfect! for more information.

Golf With Your Friends Magical! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Play a full game of Twilight on Classic

See Twinkle twinkle little par for more information.

Golf With Your Friends Sweet Tooth! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Sweet tooth!
Play a full game of CandyLand on Classic

See That was a rocky road for more information.

Golf With Your Friends Roar! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Play a full game of Ancient on Classic

See Your Ancestors would be proud for more information.

Golf With Your Friends Boo! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Play a full game of Haunted on Classic

See Can’t spook me! for more information.

Golf With Your Friends Anchors aweigh! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Anchors aweigh!
Play a full game of Pirate on Classic

See Paaarrrrrrr! for more information.

Golf With Your Friends Blast off! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Blast off!
Play a full game of Space Station on Classic

See Scientific Precision for more information.

Golf With Your Friends Incoming! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Play a full game of Worms on Classic

See Targeted Destruction for more information.

Golf With Your Friends Unnatural History trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Unnatural History
Play a full game of Museum on Classic

See Historic Achievement or more information.

Golf With Your Friends Fly, fly away! trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Fly, fly away!
Get 10 birdies

Each hole on a course has a designated par which is the number of shots it would take for an average golfer to go round that hole. A birdie is awarded for taking one less shot than a par. This can be done easily on hole 1 of Space Station so start an offline game on this course. When the first hole has loaded up power up your bar to 75% strength and tap the shot button when the moving object in front of you is not in the top position the ball will roll directly in the hole, now quit the game and load up this course and repeat.

Golf With Your Friends Nice Shot! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Nice shot!
Get an albatross

See Getting good! for more information.

Golf With Your Friends Getting good! trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Getting good!
Get 10 albatross

Each hole on a course has a designated par which is the number of shots it would take for an average golfer to go round that hole. An Albatross is awarded for taking three less shots than a par so this can only be done on a hole which has a par of at least 4. Oasis hole 4 is the easiest to secure an albatross so load up an offline game around this course and make your way to the fourth hole. When at the fourth hole add just under 75% shot power and tap the shoot button the ball will now roll directly onto the hole. With that done quit to the main menu and load up the course again repeating the steps a further 9 times.

Golf With Your Friends On par! trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

On par!
Get 50 pars

This will come under natural game progression.

Golf With Your Friends Hole in one! trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Hole in one!
Get a hole in one!

See Getting good! for more information.

Golf With Your Friends Treemendous! trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Get par or better on Forest Classic

The Forest course ranks as probably the easiest in the game, it like all courses has 18 holes with a par score of 50 needed in order to unlock the trophy. Practice certainly makes perfect as you need to learn all the holes inside out in order to secure an under par score.

Golf With Your Friends Twinkle twinkle little par trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Twinkle twinkle little par
Get par or better on Twilight Classic

The Twilight course is about mid point in the game on a difficulty scale and it’s 18 holes have a par of 53. Just like all courses in the game the more you play the better you will be so again practice makes perfect in your pursuit of the trophy.

Golf With Your Friends Can't spook me! trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Can’t spook me!
Get par or better on Haunted Classic

Haunted Classic has a par of 67 and rates as one of the easier courses in the main game. Like most other aspects of the game keep practicing and you’ll get par soon enough.

Golf With Your Friends That was a rocky road trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

That was a rocky road
Get par or better on Candyland Classic

Candy Land has a par of 51 shots and is around the mid point on the difficulty scale. Keep practicing if you’re struggling and you’ll achieve par with a dose of patience.

Golf With Your Friends Parfect! trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Get par or better on Oasis Classic

Oasis has a par of 60 and like the Forest Course is on the easier side of courses to achieve under par on. You shouldn’t have too much difficulty achieving par throughout this course.

Golf With Your Friends Paaarrrrrrr! trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Get par or better on Pirate Classic

Pirate Cove has a par of 58 which is one of the lowest pars in the game but if done in trophy list order this will be one of the first harder courses on the game to achieve that par score. However just like all courses in the game the more you play the better you know so again, practice makes perfect in your pursuit of the trophy.

Golf With Your Friends Your ancestors would be proud trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Your Ancestors would be proud
Get par or better on Ancient Classic

Ancient has a par score of 58 and is one of the hardest courses in the game. But just like all courses in the game the more you play the more you will learn the holes so all being well it won’t take you too much effort to score par.

Golf With Your Friends Scientific Precision trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Scientific Precision
Get par or better on Space Station Classic

Space Station has a par of 70 and is ranks up as one of the hardest courses in the game. Having said that just like all courses in the game the more you play the better you know the holes so with a good amount of persistence you will achieve par or better.

Golf With Your Friends Targeted Destruction trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Targeted Destruction
Get par or better on Worms Classic

Worms has a par score of 75 so only museum has a higher par score and is the only course on the main game to use jet packs on the holes so this ranks as one of the hardest in the game. That said just like all courses in the game the more you play the better you will become.

Golf With Your Friends Historic Achievement trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Historic Achievement
Get par or better on Museum Classic

Museum has the highest par score in the game at 81 shots and also hole 18 in the course is in my opinion the hardest hole in the game so makes this course one of the hardest. So using the same logic as with all other courses in the game the more you play the better you become at each course so again practice makes perfect in your pursuit of the trophy.

Golf With Your Friends All the bells and whistles trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

All the bells and whistles
Play a full game with a custom game mode

Choose offline from the main menu and select mode to open up the game settings tab. Now alter any of the settings from default to create a custom mode and compete a round to unlock your trophy.

Golf With Your Friends Three pointer trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Three pointer
Play a full game of Dunk

This is glitched but thankfully a workaround has been found, you need to close the game down and boot it back up again then start an offline game and choose the Volcano course. Choose mode and change to Dunk mode, now return back to the offline menu and start the game. You now need to play out the first hole and score a dunk by pressing Cross as the ball heads towards the net. For holes 2-17 you can forfeit them but once you reach the final hole 18 you again have to play this hole out, if done correctly the trophy will unlock once the final hole is complete.

Golf With Your Friends Shoot out trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Shoot out
Play a full game of Hockey

This is glitched just like Three pointer but thankfully it also has a workaround, you again need to close the game down and boot it back up again then start an offline game and choose the deep course. Choose mode and change to hockey mode, now return back to the offline menu and start the game. You now need to play out the first hole which is just like hockey on real life as you need to score a goal past the goalkeeper. For holes 2-17 you can forfeit them but once you reach the final hole 18 you again have to play this hole out, if done correctly the trophy will unlock once the final hole is complete.

Golf With Your Friends Golf with your Friends trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Golf With Your Friends
Play a hotseat or online game

This is very easy and can be done with only one controller by yourself so you don’t need an online partner or second controller. Choose offline from the main menu and select whichever course you wish and any game settings you require. Now press R1 to add a second player into the lobby and then start the game. Play out all 18 holes as both players and regardless of you final score the trophy will unlock at the conclusion of the game.

Golf With Your Friends Who's the food now trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Who’s the food now?
Get eaten by Gingy in the practice area

This is an Easter Egg within the game and to do this you need to access the practice course so choose offline from the main menu then select mode and enable Hockey mode then return to the offline menu and press Touchpad to begin the practice course. Your aim is to reach a wooden barrel to find this Easter Egg so from your starting point looking at the windmill you want to turn around and then follow the images for positioning and shot power to play. 

Golf With Your Friends Who's The Food Now 1 of 7
Once you're in the practice arena facing the windmill your first action is to turn 180 degrees.
Golf With Your Friends Who's The Food Now 2 of 7
Now tap the puck forwards with about half a bar worth of shot strength.
Golf With Your Friends Who's The Food Now 3 of 7
Turn left 90 degrees and shoot forward with just under 2 and a half bars of power.
Golf With Your Friends Who's The Food Now 4 of 7
Turn left 90 degrees and tap the puck to the lower ground with about 1 bar of power.
Golf With Your Friends Who's The Food Now 5 of 7
Full power up the hill and onto the higher platform.
Golf With Your Friends Who's The Food Now 6 of 7
Aim for the left corner with about 1 and a quarter power.
Golf With Your Friends Who's The Food Now 7 of 7
Turn slightly to the left and look at the bottom right of the wooden barrel and give it about 2 bars of power, you will then fall onto the barrel and unlock this trophy.

That’s the Golf With Your Friends Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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