Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Los Aztecas Spray Tags (The Definitive Edition)
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Open World.
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas directory.
Here we will go over all of the Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Los Aztecas Spray Tags (the Definitive Edition) of which there are 12 found throughout Los Santos.
Spray Tags are required to obtain 100% completion which unlocks Remastered, there are 100 in total meaning once you are done with the Los Aztecas tags you will have 88 left. Refer to the Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Spray Tags for the remaining Spray Tags found throughout Los Santos. If you need to refill your Spray Can “ammo”, you can do so by going to CJ’s house in Grove Street every day and collect the spray can on the first floor in the bedroom opposite the walk-in wardrobe where you can change your clothes. The Los Aztecas can be a handful if there’s a lot of them and they pull out Machine Guns as well as SMG’s so it’s very easy to die to them making regular saves important to avoid losing progress. Below I will list off all 12 tags working through them district by district which are as follows:
Los Aztecas Spray Tag 1
Location: Ocean Docks.
This tag is found on the South side of the large blue train storage building.
Los Aztecas Spray Tag 2
Location: Willowfield.
Drive a car behind the fence, park close to the building on your right then jump on the roof of the car to cover this tag.
Los Aztecas Spray Tag 3
Location: El Corona.
Look to the Eastern wall of the bar adjacent to the street to find this tag.
Los Aztecas Spray Tag 4
Location: El Corona.
Look to the Southern wall of the green and pink building underneath the Bobo billboard to find this tag.
Los Aztecas Spray Tag 5
Location: El Corona.
Jump over the fence which borders the run down looking single story building to find this tag.
Los Aztecas Spray Tag 6
Location: El Corona.
Drive across the train tracks and through the chain link fence then park your car at the base of the house to your left then jump on the roof which enables you to cover this tag.
Los Aztecas Spray Tag 7
Location: El Corona.
Look to the Southern corner of the Liquor Mart store in-between the building and the chain link fence to find this tag.
Los Aztecas Spray Tag 8
Location: Little Mexico.
Look at the East side of the building with the red awning behind the wall to find this tag.
Los Aztecas Spray Tag 9
Location: Little Mexico.
This tag can be found in plain sight on the Northern side of the building next to the arch doorway.
Los Aztecas Spray Tag 10
Location: Little Mexico.
This tag can be found on the Northern side of the large yellow cylindrical building.
Los Aztecas Spray Tag 11
Location: Commerce.
This tag can be found on the South side of the brick building underneath the Legal sign.
Los Aztecas Spray Tag 12
Location: Downtown Los Santos.
Go up the stairs then look to the back wall to find the final Los Aztecas tag.
Now that you have 12 of the Tags covered over in Grove Street green, refer to the Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Spray Tags for how to find and cover over the remaining 88.
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