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Grand Theft Auto San Andreas The Countryside Story Missions (The Definitive Edition)

Here we will go over all of the Grand Theft Auto San Andreas The Countryside story missions (the Definitive Edition) of which there are 10 in total. You will go to the Countryside once you’re done with the Los Santos story missionsThe story missions in the Countryside can be challenging as you have a good number of enemies to deal with, combine harvesters to steal and fields to burn as well as racing along tight dirt tracks. Here are the story missions you need to complete in The Countryside with a brief overview of what you need to do:

  1. Badlands.
  2. First Date / Tank Commander.
  3. Body Harvest.
  4. King in Exile.
  5. First Base / Local Liquor Store.
  6. Gone Courting / Against all Odds.
  7. Made in Heaven / Small Town Bank.
  8. Wu Zi Mu.
  9. Farewell, My Love….
  10. Are You Going to San Fierro?.


Rewards: Nothing.
Make your way up the path on the dirt bike then take out the FBI using stealth to take them out. If you are spotted the witness will flee so get after him and put him down. Take a photo of the corpse then head to the marker to conclude the mission.

First Date / Tank Commander

Rewards: $5,000.
Speak with Catalina then head to the gas station and steal the tanker. This mission can ne irritating as the tanker can jack-knife easily and if you lose it then the mission will be a failure. You also have a vehicle pursuing you trying to ram you off the road so get to the marker smoothly to conclude the mission.

Body Harvest

Rewards: Respect +.
Clear out the farmers as you make your way towards the combine then run over the farmers on the way out shredding them as you go. Head to the marker where you can dump the combine concluding the mission.

King In Exile

Rewards: Nothing.
This is a cutscene rather than a mission.

First Base / Local Liquor Store

Rewards: $1,000.
Speak with Catalina then head to the liquor store which will be robbed just before you get there. Chase after the assailants killing them and collecting their money to conclude the mission.

Gone Courting / Against All Odds

Rewards: $2,000.
Meet up with Cataline then get over to the Inside Track betting shop. Throw a charge at the door then trigger the explosion before doing the same to the safe. Grab the cash then get to a pay ‘n’ spray to clear your wanted level. Return Catalina to her hideout to conclude this mission.

Made In Heaven / Small Town Bank

Rewards: $10,000.
Visit Catalina once again before heading down to the bank where you are tasked with aiming at the hostages until one of them sounds the alarm so kill them all. Shoot the ATM machines collecting the cash which appears and head outside killing the cops as you go whilst keeping Catalina safe then return her to her hideout to conclude the mission.

Wu Zi Mu

Rewards: $5,000.
Race through the area paying attention the directional arrows in the checkpoints ensuring you take care when near the top of a hill or the edge of a drop. Take the win to conclude this mission.

Farewell, My Love...

Rewards: Nothing.
Catalina will show up with the protagonist from Grand Theft Auto 3 of all people who you need to race and beat to conclude this mission.

Are You Going To San Fierro?

Rewards: Respect+.
Burn all of the weed fields which be a lot easier if you have already completed the Firefighter missions as this then makes you fireproof. Either way, burn every field as marked on your mini-map then destroy the chopper with the RPG and drive to San Fierro in the “Mothership”. Drive to the marker to conclude the mission as well as your time in the Countryside.

That’s a look at how to conclude all of the Grand Theft Auto San Andreas The Countryside story missions (the Definitive Edition).

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