Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Vagos Spray Tags (The Definitive Edition)
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Open World.
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas directory.
Here we will go over all of the Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Vagos Spray Tags (the Definitive Edition) of which there are 24 found throughout Los Santos.
Spray Tags are required to obtain 100% completion which unlocks Remastered, there are 100 in total meaning once you are done with the Vagos tags you will have 76 left. Refer to the Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Spray Tags for the remaining Spray Tags found throughout Los Santos. If you need to refill your Spray Can “ammo”, you can do so by going to CJ’s house in Grove Street every day and collect the spray can on the first floor in the bedroom opposite the walk-in wardrobe where you can change your clothes. The Vagos gang are usually found in gangs of 4 or more so bring hard hitting weaponry such as Shotguns or Machine Guns to have a much easier time putting them down if they become hostile. Below I will list off all 24 tags starting in the South East and working across Los Santos:
Vagos Spray Tag 1
Location: Ocean Docks.
Drop down into the container storage area then look for the tag on the container overlooking the water.
Vagos Spray Tag 2
Location: Ocean Docks.
This tag can be found on the corner of the wall bordering the refinery.
Vagos Spray Tag 3
Location: East Beach.
Head to the South East section of the stadium then look to the main building up the stairs to find this tag.
Vagos Spray Tag 4
Location: East Beach.
Face North then go West into the carpark following the area around to the back wall to find this tag.
Vagos Spray Tag 5
Location: East Beach.
This tag can be found on the West side of the street which curves around on the wall.
Vagos Spray Tag 6
Location: East Beach.
Go up the stairs of the apartment building then look to your left to find this tag.
Vagos Spray Tag 7
Location: East Beach.
Make your way East down the hill whilst looking left to find this tag at the exit to the car park.
Vagos Spray Tag 8
Location: East Beach.
For this tag you will need to face North then go pass the tag on the street level, mantle up to the right off the garage, cross the roof and drop down before turning around.
Vagos Spray Tag 9
Location: East Beach.
Look on the Northern wall of the Southern blue building to find this tag. For me, the buildings didn’t show up on the map but they are there (PlayStation 5).
Vagos Spray Tag 10
Location: East Beach.
Go up and around East Beach to the highest level then look left to find the ’69 Golden Palms building. Follow the path around to the back of the building the carefully jump over the small wall where you can then cautiously cover this tag.
Vagos Spray Tag 11
Location: Los Flores.
Look for this tag on the Northern side of the terraced houses tucked behind a bush on diagonal grass.
Vagos Spray Tag 12
Location: Los Flores.
Head through the alleyway to the end then turn around and look over to the right to find this tag on the wall.
Vagos Spray Tag 13
Location: Las Colinas.
This tag is found under the canopy of the most North Eastern house in Las Colinas.
Vagos Spray Tag 14
Location: Las Colinas.
Go in-between the run down blue and orange houses to find this tag behind a bush.
Vagos Spray Tag 15
Location: Las Colinas.
Look on the left wall of the tunnel to find this tag.
Vagos Spray Tag 16
Location: Las Colinas.
Go behind the grey house with the orange roof to find this tag.
Vagos Spray Tag 17
Location: Las Colinas.
Go up the hill then look right to find a narrow alleyway between the house with the white garage and the blue house to find this tag on your left.
Vagos Spray Tag 18
Location: Las Colinas.
Head through the alley between the red and blue houses to find this tag on your right.
Vagos Spray Tag 19
Location: Las Colinas.
Head down the hill looking left where you will see this tag on the staircase of the large blue house.
Vagos Spray Tag 20
Location: East Los Santos.
Go down the hill then look to the wall on the right just pass the International billboard.
Vagos Spray Tag 21
Location: East Los Santos.
This tag is found in plain sight on the wall of the Cash Loans building
Vagos Spray Tag 22
Location: East Los Santos.
Head into the alleyway then follow it down to just before the right turn you can take where you will find this tag on the right wall.
Vagos Spray Tag 23
Location: Mullholland Intersection.
Look to the wall under the flyover coming from North to East to find this tag.
Vagos Spray Tag 24
Location: Verdant Bluffs.
Head to the Observatory then go up the spiral staircase on the right. Follow the path all the way round to find the final Vagos tag.
Now that you have 24 of the Tags covered over in Grove Street green, refer to the Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Spray Tags for how to find and cover over the remaining 76.
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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.