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Grand Theft Auto V A Mystery Solved Trophy Guide

Grand Theft Auto V A Mystery, Solved trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

A Mystery, Solved
Solve the mystery of Leonora Johnson.

Here’s the Grand Theft Auto V A Mystery Solved Trophy Guide. Solving the mystery of Leonora Johnson will take you right across San Andreas as you need to collect 50 letter scraps which are shown as glowing pieces of paper usually off the beaten track or in hard to reach places. The letter scraps themselves become available once you have completed the early mission, Repossession as Franklin (where you need to get the green bike for Simeon). There are several letter scraps that can only be acquire by helicopter. There are a few ways to acquire a helicopter, most of which are in the end game. An easier way is to go to the Sandy Shores Helipad as Trevor after completing the Three’s Company mission where you will have permanent access to a Frogger.

Grand Theft Auto V Spaceship Part 14 Map Three's Company
Complete the Three's Company Mission
Grand Theft Auto V Sandy Shores Helipad
Sandy Shores Helipad

There isn’t a specific starting point for the letter scraps, the mission will “begin” once you have collected all 50 which I will list off below.

Letter Scrap 1

Los Santos International Airport.
Head down to the lower level of the airport terminal, in the right of the foyer will be the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 2

Los Santos International Airport.
You will need a helicopter which you can get from the Sandy Shores Helipad which becomes available after completing the Three’s Company then fly down to the airport where you can land on a large circular platform. Go around the central pillar to find the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 3

Elysian Island.
Cross the walkway onto the blue and white ship then go up the stairs making your way behind the bridge to find the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 4

Make your way up the shipping containers and jump across the gap to the next stack, then angle yourself so you can diagonally jump across the next section in between 2 containers where you will be able to collect the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 5

Cypress Flats (Underground).
Head right from the road onto the train tracks then go through the tunnel to where you se a cut-out on the left with several boxes. On the platform will be the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 6

El Burro Heights.
Go into the large building on the right then proceed through to the small destroyed caravan, inside the caravan will be the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 7

Pacific Ocean.
This letter scrap is located on the East side of a small island on a beach at the bottom of a cliff face way out on the East side of Los Santos. There are several ways to get there, you can either steal a boat, drive across land then swim to the island, however, for me I found it easiest in the chopper you can get from the Sandy Shores Helipad after having completed the Three’s Company mission. Fly down to the island then make your way to the North East corner to find the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 8

Davis, Grove Street.
For those of you who played GTA San Andreas, the letter scrap is in the back yard of the house next door to Ryder’s. For everyone else, head down to Grove Street then once you’re there look for the house on the right with the apex above the door then go round to the back yard to find the Letter Scrap on the back step.

Letter Scrap 9

Head into the large car park where you will see a large green bin in the middle next to some trolleys. On top of the bin will be the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 10

Le Mesa.
Cross the bridge to where the second pillar will be on the right (if coming from the East side). In between the pillar will be the Letter Scrap on the floor.

Letter Scrap 11

Pillbox Hill.
Head down into the construction site where you will come to a ladder after jumping the wall. These series of ladders will take you around 3 minutes to climb and you have to go to the very top of the crane on the yellow platform to be able to collect the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 12

La Puerta.
Make your under the road to the water below. Head right into the tunnel then jump up onto the first concrete barrier in the middle of the area to be able to collect the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 13

Vespucci Beach.
Continue through to the skate park where you will be able to collect the Letter Scrap in the base of a bowl.

Letter Scrap 14

Del Perro Beach.
Go to the end of the pier then take a left up the stairs and cross the bridge where you will find the Letter Scrap at the end on the left.

Letter Scrap 15

Pacific Bluffs.
Cross the beach then head up the stairs aiming for the bridge that crosses the pool to a small bar. To the right of the bar on the floor will be the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 16

Pacific Bluffs.
Head through the car park to the lower section to find a maze. Go through the maze turning left, right, left, right, first left, left, left where you will come to an open section. In the centre, will be the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 17

Pacific Bluffs.
Proceed through the cemetery grounds to the central island where you will be able to find the Letter Scrap on the floor in between a tomb and the water.

Letter Scrap 18

Richards Majestic.
You will get a 2 star wanted level whilst obtaining this one so ensure you’re at full health and have armour on. Head through the film set taking the first left going in between the 2 buildings then take a left where you will come to a staircase. Follow the staircase up to the top where you will find the Letter Scrap on the floor in between the air conditioning units.

Letter Scrap 19

West Vinewood.
Make your way up the stairs from the car park then go right to find a patio area. Next to the BBQ on the wall will be the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 20

Go down into the building site’s lower level to find a large wooden hole, jump down into the hole to find the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 21

Head into the skate park then look to the top right corner to find a half pipe. In the centre of the half pipe on the graffiti will be the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 22

East Vinewood.
Drop down into the storm drain then head left through the centre tunnel. At the end of the tunnel after a slight dip before going into the water will be the Letter Scrap on the ledge.

Letter Scrap 23

Vinewood Racetrack.
Drive around the turn-styles to the racetrack, head up the stairs and through the tunnel marked “enter”. From here, take a left then immediate left to walk up through the stands aiming for the fourth row. Near the end of the row will be the Letter Scrap on the floor.

Letter Scrap 24

Pacific Ocean.
Grab the helicopter from the Sandy Shore Helipad after completing the, Three’s Company mission then fly over to the small island. Once out of the heli, walk North looking to your left where you will see the Letter Scrap against some rocks.

Letter Scrap 25

Ron Alternates Wind Farm.
Cross the hills going towards the Pacific from the freeway where you’re aiming to get to a small Sandy Bay. Once at the bay grab a jet ski (if there is one) and head into the cave or just swim there aiming for the left where you’ll find a small island. Be careful in here as sometimes there are a few enemies so either deal with them or swim pass them then at the back of the island will be the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 26

Galileo Park.
Head down the dirt track behind the Vinewood sign towards the I which has a ladder on the left side you can climb. At the top of the ladder on a platform will be the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 27

Vinewood Hills.
Make your way through the grounds to the pool house on the right where you will find the Letter Scrap just inside the door.

Letter Scrap 28

Tongva Valley.
On the side of the road next to a fruit seller will be the Letter Scrap on the floor.

Letter Scrap 29

Vinewood Hills.
Next to a seating area on the right side of the dirt track will be the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 30

Great Chaparral.
Follow the track to the first hairpin where, off to the left you will find a closed mine entrance. Just to the left of the barred door will be the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 31

Grand Senora Desert.
Head down pass the large barn to a wooden billboard with nothing on it. Behind the billboard on the floor will be the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 32

Redwood lights Track.
Head into the centre of the circular concrete platform where you will find the the Letter Scrap in the centre of the metal poles.

Letter Scrap 33

Grand Senora Desert.
You will need a helo to get to this one so grab the Frogger from the Sandy Shores Helipad after having completed the, Three’s Company mission then fly to the top of the rock formation. Carefully land then walk over and collect the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 34

Sandy Shores.
Make your way around the back of the motel to where you will find an empty swimming pool. Near the old water at the base will be the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 35

Grand Senora Desert.
Head into the centre of the refinery where you will find a yellow ladder against the left building that takes you up to the roof. On the rooftop will be the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 36

Great Chaparral.
Look behind the Church just pass the 3 white crosses to find the Letter Scrap on the floor.

Letter Scrap 37

Zancudo River.
Head down the road where you can take a left allowing you to gain access to a small tunnel under the bridge. On the floor in this tunnel will be the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 38

Lago Zancudo.
Drive West down the road then duck down to the left where you can then get underneath the bridge. In the centre of the tunnel will on the floor will be the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 39

Raton Canyon.
Grab the Helicopter from the Sandy Shores Helipad as Trevor after completing the, Three’s Company mission then fly over to the large rock formation above the Raton Canyon. Carefully land the chopper then walk North near the edge of the canyon where you can collect the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 40

Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness.
Unless you have taken a hitchhiker to the Altruist Cult as Trevor which earns you Altruist Acolyte this will be easiest in a Helicopter which you can get from the Sandy Shores Helipad as Trevor after having completed the, Three’s Company mission. Fly over Mount Chiliad’s West section and carefully land next to the communications tower making your way around the walkway of the tower to a flat platform where you can collect the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 41

Paleto Forest.
Head up pass the logging depot staying on the left path. At the top of the path will be a few rocks and trees to your left. Behind these rocks will be the letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 42

Paleto Bay.
Head around the back of the garage where you will find a staircase leading up to a large balcony. On the left side of the balcony will be the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 43

Paleto Bay.
Go around the back of the broken down house to the porch then head inside to find the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 44

Mount Chiliad.
There’s several ways to get up to this one, car, helicopter, walking etc. However, it’s made a lot easier by riding the cable car up Mount Chiliad. The cable car on the ground level is found in the West side of Paleto Forest and will cost $10 to ride then once at the top the letter scrap will be just in front of you of on the platform.

Letter Scrap 45

Mount Chiliad.
Grab the Helicopter from the Sandy Shores Helipad after having completed the Three’s Company mission then fly across the Alamo Sea, land on the small island then drop down the West side where you will find the Letter Scrap on the bank.

Letter Scrap 46

Just North of the Alamo Sea will be a fishing village. Just to the left of the building with the blue netting will be the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 47

Head through the second canopy on the left and go roughly halfway through to find the Letter Scrap on the floor.

Letter Scrap 48

El Gordo Lighthouse.
There’s several ways to get across to the lighthouse, either drive or swim or take the Helicopter across from the Sandy Shores Helipad after having completed the Three’s Company mission. Either way, once on the Lighthouse’s grounds go around to the back of the Lighthouse to find the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 49

Mount Chiliad.
Just off the freeway you will come to a place called Dignity Village through an overpass. Go right then look in the second tent on the left to find the Letter Scrap.

Letter Scrap 50

Mount Chiliad.
Drive off the North side of the freeway to come to a wooden hut. Look to the left of the hut to find the Letter Scrap.

Once you have collected all 50 Letter Scraps you will then get to read the letter explaining Leonora was killed by someone called Peter Dreyfus. Head to the green “?” on the map in Vinewood Hills (see below).

Once you’re there, watch or skip the cutscene then chase after Dreyfus and put him down to complete the mission where your Trophy will then unlock.

That’s the Grand Theft Auto V A Mystery Solved Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you solve the Mystery of Leonora Johnson.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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