
Grand Theft Auto V Career Criminal Trophy Guide

Grand Theft Auto V Career Criminal trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Career Criminal
Attain 100% Game Completion.

Here’s the Grand Theft Auto V Career Criminal Trophy Guide. Which requires you to do a lot of things in game, although with that said, there are also a lot of things in game which aren’t required making this pretty confusing to decipher. In total, you need to complete 69 story missions, 20 specific Strangers and Freaks missions, 42 various Hobbies and Pastimes, 14 Random Events as well as 16 Miscellaneous tasks throughout San Andreas working as all 3 characters in Grand Theft Auto V.

The requirements can also only be met in Career mode, no online progress will count towards the 100% total required. To see how many of a particular category you have Pause> Stats> 100% Checklist where you will see a horizontal bar graph showing your progress. Below I will list everything required to obtain 100% in game.


There are 69 missions which need to be completed, the majority of which can be done through natural gameplay, there are 3 at the end, however, that require you to play through a mission that becomes available after having completed the, The Third Way mission (technically the final mission in the game). To access the missions you have done, Pause> Game> Replay Mission> then select any mission you haven’t completed (you will have a bronze, silver or gold medal if you’ve completed the majority of missions, non replayable missions are played as you go through the story). Click the link to go to the complete Solid Gold Baby Trophy Guide to see a how-to complete every missions, Gold medal requirements (gold medals aren’t required for 100%, however, the info will help you complete the mission / know what to expect).

Hobbies and Pastimes

This is where the majority of your time will need to be spent as you work your way towards 100% as there is a lot to do here. I recommend, firstly, getting through the game until the credits roll (complete the, The Third Way mission) where everything will be available then. You have several races to complete which, once you achieve first place in a given race, will then unlock the next race so these need to be played in order and are:

  • 5 Street Races (Only available between 20:00 and 05:00).
  • 4 Sea Races.
  • 6 Off-road Moto / ATV / Truck Races.
  • Complete all Triathlons earning at least bronze.
  • Flight Schol
    Head down to the Flight School just outside of Los Santos International Airport and earn at least a bronze medal across all 12 events.
  • Parachute Jumps
    As you progress through the game you will find a Stranger and Freak called Dom as Franklin where you need to perform several parachute jumps as you progress through (Dom’s missions are required for 100% anyway). 
    Once you have completed 4 out of the 5 missions for Dom, you will then have 13 Parachute icons appear on the map through San Andreas, some of which require you to jump out of a helicopter, however, if there isn’t a helicopter you need to go and collect the parachute which will be lying on the ground then successfully complete all jumps landing on each of the targets successfully.
  • Shooting Ranges
    Head over to either of the 2 Ammu-Nations with a white map symbol as these have shooting ranges, they’re both found in Los Santos and require you to complete several different shooting challenges with a variety of weapon types. 
    The weapon types are Hand Guns, Submachine Guns, Assault Rifles, Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy (Bonus isn’t required) so go in and complete all 3 challenges for each of the 5 categories.
  • Go to a Strip Club and get a private dance (go up to a dancer and follow her to a room).
  • Sports
    Finally, you need to earn a Par or below in Golf, a win at Tennis and a win playing Darts both with and without a friend (If playing as Franklin for example, call Michael then pick him up and drive to Golf, Tennis, Darts etc and win).

Once you have completed every Hobby and Pastime listed above, you will have that section completed in the 100% checklist.

Strangers and Freaks

There are 20 Strangers and Freaks required for 100% completion and they are specific rather than just 20 random missions. The missions themselves are simple enough and only require completion as opposed to earning a gold medal, a bronze is fine to fulfil the requirements for the 20 missions which can only be completed as Franklin. The mission Uncalculated Risk is required but along the way you will complete the Targeted Risk mission hence why there are 21 missions listed below just so you can keep track of everything required. The 20 Strangers and Freaks missions required are:

  1. Pulling Favors.
  2. Pulling Another Favor.
  3. Pulling Favors Again.
  4. Still Pulling Favors.
  5. Pulling One Last Favor.
  6. Grass Roots.
  7. Grass Roots – The Pickup.
  8. Grass Roots – The Drag.
  9. Grass Roots – The Smoke-In.
  10. Paparazzo.
  11. Paparazzo – The Sex Tape.
  12. Paparazzo – The Partnership.
  13. Paparazzo – The Meltdown.
  14. Paparazzo – The Highness.
  15. Paparazzo – Reality Check.
  16. Risk Assessment.
  17. Liquidity Risk.
  18. Targeted Risk.
  19. Uncalculated Risk (You will need to complete 13 Parachute Jumps throughout Los Santos which unlock after completing Targeted Risk).
  20. Shift Work.
  21. Exercising Demons.

You also need to collect all 50 Spaceship Parts for Omega (Click the link to go to the complete From Beyond The Stars Trophy Guide for their locations). Also, you need to solve the mystery of Leonora Johnson which sees you needing to take down Peter Dreyfus. (Click the link to go to the complete A Mystery Solved Trophy Guide for the 50 letter scrap locations). Click the link to go to the Solid Gold Baby Trophy Guide then scroll down to the Strangers and Freaks section for Franklin where you can find information on how to complete each of the 20 Strangers and Freaks missions required.

Random Events

You have, in total, 14 Random events to complete across San Andreas. As you make your way through the game you will occasionally see on your mini-map a red and or blue marker appear which signifies a random event which you need to then complete. Some of the events are as simple as chasing down a mugger and returning the stolen purse to the female victim to helping a member of The Lost and the Damned M.C. get to his Clubhouse whilst evading the cops.

The events are random (hence the name) as to where they appear so keep going around both Los Santos and Blaine County and everywhere in between whilst not in a mission to increase your chances of finding these events. You will be able to see how many you have done in your stats screen (Pause> Stats> 100% Completion> Random Events).


You will need to complete 16 Miscellaneous tasks as you progress through the game (You can do these after the credits if you choose to). Here is a list of the majority of miscellaneous tasks of which 16 will count towards the trophy, most of which have their own trophy requirements anyway making this less of a chore to complete.

  • Complete 25 Stunt Jumps (Click the link to go to the Show Off Trophy Guide for all 50 Stunt Jumps across San Andreas).
  • Complete 25 Under the Bridge (Click the link to go to the Close Shave Trophy Guide).
  • Complete 8 Knife Flights (Click the link to go to the Close Shave Trophy Guide).
  • Collect all 30 Nuclear Waste barrels (Click the link to go to the Waste Management Trophy Guide for their locations).
  • Collect all 50 Letter Scraps and take down Peter Dreyfus (Click the link to go to the A Mystery Solved Trophy Guide for a full walkthrough).
  • Collect all 50 Spaceship Parts for Omega (Click the link to go to the From Beyond The Stars Trophy Guide for their locations).
  • Buy some clothes as any character from any clothing shop.
  • Purchase a weapon from Ammu-Nation.
  • Buy a car mod from Los Santos Customs for any vehicle.
  • Purchase a haircut as any character.
  • Get a Tattoo as any character on any body part.
  • Purchase any 5 money generating properties, Golf Club, Donwtown Cab Co. Smoke On The Water etc.
  • Purchase any vehicle from a website (Phone> Travel and Transport> Purchase any vehicle you want / can afford).
  • Play with Chop (When Lester buys Franklin the mansion in Vinewood Hills).
  • Use a prostitute (go near the docks at night with a 2 seater car then head somewhere quiet).
  • Ride the Cable Car (found in North West San Andreas just South of Paleto Bay).
  • Use the Car Wash as any character.
  • Ride any Fairground Ride.
  • Visit the Cinema on your own as any character.

Complete 16 of the above tasks to complete this section of the 100% checklist.

That’s the Grand Theft Auto V Career Criminal Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you attain 100% game completion.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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