Grand Theft Auto V Decorated Trophy Guide

GTA Online: Earn 30 Platinum Awards.
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Open World.
Grand Theft Auto V directory.
Here’s the Grand Theft Auto V Decorated Trophy Guide. In total, throughout the base game there are 85 potential platinum awards giving you plenty of scope to earn 30. We will be covering the base game here with a brief description on how to earn each of the 85 platinum awards where you can then go through and choose the ones you want to go for based on how they sound to you. You can access the Awards by firstly being in GTA Online (Pause the game in Career> Online> Play GTA Online> Go) then pause> Stats> Awards where you can then see all of your progress towards the platinum awards you’re looking to complete. The platinum awards can be made a lot easier by using a boosting partner (must own a copy of GTA V and have an online membership through your respective platform). The main game categories are:
I’ll include a rating system either Green for easy, Amber for challenging and Red for extreme awards so go for the green ones to have a much easier time.
Victory (33)
The Victory awards cover things like winning deathmatches, races as well as winning most activities in throughout GTA V Online.
The Slayer
Finish in the top 3 in deathmatches.
Platinum award requirement> 50 finishes in the top 3.
To access deathmatches: Pause> Online> Playlists> Create> Add Deathmatch> All Deathmatches> then add any Deathmatches into the playlist and select Save playlist naming it whatever you like. From here go back to Playlists then choose the playlist with the Deathmatch(es) and play it through (any settings are fine). Once you have finished in the top 3, 50 times you will earn the, The Slayer platinum award.
Death Brigade
Win Team Deathmatches.
Platinum award requirement> Be on the winning team 50 times.
To access deathmatches follow the steps in The Slayer to set things up then do your best to help your team win. Once you have been on the winning team 50 times, you will earn the Death Brigade platinum award.
Team Carrier
Be the Most Valuable Player in Team Deathmatches.
Platinum award requirement> Be the MVP 50 times.
To access deathmatches follow the steps in The Slayer then to become the MVP you need to get the most kills and the least deaths in the entire deathmatch. Do this 50 times to earn the Team Carrier platinum award.
The Champion
Come first in driving races.
Platinum award requirement> 50 Wins.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
To access driving races: Pause> Online> Playlists> Create> Add Race> Land Races (filter with L3) then add any races into the playlist and select Save playlist naming it whatever you like. From here go back to Playlists then choose the playlist with the Land Race(s) then play it through (any settings are fine). Achieve 50 first place finishes to earn the, The Champion platinum award.
The Aviator
Come first in Air Races.
Platinum award requirement> 25 Wins.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
To access Air Races follow the steps in The Champion except this time, filter to Air Races then go on to achieve 50 first place finishes to unlock the, The Aviator platinum award.
Making Waves
Come first in Sea Races.
Platinum award requirement> 25 Wins.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
To access Sea Races follow the steps in The Champion changing the filter to Sea Races then once you achieve 25 first place finishes, you will earn the Making Waves platinum award.
Cruisin' For A Bruisin'
Come first in GTA Races.
Platinum award requirement> 50 Wins.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
To access GTA races, follow the steps in The Champion then in the Race Type options filter through with Left or Right so it has GTA in the name (Point To Point GTA for example) where you have access to weapons and can steal another vehicle if yours is taken out. Achieve 50 first place finishes in GTA races to earn the Cruisin’ For A Bruisin’ platinum award.
Road Rage
Kill a player 3 times in a GTA Race.
Platinum award requirement> 1.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
Follow the steps in Cruisin’ For A Brusin’ then ensure you kill a total of 3 players to earn the Road Rage platinum award.
Follow To A Tee
Come first in Rally Races as the driver.
Platinum award requirement> 25 Wins.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
Follow the steps in The Champion then change the Race Type to anything with Rally in the title (Point To Point Rally for example). After you have achieved first place 25 times, you will earn the Follow To A Tee platinum award.
The Dictator
Win Rally Races as the Co-Driver.
Platinum award requirement> 25 Wins.
This is almost essential with an online boosting partner.
Follow the Steps in Follow To A Tee then ensure you are in the passenger seat rather than the driver’s seat with your boosting partner in the driver’s seat. You need to achieve first place 25 times as the Co-Driver to earn the, The Dictator platinum award. Direct a player to the finishing line in first place to unlock Backseat Driver.
Impromptu Champion
Come first in Impromptu Races.
Platinum award requirement> 25 Wins.
In order to start an Impromptu Race, hold down Touchpad to open the Interaction Menu then scroll down to Impromptu Race. In an Impromptu Race you will need to select a point of interest on the map, like the airport, golf club etc. Where any players, regardless of the vehicle they’re in need to race to the marker so choose ones that are close to you and far away from others as best as you can. Achieve 25 first place finishes in Impromptu Races to earn the Impromptu Champion platinum award.
In A Class Of Your Own
Win a race in a customised vehicle.
Platinum award requirement> 1 Win.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
You will firstly need a customised vehicle so get any car from your garage then head over to Los Santos Customs. Choose any of the customisation options, you can either just change a bumper or go all out, the choice is yours. You then need to start any type of race using your customised vehicle and take the win to earn the In A Class Of Your Own platinum award.
Penetrate From Behind
Go from last to first place in a lap and win the race.
Platinum award requirement> 25 Wins.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
Follow the steps in The Champion with at least a 2 lap event then on the first lap ensure you are in last place when you cross the start / finish line and go on to win the race by overtaking everyone. If you have an online boosting partner, they need to pull over and let you get pass them where you can then go on and win the race. Achieve 25 first place finishes when you were last at the start of the lap to earn the Penetrate From Behind platinum award.
The Record Holder
Hold a World Record in a Rockstar Race.
Platinum award requirement> 1.
To get this done, you need to be able to set a faster time on a Rockstar generated race than anyone else has managed in GTA Online which is all but impossible. You can access Rockstar generated content by: Pause> Online> Jobs> Play Job> Rockstar Created> Races> Then choose any race and good luck setting the fastest time. If / when you set a World Record on a Rockstar created race, you will earn the, The Record Holder platinum award.
Dust Maker
Achieve the fastest lap in a race.
Platinum award requirement> 25 Wins.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
Follow the steps in The Champion then go through the race ensuring you set the fastest lap which, if you have an online boosting partner, have them drive slowly until you cross the line where they can then speed up. Achieve the fastest lap in a race 25 times to earn the Dust Maker platinum award.
Every Race
Come first in every event type at least once.
Platinum award requirement> 1.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
There are many types races in GTA Online, however, you only need to achieve a first place finish in 3 of them:
- Land Race: Follow the steps in The Champion.
- GTA Race: Follow the steps in Cruisin’ For A Bruisin’.
- Rally Race: Follow the steps in Follow To A Tee.
Once you have achieved a first place finish in these 3 event types, you will earn the Every Race platinum award.
Complete 10 waves in a Survival.
Platinum award requirement> 1.
To access Survivals: Pause> Online> Playlists> Create> Add Survival> add any survival you like the look of then save the playlist. To access the playlist; Pause> Online> Playlists> My Playlist> select the playlist with the survival then go through it staying in cover as best as you can taking down all 10 waves where at the conclusion of the survival you will earn the Survivor platinum award. Collect this platinum award to unlock Unnatural Selection.
Over The Top
Win at Arm Wrestling.
Platinum award requirement> 25 Wins.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
Arm Wrestling can be found in the back yard of the Downtown Cab Co and requires 2 players to be present.

Win at Arm Wrestling 25 times to earn the Over The Top platinum award.
Throwback King
Win at Darts.
Platinum award requirement> 25 Wins.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
You can find a game of Darts at the Jack Inn.

Win at Darts 25 times to earn the Throwback King platinum award.
The Swing King
Win rounds of Golf.
Platinum award requirement> 25 Wins.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
You can play Golf at the GWC and and Golfing Society in West Los Santos. Enter the marker then change the settings to starting hole 1 and end hole 1 where you need to putt the ball into one hole making this a lot quicker to complete.

Take the win 25 times to earn the, The Swing King platinum award.
Stroke Master
Win Tennis matches.
Platinum award requirement> 25.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
There are plenty of places to play Tennis around Los Santos so go to a court with your boosting partner and play through until you complete the match. Ensure you win 25 times to earn the Stroke Master platinum award.
Out Of Five
Win a 5 set Tennis match.
Platinum award requirement> 1.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
See Stroke Master for how to set up a Tennis match except this time change the sets to 5 then go on and win every set where at the conclusion of the fifth set, providing you have won 3 out of 5 sets, you will earn the Out Of Five platinum award.
Straight Sets
Win a Tennis match in straight sets.
Platinum award requirement> 1.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
See Stroke Master for how to set up a Tennis match then ensure you don’t lose any sets. If playing with an online boosting partner they should serve slowly allowing you to hit the ball back where you score a point. Continue through not losing any sets in a match to earn the Straight Sets platinum award.
Crack Shot
Win Target Grid events.
Platinum award requirement> 25 Wins.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
You can find Target Grids at either of the Ammu-Nations with Ranges (there’s 2 in Los Santos). Enter the range then go: Number Of Challenges, 1> Confirm Settings> Play> Choose any weapon class you’re comfortable with (Hand Guns are fine) then choose the Target Grid option where you need to have more targets in your colour than your opponent has managed. Do this 25 times to earn the Crack Shot platinum award.
Duck And Cover
Win Covered Targets events.
Platinum award requirement> 25 Wins.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
Follow the steps in Crack Shot except this time choose Covered Targets after selecting your weapon then shoot the opposing colour including the targets in the centre with the crosses which will swing around to your opponents side. Once you have won 25 Covered Targets events you will earn the Duck And Cover platinum award.
Colour ever target in a Target Grid event.
Platinum award requirement> 1.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
Follow the steps in Crack Shot, except this time you need to change the entire grid over to your colour which, with a boosting partner is simple. Have them shoot one target then you go in and pop all targets quickly to change them all to your colour to earn the Granny platinum award.
The Marksman
Win Random Target events.
Platinum award requirement> 25 Wins.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
Follow the steps in Crack Shot except this time you need to choose the Random Targets option after selecting your weapons where random targets will drop from the ceiling. Shoot more than your opponent 25 times to earn the, The Marksman platinum award.
All Rounder
Complete one of each event.
Platinum award requirement> 1.
This will be easiest with an online boosting partner.
As the description states, you will need to complete one of each type of event, this includes the same events with different parameters. Most of the events will be covered whilst you’re going for some of the easier platinum awards on this list. Here is everything you need to do to earn this platinum award ensuring you take the win in event discipline below:
- Win at Arm Wrestling: See Over The Top for how to win at Arm Wrestling.
- Take the win in a game of Darts: Follow the steps in Throwback King to win at Darts.
- Earn a win in a game of Golf: Check out the, The Swing King for how to set up a game of Golf.
- Win a Tennis Match: See Stroke Master to help you complete Tennis matches.
- Land first in a Parachute Jump: Follow the steps in Stayed On Target for how to win a Parachute Jump.
- Win a Deathmatch: See The Slayer how to set up Deathmatches.
- Be on the winning team in a Team Deathmatch: Follow the steps in The Slayer ensuring you are in a Deathmatch consisting of at least 4 players (2v2) as a minimum.
- Finish first in an Air Race: Follow the steps in The Aviator to set up Air Races.
- Take first place in a GTA Land Race: Check Cruisin’ For A Bruisin’ for how to enter GTA Races.
- Achieve first place in a Rally Land Race: See Follow To A Tee for how to enter Rally Races.
- Get first place in a Land Race: See The Champion for steps on how to win a Land Race.
- Get the most kills in a Gang Attack: See Clear Out for information on Gang Attacks then ensure you get more kills than your boosting partner to take the win.
- Kill more enemies than your teammate in a Survival: Follow the steps in Survivor then ensure you take out more enemies than your boosting partner to take the win.
- Win at a Shooting Range game mode: Follow the steps in Crack Shot making sure you take the win.
Achieve first place / take the win across every event / activity listed above to earn the All Rounder platinum award.
Still Standing
Win Last Team Standing events.
Platinum award requirement> 50 Wins.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
To access Last Team Standing events: Pause> Online> Playlists> Create> Add Last Team Standing> Add any you like the look of then Save Playlist. To access the playlist: Pause> Online> My Playlists> load up the playlist with the Last Team Standing then change the First to Win setting to 1 Round> Confirm Settings> Play. Take down all of your opponents to win the Last Team Standing. Do this 50 times to earn the Still Standing platinum award.
One And Only
Be the last player alive in a Last Team Standing.
Platinum award requirement> 50.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
Follow the steps in Still Standing then ensure you are the last player alive at the end of 50 rounds to earn the One And Only platinum award.
One Man Army
Take out an entire enemy team in a Last Team Standing.
Platinum award requirement> 25.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
Follow the steps in Still Standing and kill your boosting partner throughout 25 matches to earn the One Man Army platinum award.
Win Captures.
Platinum award requirement> 25 Wins.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
To access Captures; Pause> Online> Playlists> Create> Add Capture> Add any Capture you like the look of then save playlist. To access the playlist: Pause> Online> Playlists> My Playlists> Choose the playlist with the Capture event then change the End Conditions to Sudden Death and go in and capture the objective. Do this 25 times to earn the Captured platinum award.
Death Defying
Win Capture events without dying.
Platinum award requirement> 25 Wins.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
Follow the steps in Captured then ensure you don’t die as you are capturing the objective which makes an online boosting partner all but essential. Once you have successfully won 25 Capture events without dying, you will earn the Death Defying platinum award.
General (28)
The General category covers a wide breadth of things in the game from landing on Parachute Jump targets to getting a 6 Dart checkout to tattooing every part of your body and so on.
War Pig
Participate in Deathmatches.
Platinum award requirement> 25.
Follow the steps in The Slayer to set up Deathmatches and finish 25 of them to earn the War Pig platinum award.
Veteran Racer
Participate in Races.
Platinum award requirement> 25.
Follow the steps in The Champion to set up races then finish 25 of them to earn the Veteran Racer platinum award.
Nick Of Time
Open your parachute below 130ft.
Platinum award requirement> 25.
In order to get this done, you will need to buy a Parachute from Ammu-Nation then either steal a Chopper or a Plane or purchase them if you have enough money then get yourself up above the city. Jump out and at the last second before hitting the ground, open your Parachute. Successfully do this 25 times to earn the Nick Of Time platinum award.
Point Break
Stay in the air for over 3 minutes.
Platinum award requirement> 25.
Get a parachute from Ammu-Nation then either steal or buy a Chopper and go up as high as you can. From here, jump out of the chopper and deploy your parachute. Hold Down+L3 to slow yourself down then slowly descend back down. Set a timer on your phone or keep an eye on the time to ensure you stay in the air for a minimum of 3 minutes. Do this 25 times to earn the Point Break platinum award.
Stayed On Target
Land on the parachute target.
Platinum award requirement> 25.
To set up a Parachute Jump go: Pause> Online> Playlists> Create> Add Parachute Jump> Choose any you like the look of then back out selecting Save Playlist.
To access the playlist go: Pause> Online> My Playlists> Choose the playlist with the Parachute Jump then load it up. Your objective is to go through the targets then angle yourself using L3 where you need to land on the target which will be on the ground. It might take a few attempts to get a feel for it but once you know how the parachute works you’ll know what to do. Land on the Parachute target 25 times to earn the Stayed On Target platinum award.
Clear Out
Finish 5 Gang Attacks in one game day.
Platinum award requirement> 1.
Gang Attacks become available from level 18 where Martin Madrazo will call you and task you with taking down a large group of enemies.
A Gang Attack is signified as a large red circle on the map. You need to get over there quickly and take down every enemy player, however, these Gang Attacks are random and having 5 appear in one day is a very rare thing. I’ve been playing GTA Online for a good while now and i’ve only ever seen 2, 5 Gang Attacks become available. Once you have taken down 5 Gang Attacks in one in game 24 hour period (around 50 minutes in real world time) you will earn the Clear Out platinum award.
Checking Out
Get a 6 Dart checkout.
Platinum award requirement> 1.
Darts can be found in the Jack Inn in Sandy Shores and to get a 6 dart checkout you need to get 4 Treble 20s (240), treble 17 (291), Double 5 to finish giving you 301 in 6 darts.
Score a Birdie whilst playing Golf.
Platinum award requirement> 25.
A Birdie in Golf terms is getting the ball in the hole in one under par. So if the recommended amount of shots is 6, you need to putt in 5 and so on which, depending on your skill will either be doable or a big ask. As long as you manage to score 25 Birdies in games of Golf, you will earn the Birdies platinum award.
Hole In One
Score a hole in one in a game of Golf.
Platinum award requirement> 1.
This can be a very challenging platinum award to acquire as getting a hole in one is a difficult thing to achieve. You need precision and a good amount of luck to sink a hole in one which once done will earn you the Hole In One platinum award.
Serve an Ace in a Tennis Match.
Platinum award requirement> 25.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
An Ace is where you serve in a Tennis Match and your opponent is unable to return the ball so during a serve, have your boosting partner either stay idle or just going from left to right where you will earn an Ace for every un-returned serve you send out. Rack up 25 Aces to earn the Ace platinum award.
The Hustler
Earn money whilst betting.
Platinum award requirement> $50,000.
This will be easiest with an online boosting partner.
This will be easiest in races so see The Champion for how to set up Races then just before you go into the race you can bet an amount of money which you will then win the other players money as well. For example, if you both bet $1,000, upon winning, you will return $2,000 dollars (your $1,000 and theirs) so keep betting until you rack up $50,000 total profit (not just your money) where you will then earn the, The Hustler platinum award.
Lapping It Up
Receive private dances at a Strip Club.
Platinum award requirement> 25.
You can buy a private dance at the Strip Club. To do so, walk up to any of the ladies where you can then press Right to accept a dance. Follow her to a room then press Triangle to end the dance. Do this 25 times to earn the Lapping It Up platinum award.
Snappy Dresser
Wear different outfits.
Platinum award requirement> 25.
You can purchase different outfits from clothing stores such as Suburban or Ponsonbys then either equip them at the store or back at your apartment. Wear 25 different outfits to earn the Snappy Dresser platinum award.
Hairy Encounters
Change your hairstyle.
Platinum award requirement> 25.
Visit a Barbers then change your hairstyle choosing anything available. This doesn’t work with beards, it has to be an actual hairstyle that needs to change. You can just flit between 2 styles if it’s easier. Once you have changed your hairstyle 25 times, you will earn the Hairy Encounters platinum award.
Proud Gun Owner
Purchase every Gun at Ammu-Nation.
Platinum award requirement> 1.
You will need to be at least rank 120 for this where the Minigun will then become available for purchase.
Purchasing every weapon will cost you a $280,300 which you should easily have in the bank by the time you reach Rank 120. The weapons you need to purchase are:
- Pistol, Rank 1, $FREE (starting weapon).
- Pistol .50, Rank 1, $3,900.
- Combat Pistol, Rank 9, $3,200.
- AP Pistol, Rank 33, $5,000.
- Micro SMG, Rank 5, $3,750.
- SMG, Rank 11, $7,500.
- Assault SMG, Rank 29, $12,550.
- Pump Shotgun, Rank 17, $3,500.
- Assault Shotgun, Rank 37, $10,000.
- MG, Rank 50, $13,500.
- Assault Rifle, Rank 24, $8,550.
- Carbine Rifle, Rank 42, $13,000.
- Advanced Rifle, Rank 70, $14,250.
- Combat MG, Rank 80, $14,800.
- Sniper Rifle, Rank 21, $20,000.
- Heavy Sniper, Rank 90, $38,150.
- RPG, Rank 100, $26,250.
- Grenade Launcher, Rank 60, $32,400.
- Minigun, Rank 120, $50,000.
Purchase every weapon listed to earn the Proud Gun Owner platinum award.
The Human Canvas
Get a tattoo on each body part.
Platinum award requirement> 1.
Head to any tattoo parlour where you need to get ink on the following body parts:
- Torso – Back Full.
- Torso – Chest.
- Torso – Stomach.
- Head.
- Left Arm.
- Right Arm.
- Left Leg.
- Right Leg.
Once you have purchased tattoos on every body part mentioned above, you will earn the, The Human Canvas platinum award.
The Matchmaker
Create custom Deathmatches in the Creator.
Platinum award requirement> 25.
To create Deathmatches: Pause> Online> Creator> Create A Deathmatch> Deathmatch then change the following settings under Deathmatch Details:
- Title: Input anything you like.
- Description: Type any text.
- Photo: Take a photo in game then back out.
From here, back out of Deathmatch Details and select Placement changing the following:
- Place Trigger: selecting any starting point on the ground.
- Lobby Camera: Take a photo in game then back out.
- Spawn Points: Choose 60 spawn points then back out.
- Team Start Points: Choose 4 start points for Team 1 then 4 start points for Team 2.
Once you have done all that back out the menu to where it will say Test then press Down to open the menu, as long as it says you have completed a valid test you can select Exit Test. From here select Save then Publish which you need to a total of 25 times with different names (can be 1, 2, 3… 24, 25 etc.) to earn the, The Matchmaker award.
Track Builder
Create custom Races in the Creator.
Platinum award requirement> 25.
To create Races: Pause> Online> Creator> Create a Race> Land Race (it’s the quickest option)> then change the following settings under Race Details:
- Title: Can be anything.
- Description: Type anything you like.
- Photo: take a photo in game then back out.
Next, back out to the previous menu and select Placement where you need to change the following settings:
- Place Trigger: Place a point anywhere on the ground that has a white marker.
- Lobby Camera: Take a photo in game then back out.
- Checkpoints: Maximum Players> 2, Starting Grid Size> Medium Grid> Stunt Grid Layout> No> Style> Regular> Place Checkpoints> Place checkpoints anywhere you like as long as there is at least .62 of a mile in between the starting checkpoint and the finishing checkpoint with at least 4 checkpoints being required taking that rotate allowing you to create a full lap you ca complete (Go to the four corners around one block for example).
From here, you then need to back out to the previous menu where you can select Test ensuring you drive through every checkpoint you placed completing a valid lap. Which once complete, you will be able to press Down then selecting Exit Test (You will be told when you have completed a valid lap in this menu). You can now select Save then Publish which you will need to do again a total of 25 times to earn the Track Builder platinum award.
Well Received
Earn thumbs up from other players for your creations.
Platinum award requirement> 100.
Follow the steps in the, The Matchmaker and Track Builder to create and publish your own Deathmatches or Races which, once publicised, other players will be able to find and play them even if you’re offline. In order to earn a thumbs up from other players you are going to need to make good quality content with a catchy title and good gameplay throughout. There is nothing you can really do to get players to like your events short of asking 100 different players to play then thumbs up your particular event. This may happen naturally or it may never happen for you. If you do manage to get 100 thumbs ups across all of your created events, you will then earn the Well Received platinum award.
Reeling Them In
Have other players play your creations.
Platinum award requirement> 100.
Follow the steps in The Matchmaker and Track Builder to be able to create and publicise your own content which other players can play. Ensure you use a catchy title / thumbnail to pull people in to play them, and having more creations out there gives you more chance of having players find and try your content. Which, once they have done so 100 times, you will earn the Reeling Them In platinum award.
The Postman
Drop off packages in Captures.
Platinum award requirement> 50.
This will be easiest with an online boosting partner.
See Captured for how to set a Capture event then play through dropping off 50 packages to earn the, The Postman platinum award.
Collect a package or vehicle in Captures.
Platinum award requirement> 50.
This will be easiest with an online boosting partner.
See Captured for how to set up a capture then ensure you get to the pickup first 50 times to earn the Gimme That platinum award.
Calm Down
Return your Mental state to Normal.
Platinum award requirement> 50.
As you go through GTA Online you will need to take out a few pedestrians in a row, usually around 5 in fairly quick succession to raise your mental state. In order to lower it back to normal you need spend around an hour (in game rather than real life) without killing anyone / stealing cars, generally just being chilled out in the game where your mental state will return to normal. Do this 50 times to earn the Calm Down platinum award.
Fill 3 large garages with vehicles.
Platinum award requirement> 1.
To be honest, with the amount of hassle and expense to do this, I wouldn’t even bother. The idea is to buy 3 apartments with attached garages large enough to fit 10 cars in. The cars all need to be bought rather than stolen and the 3 apartments will run you into the high hundreds of thousands so all in you’re looking at 2 million + for an award that for me at least across 3 different accounts has never unlocked despite having met the requirements. Skip this one and go for another. If you do manage to own 3 garages each filled with 10 cars a piece and the game actually recognises this feat. You will then earn the Showroom platinum award.
Moving Day
Trade an owned property.
Platinum award requirement> 25.
You need to own 2 properties so get yourself around 250k in GTA Online then go: Phone> Internet> Money And Services> Dynasty 8 Real Estate> View Property Listings> Price: Low to High> Purchase Unit 124 Popular St ($25,000) then as you purchase the next property which the next cheapest is 1 Strawberry Ave ($26,000) you will then be asked if you’d like to trade in a property. Select 124 Popular St where you will get a warning message informing you, you are about to lose money on the trade. Proceed with the trade then repeat the process buying the cheapest property and trading for the next property a total of 25 times where you will earn the Moving Day platinum award.
Daily Duty
Complete Daily Objectives.
Platinum award requirement> 100.
Daily objectives can be found in the Interaction menu (Hold Touchpad) under Objectives where you will have 3 random activities to complete such as play a round of Golf, Use Bull Shark Testosterone etc. Complete 100 of these daily objectives (go for the ones you know) to earn the Daily Duty platinum award.
Goal Orientated
Complete 7 Daily Objectives in a row.
Platinum award requirement> 1.
See Daily Duty for how to access Daily Objectives then complete at least one a day for 7 days in a row (real life days not in game) to earn the Goal Orientated platinum award.
Over Achiever
Completed 28 Daily Objectives in a row.
Platinum award requirement> 1.
See Daily Duty for information on how to set up Daily Objectives where you then need to complete at least objective a day for 28 days in a row (real life days not in game days). If you miss just one day the timer will reset and you’ll need to do an additional 28 in a row to earn the Over Achiever platinum award.
Crimes (6)
Crimes focus around wanted levels primarily as well as shooting down Police helicopters and holding up all 20 stores across San Andreas.
The Fugitive
Spend minutes with a 5-Star wanted level.
Platinum award requirement> 120 minutes.
Get yourself a 5 star wanted level by causing carnage or taking down several in game cops then trying to maintain it as long as you can before being taken down / evading pursuit. The 120 minutes of 5 star wanted level required for the award can be done over as many different 5 star wanted levels as it takes. Once you have spent 120 minutes (2 hours) with a 5 star wanted level you will earn the, The Fugitive platinum award.
The Police Mocker
Evade 5-Star wanted levels.
Platinum award requirement> 25.
Follow the steps in The Fugitive to get a 5 star wanted level where the tricky part now is to successfully evade it. You will have cops coming in all directions for you including above so you will need to get yourself on the hills on the side of the freeway in a powerful car where hopefully the cops won’t spawn near you. You will get helicopters coming for you at first so take them down as quickly as you can and stay on the move avoiding the roads where you will hopefully lose the cops.
This is more luck based than anything else and all depends on the cops spawn rates. Sometimes you can have unending waves of cops coming for you at 5 stars, other times they don’t seem that bothered. Once you have successfully avoided a 5 star wanted level 25 times you will earn the, The Police Mocker platinum award.
When Pigs Can Fly
Shoot Police Helicopters down.
Platinum award requirement> 25.
Helicopters come for you at a 3 star wanted level and will need to be taken down with some form of artillery such as a Homing Launcher, Grenade Launcher or RPG as they will take a serious amount of machine gun fire to be shot out of the sky unless of course, you can hit the pilot. Either way, shoot down 25 Police Helicopters to earn the When Pigs Can Fly platinum award.
Death By Drive-By
Take down other players as a passenger with a drive-by.
Platinum award requirement> 100.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
You will need another player (preferably your boosting partner) to be driving the car with you as the passenger. Ensure you have something like an SMG / Sticky Bombs you can fire out of the window at any online player where you need to take them down rather than just injuring them. Do this 100 times to earn the Death By Drive-By platinum award.
Vehicle Thief
Steal vehicles.
Platinum award requirement> 500.
Nice and simple this one. Steal 500 vehicles to earn the Vehicle Thief platinum award.
Armed Robber
Hold up every store.
Platinum award requirement> 20.
Click the link to go to the complete Stick Up Kid Trophy Guide where, once completed will earn you the Armed Robber platinum award.
Vehicle (10)
As you’d expect, this category focuses around vehicle based activities such as blowing up 100 cars, having a friend drive you around for a while as well as apply one of each upgrade at Los Santos Customs etc.
Sky High
Blow up vehicles.
Platinum award requirement> 100.
Blow up vehicles in any manner you choose. Having explosives (sticky bombs, grenades, RPG, Grenade Launcher etc. will make this a lot easier). Once you have exploded the 100th vehicle you will earn the Sky High platinum award.
The Exporter
Sell vehicles at the import / export garage.
Platinum award requirement> 25.
Once you reach Rank 10 in GTA Online you will start to receive periodic texts from Simeon asking you to collect vehicles and bring them to him (“S” on the map) however, the cars he asks you for are random and the majority of the time even when delivered safely, the game won’t register as having a received a car. When you steal a car for Simeon you automatically get a 2 star wanted level, you then need to go and get the car repaired after losing the cops and to be honest, if you’re going for the Decorated Trophy, this award is far to glitched to bother with.
No Claims Bonus
Drive for 30 minutes with no damage.
Platinum award requirement> 30 minutes.
This will be easiest somewhere like the mountains or on a beach, anywhere away from traffic that can ram into causing damage. You can drive around in circles if you like as long as you keep moving and don’t cause any damage to your vehicle for for half an hour in total, you will earn the No Claims Bonus platinum award.
The Passenger
Have a friend drive you around.
Platinum award requirement> 4 Hours.
This requires an online boosting partner.
Get a friend to drive you around for a total of 4 hours (doesn’t have to be done in one go) to earn the, The Passenger platinum award.
Mile High Club
Spend hours in a Helicopter.
Platinum award requirement> 4 Hours.
There’s many ways you can acquire a helicopter, you can either purchase one or steal one from either Los Santos Airport, on the Helipad on top of the Hospital or from random Helipads around the world map. You need to spend 4 hours total in a Heli (doesn’t have to be in one go) to earn the Mile High Club platinum award.
Suped Up
Apply at least one of each upgrade to a vehicle at Los Santos Customs.
Platinum award requirement> 1.
There’s a lot more upgrades available in GTA Online than there is in GTA V and this one will cost you a good deal of money so ensure you have around $300,000 as well as an owned car (it would be a shame to waste the upgrades for the award). Personally, I used an Annis Elegy RH8 Sports (Phone> Internet> Travel And Transport> Legendary Motorsport> $95,000 or free if you sign in to the Social Club in GTA Online) as the car is very strong and fast. Especially when upgraded. The upgrades you need to apply are as follows:
- Armor> Armor Upgrade 20%, $7,500.
- Brakes> Street Brakes, $20,000.
- Bumpers> Front Bumpers> Carbon Front Splitter, $4,600.
- Bumpers> Rear Bumpers> Carbon Rear Diffuser, $4,600.
- Engine> EMS Upgrade, Level 1, $9,000.
- Exhaust> Dual Titanium Exhaust, $750.
- Explosives> Ignition Bomb, $5,000.
- Grille> Black Grille, $750.
- Hood> Vented Hood, $3,000.
- Horn> Standard> Truck Horn, $2,000.
- Lights> Headlights> Xenon Lights, $7,500.
- Lights> Neon Kits> Neon Layout> Front, $10,000.
- Lights> Neon Kits> Neon Color> Blue, $6,150.
- Loss/Theft Prevention> Comes as standard on a purchased vehicle.
- Plate> Blue On White 1 / 2 $200.
- Respray> Primary Color> Classic> Cream, $780.
- Repsray Secondary Color> Rolled Steel> $390.
- Respray Crew Emblem (If you’re in a crew), $25,000.
- Roll Cage> Roll Cage and Chassis Upgrade, $1,100.
- Roof> Carbon Roof, $700.
- Skirts> Custom Skirts 1, $5,500.
- Spoiler> Low Level Spoiler, $7,050.
- Suspension> Lowered Suspension, $1,000.
- Transmission> Street Transmission, $29,500.
- Turbo> Turbo Tuning, $50,000.
- Wheels> Wheel Type> Muscle> Stock Rims> Kracka, $3,740.
- Wheels> Wheel Color> Alloy, $500.
- Wheels> Tires> Tire Design> $5,000.
- Wheels> Tires> Tire Enhancements> Bulletproof Tires, $25,000.
- Wheels> Tires> Tire Smoke> Black Tire Smoke, $5,000.
- Windows> Light Smoke, $1,500.
All in, those upgrades will run you $242,810. So leave this until you can comfortably afford the upgrades which, once applied, will earn you the Suped Up platinum award.
Jump at least 300 ft in a vehicle.
Platinum award requirement> 25.
There are several places you can get a jump of 300 ft or more. Click the link to go to the Show Off Trophy Guide for all 50 Stunt Jump locations. The easiest ones out of the list to jump 300+ ft are Stunt Jumps 29, 31 and 39 so grab a decent car and jump any of them a total of 25 times to earn the Airborne platinum award.
Flippin' Hell
Perform 5 flips in the air, in a vehicle before touching the ground.
Platinum award requirement> 5.
This can be tough as you need a very powerful car and a high hill with a good drop off such as the hills to the South West of Los Santos leading out towards the Pacific. Get a good speed going then hold Up+L3 to spin the car forward 5 times. Perform 5 front flips, 5 times to earn the Flippin’ Hell platinum award.
Perform air spins in a vehicle.
Platinum award requirement> 5.
For this one, you need a powerful vehicle then an easy way to do this is to go to the location in the image below, drive fast at the ramp then hold Left+L3 to spin the car 360 degrees whilst not flipping the car (keep the wheels pointed to the ground). Perform 5, 360 flat spins to earn the Spinderella platinum award.

Hold a wheelie for 2,000 ft.
Platinum award requirement> 1.
Get a powerful bike then go to somewhere like the freeway leading out from Los Santos (East of the map) ensuring you go with the traffic then hold Down+L3 to lift the front wheel off the ground and feather the throttle where you will be able to keep a wheelie going. Any bump or traffic hit will more than likely end the wheelie so take it as slow as you can ensuring you don’t hit anything where, once you successfully pull a wheelie for 2,000 ft or more you will earn the Unirider platinum award.
Combat (25)
As the name suggests these awards are based around getting kills a certain way. Using specific weapons and taking down players a certain number of times without dying yourself.
Head Banger
Take down players with Headshots.
Platinum award requirement> 500 Kills.
This can be done with a boosting partner, although it’s not recommended due to the amount of time it will take.
You will need to get a total of 50 Headshots which can be earnt in any game mode although Deathmatches will probably be the easiest (see The Slayer for how to set up Deathmatches). The headshots have to be against other online players (can be done with a boosting partner) rather than NPCs walking around. Once you have racked up 500 headshots you will earn the Head Banger platinum award.
The Widow Maker
Take down players across any GTA Online mode.
Platinum award requirement> 500 Kills.
This can be done against an online boosting partner although it isn’t recommended due to the amount of time it would take.
You will need to take down 500 online players which can be done across any game mode although Deathmatches will be the quickest way (see The Slayer for information on setting up Deathmatches). Take down 500 players across any game mode to earn the, The Widow Maker platinum award.
The Bounty Hunter
Collect Bounties.
Platinum award requirement> 25 Bounties.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
As you play through GTA Online you will see messages pop up informing you a Bounty has been placed on a player. You can then go off and try and take that player down. Alternatively, get an online boosting partner then Phone Lester (Up to bring up your phone then Contacts> Lester) select Set Bounty then choose your boosting partner from the list of players then finally any amount ($2,000 is fine) where you can then take down the player to collect the bounty. Do this 25 times in total to earn the, The Bounty Hunter platinum award.
3 For 1
Take down a player 3 times before they kill you.
Platinum award requirement> 50 Kills.
This will be easiest with an online boosting partner.
Get an online boosting partner then take them down 3 times to earn the 3 For 1 platinum award.
Earn killstreaks in Deathmatches.
Platinum award requirement> 25.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
Killstreaks are 3 or more kills in a row in Deathmatches (see The Slayer for how to set up Deathmatches) then take down 3 or more players in a row 25 times to earn the Streaker platinum award.
Stolen Kills
Steal kills from other players.
Platinum award requirement> 50 Kills.
To steal a kill you need another player to injure a player where you then need to be the one who gets the final hit to kill that particular player. This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner, however, it is also doable solo as long as you bring something like a shotgun allowing you to throw out heavy damage whilst an opponent is being shot. Steal 50 kills in total to earn the Stolen Kills platinum award.
Death Toll
Take down players in Deathmatches.
Platinum award requirement> 500 Kills.
See The Slayer for how to set up Deathmatches then take down 500 players throughout as many matches as it takes to earn the Death Toll platinum award.
Rack up a 10+ killstreak in a Deathmatch.
Platinum award requirement> 1.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
See The Slayer for how to set up Deathmatches ensuring the Kill Limit is set to 15 or above then take your boosting partner down 10 times in a row to earn the Killstreaker platinum award.
Smoke 'Em Out
Get the most kills in a Gang Attack.
Platinum award requirement> 25.
See Clear Out for information on Gang Attacks then ensure you take down the majority of the gang members to earn the Smoke ‘Em Out platinum award. As long as you take down 10 enemies without dying in a Gang Attack you will unlock Clean Sweep.
Bloodiest Of The Bunch
Get the most kills in a 4 player Survival.
Platinum award requirement> 1.
This is a hard one to get unless you have 3 other boosting partners.
See Survivor for how to set up a Survival then ensure you get the majority of the kills whilst your boosting team hangs back. If you can’t find 3 other players willing to go for this award then it’s a hard award to obtain hence the red rating for it. This, without a boost will be more luck based than anything that you get teamed with players who aren’t very skilled at the game. Either way, get the most kills in a Survival to earn the Bloodiest Of The Bunch platinum award.
The Equalizer
Kill a player who has killed you 3 times in a Deathmatch.
Platinum award requirement> 50.
This will be easiest with an online boosting partner.
See The Slayer for how to set up a Deathmatch which you can go in with an online boosting partner. Allow the boosting partner to take you down 3 times then take them down 50 times to earn the, The Equalizer platinum award.
Pistol Whipped
Take down players using a Pistol.
Platinum award requirement> 500 Kills.
Pistols shouldn’t be the weapon of choice for most players as there are many different weapons that can take down your opponents more efficiently. However, to get this done you need to take down a total of 500 players with pistols so get yourself into Deathmatches (see The Slayer for how to set up Deathmatches) and start grinding out the kills. Once you have taken down 500 players using a Pistol you will earn the Pistol Whipped platinum award.
SMG Head
Take down players using an SMG.
Platinum award requirement> 500 Kills.
SMGs are a good, fast way of taking down opponents as the can also be fired from a vehicle. I recommend you get yourself into a Deathmatch (See The Slayer for how to set up Deathmatches) then start grinding out kills. Once you have taken down 500 players you will earn the SMG Head platinum award.
Shotgun Blues
Take down players using a Shotgun.
platinum award requirement> 500 Kills.
You have a good choice of Shotguns so choose the best, most powerful one you can then get into Deathmatches (see The Slayer for how to set up Deathmatches) and start taking players down. After you have racked up 500 kills, you will earn the Shotgun Blues platinum award.
Looking Down The Barrel
Take down players using an Assault Rifle.
Platinum award requirement> 500 Kills.
There’s plenty of Assault Rifles throughout GTA Online so grab one and get into a Deathmatch (See The Slayer for how to set up Deathmatches) where you can start grinding out kills. Once you have taken down 500 players, you will earn the Looking Down The Barrel platinum award.
Scoping Out
Take down players using a Sniper Rifle.
Platinum award requirement> 100 Kills.
This will be easiest with an online boosting partner.
Sniper Rifle kills are probably one of the hardest of the weapon kills as GTA Online isn’t exactly conducive to a Sniper being able to rack up kills so if you are struggling, grab a Sniper Rifle from Ammu-Nation, you have either the Sniper Rifle which unlocks at Rank 21 for $20,000 and the Heavy Sniper that unlocks at Rank 90 for $38,150. If you’re skilled enough to get Sniper Rifle kills then fair play, if you’re not and you want the award, get a boosting partner. Either way take down 100 players with a Sniper Rifle to earn the Scoping Out platinum award.
Rapid Fire
Take down players using a Machine Gun.
Platinum award requirement> 500 Kills.
You have a couple of weapons available here. The MG which unlocks at Rank 50 for $13,095 and the Combat MG which unlocks at Rank 80 for $14,356. Get yourself in a Deathmatch (See The Slayer for how to set them up) and start grinding out kills with either MG where once you have taken down 500 players, you will earn the Rapid Fire platinum award.
Ended In A Sticky Situation
Take down players using Sticky Bombs.
Platinum award requirement> 50 Kills.
Sticky bombs are a brilliant addition to the game as they allow for precision controlled explosions, they become available at Rank 16 for $600 a pop and once thrown are triggered with Left. Get into some Deathmatches (See The Slayer for how to set up Deathmatches) will a full stock of Sticky Bombs and take down 50 players to earn the Ended In A Sticky Situation platinum award.
Grenade Fiend
Take out players with Grenades.
Platinum award requirement> 50 Kills.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
Grenades, whilst deadly are slow to explode once thrown meaning you either need to predict where your opponents will be 5 seconds after you throw one or hold down the button you use to throw a grenade to “cook it” which essentially reduces the timer for as long as you hold it down (cook the grenade for 3 seconds then, once thrown it will explode after 2 seconds etc.). Alternatively, you can use a Grenade Launcher (unlocks at Rank 600 for $32,400) which explodes a grenade on impact making things easier. Using an online boosting partner, you can have them stand still whilst you rack up grenade kills. Either way, take down 50 players to earn the Grenade Fiend platinum award.
The Rocket Man
Take out players with an RPG.
Platinum award requirement> 100 Kills.
The RPG will become available for purchase when you hit level 100 and will cost you $26,250. Once you have the RPG, max out the rounds you can carry ($1,000 per 2 rockets up to 20 rounds) then go off and take down other players (A Deathmatch with RPG’s allowed will help here). Once you have taken down 100 players with an RPG, you will earn the, The Rocket Man platinum award.
The Melee Murderer
Take out players with Melee kills.
Platinum award requirement> 50.
This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner.
The Marquis of Queensbury rules… Get up close to players and take them down with Melee hits. No weapons are allowed, not even the knuckle duster. The kills need to come from straight up punches and or kicks against other players, hence the need for the boosting partner. Beat down 50 players to earn the, The Melee Murderer platinum award.
The Car Bomber
Kill players using Vehicle Bombs.
Platinum award requirement> 25 Kills.
This will be easiest with an online boosting partner.
Get any vehicle (you don’t need to own it) then head over to a Los Santos Customs and select the Explosives option. From here you can fit the car with either an ignition bomb (Rank 25) that automatically triggers when another player tries to drive the vehicle or a remote bomb (Rank 50). I recommend the ignition bomb as it’s cheaper and automatically activates when a player steals your vehicle. Get 25 kills with vehicle bombs to earn the, The Car Bomber platinum award.
No You Don't
Kill Package Carriers in Capture events.
Platinum award requirement> 100 Kills.
This will be easiest with an online boosting partner.
See Captured for how to set up Captures then have your boosting partner collect a package. You then take him / her down. Repeat the process a total of 100 times to earn the No You Don’t platinum award.
Lights Out
Get kills whilst wearing Night Vision.
Platinum award requirement> 100 Kills.
You can purchase Night Vision at an Ammu-Nation for $17,500 and if you need to reequip them, hold down Touchpad to access the Interaction Menu then: Style> Accessories> Gear> Night Vision then go off and rack up 100 kills against other players in any mode. Deathmatches will probably be the best option (See The Slayer for how to set up Deathmatches). Whichever way you choose to take down players, do so 100 times whilst wearing the Night Vision Goggles to earn the Lights Out platinum award.
Psycho Killer
Take out Psychopaths in Freemode.
Platinum award requirement> 100 Kills.
A Psychopath will be shown on the mini map / World map as a deep red marker for another player. This means they are on a killing spree and have taken down at least 3 other online players so taking them down could prove challenging. Use high explosives such as Homing Launchers or RPGs where even without a direct hit the splash damage should do a good job of taking them down. Whichever you choose to do it, take down 100 Psychopaths to earn the Psycho Killer platinum award.
That’s the Grand Theft Auto V Decorated Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you earn 30 Platinum Awards in GTA Online.
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