Grand Theft Auto V From Beyond The Stars Trophy Guide

From Beyond the Stars
Collect and return all spaceship parts.
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Open World.
Grand Theft Auto V directory.
Here’s the Grand Theft Auto V From Beyond The Stars Trophy Guide. To start things off you will need to accept the Far Out side quest which can be found in the East side of Sandy Shores (see the image below) and can only be started with Franklin after you have completed the Fame Or Shame main mission. You will see a green question mark where you will speak with Omega, an Alien life form researcher who tasks you with finding 50 Spaceship parts which are found around the entire map.
There are several Spaceship Parts which require you to use a helicopter which can be tricky to find. Fortunately, after you complete the Three’s Company mission Trevor will have access to a Frogger at the Sandy Shores Helipad (See below) saving you having to go off and find or buy a helicopter to get every collectible.
The Spaceship parts are small and usually hard to see. Below I’ll give you image locations as well as a description on where to find all 50.
Spaceship Part 1
Los Santos Airport.
Head down to Los Santos Airport which will trigger a three star wanted level if you haven’t already purchased a hangar but it’s fine as we just need to get in to get the part. Once in the airfield go straight forward from where you smashed through the barrier where you will see an open hangar on your right (purchasable) and a larger one to the left. Go behind the left hangar to find the Spaceship Part in front of a rubbish bin.
Spaceship Part 2
Rancho, Signal Street.
Head to the corner of Signal Street then go up the path and into the open dome area through the gate. Look right to the Spaceship Part on the seat.
Spaceship Part 3
Elysian Island.
Head down to the docks where you will see 2 circular structures and a staircase you can take to the top then climb the ladder and drop down to the pipe on your left. Take care not to fall off and go to the middle of the pipe to grab the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 4
Elysian Island.
Staying in the docks, go down to the lowest section you can drive to and jump in the water where you will find the Spaceship Part inside a sub frame on the sea bed.
Spaceship Part 5
El Burro Heights.
Make your way down to the sand below the freeway then go around to the right where you will find a small outlet, inside of which will be the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 6
Pacific Ocean.
Head down to the beach at the base of El Burro Heights where you will find 3 small islands. Swim over to the middle island where you will see a sloped rock upon which will be the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 7
El Burro Heights.
Head into the refinery off the road and go through to where to shipping containers will be. In the open container next to the building will be the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 8
Murrieta Heights.
Just off to the right of the freeway will be a storm overflow with a ladder you can descend. Go along the walkway then carefully jump the fence to find the Spaceship Part on the concrete structure.
Spaceship Part 9
Head to the East side of the hospital where you can climb the stairs, cross the roof and climb another set of stairs taking a left to be on the helipad. Go over to the top right of the roof where you will find the Spaceship Part in between 2 Air conditioning units.
Spaceship Part 10
Make your way under the freeway bridge in between the yellow pillars to a slum. Go over to the right and jump over the small concrete wall where you will find the Spaceship Part on the floor next to a pallet and a yellow sofa.
Spaceship Part 11
Vespucci Canals.
Continue down the street to where you will see a large sign advertising some liquor with a caption reading X marks the spot. Just to the left of this building will be staircase leading down so follow it and look back on yourself and to the right to see a ladder. Climb the ladder and follow the walkway to the top where you will, once on the final walkway find the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 12
Pillbox Hill, Del Perro Fury (Underground).
This can be a tricky one as you need to drive underground so make your way to the storm drain just south east of the map’s location where you can drive through a tunnel which will be in between the 2 bridges on the left of the drain. From here, drive through the tunnels staying left where you will eventually come to a wooden ramp and some workmen up a wooden ramp to the right. At the top of the ramp will be a red barrier you can walk around / jump over to the left where you will then see the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 13
Textile City.
Go through the market area looking to the left about halfway down where you will see a small alleyway, at the end of which will be the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 14
This Spaceship Part is on top of a building and the only way to get there is via Helicopter. You can get a heli from Sandy Shores Helipad after completing the Three’s Company mission then fly it downtown where you will see a series of large skyscrapers with a blue fountain on the ground. Go to the Northern most smaller building on the block and carefully land on the roof where you can then jump up onto the ledge (careful not to get hit by the helicopter rotors) to get the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 15
Richards Majestic.
Head through the barrier into the film studio then look left to see a staircase going up. Follow it then stay against the right wall to find another staircase at the top of which will be a wall you can jump over to be on a wooden ledge. Just in front of a pallet of wood will be the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 16
GWC and Golfing Society.
Make your way up the Golf Club’s driveway then cut into the course itself and stay to the right where you will come to a small body of water. On the last island to the South will be the Spaceship Part. Entering the golf club will trigger a 2 star wanted level and the cops spawn right next to the island so be quick before they put you down.
Spaceship Part 17
You will need a chopper for this one so switch over to Trevor after completing the Three’s Company mission and get the Frogger from the Sandy Shores Helipad. Then fly back down to LS where you will see a white building with an empty swimming pool on the roof. Carefully land and grab the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 18
Head behind the Rockford Plaza where you will find the Spaceship Part in the middle of some bushes on the grassy section.
Spaceship Part 19
Land Act Reservoir.
Cross the dam then go down the ramp to a jetty. Jump in the water then head under the jetty to find the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 20
Tataviam Mountains.
Head down into the sludgey area where you will find several outlet pipes, look at the end of the left most pipe to find the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 21
Tataviam Mountains.
Make your way down to the water’s edge from the freeway taking care not to get hit as you cross the train tracks where you will see the Spaceship Part on a ledge near the water.
Spaceship Part 22
Ron Alternates Wind Farm.
Make your way towards the ocean from the freeway using either a powerful or off-road vehicle down to a small bay which will be in front of a cave filled with water. Jump on a jet ski (if there is one) and make your way into the cave then go to the top right corner diving under to the sea bed where you will find the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 23
Vinewood Hills.
Make your way down the road to where a small structure will be on the same side as some water. Dive off the bridge then turn around looking the way you just came on the lake’s floor against the concrete to find the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 24
Vinewood Hills.
This can be a tricky one to get to as you need very controlled helicopter movements so I recommend using Trevor for this one. Grab the Frogger from the Sandy Shores Helipad after completing the Three’s Company mission and get down to the lake then very carefully and slowly land the chopper on the small circular structure ensuring you angel the chopper so when you get out (on the left) you won’t fall straight off the platform. Get out of the chopper then very carefully go round to collect the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 25
Galileo Observatory.
Grab the Frogger from the Sandy Shores Helipad after completing the Three’s Company mission then head down to the observatory where you need to land on left side of the roof allowing you to collect the Spaceship Part which will be in the bottom left corner.
Spaceship Part 26
Richman Glen.
Enter the mansion grounds then go around to the back to find a large tree in front of a small fountain. At the base of the tree next to some a rock will be the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 27
Tongva Hills.
Follow the stream uphill from the road where you will come to a rock formation on your right. Go through the green bushes where you come to a small cave that looks like it could house a bear. Inside this cave will be the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 28
Barham Canyon.
Head around behind the villa pass the swimming pool where you will see the Spaceship Part on the patio next to a telescope overlooking the Pacific.
Spaceship Part 29
Tongva Hills.
Go into the vineyard then go around the to the top corner where you can then go down hill by 3 sections then go halfway up the vine growth to find the Spaceship Part on the floor.
Spaceship Part 30
Tongva Valley.
Head down into the water under the bridge (don’t jump off the bridge as it’s to high) then go to the water just in front of the waterfall and dive under. The water will try and push you back so swim against the current rapidly mashing Cross to swim against the current allowing you to grab the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 31
Grand Senora Desert.
Make your way up the dirt track to an abandoned house then go round the back of the house to the collapsed porch to find the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 32
Grand Senora Desert.
Just off from the double hairpin against the cliff face will be the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 33
Grand Senora Desert.
Head into the farmer’s grounds to see a white banner going across next to a white fence. In-between the banner and the fence on the floor will be the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 34
Grand Senora Desert.
You will see a series of large satellite dishes, you need the one on the far left. Go to it and climb the ladder staying to the left to follow a small staircase to a ledge. On the ledge will be the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 35
Sandy Shores.
Cross the desert heading towards the large rock then head right to go up a slope, upon which will be the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 36
Sandy Shores.
Head up through the alien inspired paintings to the top where you will find the Spaceship Part on a yellow ledge.
Spaceship Part 37
Sandy Shores.
Swim out into the bay where you will find the Spaceship Part on the seabed.
Spaceship Part 38
Sandy Shores.
Go into the trailer park where you will see a large white and blue boat to your right, on the right side of the boat will be the Spaceship Part on the ground.
Spaceship Part 39
Zancudo River.
Head off to the right of the dirt road to where some trees are growing on the side of the river, drop down to the left into a small cut-out where you will be able to collect the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 40
Zancudo River.
There will be a wooden bridge going over the Zancudo River, go under the bridge to find the Spaceship Part on the ground next to the stone strut.
Spaceship Part 41
Mount Josiah.
Another part made a lot easier by having a chopper so get over to the Sandy Shores Helipad after completing the Three’s Company mission and fly to the lower ledge of the 2 you’ll come to. Once on the apex of the ledge, carefully drop down to the ledge below then look left to find the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 42
Cassidy Creek.
This can be a hard one to get as the power of the water can easily pull you down a waterfall so to make things easier, grab the helicopter from the Sandy Shores Helipad after completing the Three’s Company mission then fly over landing on the West side of the small island. Get out of the chopper taking care not to fall in the water then walk East to grab the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 43
Raton Canyon.
The hardest part to collect as you need to manoeuvre a chopper in-between 2 pillars under a bridge and land the chopper with enough time to safely get out allowing you to collect the part. Grab the chopper from Sandy Shores Helipad after completing the Three’s Company then head over to the bridge. Go at the bridge from the ocean side in the middle and be very careful and slow as the rotors will just fit but only if you’re at a perfect angle and don’t be surprised if this takes you a lot of attempts to do. If you do die, phone a cab from the hospital to get you back to the helipad quicker then have another go. Once you are above the bridge strut, hold L2 to plant the chopper allowing you enough time to get out (all being well) then walk around the bridge carefully to grab the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 44
Paleto Cove.
Head down to the beach where you will come to an island with a few trees on it. Go up the hill of the island to find the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 45
Paleto Forest.
Go off the freeway towards Mount Chiliad where you will find a small bridge with a drainage channel. Under the bridge will be the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 46
Paleto Bay.
Make your way to the small structure behind the wall with a staircase you can take up 3 flights to then jump in an open window. In this small area will be the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 47
Mount Chiliad.
Go into the farm heading for the large barn with Zancudo Grain Growers on the side. At the back of the barn on the floor will be the Spaceship Part.
Spaceship Part 48
Mount Chiliad.
Be careful in this location as the area is a weed farm, if the dealer’s are there it will be heavily occupied so scope the area before entering. Cross the wooden bridge then continue around to the right side of the house. There will be a small barn / garage inside of which will be the Spaceship Part on the floor to the left of a wooden table.
Spaceship Part 49
Head into the cattle feed area to find the Spaceship Part next to a hay bale.
Spaceship Part 50
San Chianski Mountain Range.
Make your way down to the water’s edge then go into the boat house on the right. Near the back of the boat house will be the Spaceship Part on the floor.
Once you have collected all 50 Spaceship Parts you will then receive a text from Omega so go to his mission marker.
Once there, watch / skip the cutscene which will unlock your Trophy.
That’s the Grand Theft Auto V From Beyond The Stars Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you collect and return all Spaceship Parts.
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