
Grand Theft Auto V Kifflom Trophy Guide

Grand Theft Auto V Kifflom! trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Complete your path to enlightenment… or not.

Here’s the Grand Theft Auto V Kifflom Trophy Guide. Kifflom will require a lot of time, patience and in game money to complete so I recommend going through the story until after the Vangelico robbery. This can also only be completed as Michael and will cost just under $100,000 although depending on your choices at the end, you can make a cool $2,100,000 for your efforts so it’s definitely worth the initial investment. Below I will Kifflom down into 10 steps to make it more manageable as it’s easy to get lost on what you’re supposed to be doing.

Kifflom Step 1

As Michael, you need to complete an evaluation test (Phone> Internet> Address Bar> epsilonprogram.com> Answer the questions however you choose, the answers don’t matter).

Kifflom Step 2

Once you have completed the evaluation you will get a Strangers and Freaks mission marker in Raton Canyon (see the image below) where, after the cutscene (can be skipped) you will receive an email from the Epsilon programme, open it then follow the steps in the email and donate $500.

Kifflom Step 3

Now you need to wait anywhere between 1-3 in game days (sleep / die / do missions to pass the time) where you will see the Epsilon symbol appear on the map. Head to it then go through the cutscenes (can be skipped). You will receive another email so open it, follow the steps again this time donating $5,000.

Kifflom Step 4

Wait another 1-3 in game days where another Epsilon symbol will appear, so head over to it, go through the cutscenes again (skippable) where afterwards you are tasked with finding 5 high end vehicles and delivering them safely to the designated spot on the map. The vehicles you need are the:
Pegassi Vacca
Vinewood Hills, Whispymound Dr.
The Pegassi Vacca can be found on a driveway. If it isn’t at the location in the image below then go and sleep in your house then try the location again.

Benefactor Surano
Vinewood Hills, Lake Vinewood Est.
Head into the estate then look over to the East of the turnaround to find the Benefactor Surano in a parking bay.

Declasse Tornado
Hawick, Elgin Ave.
You can find a Declasse Tornado in the carpark of the chrome specialists.

Enus Super Diamond
Rockford Hills.
Head around to the carpark off the main road to find the Enus Super Diamond then be careful getting it back to the garage as it can be deceptively powerful.

Dinka Double-T
Rockford Hills, Movie Star Way.
You can find the Dinka Double-T in the carpark on the North side of the Life Invader offices then drive cautiously on the to the garage as the bike is very fast.

Kifflom Step 5

Once you have delivered all 5 vehicles successfully, wait another 1-3 in game days where yet another Epsilon symbol will appear. Head over there and go through the cutscene (skippable) finding 3 “Alien artefacts” using the scanner to pinpoint their locations. Once you have done so you will get another email so follow the steps this time donating £10,000 ($5,000 twice).

Kifflom Step 6

Wait another 1-3 in game days then head over to the Epsilon symbol on your map then go through the cutscenes (skippable) where you are then required to go onto the Epsilon website and purchase the Epsilon Robes for $25,000.

Kifflom Step 7

Wait 1 in game day for the robes to be delivered to Michael’s house then go to his closet and change into them. You then need to wear the robes for 10 in game days straight, if you get changed the timer will reset. so be wary of certain missions that will see you in a change of clothes. You can either idle or sleep (sleep moves the in game forward 6 hours so sleeping 4 times will move it one day, sleeping 40 times will move the clock forward for the full 10 days). There will be a counter in the bottom right of the screen telling you as the player how many consecutive days you have worn the robes for.

Kifflom Step 8

After the 10 days have passed you then need to wait a further 3 days (you can get changed out of the Robes now if you choose to) where you will then receive a text from Jimmy and another Epsilon symbol will appear on the map. Head over the and go through the cutscene (skippable) then fly the Velum over to Sandy Shores Airfield staying low so as not to alert the Fort Zancudo base. Land with your landing gear out and talk to Jimmy to complete the mission.

Kifflom Step 9

Next up you need to wait another 1 -3 in game days then go to the Epsilon symbol again, go through the cutscene (skippable). Now you need to wander the Grand Senora Desert whilst wearing the Epsilon Robes for 5 miles! Ensure that you don’t step foot on a road / go in a building / leave the desert in anyway as the conditions are strict and you’ll need to start again.

After 4 miles you will get a phone call, answer it and listen to the whole conversation (don’t put the phone down). Then walk the final mile where you will receive another call. Listen to this one as well. I recommend walking around with a Shotgun / Assault Rifle equipped as there can be Lionesses / Coyote’s / hostile NPC’s on occasion and dying will reset the mileage you’ve covered so put threats down quickly. You will get a mileage counter pop up in the bottom left of the screen after every .1 of a mile so continue until the 2nd phone call from Cris comes through.

Kifflom Step 10

Wait another 1-3 in game days then go to the final Epsilon symbol. Now, here’s the bit that matters as you have 2 options available to you and the choices you make here will determine your reward for completing the Kifflom questline. You can either, follow Cris to the drop and leave where you will receive a pathetic tractor for your efforts or, the one I strongly recommend you go for is to go the drop off point then once in the lot, hard reverse out and escape a lot of heat that will come your way (Epsilon security, choppers and a 3 star wanted level with the Police).

Head for the hills / train tracks to get away from the Police quickly in the vehicle ensuring it doesn’t get destroyed. Once both you and the vehicle lose the cops and the Kifflom security, you will then earn the $2.100,000 reward. Whichever way you choose to end the mission (either the tractor or the $2.1m) your Trophy will unlock once the final part of the mission has been completed.

That’s the Grand Theft Auto V Kifflom Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you complete your path to enlightenment. Enlightenment here being $2,100,000.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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