Grand Theft Auto V Solid Gold Baby Trophy Guide

Solid Gold, Baby!
Earn any 70 Gold Medals on Missions, Strangers and Freaks.
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Open World.
Grand Theft Auto V directory.
Here is the Grand Theft Auto V Solid Gold Baby Trophy Guide. To earn a Gold Medal you need to perform certain actions such as perform 10 headshots or drive a car without taking any damage etc. There are 79 main missions in Grand Theft Auto V and 58 Strangers And Freaks missions (20 of which are required to complete for 100% game completion) allowing you plenty of scope to earn 70 Gold Medals as some mission requirements can be very difficult.
Fortunately, you can replay any mission as many times as you need to focusing on one particular element such as 10 headshots then go back and do the same mission again to focus on for example use Franklin’s special ability for 7 seconds. Whichever elements you have completed stay completed and still count towards the overall Gold Medal score. To replay a mission go Menu> Game> Replay Mission / Replay Strangers and Freaks then work your way down the list systematically until you have 70 Gold Medals. Below, I’ll list every Main Mission and every Strangers And Freaks mission as well as their respective conditions you need to meet in order to earn a Gold Medal with a coding system of green for simple mission objectives, amber for challenging objectives and red for really tough challenges.
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Gold Medal automatically awarded upon completion.
Franklin And Lamar
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Not A Scratch> Deliver the car with minimal damage
Drive carefully avoiding any collisions with other cars / buildings. Make good use of Franklin’s special ability (press both thumb sticks when the yellow bar under the mini-map is full) to get through the tighter areas. - Focused Driver> Use Franklin’s special ability for 7 seconds
You can activate Frankin’s ability by pressing both thumbsticks together when the yellow bar under the mini-map is full which slows down time whilst driving. Do this for 7 seconds or more. - Winner> Win the race against Lamar
Choose the white car as it is faster than the red one giving you an edge and learn the route Lamar takes. Near the end when you go through the buildings, stay left and overtake Lamar, smash him out of the way if you have to. Ensure you get to the parking lot first (just before the cops show up). - We Come in Peace> Avoid hitting any aliens in the movie studio
Halfway through the race against Lamar you will go through a movie set with several NPCs in alien costumes.
Drive very carefully through here, stop if you have to. Just don’t hit any of the “aliens” as you go through the movie studio.
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Time> Complete within 06:30
You need to be quick taking down the bike. Shoot the biker as he tries to leave if you can, if not, get after him quickly and get the bike to the car wash to stop the timer. - Trail Blazer> Shoot the gasoline trail
As you’re taking down the gang members, a blue car will try and escape by reversing out. It will leave a trail of gasoline behind it on the floor which you need to shoot. If done correctly, the trail will light on fire. - Headshots> Kill 6 enemies with a headshot
Aim for the head when taking down the gang members by pressing up on the Right Stick after aiming at an enemy. Do this before chasing after the bike. - Accuracy> Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70%
Be careful with your shots and only fire when you have a clear line of sight. When chasing down the biker, make good use of Franklin’s special ability (press both thumb-sticks when the yellow bar under the mini-map is full) to ram the bike off the road as the bike can be hard to hit at speed.
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Time> Complete within 05:00
This can be a challenge. Get to Michael’s house, jump over the gate, go through and knock out the gardener to your left. Quickly go to the right of the house, get onto the truck then up to the roof, go through the window and down into the garage. From here, you need to be quick and skip the cut-scene.
Smash through the window then knock out Simeon quickly to stop the timer. - Can’t Touch This> Take no damage during the fight with Simeon
Simeon can hold his own against Michael so make good use of the dodge and take him down as soon as you can. - Dirt Nap> Knock out the gardener with a stealth attack
Jump over the gate then crouch, sneaking up behind the gardener and attack him with no weapon equipped to stealthily take him down.
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Not A Scratch> Complete with minimal damage to Lamar’s van
Drive the van carefully as you make your way to the destination. Use Franklin’s special ability (press the thumb-sticks when the yellow bar under the mini-map is full) to slow time whilst driving if you need to. - Homedog> Enter Chop’s perspective for 10 seconds
As you’re playing as Chop, press the Touchpad / Menu button to go into first person mode. Do this for 10 seconds. - Advanced Reflexes> Use Franklin’s special ability for 7 seconds
Whilst driving during the mission, activate Franklin’s special ability (press the thumb-sticks together when the yellow bar under the mini-map is full) to slow time whilst driving. Do this for a minimum of 7 seconds.
Father / Son
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Quick Catch> Rescue Jimmy within 10 seconds
When Jimmy is hanging off the boat, you have to get to him in less than 10 seconds, which, depending on the current traffic on the Freeway can either be fairly simple or a nightmare. Keep practicing or just skip this mission’s Gold Medal if you’re overly struggling. - Not A Scratch> Deliver Amanda’s car with no damage
Get the car back to Michael’s house after visiting the mod shop with no damage at all. You can’t hit anything on the way back so make good use of Franklin’s special ability (press the thumb-sticks at the same time when the yellow bar under the mini-map is full). To have an easier time of it and wait for the gate to open at Michael’s house then park up carefully.
Marriage Counselling
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Not A Scratch> Complete with minimal damage to the Bison
Be careful as you chase down the car as there’s a good number of vehicles that pull out on you, especially a minibus that pulls out and stops in front of. Stay left when it pulls out and allow it to drive off then carry on to the destination carefully. - Time> Complete within 05:30
Skip the cut-scenes and shoot the tyres of the pursuing vehicles. Once the vehicles stop chasing you, switch to Michael then drive back to the house to complete the mission. - Drive-by Killer> Kill 3 enemies whilst in a vehicle
As the pursuers are chasing you, shoot the passengers then the driver using something like the Micro SMG or a decent pistol. Sticky bombs / proximity mines work well.
Daddy's Little Girl
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Fastest Speed> Reach top speed on the Seashark
Stay straight avoiding the big waves as best as you can where you should reach top speed, I had a few issues and still managed 108%. - Stabilizer> Don’t fall off the bicycle
Be careful as you make your way through on the bike, take your time and don’t try any tricks. - Faster Than The Fish> Swim to the boat within 01:00
You need a decent amount of stamina so come back to this one later in the game then mash Cross to get to the boat as quickly as you can.
The Long Stretch
Mission attempts recommended> 3.
- Accuracy> Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 60%
Take your time going through the warehouse and only fire when you have a clear shot preferably with a shotgun or powerful pistol. Anything that fires one round rather than many. - Headshots> Kill 10 enemies with a headshot
Aim for the targets then slightly press up on the Right Stick to move the reticle to the head then take the shot 10 times or more. - Unmarked> Complete with minimal damage to health and armor
Stay in cover as best as you can and don’t get shot. When the cops are chasing you, head straight for open country as their cars can’t track you. Be careful of the choppers. - Time> Complete within 10 minutes
Skip all the cut-scenes then this all hinges on how fast you lose the cops after the warehouse. Head straight for open country and stay off the roads to have an easier time losing the cops then get straight to Franklin’s house to stop the timer.
Friend Request
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Time> Complete within 08:30
Get to SubUrban then the Life Invader offices as quick as you can. Clear the popups then once you’re done, make your way to Micheal’s house skipping every cut-scene along the way. Call Jay Norris in your phone to complete the mission. - Popups Clear> Clear all popups within 32 seconds
Click the grey X in the top right corner of the pop-ups to close them. You will need to be fast here. Run the anti-virus software to stop the timer.
The Good Husband
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Gold Medal automatically awarded upon completion.
Casing The Jewel Store
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Time> Complete within 08:00
Get to Vangelico and speak with the sales assistant then go round the back of the block to the construction site. Go across the rooftop to the highest vent and take the picture of the vent behind you. Get back to Lester’s to complete the mission. - Picture Perfect> Capture all 3 security features in one picture
Stand in the bottom right corner of Vangelico, keep the pad to the left of the screen and look diagonally across to the top left corner and take the picture. Lester will say “alarm check, camera check and vent check, good work” when you’ve done it right.
Bugstars Equipment
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Sneaky Pest> Steal the Bugstars van without being detected
Go around the back of the building (near the water) where a Bugstars employee will come out and talk to you. Wait for him to go back to his van then sneak behind and knock him out, take his van and reverse out the warehouse. Go to Lester’s to complete the mission.
BZ Gas Grenades
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Loose Cargo> Shoot open the back doors to release the cargo
A nice easy one this. As soon as the mission starts equip any gun and shoot the lock middle section of the back doors on the van in front of you. Grab a case, lose the cops then get to Lester’s to complete the mission.
The Jewel Store Job
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Quick Grab> Steal the jewelry within 50 seconds
You need to be quick going round the cabinets. Smash as many as you can until your target in the bottom right turns green then leave through the door. - Protegé Protected> Protect Franklin during the LS River chase
Don’t let any cop cars get close to Franklin in the LS river after the sewers whilst driving the truck. Stay out of the water and ram the cops out of the way before the get to the bikes. - Clean Sweep> Steal the jewelry from all 20 glass cabinets
Choose Paige Harris during the job setup as the third character which gives you a lot more time to raid every cabinet. Make your way around the cabinets until Michael says “that’s it, we’ve got it all, let’s go”.
Mr. Phillips
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- No Survivors> Kill all fleeing bikers
Once you take down the majority of the bikers the remainder will try fleeing (shown as flashing red and blue enemy markers on the mini-map). You need to take them down quickly before they escape. - Headshots> Kill 12 enemies with a headshot
Aim at an enemy then push Up on the Right Stick to aim at their head. Get al least 12 headshots in the trailer park. - Mission Time> Complete within 12:00
You’ll need a powerful weapon like a shotgun / assault rifle to ensure you take the bikers down quickly. Don’t crash the truck as your chasing the van then get back to Trevor’s trailer to stop the timer. - Trailer Trashed> Cause $5,000 damage to Ortega’s trailer
You will be tasked with pushing Ortega’s trailer as the final part of the mission. Keep ramming your vehicle into the trailer to increase the amount of damage caused. Push it into the river to complete this objective. - Lost and Damned> Kill Terry and Clay during the chase
Terry and Clay will try escaping with the van. Equip a weapon and shoot them off their bikes killing them in the process whilst chasing the van. You can ram them off then run them over if your aiming isn’t to good whilst driving.
Trevor Phillips Industries
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Body Count> Kill 32 enemies
You’ll need to be quick at killing to get to 32 kills so this objective and entire mission will be easier to come back to later in the game when you have some more powerful weaponry than what is available to you when you first go for this mission. Take down 32 enemies to complete this objective. - Unmarked> Complete with minimal damage to health and armor
Stay in cover as best as you can and only fire when the enemies are reloading. Throwing grenades whilst in cover is a good way to clear the field whilst not taking damage. - Scrap Man> Destroy 6 vehicles
Halfway through the assault, Chef will give you a grenade launcher, use it to destroy 6 vehicles. - Time> Complete within 04:30
Take down the enemies as quick as you can. If you spend to long in cover you won’t beat the time so make good use of Trevor’s special ability (press both thumb-sticks when the yellow bar under the mini-map is full) to deal increased damage allowing you to get through the mission quicker. Once you get Chang out of the ice box the mission will complete.
Nervous Ron
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Headshots> Kill 5 enemies with a headshot
This can be done by taking your time with the sniper rifle or once you’re on the ground aim slightly up to target a head. Drop 5 enemies with headshots before taking off in the plane. - Mission Time> Complete within 12:30
You will need to be quick and effective at taking the bikers down as well as getting back one you’re in the plane. - Nervous Twitch> Win the race against Ron
Once you and Ron are flying planes, you need to get to the airfield and land your plane before Ron does. Make sure you deploy your landing gear then land smoothly to win. - 6 Bridges, 1 Plane> Fly under any 6 bridges along the flight path
Please Note: If you crash the plane, no bridges will be counted unless you fly under them again which can be frustrating as you hit a checkpoint after dumping the cargo. As you are flying your plane following Ron you will come across 3 bridges along Cassidy Creek, the first of which is a small bridge so go slow and get the angle right to make it through. The next 2 bridges on the way to the ocean are large enough to get any plane through.
The next bridge can be found to the left after you drop the packages off to the boats, the fifth bridge can be found a short way up the Zancudo River and is a tight fit so angle yourself left as you go through. The final bridge is found at the end of the Zancudo River where you need to line yourself up well then pull up as soon as you’re through as there’s a telegraph pole right on the exit. - Death On A Wing> Kill all bikers whilst lying on the plane wing
Defeat all of the Bikers outside the hangar then go inside where you will be on a plane. You need to be very quick at taking the Bikers and this may well take you a good few attempts. Focus on the red dots on the mini-map and shoot the tanker as soon as you get a clear line of sight. The biker that jumps on the plane is supposed to so don’t worry about him just ensure you kill the rest.
Crystal Maze
Mission attempts recommended> 3.
- Headshots> Kill 10 enemies with a headshot
You will be able to get 10 headshots by aiming carefully with a silenced sniper rifle then switch over to a single shot pistol or a shotgun taking care to aim for the head before firing. - Unmarked> Complete with minimal damage to health and armor
Make good use of silenced weapons and cover when you’re clearing the grounds and house. You can take a couple of gentle hits but be careful as the requirements are strict. - 2 Birds 1 Stone> Kill 2 enemies with one shot
Once you’re up on the vantage point, take out the 2 guards in front of the barn then look to the house balcony (first floor) just up and to to the right. Aim at the guard in the doorway and wait for the other guard to stand in front of him. As long as you do a headshot on one, the bullet should go straight through the 2nd enemy. - Accuracy> Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 80%
Take your time with your shots, especially with the sniper rifle at the start and only fire when you’re guaranteed a hit (aim for the chest). Once you get swarmed, switch to a shotgun / single shot pistol again only firing when you’re sure you’re going to get a hit.
Friends Reunited
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Headshots> Kill 5 enemies with a headshot
As you make your way through the trailer park there will be a good number of guards so ensure you have a silenced pistol and take them out with headshots. - Mystery Gift> Destroy the trailers without being detected
You need to carefully make your way through the trailer park attaching the sticky bombs to the trailers, fortunately, Trevor does have a good throw so you can get a sticky bomb on every trailer without needing to go directly up to them. Keep a good eye on your mini-map and have a silenced pistol just in case you get cornered. Combine this objective with the Perfect Gift objective (below) to get them both done and out the way. - Unmarked> Complete with minimal damage to health and armor
You should get this alongside the Mystery Gift objective (above) as you will need to not be detected. Once you have destroyed the trailers the remaining enemies will scatter, so take them down as needed as you make your way back to Wade ensuring you stay in cover along the way. - Perfect Gift> Destroy all trailers at once
There are 5 trailers to destroy so ensure you have at least 5 sticky bombs. Make your way around to each trailer (yellow spot on the mini-map) and plant a sticky bomb ensuring you don’t press L2 as that will trigger the bombs. Once all 5 bombs have been placed (there will be no more yellow dots) you can then trigger the bombs.
Fame Or Shame
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Fastest Speed> Reach top speed in the Phantom
The Phantom is the lorry cab and to reach top speed you need to unhook the trailer which you can do by holding Right then keep straight hoping there isn’t to much traffic. If you do get a lot of traffic, have another go until you can reach top speed (the scenery will go a bit blurry). - Bearing Down> Stay close to Lazlow throughout the chase
Ensure you unhitch the trailer by holding Right which will allow you a lot more manoeuvrability as Lazlow is in a fairly quick car. You need to stay as close to him as possible throughout the chase so it might take you a few tries to learn the route as he can be erratic in driving. - No, I Can Park Here> Knock out the event coordinator
You will see the event coordinator in front of you when you park up in the car park. Walk up to him and press Circle to knock him out. - All Hooked Up> Don’t unhook the trailer
Once you’re in the semi, ensure you chase after Lazlow without losing the trailer. You can unhitch the trailer by holding Right so ensure you don’t do this. Catch up to Lazlow with the trailer still attached to complete this objective.
Scouting The Port
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Time> Complete within 20:00
Time can be tight with this one so ensure you get to the Port in Trevor’s truck as fast and as smooth as you can then make your way through to the Handler. Once in the Handler, move the 2 containers whilst avoiding reversing as it’s woefully slow.
Once you’re done in the Handler, get the containers onto the freight trailer as fast and smooth as possible then go to the end of the strut where you can take the required photos. Once you have the 3 photos (see the Perfect Surveillance objective below) you then need to drive the semi around to the docks. After which you need to steal a car (leave the building and look to the right) where can then get back to Floyd’s apartment. Once inside, the mission will complete. - Employee Of The Month> Complete without damaging the containers
There are 4 containers you need to move, 2 in the Handler and 2 in the crane. For the 2 containers using the Handler, go to the containers and carefully drive them to their destinations. The crane containers can be a bit trickier. Ensure you lift a container up as high at will go then take your time with lining the container onto the flatbed. Once you have successfully moved all 4 containers without damaging them, this objective will be completed. - Perfect Surveillance> Snap all 3 photographs of the boat as instructed
Once you are done in the crane loading the containers onto the wagons you need to take 3 photos, one of the front of the boat where you need to get the name of the ship in the photo. The second photo requires you to photo the guard (he’s on the deck so zoom in). The third and final photo needs to be of the bridge (the tall white structure at the back of the ship that says Safety First). Once you have all 3 photos, send them to Ron. - An Honest Day’s Work> Complete without causing a disturbance at the docks
As long as you follow what you’re told to do you’ll be fine. Don’t get close to any of the Merryweather guys after driving the semi truck except the ones in the cutscene and don’t run over or hurt any of the dock workers to complete this objective.
Hotel Assassination
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Time> Time Taken To Complete Mission
Get to the lower level of the multi-story as quick as you can where a timer will start. The target will come out of the right side foyer. Line up the shot and take it as quick as you can using a silenced sniper rifle. As soon as the target is down, get back in your car and get out of there as quick as you can where you should be fast enough.
If the cops are called lose them as fast as you can. Get through the mission in under 05:00 to complete the objective. - Sniper Boy> Kill the target using a Sniper Rifle
Ensure you use a silenced Sniper Rifle to complete this objective and have an easier time complete the Time objective (above). - Money Earned> Money earned from the hit
As long as you take down the target before he gets in the vehicle, don’t get any other kills and escape in less than 05:00, you’ll earn $9,000 completing the objective.
The Multi Target Assassination
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Time> Time taken to complete mission
You need to take down all 4 targets in less than 08:00. Bring a sniper rifle to have an easier time of it. - Speedy Killer> Kill all targets as quickly as possible
You have 4 targets to kill most of which need to be put down at range so bring a sniper rifle with you. Take down the bodybuilder at the gym, then hit the sailor on the yacht. From here go round and pop the window cleaner where you can finish with taking down the biker. You’ll need a fast car to take the biker down so get one on the way up through the hills. - Money Earned> Money earned from the hit
As long as you take down all 4 targets without killing any cops, you’ll earn $7,000, completing the objective.
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Time> Time taken to complete mission> 05:00
If it’s your first time through the mission then bring a powerful car with you. If you’re going for gold on a replay of the mission then take out the guard. Run forward and up to the left to the car park. Steal a car then either way get through the base to the Cargobob as quick as you can.
Fly out to the right ensuring you follow the Zancudo River until you lose the attack chopper (stay low and fast). Land outside the hangar to complete the mission. As long as you complete the mission in 05:00 or less, you’ll earn the gold.
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Time> Complete within 06:30
Be quick about it as you don’t have long for this, get the Sub in the water as quick as you can then speed over to the checkpoint. From here, drive the rig to the objective marker then get back to Floyd’s apartment to complete the mission. - No Boarding> Steal the Submersible without boarding the boat
This can be done by using either a suppressed Sniper Rifle or if you have a good enough aim, any other suppressed weapon from a Pistol to an Assault Rifle. Climb the crane you used in the Scouting The Port mission then shoot the wires holding up the Submersible where it will drop into the water. If the guard is looking at the sub, put him down. Once the sub is in the water, dive down going around the ship where you can then enter the Submersible.
Dead Man Walking
Mission attempts recommended> 3.
- Accuracy> Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70%
Ensure you only fire when you have a guaranteed shot and only fire one round at a time. Aim for the head to extend your accuracy potential. - Headshots> Kill 14 enemies with a headshot
There’s plenty of opportunity to get headshots as you make your way up and through and it’s the most effective way to put the guards down. Get at least 14 headshots to complete this objective. - Mission Time> Complete within 09:30
Check the toe tag in the Morgue then make your way through and up the building taking down the guards as you go. There’s several health kits should you need them. Equip the Shotgun when it drops from an enemy then continue up and shoot out the window. From here, lose the cops then head to the Oil Derricks to complete the mission. - Focused Killer> Kill 4 enemies using Michael’s special ability
Active the special by pressing both thumb sticks then ensure you take down 4 guards. You can activate and deactivate the ability the same way so if there’s no guards, turn it off to save charge in the yellow bar under the minimap. - Unmarked> Complete with minimal damage to health and armor
You can only take a couple of hits at most here so stick to cover and go through the building methodically, watch out for the guards at the start as well as on the stairs ensuring you don’t get hit.
Three's Company
Mission attempts recommended> 3.
- Mission Time> Complete within 07:30
Time is very tight with this one. Get over to the Chopper then fly to the top of building, rappel down then take everyone out. From here, drop the guards as Franklin then fly over to the drop zone where you will complete the mission. Sounds simple but take to long on any section and 7.5 minutes disappears quickly. - Accuracy> Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 60%
Ensure you only fire whilst locked on and press the trigger once per enemy ensuring you go for the head, 60% is generous so you have scope to miss but in the chopper run, firing a ton of bullets is a bad idea as every miss drops your accuracy. Only take a shot when you’re guaranteed a hit. - Headshots> Kill 10 enemies with a headshot
Take down the guards as Franklin with headshots then ensure you aim for the head as Michael ensuring you get 10 headshots to complete the objective.
Did Somebody Say Yoga?
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Time> Complete within 15:00
Move the thumb sticks in the directions indicated until the marker turns green then hold them still. Once prompted, fill your lungs with the trigger then release when the circle is filled. Work your way through the poses smoothly and you should come in a good couple of minutes under the target time. - Warrior> Complete the 1st yoga pose without fault
Hold the thumb sticks in the directions filling your lungs as you go. - Triangle> Complete the 2nd yoga pose without fault
Hold the thumb sticks in the directions filling your lungs as you go. - Praise The Sun> Complete the 3rd yoga pose without fault
Hold the thumb sticks in the directions filling your lungs as you go.
Hood Safari
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Mission Time> Complete within 07:00
Get down to Grove Street then clear out the Balla’s. From here, head down and steal the Jet Ski’s. Speed through the waterway then head up and steal a car. From here, lose the cops as quickly as you can then race over to Lemar’s house. - Accuracy> Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70%
As always, only shoot when you’re guaranteed to land it, use things weapons such as Shotguns or single shot Pistols to help prevent misses. - Headshots> Kill 12 enemies with a headshot
You have a lot of opportunities for headshots in Grove Street, aim high to target the head then take down at least 12 enemies with headshots.
By The Book
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Don’t Stop Me Now> Complete without Mr K’s heart stopping
Ensure you don’t duplicate any nasty attack like electrocution and keep a good eye on the heart rate monitor. If it gets high, back off. - Electrocutioner> Electrocute Mr K
Choose the battery clips then go to work on Mr. K. - The Tooth Hurts> Pull out Mr K’s tooth
You can pull a tooth by choosing the pliers then wiggling the button prompt to rip out a tooth. - Wrenched> Hit Mr K with the wrench
Select the Wrench to change Mr K into Mrs K. - It’s Legal!> Use waterboarding on Mr K
Choose the Jerry Can from the table to waterboard Mr K.
The Merryweather Heist
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Salvager> Find the container within 02:00
Speed North under the sea as soon as you’re in the water avoiding the rocks as you go. Once the Trackify app opens follow the marker to the red blip then dive down to the sea bed to grab the device. - Mission Time> Complete within 14:30
Choose the B option, Offshore? at the heist board to make this mission a lot easier. Head up to the Sandy Shores Airfield and fly the Cargobob to the marker. Dive down and grab the container, get back up to the surface then fly back to the airstrip dealing with the Merryweather teams as you go. Land safely to complete the mission. - Show No Mercenary> Eliminate all pursuing Merryweather enemies
You need to focus on the boats on the Alamo Sea first as a priority. The problem is the game won’t let you switch to the other side of the Helicopter until you’re almost over land so take the boats down quickly then focus on the Choppers. - Weathering The Storm> Escape the pursuing Merryweather enemies in less than 4 minutes
Be quick and effective whilst shooting the Choppers. Take them all down quickly to complete the objective.
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Face Time> Purchase all masks within 20 seconds
Head to the mask stand then quickly buy any 3 masks within 20 seconds. - Cliché> Purchase a white hockey mask for each character
Scroll down to the Hockey Mask and buy 3 of them to complete this objective.
Tow Truck
Mission attempts recommended> 3.
- Time> Complete within 03:00
Take down the mechanic then get over to the marker as quickly as you can. 3 minutes is a generous amount of time as long as you take the mechanic next to the tow truck down quietly. - Not A Scratch> Deliver the tow truck with no damage
Take down the mechanic next to the tow truck either with a stealth melee attack or with a silenced weapon. Steal the tow truck then slowly and carefully make your way to the marker. Use Franklins ability (press both thumb sticks when the yellow bar under the mini map is full) if you’re close to getting onto trouble. - Truckin’> Reach top speed in the Tow Truck
Avoid the traffic and floor it on the straight where you should reach top speed. This is very much dependant on the level of traffic you encounter.
Boiler Suits
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Quick Shopper> Purchase all outfits within 30 seconds
Get into Ammu-Nation then go to the right to purchase boiler suits. Select 3 quickly to complete the objective. - United Colors> Purchase a different color for each character
Purchase the Navy, Gray and Green boiler suits (the top 3 on the list) to complete this objective.
Trash Truck
Mission attempts recommended> 3.
- Time> Complete within 05:00
You need to lose the cops as quickly as possible then race up to the mission marker to complete the mission. This all depends on how quickly you can lose the 2 star wanted level. - Undented> Deliver the Trashmaster with no damage
This is a tricky one due to the fact as soon as you steal the Trashmaster you will earn a 2 star wanted level and need to be very lucky to avoid them engaging you. If they do shoot at you, you’ll take damage straight away making this a very challenging objective to complete. - Inn The Dust> Reach top speed in the Trashmaster
Once you’ve lost the cops, you will be able to go downhill on your way to the marker where, depending on the weight of the traffic, you will hopefully be able to hit max speed.
Blitz Play
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Hawk Down> Shoot down the helicopter as Trevor
A ways in to the mission a helicopter will appear. Once it does, switch to Trevor and take it down. If you have any ground artillery such as RPGs, Homing Missiles or Grenade Launchers you will have an easier time of it.
If you only have hand weapons, shoot the pilot to take the chopper down. - Headshots> Kill 12 enemies with a headshot
There are a ton of enemies that come for you in the mission. Aim high to take them down with headshots. Do this 12 times total. - Accuracy> Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 60%
Ensure you only fire when you’re locked on a target. Using single shot weapons such as a shotgun can help maintain good accuracy. - Switcher> Switch character 10 times
Ensure you switch between the Franklin, Trevor and Michael at least 10 times. I used their health bar as an indicator of when to switch, when you get below half health, change to another character.
Either way, change character 10 times to complete the objective.
I Fought The Law...
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Tight Squeeze> Race between the two trucks
Shortly after starting the race against the 2 cars stay on the correct side of the freeway then go in between the 2 trucks when you’re prompted on screen to use your special ability. - Bus Passed> Race between the two buses
Around .75 miles on from the trucks you will be able to squeeze through a gap in between 2 large buses. - Follow The Leader> Follow Trevor through the tunnel
Shortly after taking control of Michael on the Police bike ensure you stay close to Trevor then go through the tunnel in oncoming traffic. - Mission Time> Complete within 12:00
Skip the cutscenes then ensure you get to the petrol station quickly. From here, race through without crashing and get after the racers as Michael. From here, race down to LS as quickly and efficiently as you can. 12 minutes is a tight time limit so make 2 or more mistakes and you’ll be in trouble here. Switch to Franklin on the way back if you’re struggling and use his special ability to aid in heavy traffic. - Split Seconds> Use Franklin’s ability during the race
At any point during the race activate Franklins special ability by pressing both thumb stick ensuring you have some charge in the yellow bar beneath the mini map before hand.
Eye In The Sky
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Not A Scratch> Deliver the Z-Type with no damage
The Z-Type is a fast car so drive it slowly to increase your chances of a safe, no damage drive. Use Franklins’ ability (press both thumb sticks when the yellow bar beneath the mini map is full) if you get close to being in trouble. Deliver the car to the hangar without taking any damage to complete the objective. - Eavesdropper> Listen to 3 conversations
As you’re being flown about you can hold R1 to listen in to conversations represented by a white marker as opposed to a blue mission marker. Listen in to 3 conversations as you’re going around the LS air space to complete the objective. - I See You> Find Chad’s hiding place on the 1st attempt
Chad will be located to the left of the helicopter. Zoom in on the heat source closest to the chopper.
The Vice Assassination
Mission attempts recommended> 1, possibly 2 depending on Clean Escape.
- Time> Time taken to complete mission> 03:30
Ensure you have a sticky bomb then wait for the Prostitute to enter the targets car. Get up behind them as soon as she opens the door then throw the sticky bomb and detonate it as soon as you’re out of the blast radius. Leave the area to complete the mission. - Clean Escape> Complete without alerting the cops
Follow the steps in Time to avoid alerting the cops, if they are alerted retry the mission after either sleeping or completing 2 other missions without the cops being involved which resets their scope on you. - Money Earned> Money earned from the hit
Upon successfully taking the target down following the steps in Time you will earn $5,000.
The Bus Assassination
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Time> Time taken to complete mission> 05:00
Get around the bus route quickly and efficiently then take the target down either with a weapon or if you’re quick enough, run him down using the bus. Once he’s down, leave the area (steal a car) to complete the mission. - Hit And Run> Kill the target using the bus
As soon as the target steals the bike, get after him then run him down using the bus. - Money Earned> Money earned from the hit
Upon successfully completing the hit, you will ear $7,000.
Mr. Richards
Mission attempts recommended> 3.
- Time> Complete within 10:00
Get to the marker then jump the gate, go up the ladder on the left then stealth attack (melee or silenced weapon) the worker fixing the air con. Go across the roof and up the far ladder. Take down the worker that bursts through the door and jump up the air con unit to the right. Make your way up to the helipad and fight Rocco where you then need to fly the helicopter in an erratic manner which is easiest by pitching left and right or backwards and forwards at a high enough altitude to not hit any lamp posts / trees / anything else. Fly over to the marker once prompted and land gently. Sprint over to the office to complete the mission. - Silent Assassin> Kill 3 enemies using stealth attacks
Take down the guard at the top of the first ladder then make your way up to the next level. Quickly take down the guard that bursts through the door whilst crouched then once on the level below the helipad another worker will come out of a door. Follow him whilst crouched then take him down. - Can’t Touch This 2.0> Take no damage during the fight with Rocco
Keep the pressure on Rocco and dodge when you need to. Take him down with consistent punches. - Perfect Touchdown> Land the Frogger without damaging it
Ensure you don’t damage the Frogger at all whilst flying erratically or whilst landing to complete the objective. Even a scratch will be a fail.
Caida Libra
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Floor It> Reach top speed on the Sanchez
You’ll easily reach top speed on the Sanchez as you race down the hill before the first jump. - Glued To The Seat> Don’t fall off the Sanchez during the chase
This might take a few attempts to learn the route. Take care around the train and don’t drive into any rocks to stand a better chance of a successful run. - One Two Three> Bring the plane down in 3 shots.
You need to fire 3 rounds at the red square in front of the 3 plane and land 3 shots. If you miss once, you’ll need to restart. Zoom in and fire quickly to land the hits. - Mission Time> Complete within 09:45
Get the observatory as quickly as possible then shoot the plane down. From here, chase down the plane smoothly where you then need to destroy the van (do so with other cars around so you can steal one) then get over to the cement works. This is a tight time limit so be quick.
Minor Turbulence
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Accuracy> Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 80%
Use a single shot weapon like a Shotgun / Pistol to take down the guards. - Four Wheel Flier> Exit the cargo plane in the Mesa
After the cargo plane has been shot down and you need to jump out of the plane, get in the Mesa (the last jeep remaining) then drive out of the plane.
The Construction Assassination
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Time> Time taken to complete mission> 10:00
Get yourself through the lower level to the first elevator then make your way through to the second ensuring you have heavy hitting weapons such as an Assault Rifle or Shotgun. At the top of the second elevator get straight into cover and clear the enemies out as quickly as you can. Have a parachute will make things a lot easier here as once everyone is dead, jump off the roof then parachute down to the ground at least one block away.
Lester will then call you completing the mission. - No Fly Zone> Shoot down the target’s helicopter
Fight your way to the top of the construction site ensuring you have either an RPG or a Homing Launcher and shoot the Chopper down once you’re out of the second elevator. - Money Earned> Money earned from the hit
Complete the mission to earn $10,000.
Deep Inside
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Not A Scratch> Deliver the JB 700 with minimal damage
This can be a rough one due to the fact that as soon as you steal the car the security guards will start shooting at you and if you take them down before hand the cops are always on your back. All you can do is get in the car then floor it. Ensure you take down the pursuing cars quickly, preferably with a sticky bomb then get to the garage slowly and securely. - Fastest Speed> Reach top speed in the JB 700
As you’re trying to escape the guards you should be able to hit top speed although top speed in the JB 700 will mean you’re going very fast so take care. - Stealthy Recasting> Knock out the actor with a stealth attack
Once the actor is done yelling and the woman runs off, crouch then get up behind him allowing you to stealth attack him. - Premature Ejector> Use the ejector seat within 10 seconds
As soon as Franklin says “shit, what’s this button do!” press Square to get rid of your passenger. Ensure you do so within 10 seconds of being prompted. - Second Strike> Run over the actor as you escape in the JB 700
After you have stolen the JB 700 the actor will be holding his head before the leave the studio grounds and staggering about. Run him over with the car.
Paleto Score Setup
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Leisure Drive> Drive to the bank within 03:30
Race up to the bank once you’ve left the Meth Lab. As long as you don’t crash, Michael’s car is fast enough to get you there well in time. - Winner> Win the race back to the meth lab
You’ll have an easier time, given the route as Trevor just ensure you don’t fall off the bike then win the race back to the Lab.
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Accuracy> Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70%
This shouldn’t be to bad with a Sniper Rifle as you should be able to one shot, one kill all 3 enemies then as Franklin ensure you use a single shot weapon such as a Shotgun / Pistol to take down the missile firing O’Neil brother. - Mission Time> Complete within 09:00
Chase down the O’Neil brothers until they crash then quickly fly over to Franklin. You have one brother in the water, one to the right then another walking up through the forest. From here, sprint through as Chop to the fourth brother, put him down then land the chopper. Then, fly back to the airfield and land safely to complete the mission. - Headshots> Kill 3 enemies with a headshot
Out of the 4 O’Neil Brothers, the 3 on land will be easiest to take down with headshots (2 as Michael then one as Franklin). - Thin The Herd> Don’t kill any animals
Ensure you only fire at the human targets, leaving the Deer alone to complete this objective.
Military Hardware
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Head Hunter> Kill 5 enemies with a headshot
Once you have stopped the convoy, don’t use any explosives as they could damage the truck where you can then use either Assault Rifles / Shotguns to take the Soldiers down. Ensure you drop at least 5 of them with headshots to complete the objective. - Sticky Strategist> Stop the convoy using a sticky bomb trap
Ensure you have a sticky bomb then get to the convoy and place a sticky bomb on the front of the moving vehicle then detonate it quickly (be out of the blast radius).
The Paleto Score
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Let It Rain> Fire over 4,000 bullets
Given the weapon you have you should easily be able to fire 4,000 rounds. If you’re struggling just hold the trigger down until you run over 4,000 rounds. - Accuracy> Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 50%
Given the speed of which the Minigun fires, 50% accuracy is a tall order as every round you fire affects accuracy either positively or negatively. Ensure you fire in short bursts which will help keep your accuracy high. - Time> Complete within 16:00
Get to Paleto Bay then rip through the Police and Army ensuring you skip the cutscenes along the way. Clear the factory then hop the train to complete the mission. - Collateral Damage> Cause $1,000,000 damage in Paleto Bay
Shoot every cop car / civilian car and helicopter down that you can. Also, ram a few of the Army trucks out of the way to boost up the damage cost.
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Mission Time> Complete within 11:30
Jump on to the train smoothly then once it’s derailed deal with the guards. Head downstream in the dinghy taking out the guards as you go. Land at the beach marker when prompted to complete the mission. - Fastest Speed> Reach top speed on the Sanchez
Once you’re on the train, speed forward taking care not to fall off where you’ll hit top speed. - Better than CJ> Land on the train using the 1st jump
As you go up on to the elevated path press the brake to slow down the gently land on the top of the train. This might take a few attempts.
Monkey Business
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Stunner> Stun 8 enemies with the Stun Gun
There are 4 enemies in the first section (2 staff, 1 guard and 1 staff on the elevator). Stun the 2 lab workers in the left room then take down one of the security guards (Steve will kill the 2nd) and finally, stun the staff member who is walking through after meeting the staff who refuses to open the locked door. That’s the 8 required. - Headshots> Kill 15 enemies with a headshot
After acquiring the nerve toxin, switch to a silenced lethal weapon then take down the 6 guards with headshots in the first section (2 then 4) then in the next section, take down another 4 guards. Go through to where the Monkeys are in cages taking down another 2 guards then clear out the room with the Soldiers earning at least 3 more headshots ensuring you have 15 headshots in total to complete the objective. - Accuracy> Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70%
Use a single shot weapon such as a Shotgun / Pistol as well as the Stun Gun ensuring you only fire when locked on. You are more likely to hit a chest than you are a head so bear that in mind as you go through. - Mission Time> Complete within 13:30
Cut through the grate then get through the tunnel to the elevator. Clear out the staff / guards with the Stun Gun heading through the area grabbing the nerve toxin. From here, push through clearing the guards and Soldiers to the exit. From here, chill the toxin the collect it. Fly over to the airfield to safely land the toxin on the back of the truck then go for a drive to complete the mission.
Hang Ten
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Time> Complete within 04:00
This is barely even a mission. Get over to the Strip club skipping the cutscenes to complete the mission.
Surveying The Score
Mission attempts recommended> 3.
- Perfect Distance> Follow the vans without being warned on distance
Keep a good distance away from the vans as the follow their route until the cutscene plays. Remember, you’re in a chopper so go higher if you feel you’re getting to close. - Cavity Search> Find the construction hole within 20 seconds
The hole is found just North West of the Union Depository on the ground. Look for the orange dirt with girders across a hole and focus the camera on the location quickly. - Under The Bridge> Fly under the bridge whilst following the security vans
As the vans go through the tunnel you need to carefully go under the bridge on the freeway just to the right of tunnel entrance. Hit the ceiling, the road or any cars and it will be a fail so take care and take it slow as you go under the bridge. - Tunnel Flight> Fly through the tunnel whilst following the security vans
Near the end of the security vans’ route, gently lower down and go through the tunnel slowly which will not only help you keep distance but also keep the chopper easier to control. - Mission Time> Complete within 11:00
Race over to the marker then drive to the airfield. From here, get down to the vans fast as the time limit is tight. Follow the vans to the UD then go North West to find the hole, from here, get back and land at the airfield to complete the mission.
Bury The Hatchet
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Mission Time> Complete within 11:00
Get to the airfield then fly to the marker then clear out the cemetery where you can then fly back to the airfield. Ensure you don’t attract any Cops and don’t die in North Yankton to make the time. - Headshots> Kill 20 enemies with a headshot
You start off with a pistol with good accuracy so aim for the head and take the enemies down, as you make your way through you can collect the weapons the enemies drop once dead. If you do change, ensure you continuously aim for the head. - Accuracy> Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 80%
Your starting weapon is a single shot pistol which will help keep you accuracy high. Only take a shot when you’re guaranteed a hit as 80% is a high target to make.
Pack Man
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Mission Time> Complete within 12:00
Drive up the freeway until you take control of the JB 700 then take down the cops quickly and efficiently using either the mounted guns for front offense or the spikes for cops coming up from the rear. Once they’re down, follow the truck to the rendezvous and skip the cutscene where, depending on how quickly you took out the cops, you should just come in under the required time. - Not A Scratch> Complete with minimal damage to the JB 700
This is tough as the cops start firing at you immediately and you need to take them down so they aren’t led to the drop off point. Use the mounted guns as well as the spikes to take the cops down quickly whilst trying to stay clear of their shots and not crashing. Tough one this. - Shredder> Take out 3 cop cars using the spikes
Wait for a cop car to be about 1 car length behind you then press L3 to drop spikes on the road. Take out 3 cop cars this way.
Fresh Meat
Mission attempts recommended> 3.
- Switch Limiter> Don’t switch more than 3 times
After you see Michael hanging the game will try to get you to switch back to him a few times as you’re using the Trackify app. Ignore it and reopen the app then in the factory, once you have control of Michael and he’s shot his way down from the chains ensure you stay as Michael until the end of the mission. - Accuracy> Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70%
This can be tough. As always, only fire when you have a clear, guaranteed shot using a single shot weapon such as a Shotgun / Pistol. The main difficulty comes as Michael when hanging upside down. Aim carefully and hope Franklin can out the majority of the enemies for you. - Headshots> Kill 10 enemies with a headshot
There’s a lot of enemies throughout the mission. Aim high then take down at least 10 of them with headshots. - Swift Rescue> Rescue Michael within 03:30
Check the image out below to see where you need to get then get the factory as quick as you can. Use a high powered automatic weapon to rip through the Chinese then get to Michael in 03:30. It’s a very tight time limit so be quick and efficient. - Sense Of Direction> Don’t use a map waypoint
Check the image below to show you the entrance to the factory where Michael is being held then keep pausing and checking the map ensuring you don’t place a waypoint as you make your way there.
Cleaning Out The Bureau
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Eagle Eye> Check all licence plates
As you’re sitting in the car waiting for the Janitor keep an eye on the screen then hold Circle to check the licence plates of the cars that leave the parking lot. There’s 5 cars to check in total, including the Janitor’s vehicle. - He Missed A Spot> Follow the janitor without being spotted
Hang back from the Janitor’s car far enough as to not arouse suspicion but close enough that you can keep an eye on him all the way back to his house. - Time> Complete within 09:00
Time is tight here so get to the marker quickly then wait for the Janitor to leave, the problem is, it’s a scripted event as the Janitor will only go a certain speed so be patient then get yourself back to the factory smoothly to hopefully come in under the required time.
Architect's Plans
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Quick Getaway> Leave the construction site within 45 seconds
Drop the Architect with either a silenced weapon, stun gun shot or melee attack then steal the briefcase. Having a parachute will make this a lot easier, sprint back to the right elevator then jump out the back deploying the parachute landing on the road below.
Fire Truck
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- What Is Your Emergency> Call 911 to contact the fire department
Open your phone with Up go to Contacts then press Square to pull up the Keypad. Dial 911 then press Square finally selecting the Fire Dept. - Not A Scratch> Deliver the Fire Truck with no damage
Steal the Fire Truck then lose the wanted level, fortunately, it’s only a 1 star so keep an eye on the mini map and avoid the cops then carefully drive to the garment factory with no damage, not even the slightest dent to complete the objective.
Reuniting The Family
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Time> Complete within 10:30
Talk to Amanda then reintroduce yourself to Lazlow ensuring he has a rememberable experience where you can the head down to the beach. Finally, get yourself home ensuring you skip all of the cutscenes to come in under the required time.
Doting Dad
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Gold Medal automatically awarded upon the missions’ completion.
The Bureau Raid
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Mission Time> Complete within 18:00
Option A; Fire Crew is by far the easiest way to go here. Go through and mop the floors placing the bombs as you go then head down into the Fire Truck. From here, phone the Detonate option in your contacts to trigger the explosions. Head into the F.I.B. building and proceed to the 53rd floor and collect the containment drive, from here make your way down and through the burning building dropping the hostile agents. From here, abseil down the shaft into the fire truck then shift it to the marker then get to Lester’s house ensuring you skip the cutscenes along the way. This is a tight time limit, to many mistakes and you’ll need a redo. - Out Of Breath> Escape with 40% oxygen remaining
Be quick going through the area taking care not to sprint as this will use up more oxygen, hold Cross to jog rather than rapidly press it which will conserve your oxygen. As long as you get out with more than 40% oxygen remaining, you’ll meet the objective. - You Missed A Spot> Complete the mopping section within 03:00
Whilst going through Option A Fire Crew, be quick whilst mopping. You get 2 mops then you need to go and change a dirty mop at the bucket. You need to be pretty much flawless to do this in 3 minutes as you also need to get the mop bucket back into the closet after placing the bomb in the restroom to meet the objective time. - Abseiler> Abseil down the elevator shaft within 30 seconds
When you get to the elevator, hold Square to abseil down fast, ensure you get down as quickly as you can to meet the objective.
The Wrap Up
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Time> Complete within 07:30
Get to Dave’s location (go up the stairs at the back of the foyer) then clear out everyone who stands in your way ensuring you keep a few RPG rounds handy for the choppers. Get to the pawn shop in Morningwood to complete the mission. Kill quickly as the time limit is very tight and also skip the cutscenes, you can watch them after you earn a gold medal if you choose to. - Headshots> Kill 18 enemies with a headshot
There’s a lot of enemies in this mission so aim high and take at least 18 of them down with headshots. - Buzz Off!> Shoot down the pursuing helicopter
Once you’re in a vehicle and Dave has gone, one final chopper will be coming for you. Get out of your vehicle then use it for cover, wait for the chopper to stop firing where you can take it down with a well placed RPG round.
The Ballad Of Rocco
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Time> Complete within 03:00
Ensure you have a fast firing weapon that can be shot from a car such as the Micro SMG then get after Rocco. Shoot his tyres out or just shoot him whilst he’s driving if you can then reject Solomon’s phone call to complete the mission.
Lamar Down
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Headshots> Kill 18 enemies with a headshot
Given the amount of enemies you’ll come up against, you might even get 18 headshots naturally, if not, aim at them then push up on the right stick to go for the head… 18 times. - Accuracy> Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70%
This can be tough as the area is large so Shotguns won’t have the range and Pistols won’t lay down enough fire power so use short bursts on a Combat MG or similar weapon then stay in cover when you reload only taking the shot when you’re guaranteed a hit. - Three Way> Kill an enemy with all 3 characters
This should come naturally as you make your way through as Franklin, Trevor and Michael each get into trouble through the mission and need you to go be them to take close proximity enemies down. If you’re really quick at killing then just ensure you get at least one kill with each of the 3 characters to satisfy the objective. - Time> Complete within 13:30
Send Trevor off to the right side position then place Franklin at the Bulldozer where Michael can lay down Sniper fire. From here, clear out all the Ballas where you’ll find Lamar then fight your way back to a vehicle. Head back to LS as quick as you can where you will hopefully meet the time required. This is a tough target to hit though and any mistakes will cost you the objective.
Legal Trouble
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Mission Time> Complete within 05:30
Get to Molly’s position then chase her around the airfield until she goes for a ride then jack the plane at the front of the hangar and fly up high to lose the cops. As soon as the cops have been lost you’ll complete the mission. This time is deathly tight though verging on to tight. - Floor It> Reach top speed in any car
Steal an car then once you’re in the airfield chase after Molly taking care not to hit the cops as you’ll slow down. On the straight you’ll easily hit top speed. - Clean Escape> Lose the wanted level within 02:00
Grab the jet after Molly’s demise then fly up high to avoid the cops. This should get rid of them in less than 2 minutes as long as you go very high so as to avoid the helicopters. - News Hound> View the Weazel News camera for 15 seconds
When prompted hold Circle for 15 seconds total. You will still be driving so try and use the news camera to keep an eye on your car and more importantly the road so you don’t crash.
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Time> Complete within 06:30
Get to the premiere then gran the sports car as you make your way to Michael’s house and clear out the Soldiers quickly. Ensure you skip the cutscenes where you will hopefully hit the required time. It might take a few attempts to get this one. - Pedal To The Metal> Reach top speed in any vehicle
Take the sports car from outside the premiere then floor it down the straight. As long as you don’t crash you’ll hit top speed in the car. - Tier One Operator> Kill 12 enemies with a headshot
This is tight and tough. Use a decent weapon then aim high performing 12 headshots. The main problem is the Soldiers are heavily armed and your health bar will take a beating. - Headshot Rescue> Rescue Amanda and Tracey with a headshot
Activate Michael’s special ability by pressing both thumb sticks which slows time allowing you to aim for the head of both Soldiers holding Amanda on the stairs then Tracey in her bedroom.
Parenting 101
Gold Medal automatically awarded upon the missions’ completion.
Mission attempts recommended> I wouldn’t bother.
- Sneak Thief> Steal the Cutter without being detected
Grab a Sniper Rifle then climb up the ladder opposite the Driller’s location then take down the guards and workers starting from the back right and move to the front left. This can be incredibly tough as one slip and you’ll get a 2 star wanted level and to be honest, it’s more hassle than it’s worth for a gold medal. - Time> Complete within 05:00
Fulfilling the requirements and doing so in less than 5 minutes including either taking everyone out then stealing the Driller or stealing the Driller then trying to lose the cops as well as delivering the rig in under 5 minutes is near enough impossible so complete the mission to move forward with the game but I’d forget the gold medal here.
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Time> Complete within 04:30
You need to be flawless when flying the helicopter. One mistake or deviation and you’ll fail the time. Take out the guards quickly then switch the tracks. Fly low and precise grabbing the engine then a flatbed placing them carefully on the trailer to complete the mission. Tight, tight time this. - Undetected> Steal the train without being detected
Take out the worker by the tracks with a stealth attack / silenced weapon then slowly go upstairs and shoot the other guard with a silenced weapon.
The Big Score
Mission attempts recommended> 3.
- Headshots> Kill 20 enemies with a headshot
Choosing option B, Obvious will give you a lot more enemies to kill. You know what to do by now, aim high aiming for the head then put at least 20 enemies down with shots to the head. - Mission Time> Complete within 16:00
This is tough, tough time limit and can only be achieved on option B, Obvious. The problem is Lester in the chopper near the end. If he doesn’t get 3 perfect rocket shots off on the helicopters you won’t make the time limit as restarting a checkpoint keeps the timer ticking. This could easily be the objective that blocks the gold medal. - Cha-Ching> Drop the gold onto the train within 30 seconds
Once Lester has cleared out the choppers drop altitude quickly where need to get over the train’s flatbed allowing you to drop the gold. This is a very tight time limit and don’t be surprised if like most other objectives in this mission, it seems unachievable. - Accuracy> Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 60%
This can be tough given how good the enemy are at ducking into cover at the last second causing you to shoot a wall / barrier rather than the NOOSE / Police. As always only take the shot when you’re guaranteed a hit. 60% may seem low but given the number of enemies you’ll face that can easily fall away with a few to many missed shots.
The Third Way
Mission attempts recommended> 3.
- Time> Complete within 21:30
Pick up Lamar then get to and clear out the factory. From here, deal with the 3 remaining targets and collect Devin. Send him for a drink to complete the mission skipping the cutscenes along the way to, providing you kill quickly in the Foundry and escape the heat quickly across the 3 assassinations, you’ll come in just under the time. - Headshots> Kill 20 enemies with a headshot
There’s a ton of F.I.B. and Merryweather to take down then a few more Merryweather at Devin’s house. Ensure you total 20+ headshots along the way. - Accuracy> Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70%
70% is a tough ask given how dark the foundry is as well as the amount of enemies meaning automatic weapons are definitely the way to go. Ensure you only fire when you’re guaranteed a hit to increase your chances of keeping your accuracy high. - Stick, Tick… Boom!> Kill Cheng with a sticky bomb
You will of course need a sticky bomb so ensure you have some before starting / replaying the mission then after clearing the Foundry, get to Cheng and throw a sticky bomb on the middle car and detonate to put him down. Careful around his guard though, they’ll shoot on site. - Lead Lobotomy> Kill Steve Haines with a headshot
Using a Sniper Rifle, drive down the pier then go against the left side (opposite the Ferris Wheel) and wait for the wheel to come round, line up the shot and stick a round in Haines’ head then lose the cops. - Stretched Out> Kill Stretch with a melee attack
Take out Stretch as Michael but be careful as he has an entourage with him. Stretch is the Balla with the white t shirt and the handgun. Get in the and lay him out quickly with a few well placed melee attacks then get out of there before the Ballas take you down. Use sticky bombs / grenades / Micro SMG to deal with any pursuers.
Something Sensible
Judas> Kill Trevor.
- Complete the mission to earn the Gold Medal.
The Time's Come
Surpassed The Mentor> Kill Michael.
- Complete the mission to earn the Gold Medal.
Strangers And Freaks
Strangers and Freaks missions can be found across San Andreas as you make your way through the game. These missions are split between Franklin, Michael and Trevor where some will take you on abnormally long quests, collecting 50 spaceship parts for example whereas others have you deliver a car with a tow truck. Below I will list off every Strangers and Freak mission for:
In alphabetical order rather than discoverability as you might find a Strangers and Freak mission before I did so it should help you with finding a particular missions requirements.
A Starlet In Vinewood
Mission attempts recommended> 1 (50 collectibles).
- Cut> Kill Dreyfus
To complete this Strangers And Freaks mission you need to collect all 50 letter scraps dotted around Los Santos. Here’s the complete A Mystery Solved Trophy Guide showing you all 50 letter scrap locations as well as directions on where to find and kill Dreyfus.
Exercising Demons - Franklin
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Champion> Win the race without using shortcuts
Swim across the bay aiming directly for the checkpoints then on the bike stick to the main route and go across the Stunt Jump. From here, run from checkpoint to checkpoint sticking to the main path not cutting any corners then take the win in the Triathlon to earn the gold medal.
Far Out
Mission attempts recommended> 1 (50 collectibles).
- To earn the gold medal you need to collect 50 spaceship parts which are scattered throughout San Andreas.
Click the link to go to the From Beyond The Stars Trophy Guide giving you how to start the mission, collect all 50 spaceship parts as well as ending the mission earning you gold medal.
Grass Roots - The Drag
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Hooked> Keep the stash car hooked until delivery
Grab the Tow Truck at the entry to the lot then back up to the stash car. Don’t reverse to hard or crash to ensure the vehicle stays hooked up. - Mission Time> Complete within 01:30
You need to be quick here when it comes to delivering the car. Time is tight so any crashes will more than likely fail the time. Deliver the car in 01:29 or less to complete the objective.
Grass Roots - The Pickup
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Mission Time> Complete within 02:45
Follow the steps to avoid the cops in Unwanted Outcome then race over to the marker within 02:44 to complete this objective. - Unwanted Outcome> Complete without gaining a wanted level
Get into the truck then take a right then right again. Go through the white and red barriers then drive up to the right to get to the freeway avoiding the cops. Don’t do anything silly on the way to the drop off the avoid the cops throughout.
Liquidity Risk
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Dive Bomber> Survive a water landing without opening the parachute
Simply stay on the ATV whilst aiming for the dark section (deeper water) of water to survive. - Sky Blazer> Perform 8 flips on the Blazer
Drive out of the plane then hold forward to flip the ATV. Ensure you do at least 8 front flips (side and diagonal won’t count). It has to be exhaust over handlebar flips directly forward to complete the objective.
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Smack Down> Ensure Beverly takes out his rival on the 1st attempt
Get up close to the Rival’s bike then activate Franklin’s special ability using both thumb sticks (you need some charge in the yellow bar under the mini map) allowing Beverly to elbow the rival off of his bike. - Picture Perfect> Help Beverly snap and inspect 3 photographs
Stay close to the back window of the Limousine allowing Beverly to take 3 sets of photos. You keep n eye on the road, he’ll do the photography.
Paparazzo - Reality Check
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Explosive Action!> Kill Beverly and his crew with one shot
Bring an RPG with you then turn around from the mission start (if replaying), take aim and fire a round at the black van which will take out Beverly and his crew in one shot.
Paparazzo - The Highness
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Silent Snapper> Snap the princess without being detected
Head to the left side of Chico’s Hypermarket where you will find a blue bin behind a metal fence. Use it to climb up on to the roof then crouch down going to the South side edge of the roof. From here, pull your phone out and take a photo of the Princess whilst staying hidden then send it to Beverly to complete this objective. - Royal Drag> Snap the princess buying the drugs
Take a photo of the Princesses bodyguard accepting the package from the drug dealer and send it over to Beverly to complete the objective.
Paparazzo - The Meltdown
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Thick of it> Stay close to Poppy throughout the chase
This is a hard objective to complete as Poppy drives very fast, erratically and is AI controlled so she naturally avoids the oncoming traffic as well the various trees / rocks / buildings you’ll need to get around. To stay close to her, you need to be as close as the Police car is for the length of the chase which is a tall order especially as you can only use a car you steal rather than one you can customise. If you touch the Police car to many times you will then earn a wanted level which is an instant fail of the mission as well. Make good use of Franklins ability to have an easier time of it, but don’t be surprised if this gold medal isn’t one you earn. - DUI Diva> Snap Poppy after she’s been cuffed
Wait until Poppy crashes where the Police will then arrest her. Stay back and use the zoom feature on the car to get close enough. Wait for her to be cuffed then take and send a photo of it to Beverly.
Paparazzo - The Sex Tape
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Quick Dip> Jump in the pool whilst following Beverly
After you sneak past the maid, you’ll go through a section of garden with a large pool to the right. Jump in the pool and come out the other side continuing the chase. - Money Shot> Achieve full facial recognition during chase
Once you’re caught being a voyeur and are in the car. Zoom in then focus on her face where the reticle needs to turn green. Focus on her on the straight rather than trying to track her when she’s weaving left and right to increase your chances.
Pulling Another Favor
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Time> Complete within 05:30
Get to the Tow truck then head over to collect the vehicle. Drive quickly but cautiously back to the yard and drop the car off in the marked area. As long as you don’t crash you’ll come in under the time easily. - Unhook Bonus> Keep the vehicle hooked until delivery
Once you’ve hooked the car, ensure you don’t reverse to hard or crash to keep the vehicle hooked.
Pulling Favors Again
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Time> Complete within 07:00
Get to the Tow truck then head to the marker. Get in front of the car and back up with the hook lowered to get the car off the train tracks before the train hits the car then stop allowing the driver to enter your cab. Take the car to the marker to complete the mission. - Unhook Bonus> Keep the vehicle hooked until delivery
Once you have the vehicle off of the tracks head to marker ensuring you don’t reverse to hard or crash then drop the car in the marked section.
Pulling One Last Favor
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Time> Complete within 05:00
Get over to the crashed car and hook it up. Drop it off at the marker then take Tonya back to the Tow truck yard without crashing to come in under the required time. - Unhook Bonus> Keep the vehicle hooked until delivery
As long as you don’t crash or reverse to hard you’ll keep the vehicle hooked until you need to drop it off at the marker.
Risk Assessment
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Free Faller> Fall for 7 seconds before opening the parachute
Nice and easy this one given how high you are. Jump out of the helicopter then slowly count to 10 before pulling the parachute. - Big Air> Get 2 seconds of air during the bicycle race
Keep your speed up across any of the big jumps to get 2 seconds of air time. It doesn’t matter if you go off the side to get the air time requirement as long as you don’t die and finish the race. If you lose but still finish the race after getting 2 seconds of air time you will still meet the requirements so sacrifice a run just for this objective if needs be. - Downhill King> Win the bicycle race against Dom
Dom is quick on the downhill so take a few attempts if needs be to learn the course taking special care around the hairpin turns as it’s a long drop. Dom does to to slow down near the end of the course so tuck in as much as you can and clip the second to last checkpoint as tight as you can allowing you to keep a good speed towards the finish.
Shift Work
Mission attempts recommended> 3.
- Fastest Lap> Complete a lap within 01:20
Use the first lap to get into first place where 9 times out of 10 the first lap will have the other racers crashing into you or crashing themselves blocking off the road then in lap 2 race smoothly and quickly to come in under 01:19. Have a few goes at this mission to learn the course which will help a lot. - Underdog> Finish the race within 02:50
As long as you don’t crash and the traffic stays light (best at night) you stand a good chance of hitting this time. If you crash to often, however, you won’t be able to make the time so take a few runs to learn the course then with low traffic, you’ll get there in the end. - Clean Race> Finish the race with less than 5 collisions
Less than 5 collisions can be a tall order as the game counts other racers crashing into you as a collision as well as you crashing into other cars / objects. Keep it smooth throughout and stay ahead of the pack as best you can to hopefully avoid getting in 5 collisions.
Still Pulling Favours
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Time> Complete within 06:00
Get the Tow truck then head over and collect the car. From here, take it to the marker and drop if off in the yard without crashing to come in under the required time. - Unhook Bonus> Keep the vehicle hooked until delivery
As long as you don’t crash or reverse to hard you will keep the vehicle hooked until you need to drop it off at the mission marker.
Targeted Risk
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Dare Devil> Fall for 8 seconds before opening the parachute
Jump then pull back on the stick to slow yourself down. You need to pull the parachute just before you go to pass the top of the tree. This can be very to do as you only get a pass if you land on the truck as well. - Bullseye> Land perfectly on the back of the truck
Pull back and forward allowing you better control going to the flatbed. Pulling back will slow you down and pushing forward will speed you up. This might take you a good few attempts to do but eventually you’ll land on the truck on both feet completing the objective.
The Last One
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Wounded> Shoot the Sasquatch three times before catching it.
This can be tough as the Sasquatch is only visible for a few seconds and locking on is tricky as every time he’s visible there is either a Lioness or a Deer which will pull focus. Go through the mission a couple of times to get a feel for where he is then shoot him three times with a low impact weapon like a Pistol. - Hunter> Kill four animals whilst chasing the Sasquatch.
Chase after the Sasquatch where you will encounter 4 Lionesses as well as a Deer along the way, shoot 4 of the 5 animals dead. - Mr Green> Go to the scat site on foot.
Once you are told to go to the scat site, make your way down there on foot to the yellow marker on the map rather than taking a vehicle.
Uncalculated Risk
This mission becomes available after complete Targeted Risk as well as having completed all 13 parachute jumps through San Andreas which are show as white parachute symbols on the map. You need to land on various targets after getting into the back of the chopper or finding the parachute on the ground. Once completed, Dom’s Strangers and Freaks mission marker will appear again, get over to the marker and go up to the dog.
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Leap of Faith> Jump after Dom and survive the fall.
After Dom jumps to his death go to the stairs to the left of his jump point then, with a parachute in your inventory, jump over the railings safely landing on the ground below. Go to Dom’s body to complete the mission.
Chasing The Truth
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Use The Force> Find an alien artifact without the detector
Run right to the small shack then just on the outside of the fence will be a small TV on the ground. Don’t activate the alien detector as you make your way there to complete the objective.
Death At Sea
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Collect 30 Submarine parts.
Firstly, go and find all 30 Nuclear Waste barrels (click the link to go to the complete Waste Management Trophy Guide for their locations) then go back to the Sonar Collections Dock and speak with Abigail. From here, a dinghy will spawn and she’ll task you with collecting 30 submarine parts which are found in the green circles on the map and buy going to the centre of the white sonar ping, diving down and collecting the parts. A new green marker won’t appear until you are back in the dinghy after collecting all of the parts in a given zone.
Also, take care if you see a red dot appear in the ocean as this will be a shark that will have you for lunch. If it does eat you, you’ll earn Out Of Your Depth, however, you will have to go back to the dock and collect the dinghy again so circle around for a few minutes until the shark clears off. Rinse and repeat until you have collected all 30 then return to the dock. Put Abigail down after the cutscene to complete the mission.
Delivering The Truth
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Touchdown> Land the Velum without damaging it
Ensure you lower the landing gear and pull back slowing down as you approach to be able to land on the airfield safely. - Zondar the Bridge> Fly under a bridge along Lago Zancudo
This can be a bit troublesome as the brides are low to the ground and a tight gap to get through so take it slow and line yourself up where you can fit the Velum under one of the 3 bridges. The bridge at the mouth of the river being the easiest.
Exercising Demons - Michael
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Contender> Win the race without using shortcuts
Stick to the path at the start without running across the grass then head down across the road and down the stairs. Cross the bridge then sprint to the finish.
Grass Roots - Michael
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Unmarked> Complete with minimal damage to health and armor
Take the Aliens down as quickly and efficiently as you can. Given the fact you have a minigun with infinite ammo will help but you still need to aim and fire quickly. If you get hit to many times by their head laser you will fail the objective and with the minigun, cover isn’t an option so take a few attempts keeping an eye on the mini map as well as looking out for Aliens which spawn above you. - Kill Chain> Kill 7 aliens in 10 seconds
Near the end of the mission there will be a lot of Aliens spawning so take advantage and put them down quickly. As long as you take down 7 Aliens in less than 10 seconds, you’ll complete the objective.
Unknowing The Truth
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Cult Intervention> Kill all epsilon security
Once you get to the marker equip a powerful weapon then clear out the security which is a very challenging objective to complete as they come everywhere around you. You also need to destroy the helicopter and any surviving crew as well. - Show me the Money> Steal the epsilon money and escape
Take out all security then escape with the car or get to the marker then reverse out of the lot and evade the security as if you’re evading the cops although the epsilon security are a lot more powerful and unrelenting than the cops every are.
An American Welcome
Mission attempts recommended> 3.
- Downed> Stop the 1st immigrant within 30 seconds
This is tough as the first immigrant appears on a hairpin bend. Swing around the hairpin then, with the stun gun equipped, shoot the immigrant in the back to stun them as soon as you can. You need to do this in less than 29 seconds. - Double Downed> Stop the 2nd group of immigrants within 55 seconds.
You need to take down the 2nd group of immigrants whom are on off-road bikes quickly. Get to the closes immigrant and ram him off the bike then keep pushing forward without slowing down in pursuit of the 2nd immigrant and take him down by any non lethal means possible. - Shock and Awe> Use the stun gun to stop all immigrants.
In total, you need to take down 3 immigrants whilst driving the vehicle so it will all depend on how good you are at steady aiming whilst driving. The stun gun has a very limited range so getting close to the ATV / bikes is essential here but there’s no way around it, it’s a tough objective to complete.
Exercising Demons - Trevor
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Good Cyclist> Don’t anger Mary Ann by cycling into her
Steer clear of Mary Ann at the start then carefully overtake her later in the race. - Quick Win> Win the race within 01:42
As long as you don’t crash / fall off your bike you’ll be able to make this time fairly easily.
Fair Game
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Downwind> Don’t get detected by any Elk
Keep a good eye on the arrow in the bottom right and ensure you stay downwind of the Elk (Arrow needs to point down) then take them down with any shot (heart if you can, anywhere will do though). - Heart Hunter> Kill 3 elk with a heart shot
The Elk heart can be found in between their front legs at the base of their chest. Stay downwind so as not to spook the Elk, take aim and fire one round in the Elk’s chest to earn a heart shot. On occasion the game won’t register a heart shot then the next time, you could place a bullet in exactly the same way on another run and it will count so try as many times as is needed to complete this objective.
Grass Roots - Trevor
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Pre-Emptive Strike> Destroy 4 clown vans before thy can generate clowns
This is a tough one as the clowns usually get out of the van as the van spawns so take a few runs to learn where the vans usually appear then destroy the vans as quickly as you can 4 times before any clowns get out. - Greatest Dancer> Kill 6 clowns whilst they are dancing
Every so often the clowns will start dancing, kill 6 of them whilst they’re doing so.
Minute Man Blues
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- What Goes Around…> Use the stun gun on Joe and Josef before killing them
Enter the Farm through the main entrance where you will find one of them aiming a gun at the immigrants. Equip your stun gun and tase him then equip and lethal weapon and put him down for good. Move towards the barn in a vehicle with any offensive weapon equipped and as he bursts out of the barn in the tractor shoot the tyres out where he will get out of the tractor and bolt so be quick in stunning him. Once stunned, equip a lethal weapon and put him down. - No Migration> Kill Joe and Josef before they leave the farm
If you’re struggling with the steps in What Goes Around, equip an RPG / Sticky Bomb and destroy the tractor before it can leave the farm.
Rampage: Ballas
As this is a rampage, you need to complete all 3 objectives in one run to earn the gold medal!.
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Get 50 Kills
You get swarmed by Ballas in the alley way, I found it easiest to take them on at the entrance giving you enough room to not get surrounded as you have them coming from front, back, the sides and above. Keep a good eye on your health bar and get to cover if you need to replenish some health then ensure you take down 50 in the time limit. - Get 6 Headshots
Aim at a Balla then push up on the right stick to go for the head. Take down at least 6 enemies with headshots. - Destroy 2 Vehicles
Open your weapon wheel to access your grenades then either shoot the driver making them crash or jump out of the way where the cars will stop behind you (they come through at high speed) then chuck a grenade to destroy a vehicle. Do this twice.
Rampage: Hipsters
As this is a rampage, you need to complete all 3 objectives in one run to earn the gold medal!.
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Get 30 Kills
Keep laying Shotgun rounds down on the enemy which can be a pain as they sawn off has limited range so get up close whilst keeping an eye on your health bar. - Get 10 Headshots
Aim at any of the hipsters then push up on the right stick to aim for the head, achieve 10 headshots to complete the objective. - Destroy 2 Vehicles
Open your weapon wheel to access your grenades then destroy 2 vehicles which can be the Faggio’s (moped) or the Weeny Issi (Mini).
Rampage: Military
As this is a rampage, you need to complete all 3 objectives in one run to earn the gold medal!.
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Get 45 Kills
You’ll easily rack up 45 kills throughout the mission, keep firing the grenade launcher to takeout the Jeeps and troop carriers. - Get 6 Headshots
Open your weapon wheel and equip the Assault Rifle as long as you don’t have a tank on the field of play. Shoot the first 2 Soldiers that run off in the head quickly then allow 4 more Soldiers to exit a Jeep and put them down with headshots. It can be tricky but it’s doable as long as you aren’t getting run over by more inbound Soldiers. - Destroy 2 Tanks
Taking on Tanks is never recommended although here, they are a bit dumb so we’ll use that to our advantage. The tank seems to fire then aim for where you’re standing so strafe whilst firing (move left or right consistently) and lay down a few grenade rounds on the Tank to destroy it. There will be 3 Tanks that spawn, I suggest you take down all 3 although you only need 2 for the objective.
Rampage: Rednecks
As this is a rampage, you need to complete all 3 objectives in one run to earn the gold medal!.
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Get 45 Kills
You will be swarmed by Rednecks so take as many down as you can ensuring you handle at least 45 of them. Keep a good eye on the mini map as well as checking on top of the small building. Given the numbers your health bar might struggle so go to cover for a few seconds to go from red to green then carry on laying down fire. - Get 3 Headshots
Aim at an enemy then push up on the right stick to aim for the head. Take down 3 enemies with headshots. - Destroy 2 Vehicles
Open your weapon wheel then select the grenades, there will be 4 vehicles that come for you in the mission. Destroy at least 2 of them.
Rampage: Vagos
As this is a rampage, you need to complete all 3 objectives in one run to earn the gold medal!.
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Get 45 Kills
Fire quickly and in short burst aiming for the head where possible. Keep an eye on the roofs and the mini map ensuring you get 45+ kills before the time runs out. - Get 6 Headshots
Aim at one of the Vagos then push up on the right stick to aim at the head. Earn 6+ headshots before the timer runs out. - Destroy 2 Vehicles
In addition to the SMG you have, in your weapon wheel you have 25 grenades so you know what to do, use grenades to blow up at least 2 vehicles.
Target Practice
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- 2 For 1> Kill 2 coyotes with one shot
Wait for 2 coyotes to cross each others path where they are in line with each other allowing a round to pass through one then the other. This happens fairly regularly so be patient and aim for the body as it’s a larger target making it easier to hit. - Pop! Pop!> Shoot all 3 tires with an accuracy of at least 75%
Wait for a truck to come along where as they have larger tyres you’ll have an easier time shooting one. As soon as you shoot one tyre the truck will come to stop allowing you to shoot another tyre. If the car stops square on and you can’t get a clean shot on one of the furthest tyres sprint to the left of the walkway you’re on the take the shot as soon as you can. Please note you have to hit the actual tyre, hitting the wheel won’t count so zoom in and track the tyre with the scope and fire once you know you’ll make the shot. - Bad Signal> Shoot all 3 satellite dishes without missing
Working left to right the first satellite dish is on the ground, the next dish is on top of a building and is nearly side on and the the final satellite dish is facing away from you again on a building. Use the red markers to help you find the dishes ensuring you take out all 3 using only one shot each.
The Civil Border Patrol
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Mariachi My Ride> Steal the band’s Tornado after stunning them
Once you have stopped the band (See Stop the Music) then go and jump in the driver’s seat of the band’s car after shooting both Mariachi with the stun gun. - Stop the Music> Stop the band within 40 seconds
As soon as you come out of the Jack Inn, have an Assault Rifle / SMG equipped and aim directly at the cars tyres, blow at least one where the band will stop.
Vinewood Souvenirs - Al Di Napoli
Mission attempts recommended> 3.
- Stalker> Stay close to Al Di Napoli throughout the chase
This will take a few attempts to learn the course he drives as well as a good amount of luck as you race to keep up with him. The hardest section is in the hospital as there’s so much debris that goes everywhere it’s easier to get a chair / patient caught up in front of your car slowing you down. - Accident And Emergency> Avoid hitting anyone in the hospital
This is completely RNG as sometimes you’ll get through the hospital with no one in the way, other times there will be at least one person right in your path so take as many attempts as you need to until you complete this objective. - Not a Scratch> Complete with minimal damage to Nigel’s car
Another challenging objective, especially as you go through the hospital, one half speed crash and you’ll fail this, try and get through with no damage to minor cosmetic damage to stand a chance of passing this objective. Sometimes it just won’t happen due to traffic / debris / pedestrians / patients whereas other times you’ll have a clear run giving you a better chance of minimising the damage to the car.
Vinewood Souvenirs - Kerry
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Hot on the Paws> Stay close to Dexie throughout chase
Sprint after Dexie staying as close as you can to her hoping you don’t get hit by any cars as you sprint across the road to the Fire Station where you can steal her collar.
Vinewood Souvenirs - Mark
Mission attempts recommended> 2.
- Under Par> Collect the golf club within 30 seconds
This is tough to do. Get over to Mark and his body guards with a high powered / artillery weapon such as an Assault Shotgun / RPG / Minigun and clear them out then quickly grab the Golf Club. - Hole in One> Kill Mark with a headshot
Mark will try fleeing in a Golf cart. Chase him down then shoot him in the head which will be easiest if you can do so before the Cops show up as they can either kill you or ram your Golf cart affecting your aim. - FOUR!> Kill Mark and his 3 security guards
Get over to Mark and take down his 3 body guards as well as killing Mark to complete the objective.
Vinewood Souvenirs - The Last Act
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Skin of your Teeth> Exit the car just before the train hits
This objective feels somewhat broken as you need to get out of the car with split second accuracy just getting clear as the train hits the car. A split second to late and you’ll die, a split second to early and you’ll fail the objective making this feel somewhat obtuse. Keep trying if you’re desperate for the gold medal where eventually the game will allow the pass. - Locomotivation> Kill Al Di Napoli using the train
Nice and easy, drive Al Di Napoli to the train tracks then get out allowing the train to kill him.
Vinwood Souvenirs - Tyler
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Weed Killer> Take out the gardener with a stealth attack
Jump the wall then look to you right, crouch down and take out the Gardener with a stealth attack. - Pilferer> Steal the clothes without being detected
Once Tyler jumps out of the pool he will walk over to the left side of the house, wait for him to face away from you then get to the clothes under the sun lounger. From here, turn around and go back the way you came jumping the wall to complete the objective.
Vinwood Souvenirs - Willie
Mission attempts recommended> 1.
- Fist Fury> Take no damage during the fight with Willie
The fight isn’t that hard and Willie has a low health pool so keep the pressure on and take him down with consistent attacks. - Entourage> Talk to the entourage
Go into the club then go through the door to your left before going down the stairs where Trevor will be able to speak to the entourage.
That’s the Grand Theft Auto V Solid Gold Baby Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you earn 70 Gold Medals throughout Missions and Strangers + Freaks.
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