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Grand Theft Auto V Trophy Guide

Welcome to the Grand Theft Auto V Trophy Guide.


There’s a lot to do whilst making your mark on San Andreas both on and offline. I recommend taking the game in stages to make things easier. Ensure you play up until the mission, The Hotel Assassination for Lester as Franklin becomes available which will make Trading Pure Alpha a lot easier to acquire. You’re then in a good position to push through the rest of the game without to much to worry about missing, just ensure that during the final mission you choose Option C in case you have any trophies left for Trevor / Michael as killing either of them will then negate the opportunity to do their specific trophies unless you either start a new game or revert back to a previous save.

Grand Theft Auto V Los Santos Legend trophy
PS5 Platinum Trophy

Los Santos Legend
Congratulations! You’re Vinewood’s biggest star!

Grand Theft Auto V Welcome to Los Santos trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Welcome to Los Santos
You repo’d a car and raced it through the heart of a sun-soaked metropolis.

Story related and cannot be missed.
Complete the Franklin & Lamar mission.

Grand Theft Auto V A Friendship Resurrected trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

A Friendship Resurrected
With friends like this who needs enemies?

Story related and cannot be missed.
Complete the Fame or Shame mission.

Grand Theft Auto V A Fair Day's Pay trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

A Fair Day’s Pay
It’s time for a little getaway.

Story related and cannot be missed.
Complete the Caida Libra mission.

Grand Theft Auto V The Moment of Truth trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The Moment of Truth
You have uncovered the truth about Brad.

Story related and cannot be missed.
Complete the Bury The Hatchet mission.

Grand Theft Auto V To Live or Die in Los Santos trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

To Live or Die in Los Santos
Completed the final mission.

Story related and cannot be missed.
Complete the, The Third Way mission.

Grand Theft Auto V Diamond Hard trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Diamond Hard
You cleaned out Vangelico to pay back Martin Madrazo.

Story related and cannot be missed.
Complete the, The Jewel Store Job mission.

Grand Theft Auto V Subversive trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

You stole an experimental super weapon from Merryweather… and gave it back.

Story related and cannot be missed.
Complete the Minisub mission.

Grand Theft Auto V Blitzed trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

You performed a classic blitz play.

Story related and cannot be missed.
Complete the Blitz Play mission.

Grand Theft Auto V Small Town, Big Job trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Small Town, Big Job
You made a big impression at the Paleto Bay Chicken Festival.

Story related and cannot be missed.
Complete the, The Paleto Score mission.

Grand Theft Auto V The Government Gimps trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The Government Gimps
You recovered sensitive information from a highly defended federal building.

Store related and cannot be missed.
Complete the, The Bureau Raid mission.

Grand Theft Auto V The Big One! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The Big One!
This ain’t no dream no more.

Story related and cannot be missed.
Complete the, The Big Score mission.

Grand Theft Auto V Solid Gold, Baby! trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Solid Gold, Baby!
Earn any 70 Gold Medals on Missions, Strangers and Freaks.

Click the link to go to the complete Solid Gold Baby Trophy Guide.

Grand Theft Auto V Career Criminal trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Career Criminal
Attain 100% Game Completion.

Click the link to go to the complete Career Criminal Trophy Guide.

Grand Theft Auto V San Andreas Sightseer trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

San Andreas Sightseer
Explore all of Los Santos and Blaine County

You can technically get this done at any point in the game after the first repo mission, you will, however, uncover the majority of the map as you make your way towards the platinum. What you need to do is have every section of the map be visible which is easiest in a plane that flies fairly low to the ground. One section you do need to pay particular attention to is the coast as there are several small islands off the coast that need to be uncovered. Ensure you cover the docks and Mount Chilliad as well as the large lake in the North and you’ll have this done soon enough.

Grand Theft Auto V All's Fare in Love and War trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

All’s Fare in Love and War
Purchase Downtown Cab Co. and complete a private fare.

In order to purchase the cab company you will need to have at least $200,000 so play through the story until you have this amount where you can go to East Vinewood in the top right of Los Santos in a place called East Vinewood (see the image below) as Franklin and purchase the Downtown Cab Co.

Once purchased you will need to complete a fare where your Trophy will then unlock.

Grand Theft Auto V TP Industries Arms Race trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

TP Industries Arms Race
Purchase McKenzie Field Hangar and win the arms race.

The McKenzie Airfield is found in the Grand Senora Desert just North East of the Alamo Sea (see the image below) and can be purchased by Trevor for $150,000.

Once purchased you will need to complete a series of 5 missions which are simple enough. Go here kill them style missions which once completed, will unlock your Trophy.

Grand Theft Auto V Multi-Disciplined trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Attain a gold medal in all applicable hobbies and pastimes.

There are 6 hobbies and pastimes to complete around Los Santos, the majority of which become available later in the game. Each character in GTA V has their own set of skills which benefit these hobbies / pastimes. Below, I’ll list what you need to do and the best character to do it with:

  • Flight-School Lesson> Trevor.
  • Off-Road Race> Franklin.
  • Sea Race> Michael.
  • Shooting Range> Ammu-Nation> Trevor.
  • Street Race> Franklin.
  • Triathlon> Franklin.

All of these hobbies / pastimes become available on the map as you progress through the game. Complete one of each of the above events to unlock your Trophy.

Grand Theft Auto V From Beyond the Stars trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

From Beyond the Stars
Collect and return all spaceship parts.

Click the link to go to the complete From Beyond The Stars Trophy Guide.

Grand Theft Auto V A Mystery, Solved trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

A Mystery, Solved
Solve the mystery of Leonora Johnson.

Click the link to go to the complete A Mystery Solved Trophy Guide.

Grand Theft Auto V Waste Management trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Waste Management
Purchase the old dock and collect all nuclear waste.

Click the link to go to the complete Waste Management Trophy Guide.

Grand Theft Auto V Red Mist trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Red Mist
Complete all Rampages.

Click the link to go to the complete Red Mist Trophy Guide.

Grand Theft Auto V Show Off trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Show Off
Complete all Stunt Jumps.

Click the link to go to the complete Show Off Trophy Guide.

Grand Theft Auto V Kifflom! trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Complete your path to enlightenment… or not.

Click the link to go to the complete Kifflom! Trophy Guide.

Grand Theft Auto V Three Man Army trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Three Man Army
Survive 3 minutes on at least a 3 star Wanted Level with all three characters together off mission.

This sounds tough but it’s pretty simple. First off, take Franklins owned vehicle to Los Santos Customs and fully upgrade the armor, engine, turbo and fit bullet proof tyres, you can fully mod the car if you want to but the aforementioned upgrades are essential. Once you have the vehicle modded, go through the game until Trevor becomes available as a playable character then switch to Franklin anytime after the Fame or Shame mission and call Michael, go and pick him up in the car then call Trevor and collect him but be quick about it as they won’t wait around for long.

Once they’re both in your car, drive to the Los Santos Airport and drive through the barrier where, providing you haven’t bought a hangar, you will get a three star wanted level then it’s a case of driving around the airport grounds avoiding the police and incoming planes for three minutes. Once you have been chased for three minutes with Franklin, Michael and Trevor in the same car, your Trophy will unlock.

Grand Theft Auto V Out of Your Depth trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Out of Your Depth
You’re gonna need a bigger boat…

Make your way to the ocean and get yourself a boat. Once you have one, head out to the dark blue area of the map which represents deep water. Keep going around where eventually (it’s completely random) a red dot will appear on your map, dive into the water and get close to the Shark where it will attack you, unlocking your Trophy in the process.

Grand Theft Auto V Altruist Acolyte trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Altruist Acolyte
Deliver an unsuspecting victim to the Altruist Cult.

You need to be playing as Trevor so continue through the game to where he unlocks as a playable character then get in any vehicle and drive around the tracks south of Mount Chilliad where you will see a blue dot on your minimap. This is a hitch-hiker so let him / her into your car then carefully drive to the “A” on the west side of Mt. Chilliad which only appears on your map once the hitch-hiker is in the car. Once at the “A”, drop the hitch-hiker off where your Trophy will unlock.

Grand Theft Auto V A Lot of Cheddar trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

A Lot of Cheddar
Spend a total of $200 million across all three characters.

This will be one of your last trophies in the game if done legit. However, there is a nice work-around we have to make this doable roughly halfway through the game. Once you have a good amount of money (the more millions you have the quicker this will be) go to the stock page (Phone> Internet> Money and Services> BAWSAQ> Markets> (any stock with a green arrow)> Buy> +as many as you can> Confirm> Continue) and purchase any stocks, but as many of the stocks as you can as long as the stock has a green arrow as the price is highly unlikely to drop dramatically (don’t leave the phone).

For example, spending $1,000,000 on shares worth $1,000 will net you 100,000 shares, spending $10,000,000 on shares worth $1,000 will net you 1,000,000 shares and so on. Once you have purchased shares in any company, sell them straight away (Phone> Internet> Money and Services> My Portfolio> Sell All> Confirm> Continue) where you will get the same amount of money back that you invested. The reason we do this with a multiple of millions is it makes it quicker. If you have $1,000,000 you will need to do this 200 times, whereas if you have $10,000,000 you need to do it 20 times etc.

Once you have spent over $200,000,000 as any character, switch to another character (if you started as Franklin, switch to Michael or Trevor) and purchase anything you like, then switch to the third character (If you chose Franklin then Michael, choose Trevor etc.) and purchase anything you like with him. As long as you have spent a minimum of $200,000,001 across all 3 characters, your Trophy will unlock.

Grand Theft Auto V Trading Pure Alpha trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Trading Pure Alpha
Make a profit over your total investments in the stock market.

This can be a tricky one if you leave it until later in the game, however, it can be very easy and profitable if you do it at the right part of the main story. Once you have unlock Trevor and have completed the Fame or Shame mission, change to Franklin where you will get a phone call from Lester telling you he’s transferring you your cut from the jewellery heist.

Shortly after he will telephone you again asking you to meet him where he will discuss an assassination contract with you activating a mission called The Hotel Assassination. Once you’ve accepted the mission, go into your phone (press Up) then Money and Services and scroll down to BAWSAQ. The stock you’re looking for is called Betta Pharmaceuticals.

You can buy either one stock or sink every cent you have into as many stocks as possible as upon completion of the, The Hotel Assassination mission the stock price will increase regardless. Once you have completed the mission open your phone, go to Money and Services> My Portfolio then sell all of your Betta Pharmaceutical stock to unlock your Trophy.

Grand Theft Auto V Pimp My Sidearm trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Pimp My Sidearm
Fully mod a weapon.

This can be done at anytime after the Prologue and the first repo mission in Los Santos. Make your way over to Ammu-Nation (shown as a gun on the map) and buy the Pistol for $350. Once you have the Pistol you will need to purchase the following upgrades:

  • Extended Clip: $387.
  • Flashlight: $472.
  • Suppressor: $1,822.
  • Army Tint: $100.

Once you have purchased the upgrades for the Pistol, your Trophy will unlock.

Grand Theft Auto V Wanted Alive or Alive trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Wanted: Alive or Alive
Deliver a bail bond target alive.

Continue through the game until you have completed the Fame or Shame mission where the Strangers and Freaks mission becomes available then get over there as Trevor to speak with Maude, a bondsman looking for some help in capturing felons. (See the image).

Grand Theft Auto V Wanted Alive or Alive Maude Location

You do have the opportunity and it’s a lot easier to just shoot them dead, however, for this trophy you need to capture a target alive. The first target you are tasked to capture is Ralph Ostrowski and he can be found at The Quarry (Image below) so get over there and shoot out the tyres of the truck with something like a Micro SMG.

Grand Theft Auto V Wanted Alive or Alive Target Location

From here, he will get out of the truck where you can aim a gun at him to ensure he’s compliant then, ensuring you have at least a 2 seater vehicle, drive back to Maude with the target alive to unlock your Trophy.

Grand Theft Auto V Los Santos Customs trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Los Santos Customs
Fully mod a vehicle.

Click the link to go to the complete Los Santos Customs Trophy Guide.

Grand Theft Auto V Close Shave trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Close Shave
Complete all Under the Bridge and Knife Flight challenges.

Click the link to go to the complete Close Shave Trophy Guide.

Grand Theft Auto V Off the Plane trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Off the Plane
GTA Online: Complete the Introduction.

Go into GTA Online either from the initial loading screen or via your in game phone, customise your character then go through the cut-scenes (can be skipped) where Lamar will collect you from the airport.

Grand Theft Auto V Three-Bit Gangster trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Three-Bit Gangster
GTA Online: Reach Rank 25.

See Above The Law for more information.

Grand Theft Auto V Making Moves trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Making Moves
GTA Online: Reach Rank 50.

See Above the Law for more information.

Grand Theft Auto V Above the Law trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Above the Law
GTA Online: Reach Rank 100.

Near enough anything you do in GTA Online earns you XP, however, getting to level 100 will still take a long time. Leave this one until last in the GTA Online section of the trophy list then grind out your favourite discipline for RP, either Races, Deathmatches, Survivals as you make your way to level 100. There are several fast ways you can earn RP in GTA Online, however, Rockstar also have a habit of banning peoples accounts so tread carefully. Once you make it all the way up to Level 100 you will then unlock your Trophy.

Grand Theft Auto V Numero Uno trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Numero Uno
GTA Online: Obtain first place in all competitive game types.

Click the link to go to the Decorated Trophy Guide then see All Rounder for how to unlock this Trophy.

Grand Theft Auto V The Midnight Club trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The Midnight Club
GTA Online: Use custom vehicles to win 5 races.

You can customise a vehicle at any Los Santos Customs where you can then set up and enter a Race (Click the link to go to the Decorated Trophy Guide then search for the, The Champion platinum award for how to set up Races). Take the win 5 times in your custom vehicle to unlock your Trophy.

Grand Theft Auto V Unnatural Selection trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Unnatural Selection
GTA Online: Complete all 10 waves of a Survival.

Click the link to go to the Decorated Trophy Guide then search for the Survivor platinum award. Ensure you follow the steps where you will, once your weapons are strong enough be able to complete all 10 waves of the Survival to unlock your Trophy.

Grand Theft Auto V Backseat Driver trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Backseat Driver
GTA Online: Direct a driver to 1st place as co-driver in Rally Mode.

Click the link to go to the Decorated Trophy Guide then search for the, The Dictator platinum award for information on how to set up Rally Races as the Co-Driver then ensure you take the win to unlock your Trophy.

Grand Theft Auto V Run Like The Wind trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Run Like The Wind
GTA Online: Survive with a Bounty on your head.

This will be a lot easier if you can find an online boosting partner. Once you have a boosting partner go; Pause> Online> Invite Only Session then invite your boosting partner in. They then need to place a Bounty on your head which can be done by calling Lester (Phone> Contacts> Lester) after having reached Rank 10 then choose Set Bounty. Then you need to stay alive for one in game day (around 48 minutes), however, you can’t be idle or paused, you need to either driving, walking, sailing, flying, anything will do as long as you don’t die. Keep yourself alive for 1 in game day with a Bounty on your head to unlock your Trophy.

Grand Theft Auto V Clean Sweep trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Clean Sweep
GTA Online: Finish a Gang Attack without dying and kill at least 10 enemies.

Gang Attacks appear randomly throughout GTA Online and are represented as red circles on the map when you’re close to them.

Essentially you need decent hard hitting weapons such as an MG, Assault Rifle, Shotgun etc. Anything that will enable you to take enemies down quickly and efficiently. Stay in cover as best as you can enabling you to stay alive longer. Also purchase some armour from Ammu-Nation to increase your survivability. Take down 10+ enemies in a Gang Attack before they take you down to unlock your Trophy.

Grand Theft Auto V Decorated trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

GTA Online: Earn 30 Platinum Awards.

Click the link to go to the complete Decorated Trophy Guide.

Grand Theft Auto V Stick Up Kid trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Stick Up Kid
GTA Online: Hold up all 20 Stores.

Click the link to go to the complete Stick Up Kid Trophy Guide.

Grand Theft Auto V Enjoy Your Stay trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Enjoy Your Stay
GTA Online: Participate in everything Los Santos has to offer.

You need to be a minimum of Rank 10 online where every activity will then become available to you. The activities are simple enough to complete and most of them can be completed within half hour with a handful more taking slightly longer. Everything you need to do will earn you progress towards the 30 platinum awards required for DecoratedClick the link to go the Decorated Trophy Guide for more detailed information on each event if you need it. The activities you need to participate in are:

  • Get a haircut.
  • Buy an item of clothing.
  • Get a tattoo.
  • Play darts.
  • Play tennis.
  • Play golf.
  • Hold up a store: Enter any store and point a gun at the cashier until he / she gives you some money.
  • Use a shooting range: At the back of some Ammu-Nations will be a shooting range you can use. Complete any one of the trials.
  • Have an arm wrestle.
  • Buy a private dance at a strip club.

Once you have completed every event / activity listed above, your Trophy will unlock.

Grand Theft Auto V Crew Cut trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Crew Cut
GTA Online: Complete a Job as a member of a Crew.

Firstly, you need to sign up to Rockstar Games Social Club (click this link to go to their website http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/) which is a very simple process, enter your date of birth and accept their terms and conditions, then the usual email password etc. Once you’re signed up click the Crews tab then Create A Crew adding your crew name, tag, colour and motto then go back in game and ensure you are signed in under the same Social Club account for your given console where you can access your Crew in game (GTA Online> Pause> Online> Crews> My Crews> Select the crew then invite your boosting partner). Once your boosting partner is in the crew, go and complete any event (Pause> Online> Playlists> Create> Add Race (any event will do)> Save Playlist> My Playlists> Play). Once you’re loaded in with your boosting partner who is in your crew, complete the event to unlock your Trophy.

Grand Theft Auto V Full Refund trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Full Refund
GTA Online: Kill the thief that mugged you.

You will need an online boosting partner for this.
Ensure your boosting partner is at least level 50 then have them call Lamar (this will be easiest in an Invite only GTA Online session). They need to select the option Call Mugger which costs $1,000. They then need to select your character then wait around 5 minutes (on the street, not in an apartment) where a mugger will come and attack you, stealing some of your cash. Chase after and kill the mugger to unlock your Trophy.

Grand Theft Auto V Dialling Digits trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Dialling Digits
GTA Online: Call for a Backup Helicopter for the first time.

Once you reach Rank 20 you can call for support on your Phone which will cost you $5,000. You will also need to have met Trevor online which will happen as you play through the missions as they become available. Once the Helicopter arrives on scene your Trophy will unlock.

Grand Theft Auto V American Dream trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

American Dream
GTA Online: Own an Apartment, Garage and an Insured Vehicle

This will more than likely happen naturally as you play through GTA: Online, however, if it doesn’t, here’s what you need to do. Once you’ve gone through the character creation in GTA: Online, go through the first few steps where you’ll get to level 5 then get some cash (complete jobs / activities) then pull up your phone and go Internet> Money and Services> www . dynasty 8 real estate . com> View Property Listings> Filter Low to High> Purchase any property that has a garage (car symbol next to the address).

Next up we need to buy a car which can be done by opening your phone then Internet> Travel and Transport> www . southern san andreas super autos .com> Sort by Price> Purchase the cheapest vehicle (Free ones are fine if you have any, if not grab a Principle Faggio for $5,000) then once you’ve chosen your colour, have it delivered to your property’s garage where it will then automatically become insured. Once you have an apartment, garage and an insured vehicle, your Trophy will unlock.

Grand Theft Auto V A New Perspective trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

A New Perspective
You played GTA V in first person mode for 15 hours.

This can be done at any time in the game across any of the 3 characters or a combination of each of them. In order to go into first person mode simply press Touchpad and either play the game as normal in first person mode or go idle for however long you like as long as you rack up a total of 15 hours you’ll unlock your Trophy.

That’s the Grand Theft Auto V Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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