GRID Trophy Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Racing.
GRID Directory.
Welcome to the Grid Trophy Guide.
- Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC.
- Trophies: 30: Platinum: 1, Gold: 6, Silver: 8, Bronze: 15.
- Release Date: 11-Oct-2019.
- Missable Trophies: None.
- Glitched Trophies: None.
- Online Trophies: None.
- Difficulty Rating: 3/10.
- Approx. time to 100%: 300 + Hours due to Around the Globe.
This guide will help you complete a race with no damage, drive for 24,901 miles and beat every career event as well as everything else required throughout Grid. Start with Career to familiarise yourself then it’s a simple case of working through the list collecting any trophies you have outstanding.

Earn all other Trophies

Final Stretch
Gain entry to the GRID World Series
Once you start your career, you’ll see there are lines of races to complete, complete these events will unlock a showdown race. In order to enter the GRID World Series you need to win 4 of the showdown events. As soon as you’ve completed your 4th showdown event your Trophy will unlock.

Best of the Best
Win the ‘Showdown: Ravenwest’ Career Event
The Ravenwest showdown is the GRID World Series showdown event. See Final Stretch for details on how to enter the GRID World Series. There are a total of 6 events you’ll need to complete (1 for each series type) in order, complete them all and you’ll unlock the showdown. As always, if you’re struggling with the event, lower the AI difficulty, take your time to learn and practice the course. Once you have won the Ravenwest showdown, your Trophy will unlock.

Down Under
Win the ‘Showdown: Hammerhead’ Career Event
You’ll gain access to this showdown once you have completed 10 of the 13 available events in the Touring career class. Quite a straight forward 1 round race event, come in 1st place to unlock your Trophy.

Win the ‘Showdown: Vulpini Racing’ Career Event
You’ll gain access to this showdown once you have completed 10 of the 13 available events in the Stock career class. A decent little 1 round race event, come in 1st place and you’ll unlock your Trophy.

Pro Tuned
Win the ‘Showdown: DisruptR’ Career Event
You’ll gain access to this showdown once you have completed 10 of the 13 available events in the Tuner career class. A challenging 1 round time attack event, come in 1st place and you’ll unlock your Trophy.

Das Beste
Win the ‘Showdown: Euro Rand’ Career Event
You’ll gain access to this showdown once you have completed 10 of the 13 available events in the GT career class. A 1 round race event that shouldn’t cause to many issues, come in 1st place and you’ll unlock your Trophy.

Triple Crowned
Win the ‘Showdown: Fernando Alonso’ Career Event
You’ll gain access to this showdown once you have completed 10 of the 13 available events in the Fernando Alonso career class. A 1 round race event that should hopefully be simple enough by the time you’ve made it this far, come in 1st place and you’ll unlock your Trophy.

Win the ‘Showdown: Aurora Motorsport’ Career Event
You’ll gain access to this showdown once you have completed the Group 7 face-off part 2 event available events in the Invitational career class. A very fast 1 round race event, come in 1st place and you’ll unlock your Trophy.

Pro Driver
Reach player level 50
See Race Driver for more information.

A Fine Choice
Purchase your first car
Once you’ve completed the prologue and you get placed in the main menu, go to career, choose any available event and purchase any vehicle to enter the event. Once you have purchased your first car, your Trophy will unlock.

Content Tracker
Own at least one car in each class available from launch
The most expensive trophy in GRID, but a fairly easy one as well. Save this one until after you’ve completed every career event, which should see you have roughly 13 million in the bank. There are a total of 6 main classes in GRID, however, in the invitational class, you will need to buy one of every car in this class, here is the full list:
- Touring Cars:
Super Tourers.
TC-1 Specials.
- Stock Cars:
Pro Trucks.
Oval Stocks.
- Tuner:
Super Modified.
World Time Attack.
- GT:
GT Group 2.
GT Group 1.
- Invitational:
Classic Mini Cup.
Classic Touring Car.
Classic GT.
Classic Ferrari Cup.
Ferrari Cup.
Heritage Super Tourers.
Historic GT.
Group 7 Specials.
Renault R26.
In total, dependant on your choices, you’re looking at spending roughly 8.5 million on all of these vehicles. Once you have purchased at least one car from each of the categories listed above, your Trophy will then unlock.

Race Driver
Reach Player Level 99
If you go directly through career and get near enough every other trophy done and out the way beforehand, you should be around level 95-ish. That said, if you’re going for 100% in the trophies, you will easily have this one done on your way. As soon as you hit level 99, your Trophy will unlock.

Worth its Weight
Earn a gold trophy in every Career Event in the Career Tab
There are a total of 104 events in the career tab. Many of these are made up of either 1, 2, 3, or 4 rounds. Including the showdowns and GRID World Series. Get a first place finish in every single round in order to unlock your Trophy.

Around the Globe
Drive a total distance equal to the circumference of the Earth
The total circumference of our lovely wet planet is 24,901 miles or 40,074km. By the time you’ve completed every career event, you’ll be roughly 7% of the way towards this, which means you have a LOT of mileage to cover. The simplest and most boring way of getting this done is to go to free play, choose Indianapolis, Oval. Set the laps to 33 and grind them out. The reason we set them to 33, is you can very easily get disqualified if you cut corners or if the game thinks you’re rubber banding, and if you are DQ’d. You lose ALL progress you’ve accrued in that particular race. This trophy will take you around 10000 laps (2.54 miles per lap) so get very comfy and grind them out. You can check your progress in your stats screen which will give you your total covered mileage, once you hit the required amount, your Trophy will unlock.

By Invitation Only
Complete every Career Event in the Invitational category
This was my personal favourite series in the game, you get to drive a series of classics, that you don’t have to pay for, the majority of these are 1 round events as well, making them quite quick to complete. Once you have a gold medal on each and every event in the Invitational category, and have completed the showdown as well, your Trophy will unlock.

Personal Touch
Customise your first livery
Another very simple trophy. from the main menu, go to any event, select any car for that event. Then select livery, followed by customise. Simply change the colour of any part of the livery to unlock your Trophy.

FA Racing Specialist
Complete every Career Event in the FA Racing category
The FA Racing category is the 5th career tab, however, you can enter these events either from the start of your career or work your way down to it, this is a nice mix of F1, World Time Attack and F3 races, out of the 14 events that total off the Fernando Alonso events only 1 of them is a Time Attack, which is nice, complete all 13 main events and the showdown to unlock your Trophy.

Cruise Control
Complete every Career Event in the GT category
The GT Racing category is the 4th career tab, however, you can enter these events either from the start of your career or work your way down to it. You’ll be racing a series of very fast cars through some windy tracks, very high possibility to lose valuable place times and seconds in a lap by being a slightly to aggressive in the corners. These cars love to oversteer, fortunately, all 14 events are race events. Complete all 13 main events and the showdown to unlock your Trophy.

Out Of Stock
Complete every Career Event in the Stock category
The Stock Racing category is the 2nd career tab, however, you can enter these events either from the start of your career or work your way down to it, you’ll be racing a lot of heavy muscle cars around some tight twisty tracks and some long sweepers as well. Speed is definitely the order of the day throughout this category. These Stock cars to get very skiddish in the rain, so take extra care here. There’s only 1 time attack round here which is a blessing, you put more than 2 wheels off the track and your entire lap is negated. That said, complete all 13 events and the showdown and your Trophy will unlock.

Tour Guide
Complete every Career Event in the Touring category
The Stock Racing category is the 1st career tab and where the majority of you will probably start your career off in GRID. Here you’ll be racing around some low powered Tuner cars for the first half then some very powerful World Time Attack cars in the 2nd portion of your Tuner career all 13 events including the showdown are race events, so use these races to find your feet in GRID. As soon as you’ve completed all 13 events and the showdown your Trophy will unlock.

Fine Tuned
Complete every Career Event in the Tuner category
The Stock Racing Category is the 3rd career tab, however, you can enter these events either from the start of your career or work your way down to it, you’ll be racing a lot of high powered show cars throughout these events, of which a whopping 7 are the dreaded time attack events. Keep your wits about you and remember, with time attacks, it’s all about precision and control, you leave the track, your entire lap is invalidated (unless you use flashbacks of course). Once you’ve completed all 13 events and the showdown, your Trophy will unlock.

Show Off
Win a race by crossing the line backwards
Not the worst trophy in GRID by any stretch, but it can be quite a tricky one. You need to be in a race against at least 1 AI opponent, your team-mate won’t count. Set the race to at least 3 laps, and the AI difficulty to easy, by doing this, you should have enough time to build up a decent lead. Just before you cross the finish line, you want to either handbrake turn your car 180 degrees, which can be quite tricky. The easier way I found of doing this, is to pull up just before the finish line and do a 2 point turn so your back bumper is flush with the finish line and reverse across. Whichever way you decide to do this one, you’ll need to go across the line square on. Once successful, your Trophy will unlock.

Beat your first Nemesis
You’ll naturally end up with a Nemesis as you progress through career. A Nemesis, is basically someone you’ve upset in a Race, you can do this by either simply passing them, ramming them or by being anywhere near them. A Nemesis will be represented by an on screen message and a red helmet next to their name on your HUD. Simply place ahead of your Nemesis to unlock your Trophy.

Win a race in a Ravenwest livery with Nathan McKane as your team mate
You can get this trophy after having completed the showdown in the GRID World Series. From the main menu, go to profile, then team and purchase Nathan McKane for $150,000. Once purchased, he’ll automatically become your team mate. Once that’s done, go to free play and change the class to GT, Prototype and select the Cadillac DPi-V.R, this seems to be the only vehicle with the Ravenwest livery, go to customise and make sure you select the Ravenwest livery. Then enter the race and make sure you come in first place, once successful, your Trophy will unlock.

Coupon Car
Win an Event with at least 3 other racers using a loan car
From the main menu go to free play, set up any race you wish in any category where you don’t own that particular car. You’ll have the option on screen to purchase the car or loan the car, select the loan option and go off and win the race, it’s imperative that you finish in 1st place. If, for whatever reason, you’ve bought every car in the game then simply sell a car, go back into the menu and Loan the car you just sold. Once successful, your Trophy will unlock.

Next Contestant Please
Beat your first Career Rival
You’ll naturally pick up a career rival as you progress through your main career. He / She will be represented by an orange helmet symbol, simply finish above your rival in any event, at which point, your Trophy will unlock.

Win an Event with a full grid having finished the first round in last place
Select free play, ensure that the grid size is 16, rounds are set to 2 and if you’re confident in your abilities (set difficulty to very easy if needs be) set laps to 1. All other settings can be whatever you choose. Basically, what you need to do is finish round 1 in last place (16th) then go on and win the 2nd round, if you’re not confident you’ll win in a 1 lap race, try and place in the qualifiers to have a better starting place on the grid. As long as you come last in the first round and win the second round your Trophy will unlock.

Finish a race with at least 3 other racers without taking any damage
You can technically get this one on any career event. To make things easier, go to an event and do the qualifier, make sure you finish 1st in the qualifier, then during the main race, drive as conservatively as possible and finish the event without taking ANY damage. If you do take a single piece of damage, restart the event.
Alternatively, you can get this one done by being last and staying there, which for me was a lot harder than maintaining first place as any bodywork laying across the track could count as damage should you hit it. Please note, you only need to finish the race, rather than winning the race, so use your best judgement, once you cross the finish line without taking any damage, your Trophy will unlock.

First Of Many
Win your first Career Event
This will definitely be one of your first trophies you’ll earn. Simply win any career event to unlock your Trophy.
That’s the GRID Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.
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