
GRIP Trophy Guide

Author: ValeNort46.
Genre: Racing.

Welcome to the GRIP Trophy Guide.

  • Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC.
  • Trophies: 36: Platinum: 1, Gold: 5, Silver: 9, Bronze: 21.
  • Release Date: 06-Nov-2018.
  • Missable Trophies: None.
  • Glitched Trophies: None.
  • Online TrophiesNone.
  • Difficulty Rating3/10.
  • Approx. time to 100%40 Hours.

Enjoy racing around the tracks at breakneck speed, hitting Mach 1 with a fantastic series of weapons and acrobatics. Or dive into death-matches and use all of your skills to take out every opponent in the arena.

GRIP GRIP Legend trophy
PlayStation Platinum Trophy

GRIP Legend
Collect all Trophies

GRIP Got a GRIP trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Got a GRIP
Finish the tutorial

The first trophy you’ll unlock in GRIP, as soon as the tutorial has been completed your Trophy will unlock.

GRIP You did a thing trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

You did a thing
Finish a race

See Grip Master for more information.

GRIP Endurance trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Finish a 20 lap race

This is a more time-consuming trophy rather than a difficult one. To do this select the single player tab from the main menu now select Speed Demon mode from the races tab I recommend you choose the Planet, LIDDO 5 then choose the circuit as Speed Bowl. Ensure the game settings have 20 laps as the race length which is the maximum numbers of laps, also make sure that the engine power is set to wild as this will make the race go faster, all other options are whatever you wish. A typical lap around the speed bowl can be done in around 30 seconds, your finishing position is irrelevant so simply drive around the circuit until you complete all 20 laps. Once you have finished the race your Trophy will unlock.

GRIP GRIP Rookie trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

GRIP Rookie
Race 50 laps in total

See Grip Master for more information.

GRIP GRIP Addict trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

GRIP Addict
Race 250 laps in total

See Grip Master for more information.

GRIP GRIP Master trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

GRIP Master
Race 1000 laps in total

This is a cumulative total and more than likely will be one of your last trophies to unlock. If you’ve completed all other trophies in your game you can set up a Speed Demon race for 20 laps around the Speed Bowl which will take around 12 minutes to compete. Repeat this process until you reach the 1000 laps at which point your Trophy will unlock.

GRIP There's a first for everything trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

There’s a first for everything
Finish 1st in a race

See Skillz for more information.

GRIP Skill or luck trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Skill or luck?
Finish 1st 3 races in a row

See Skillz for more information.

GRIP Skillz trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Finish 1st 6 races in a row

Here we have a very nice way of making this trophy near on impossible to miss. What you need to do is start a new campaign and start the very first race where you race at the Speed Bowl with no opponents. When this race starts quit out and go back to the main menu. Next up, select Single Player then Classic Race at this point the game remembers your last race settings in this case against no opponents so it automatically moves these settings into a Classic Race lobby so all you need to do now is reduce the laps down to 1 and increase the engine power to wild. This way you’re free to do the 6 wins in a row without having to worry about any opposition overtaking you as there isn’t any, at the conclusion of your 6th and final race your Trophy will unlock.

GRIP Underdog trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Go from 10th to 1st within one lap

This might sound very tricky but it’s not very hard at all because the game features a catch-up option that means if your behind in a race you go faster. With that information to hand you want to choose Single Player from the main menu and select Speed Demon from the races tab, select any map you wish I chose the Speed. Bowl for its simplicity and make sure the race is a minimum of 3 laps, it has 10 participants, also make sure that catch-up assist is active. Go round the first lap very slowly and pick up 2 speed boost orbs on the way try to stay right behind 9th place then pick up the pace toward the end of lap 1 so your at maximum speed when you go over the start-finish line using all the speed boosts you can pick up and hit any many speed pads as you can.

With your catch-up assistance, you will be much faster so can gain time and overtake with ease, the catch-up assistance will not slow you back down until you are in first place, so if done correctly you will overtake all of your opponents and enter the last lap in first place. If you did not overtake everyone simply pause the game and restart the race, once you are successful your Trophy will unlock.

GRIP Bullet trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Average a speed 700kmph+ in a race

In order to average a lap of more than 700 kilometres per hour, you must first reach rank 7 to unlock the Juggernaut Vehicle which is fast enough to reach the required speed. To reach rank 7 simply complete races / Death-matches or campaign mode until you reach rank 7. From the main menu select Single Player and then Speed Demon mode under the races tab. Make sure the World is LIDDO 5 and the track is Speed Bowl, under the race settings set the race to 3 laps and 2 participants, then ensure the engine power is set to wild.

All other settings are whatever you wish. Press Square to select the vehicle and ensure you choose the Juggernaut. Your aim in this race is to be as fast as possible and collect the orbs to activate speed boosts systematically. Once you have collected an orb press L1 / R1 to activate the speed boost orb. The race has to be 3 laps long so you can run a fast enough time to negate your standing start and reach the minimum required speed, the speed bowl is probably the easiest of tracks as it is just an oval track but you will need to know where all the speed pads are for every possible boost in speed.

Try to use your picked up speed boosts on the straights to gain a higher maximum speed. If you don’t pick up all of the speed boosts / run over all the speed pads you can simply restart the race until you do run the near perfect race. At the results screen, the game will tell you the exact speed you hit and as long as it exceeds 700 kmph+ your Trophy will unlock.

GRIP Skewered trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Hit 3 or more opponents with a single charged RamRaider

The RamRaider ability is a beam of energy that comes from your vehicle when you trigger it, to charge it up you must first get 2 of them in your weapon inventory then press and hold L1 to combine them. With the charged RamRaider, simply make sure you have 3 AI opponents in front of you and press your L1 button at which point the front of your vehicle will have a glowing orange light just in front of it. Now make your way close to those vehicles and push them out the way, with that done your Trophy will unlock.

GRIP More than a pink slip trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

More than a pink slip
Destroy an opponent

See Penta Kill for more information.

GRIP Participated in a death ballet trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Participated in a death ballet
Finish an arena match

See Penta Kill for more information.

GRIP We've gone plaid trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

We’ve gone plaid
Hit Mach 1 in a race

In order to get this trophy done, I recommend you reach rank 7 first so you can unlock the vehicle called Juggernaut as this has a good maximum speed which helps get this trophy done. This trophy has to be done in a race so from the main menu select Single Player followed by Speed Demon mode from the race tab. Under the race settings ensure catch-up assistance is enabled and engine power is set to wild.

Make sure the planet is LIDDO 5 and the circuit is the Speed Bowl, I set the race to 20 laps and the maximum 10 participants ensure you have the Juggernaut as your chosen vehicle. Your aim is to let the AI get a good lead in the race so you can then use the catch-up assistance to get a massive increase in speed while at the same time trying to catch back up with the race leaders. Your catch-up assistance seems to work all the way until your in the lead so use this to your advantage.

Ensure you have 2 speed boost orbs ready to use and they are triggered by pressing L1 / R1You’re going to need to run at maximum speed down the front or back straight and trigger your first speed boost as you enter the tracks long corners, this will give you a boost around the corner and as soon as this speed boost ends and you’re onto the next long straight press L1 / R1 to trigger your second speed boost.

At this point press and hold Triangle for added boost and hopefully you can run over at least one of the tracks speed pads with the combination of extra speed out the last corner from the first speed boost and using the second boost and speed pads your vehicle will accelerate massively and will go over the required 1235kmh. As soon as you hit the required speed your Trophy will unlock.

GRIP Double Kill trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Double Kill
Destroy 2 players without dying

See Penta Kill for more information.

GRIP Triple Kill trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Triple Kill
Destroy 3 players without dying

See Penta Kill for more information.

GRIP Quad Kill trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Quad Kill
Destroy 4 players without dying

See Penta Kill for more information.

GRIP Penta Kill trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Penta Kill
Destroy 5 players without dying

This might sound like a daunting trophy but I have a very easy and simple way of getting it done. To do this, from the main menu select Single Player then death-match from the arena tab. Select any map you wish and make sure the number of participants is set to 2, the time limit is set to maximum and the kill limit is set to 5. All other settings are personal but I’d recommend you set the AI difficulty to easy that way you’re not under threat from been taken down before your final kill.

There is no set strategy to a death-match just simply collect the weapon orbs and chase down the AI until you get the kills. I found that a direct hit from the Scorpion missile did the most damage to the AI and because they were on the easy difficulty they hardly put up any resistance and barely did any damage to me. Once you have your fifth and final kill in a row your Trophy will unlock.

GRIP Vehicular homicide trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Vehicular homicide
Destroy 50 opponents

GRIP Vehicular genocide trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Vehicular genocide
Destroy 100 opponents

GRIP There are no cars left to kill, so chill trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

There are no cars left to kill, so chill
Destroy 250 opponents

This is a cumulative total and as you work your way through campaign bode you will be introduced to several ways to destroy an opponent so finish off campaign mode first then enter the arena to concentrate on kills. To do this select Single Player and then death-match, you can set a kill limit of 50 in the settings so with all other parts of the game compete worse case scenario, you won’t need to do more than 5 death-matches with the 50 kill limit. Once you do get your 250th kill your Trophy will unlock.

GRIP It's a play on words. Get it trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

It’s a play on words. Get it?
Finish a carkour course

See Playground Bound for more information.

GRIP Playground bound trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Playground bound
Finish all carkour courses

Away from racing and destroying opponents GRIP gives us the ability to perform death-defying stunts called carkour mode. This is perhaps the hardest mode in the game, in total you have 19 maps to beat ranging from easy difficulty all the way up to nightmare difficulty. The aim is simply to reach the finish line in order to pass these courses, once you have beaten all 19 Courses your Trophy will unlock.

GRIP Combat Racing Legend trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Combat Racing Legend
Finish the campaign

Story related and can not be missed, complete the campaign mode to unlock your Trophy.

GRIP I did it my way trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

I did it my way
Create a custom tournament

From the main menu select Single Player then press Touchpad to open up a tournament window where your Trophy will unlock.

GRIP Stunt double trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Stunt double
Pull a wheelie on the ceiling

There is no dedicated button to pull a wheelie in GRIP so you have to manufacture a way of doing it. From the main menu select Single Player and then the Speed Demon tab, make sure the planet is LIDDO 5 and the map is the Speed Bowl. Set the race to 20 laps, ensure the engine power is set to wild. Pick up 2 speed boost orbs which are the only pick up in a Speed Demon race then press and hold L1 to combine them for a charged Speed Boost. Now all you need to do is make your way onto the ceiling of the track and press L1 where you will pull a wheelie and unlock your Trophy.

GRIP Death from above trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Death from above
Hit an opponent with a Scorpion launched when airborne

The quickest way to do this is to select Single Player from the main menu then choose the Arena tab then death-match. You can use any death-match map, any vehicle you wish and the game settings are whatever you choose. Start the death-match and keep collecting the weapon orbs until you get the missile, once the missile has been collected you now want to follow an opponent and let the game get a lock-on on that opponent.

Just before you fire the Scorpion using either L1 / R1 depending which slot the weapon is currently assigned to you want to press and hold CrossThis is the button used to make your vehicle jump into the air, the instant you release Cross, press L1 / R1 and if done correctly the Scorpion will fire whilst you’re still in the air, with the missile locked-on to the opponent a direct hit will unlock your Trophy.

GRIP Duck hunt trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Duck hunt
Hit an airborne opponent with the Scorpion

This is another Scorpion missile trophy very similar to Death from above but in this one its the AI that needs to be airborne when the scorpion hits them so it’s more tricky to get. The quickest way I have found is to select Single Player from the main menu then death-match from the arena tab You can use any planet and any map you wish, make sure the participant’s number is 2 and you set the time limit and kill limit to maximum.

Your first aim is to pick up the Scorpion from the weapon orb and as it’s random it could take a few attempts, once you do have a Scorpion now is the time to chase after the AI every so often the AI will get airborne going over any ramps or scenery. It’s at this point when you need to press L1R1 to fire the Scorpion, this could take several attempts but when successful in hitting an airborne opponent your Trophy will unlock.

GRIP Twisted trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Perform a double-somersault when airborne

Time to get acrobatic in grip with this trophy that can be done in pretty much every game mode. For me, the simplest way of getting this done was from the main menu to select single player then choose Classic Race from the races tab. Now choose the map FIC OUTPOST as part of the way around the lap this track has a rock formation that sticks out in the track now you want to make your way to this point and rather than trying to avoid these rocks you want to hit them hard and fast.

When you hit them head-on you will be shot up into the air giving you time to get the 2 somersaults in but if you don’t hit them square on you will more than likely just do barrel rolls instead which won’t count. It could take a few attempts to get this done but you can pause and restart as many times as you need to. Once you have successfully pulled off at least 2 somersaults in the air, your Trophy will unlock.

GRIP Dropped your load trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Dropped your load
Hit an opponent with a full round of Raptor bullets

This trophy can be gotten at any time in the game, the quickest way to do this is to select Single Player from the main menu then choose the arena tab then death-match. You can use any death-match map, any vehicle you wish and the game settings are whatever you choose. Now start the death-match and keep collecting the weapon orbs until you get the mini-gun. You want to chase the opponent until you have a lock-on which is indicated by a green square when chasing an opponent.

With the lock on you now need to press L1 / R1 depending on which weapon slot your Raptor is currently assigned to and you want to keep chasing your opponent until the Raptor has finished firing. This can be frustrating because the longer the Raptor fires the slower it gets, however, the game seems to be very generous with its weapon lock-on as for me each bullet hit even though I was not accurately chasing the opponent. If you’re unsuccessful simply grab another Raptor and repeat the aforementioned steps, once you are successful with hitting the opponent with every round, your Trophy will unlock.

GRIP Serpent's Kiss trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Serpent’s Kiss
Hit only vehicles with every Hydra missile in a salvo

The quickest way I have found to do this is to select Single Player from the main menu then Death match from the Arena Tab. Now you can use any planet and any map you wish, make sure the participant’s number is 2 and you set the time limit and kill limit to maximum. Start the Death match like normal, the Hydra weapon looks like a mass of small missiles that when fired create a circular cyclone barrage that can hit several targets.

When you do have the weapon you need to chase the AI and wait to get a full lock on, now make sure you’re heading in a fairly straight line, press L1 / R1 depending on which slot the weapon is assigned to. If done at the correct time each of the mini-missiles should make contact but if any miss you will have the repeat all the steps until you’re successful. Thankfully the game is generous with its lock on so as long as you get a direct hit, your Trophy will unlock.

GRIP Demolition man trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Demolition man
Destroyed some scenery

Most tracks and arenas have destructible parts on them like metal poles or glass windows simply drive into and destroy any of these objects at which point, your Trophy will unlock.

GRIP Stolen victory trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Stolen victory
Win a race by passing the leader in the last second

From the main menu select Single Player then Speed Demon mode from the races tab. Choose the planet LIDDO 5 and the circuit Speed Bowl, in the race settings make it one lap and only 2 participants, set all other settings however you wish. As the description says you need to pass the leader for the win in the last possible second, using the speed bowl is ideal because you can pick up speed boost orbs easily and stay in second place, what I did was to collect 2 speed boost orbs then press and hold L1 to combine them for a charged speed boost.

I then followed the AI, when on the start-finish straight I unleashed my charged speed boost by pressing L1 which gave me my Stunt double at the same time but more importantly I overtook the leader at the last possible second to take the win. Should you not overtake them simply restart the race as it’s only 1 lap it can be repeated quickly in around 30 seconds. Once you pass the leader your Trophy will unlock.

GRIP Driller killer trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Driller killer
Hit 3 or more opponents with a single Hydra

The Hydra looks like a small group of missiles, the best way to get this trophy is to start a death-match and collect 2 Hydras from around the arena then press and hold L1 to get a charged Hydra. Now wait until 3 AI opponents are in close proximity of each other and with a weapon lock press L1 to release the charged Hydra, once these missiles make contact with all the opponents your Trophy will unlock.

That’s the GRIP Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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