Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbocharged Announced
Hot Wheels Unleashed came out in 2021 and given the critical success that was very well deserved it’s no wonder that today we got a notification through on our Mobile phones stating Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbocharged announced it’s imminent arrival. Hot Wheels vehicles have always been a collector favourite over the many years they were first brought to the public all the way back in 1968 and having sold more than 6 billion vehicles over the last 55 years there’s no wonder gamers are happy with a slick, polished racing game where you can control most of your favourite Hot Wheels vehicles around the plastic freeway at break neck speeds.
Hot Wheels Unleashed featured several tracks that would challenge the gamer, online, offline, story, free racing and a lot more besides. Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbocharged is looking to bring all that and a lot more along the way. Check out the announcement trailer here:
Credit to Xbox for the video.
As you can see in the trailer you will be able to race with every type of vehicle from Monster Trucks to Hyper Cars, Muscle Cars to Bikes and a lot more to be revealed.
Combine the variety with the intricate design of the tracks, outside racing and the potential hazards you will face along the way and you are in for one hell of a ride!
That’s all we have on Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbocharged for now, check back soon for more news. In the meantime, if you need anything else in Hot Wheels Unleashed, check out the complete guide here: Hot Wheels Unleashed trophy guide.
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