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Just A Phrase By POWGI Trophy Guide

Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Easy Platinum, Puzzle.

Welcome to the Just A Phrase By POWGI Trophy Guide.

  • Platforms: PS4.
  • Trophies: 40: Platinum: 1, Gold: 4, Silver: 9, Bronze: 26.
  • Release Date: 04-Feb-2020.
  • Missable Trophies: None.
  • Glitched Trophies: None.
  • Online Trophies: None.
  • Difficulty Rating: 1/10.
  • Approx. time to 100%: 2 Hours.

Just A Phrase by POWGI is another brilliantly easy, fast game you can complete in a couple of hours by Lightwood Games. For the majority of the trophy list you will need to find a certain later as the last letter to complete a given phrase, all of these phrases have words that sound the same, however, they are spelt differently, for example Gangster Rap, here will be spelt Gangster Wrap and American Idol will be spelt American Idle and so on.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Just Amazed trophy
PlayStation Platinum Trophy

Just Amazed
Collect all the trophies

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give me an A trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me an “A”
Complete a phrase using “A” as the final correct letter

The earliest opportunity you can unlock this one is on page 1, tile 3. Simply leave the A as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give me a B trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me a “B”
Complete a phrase using “B” as the final correct letter

The earliest opportunity you can unlock this one is on page 1, tile 8. Simply leave the B as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give me a C trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me a “C”
Complete a phrase using “C” as the final correct letter

The earliest opportunity you can unlock this one is on page 1, tile 2. Simply leave the C as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give me a D trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me a “D”
Complete a phrase using “D” as the final correct letter

The earliest opportunity you can unlock this one is on page 1, tile 1. Simply leave the D as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give me an E trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me an “E”
Complete a phrase using “E” as the final correct letter

A good opportunity to unlock this one without duplicating the puzzles is on page 1, tile 4. Simply leave the E as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give Me An F trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me an “F”
Complete a phrase using “F” as the final correct letter

The earliest opportunity you can unlock this one is on page 1, tile 6. Simply leave the F as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give Me A G trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me a “G”
Complete a phrase using “G” as the final correct letter

The earliest opportunity you can unlock this one is on page 1, tile 15. Simply leave the G as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give Me An H trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me an “H”
Complete a phrase using “H” as the final correct letter

A good opportunity to unlock this one without duplicating the puzzles is on page 1, tile 5. Simply leave the H as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give Me An I trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me an “I”
Complete a phrase using “I” as the final correct letter

A good opportunity to unlock this is one without duplicating the puzzles is on page 1, tile 7. Simply leave the I as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give Me A J trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me a “J”
Complete a phrase using “J” as the final correct letter

The earliest opportunity you can unlock this one is on page 2, tile 30 (60th puzzle). Simply leave the J as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give Me A K trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me a “K”
Complete a phrase using “K” as the final correct letter

A good opportunity to unlock this is one without duplicating the puzzles is on page 1, tile 10. Simply leave the K as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give Me An L trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me an “L”
Complete a phrase using “L” as the final correct letter

A good opportunity to unlock this is one without duplicating the puzzles is on page 1, tile 11. Simply leave the L as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give Me An M trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me an “M”
Complete a phrase using “M” as the final correct letter

A good opportunity to unlock this is one without duplicating the puzzles is on page 1, tile 9. Simply leave the M as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give Me An N trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me an “N”
Complete a phrase using “N” as the final correct letter

A good opportunity to unlock this is one without duplicating the puzzles is on page 1, tile 13. Simply leave the N as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give Me An O trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me an “O”
Complete a phrase using “O” as the final correct letter

A good opportunity to unlock this is one without duplicating the puzzles is on page 1, tile 12. Simply leave the O as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give Me A P trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me a “P”
Complete a phrase using “P” as the final correct letter

A good opportunity to unlock this is one without duplicating the puzzles is on page 1, tile 21. Simply leave the P as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give Me A Q trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me a “Q”
Complete a phrase using “Q” as the final correct letter

The earliest opportunity you can unlock this one is on page 2, tile 26 (56th puzzle). Simply leave the Q as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give Me An R trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me an “R”
Complete a phrase using “R” as the final correct letter

A good opportunity to unlock this is one without duplicating the puzzles is on page 1, tile 14. Simply leave the R as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give Me An S trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me an “S”
Complete a phrase using “S” as the final correct letter

A good opportunity to unlock this is one without duplicating the puzzles is on page 1, tile 16. Simply leave the S as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give Me A T trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me a “T”
Complete a phrase using “T” as the final correct letter

A good opportunity to unlock this is one without duplicating the puzzles is on page 1, tile 17. Simply leave the T as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give Me A U trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me a “U”
Complete a phrase using “U” as the final correct letter

A good opportunity to unlock this is one without duplicating the puzzles is on page 1, tile 19. Simply leave the U as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give Me A V trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me a “V”
Complete a phrase using “V” as the final correct letter

A good opportunity to unlock this is one without duplicating the puzzles is on page 2, tile 7 (37th puzzle). Simply leave the V as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give Me A W trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me a “W”
Complete a phrase using “W” as the final correct letter

A good opportunity to unlock this is one without duplicating the puzzles is on page 1, tile 18. Simply leave the W as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give Me An X trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me an “X”
Complete a phrase using “X” as the final correct letter

The earliest opportunity you can unlock this one is on page 1, tile 25. Simply leave the X as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give Me A Y trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me a “Y”
Complete a phrase using “Y” as the final correct letter

A good opportunity to unlock this is one without duplicating the puzzles is on page 1, tile 27. Simply leave the Y as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Give Me A Z trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give me a “Z”
Complete a phrase using “Z” as the final correct letter

The earliest opportunity you can unlock this one is on page 3, tile 19 (79th puzzle). Simply leave the Z as the last letter to find to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Just So trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Just So
Complete a phrase with no wrong letters

For this one, you need to be accurate with your answers, any mistakes and you’ll need to quit back to the menu, go back in and try again, a nice easy puzzle to complete is on page 1, tile 12. Take your time before selecting any of the letters. Once you have successfully completed the puzzle without making any mistakes, your Trophy will unlock.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Just In Time trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Just In Time
Complete a phrase in under 60 seconds

A very easy trophy to unlock, the majority of the puzzles in the game should be easily completed in under 60 seconds, a nice short puzzle is on page 1, tile 18. Simply complete this puzzle in less than 60 seconds, at which point, your Trophy will unlock.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Just a Minute trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Just a Minute
Spend a minute considering the next letter

For this trophy, choose the first letter, as long as it’s correct, then simply wait for at least a minute, then select the next letter which will unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Just a Guess trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Just a Guess
The first letter you chose for a phrase was wrong

If we go for a nice, easy puzzle such as Page 2, tile 2 (32nd puzzle) GANGSTER WRAP, simply choose any letter that doesn’t appear in the solution, such as O, I, U etc. Once successful, your Trophy will unlock.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Just My Luck trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Just My Luck
Select five wrong letters in a row

See Just Shoot Me for more information.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Just Shoot Me trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Just Shoot Me
Select every wrong letter before completing a phrase

Quite a simple one to get if you know what you’re doing, to keep things simple, we’ll go for this one on page 1, tile 26, simply find the red letters below in any order that they appear. Find 5 of these in a row to unlock your Just My Luck Trophy. Then continue to select the other red letters, in any order that they appear, go on to complete the phrase which will unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Just Because You Can Doesn't Mean You Should trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should
Complete a phrase by only pressing one button

Quite an easy trophy to unlock, simply press Triangle until you have completed the puzzle, Triangle is always the last option if you’re struggling, so no other button will work for this. Once the last letter has been selected, your Trophy will unlock.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Just Like That trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Just Like That
Your first choice appeared at least 4 times in the phrase

You can complete this on the first puzzle (page 1, tile 1), as long as E shows up as one of the first four letters is an E, if it isn’t, then simply quit out until it is, once selected, your Trophy will unlock.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Just Like Starting Over trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Just Like Starting Over
Complete a phrase for the second time

All you need to do is complete a puzzle twice, find a nice simple puzzle for this to make it quicker to be unlocked such as page 1, tile 23. Once you have complete the puzzle for the second time, your Trophy will unlock.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Page Won trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Page Won
Complete all phrases on page 1

Simply complete all 30 puzzles on page 1 to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI That Page Two trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

That Page Two
Complete all phrases on page 2

Simply complete all 30 puzzles on page 2 to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Fare Three Well trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Fare Three Well
Complete all phrases on page 3

Simply complete all 30 puzzles on page 3 to unlock your Trophy.

Just A Phrase By POWGI Go Fourth trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Go Fourth
Complete all phrases on page 4

Simply complete all 30 puzzles on page 4 to unlock your Trophy.

That’s the Just A Phrase By POWGI Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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