
Kingdoms Of Amalur Re-Reckoning Trophy Guide

Welcome to the Kingdoms Of Amalur ReReckoning Trophy Guide.


Kingdoms Of Amalur ReReckoning is a re release of an under appreciated classic which now includes all of the DLC that was available in the original game. You will need to complete the game on hard difficulty, this is made a lot easier when you activate Reckoning mode as it is pretty much a guaranteed win in any fight.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Perfectionist trophy
PlayStation Platinum Trophy

Awarded all trophies.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Reborn trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

You were reborn from the Well of Souls, and have escaped Allestar Tower.

Story related and can not be missed.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning No Destiny, All Determination trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

No Destiny, All Determination
You have met High King Titarion, and have been confronted with the true scope of your powers.

Story related and can not be missed.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Turning the Tide trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Turning the Tide
A ruse has baited Octienne into betraying the necromantic nature of his experiments.

Story related and can not be missed.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Hero of Mel Senshir trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Hero of Mel Senshir
You have defeated the great Balor.

Story related and can not be missed.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Destiny Defiant trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Destiny Defiant
You have defeated Tirnoch, and defied destiny.

Story related and can not be missed.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Destiny Dominated trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Destiny Dominated
You have won the game on Hard difficulty.

Hard difficulty, isn’t really that hard in this game, if you have played Blodborne / Dark Souls / Sekiro / Mortal Shell, you will have a much easier time here on hard difficulty than you would have playing those games. Equipping a shield is invaluable for getting through the game on hard, as is ensuring you are stocked up on potions. Ensure you save before any major fight and if needs be, run away.

Levelling is very important in Amalur, so if needs be grind the levels in the starting few areas to have an easier time of later on in the game. Reckoning mode is a very useful tool and is pretty much an instant win against any enemy in the game so utilise this as much as possible and you shouldn’t have that much difficulty.

If you are struggling and die several times, the game will ask you if you’d like to lower the difficulty, do not do this as it will negate your trophy, ensure you play through the game from start to finish on hard. Only do side quests to level yourself up if you’re struggling with a certain story mission, once you have completed the final story mission, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning House of Ballads trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

House of Ballads
Completed the House of Ballads storyline quests.

All you need to do here is complete a series of short quests for Fae at The House of Ballads which is found in Oldarath. The 6 quests are as follows:

  1. Song of Sir Sagrell.
  2. Ballad of the Bloody Bones.
  3. Two Knights and a Troll.
  4. What Lies Beneath.
  5. The Champions.
  6. The Hero and the Maid.

After you have completed the 6th and final quest for the House of Ballads, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning House of Sorrows trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

House of Sorrows
Completed the House of Sorrows storyline quests.

Make your way through the main story until you have completed the mission Battle for Mel Menshir. After you have completed that mission, you can now access the House of Sorrows quests by visiting Bisarane in the Cursewood. You need to complete a series of 6 quests that are simple enough. The 6 quests are as follows:

  1. The Sorrows Call.
  2. Voices of the Dead.
  3. A House Divided.
  4. The Eldest.
  5. The Weeping King.
  6. Such Sweet Sorrow.

After you have completed the 6th and final quest for the House of Sorrow, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Scholia Arcana trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Scholia Arcana
Completed the Scholia Arcana storyline quests.

Once you have arrived at the Tywili Coast, head to the Rathir Upper City to find the Scholia Arcana. You’re looking for an NPC called Wren Penderghast, speak with him to begin the Scholia Arcana quests. The 7 quests are as follows:

  1. Trial by Fire.
  2. The Ruin of Aodh.
  3. The Unique Bride.
  4. Shardfall.
  5. Lightning in a Bottle.
  6. A Crowded Mind.
  7. Revelation.

After you have completed the 7th quest for the Scholia Arcana, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Travelers trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Completed the Travelers storyline quests.

All you need to do here is complete a series of short quests for Grim Onwig at The Sidhe. There are 10 quests in total, this is the lengthiest of the storyline quests, but even so, it shouldn’t pose you any difficulty. The 10 quests are as follows:

  1. The Guided Hands.
  2. The Silent Step.
  3. Jail Break.
  4. Something Borrowed.
  5. Going Rogue.
  6. Mirror, Mirror.
  7. Outside the Box.
  8. Classic Misdirection.
  9. The Purloined Letters.
  10. Thick as Thieves.

After you have completed the 10th quest for Grim Onwig, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Warsworn trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Completed the Warsworn storyline quests.

You can start the Warsworn questline by visiting Ost Odura in Ghorhart. There are 8 quests to complete including an optional quest at the end, however, you only need to complete the following quests:

  1. The Commendation.
  2. The Road Patrol.
  3. The Heart of Sibun.
  4. Lock and Key.
  5. House of No Doors.
  6. The Isle of Eamonn.
  7. The Mystic Hammer.
  8. The Mountain Prison.

The optional quest is call Khamazandu’s Gift and as previously stated isn’t necessary to complete, as soon as you have completed the main 8 quests, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Reckoning Rampage trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Reckoning Rampage
Killed 5 enemies with a single Fateshift.

You’ll more than likely get this through natural gameplay. Reckoning mode is activated by holding L2+R2 once your purple bar in the top left corner is at least half full and essentially turns you into a serious powerhouse. Time slows for the enemy and you hit several times harder than usual, essentially, this is an easy win mode for any fight / boss in the game. For this one you need to defeat at least 5 enemies in one complete Reckoning mode. There are many opportunities to get this done throughout the main story, especially when fighting the Tuatha.

Ensure you have at least 5 enemies around, activate Reckoning mode and work your way through the enemies, they should all go down in 2 or 3 hits. Ensure you don’t do an animation kill (you’ll see a button prompt on-screen), until you have defeated 5+ enemies. Once you’re happy there are 5+ enemies defeated, simply perform the kill animation, where all enemies will then die and your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Niskaru Slayer trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Niskaru Slayer
Killed 25 Niskaru.

Niskaru are end game enemies and pack a serious punch, before you engage them, especially if playing on hard, ensure you have Reckoning mode available to have a much easier time of it. Ensure you save before engaging multiple Niskaru as they can easily wipe your health bar out with a couple combos, so take care here. Once you have defeated 25 Niskaru, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Out of Your League trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Out of Your League
Killed an enemy 4 levels higher than you.

You will know an enemy is 4 levels higher than you as its name will be red, there are several locations you can find these enemies, however, be ready for a serious fight, especially on hard mode. You need to ensure you don’t go above level 30 for this as the highest level enemies in the game are around level 34.

The easiest place to get this done is by first completing the main story in the game then in The Faelands there will be a dungeon called Primordia, in here you will find several red enemies. Lure one over to you and defeat it, it may well take you a few attempts, but it is doable, especially if you use Reckoning mode. As soon as you have defeated an enemy 4 levels above you, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Cleaning Up the Streets trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Cleaning Up the Streets
Killed 50 bandits.

Bandits can be found throughout the game and are standard human enemies, there are plenty of these enemies in and around camps along the roads and pathways and just aimlessly meandering around the game, the aggro whenever you go near them which helps. As soon as you have defeated 50 bandits, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning To the Victor Go the Spoils trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

To the Victor Go the Spoils
Found 10 unique items dropped by enemies.

You will more than likely unlock this throughout the main story. Just be sure to loot the enemies you have slain. A unique item is a purple coloured item and can be anything from a hammer to a necklace. You can find these usually on bosses and more powerful enemies, however, I have also fund uniques’ on Imps and Wolves so loot everything you can. As soon as you have found 10 unique items, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Foiled Again! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Foiled Again!
Parried 100 times.

This is a very good technique to learn and will help massively throughout the game, especially on hard mode. To perform a parry, you need to have either a Shield (Might), a Buckler (Finesse) or a Talisman (Sorcery) equipped, then a split second before an enemy melee’s you, press L1, you will then perform a parry, slowing time and allowing you deal critical damage on your next attack (when performed straight away). You can parry the same enemy over and over again or go off and find different enemies. Parries are best performed against bandits or the Tuatha. Once you have parried 100 times, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Trapper trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Killed 25 enemies with traps.

You can acquire a trap very early on in the game, or leave it until the end game, it’s entirely up to you. You can find the Frost Trap in the Finesse skill tree and requires 5 points to unlock, assign this to any of your magic and go off to find some weak enemies (look around the start of the game). Simply lay a trap like you would use any other magic in the game, I found it it a lot easier to lay a trap near say a Wolf, hit the wolf once or twice then run behind your trap and let the Wolf charge at you, it will trigger the trap and will then be killed by it as it’s already at low health. Rinse and repeat until you have killed 25 enemies, at which point, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Riposte! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Landed 25 special attacks out of Parry.

See Foiled Again for information on how best to parry. Once you have learnt parrying you need to equip any of the following weapons as they’re the only ones that seem to be able to perform a special attack directly after a parry:

  • Longswords.
  • Greatswords.
  • Hammers.
  • Faeblades.
  • Daggers.

You then need to unlock either of the destinies Brutal Weaponry IV or Precise Weaponry IV. Then find some bandits or Tuatha to have a much easier time with the parry. At the last second, block with your shield to parry then immediately attack. If done correctly, you will deal additional damage to the enemy. Do this 25 times in total to unlock your Trophy.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Would You Like Fries with that trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Would You Like Fries with that?
Landed 100 complete attack chains.

You shouldn’t have any issues unlocking this one as you make your way through the game. To complete an attack chain, you simply need to complete a combo, with a primary weapon, so if a combo has 4 attacks, you need to land all 4 attacks, if a combo has 8 attacks, you need to land all 8. I found longswords the easiest to land a complete combo with, as they have 4 attacks that are easy to land and stagger enemies well so you won’t be interrupted in landing your combo. Once you have landed 100 complete combos, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Shock and Awe trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Shock and Awe
Killed 100 enemies with abilities.

See And Then There Were None for more information.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning And Then There Were None trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

And Then There Were None
Killed 500 enemies with abilities.

You can acquire abilities through any of the 3 main skill trees in the game, Sorcery, Might and Finesse. These are the abilities you can use by pressing R2 and any of the “colour buttons” on your given console. The majority of these are upgradeable to make them more powerful, as long as you kill 500 enemies with abilities, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Juggler trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Landed 5 consecutive hits on an airborne enemy.

This is a lot easier than it sounds, in the Might skill tree, you can learn a technique called Upheave. Ensure you have a decent Greatsword equipped to make this easier to perform, then find an enemy with a decent amount of help, such as a Niskaru or a Tuatha Overlord. Also, ensure you have a decent bow equipped as a secondary weapon. Use the Upheave attack on the enemy, then once they’re in the air, quickly and rapidly fire your arrows into them. As long as all 5 arrows hit before they die (the fifth arrow can kill them), your Trophy will then unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Elixir of Fate trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Elixir of Fate
Made a potion with the Essence of Fate.

Making potions is a very useful, and often overlooked skill in Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning. First up, you need an Alchemy skill of 7 or above to make potions, then go off and find as many reagents as you can. Go to any Alchemy Bench and create any of the potions that are available, you can randomise these as well, which might increase your chances of finding better potions to help you through the game or you can loot / find different recipes as you make your way through the game. Either way, as soon as you have successfully made your first potion at an Alchemy Bench, your Trophy will then unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning It Didn't Explode! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

It Didn’t Explode!
Made a stable potion by experimenting.

Ensure you have a high Alchemy Skill to help your chances here, you will also need a good amount of Reagents which can be found all across the world from flowers to dispelling chests. You need to select the Experiment option and combine anywhere between 2 and 4 reagents, the majority of time this will fail, however, keep at it, and eventually you will make a stable potion. This is completely random whether it will work or not so trial and error until your Trophy unlocks.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Green Thumb trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Green Thumb
Harvested 10 of each type of reagent.

Click the link to go to the complete Green Thumb Trophy Guide.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Good as New trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Good as New
Repaired a piece of equipment.

All of your weaponry and armour will deteriorate over use, so ensure you repair them often as a broken weapon simply won’t function on battle and if you don’t have a back up, you could be in real trouble. To repair any piece of equipment, you can either visit any Blacksmith scattered across the world or simply hold a repair tool in your inventory.

You can only repair equipment that has lost some durability, which can be found by clicking on the weapon / armour piece and having a look at the durability counter, if it is at for example 40/40, you can not repair this item, however, if the item is at 39/40, you can repair it. Upon doing so, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Shop Class trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Shop Class
Crafted a piece of equipment with Blacksmithing.

You will need some basic materials to craft at a Blacksmiths, these can either be found, looted or purchased. To craft an item, select Craft from the Blacksmiths’ options then select any of item that has the crafting materials available. Once you have successfully crafted any item, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Master of the Forge trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Master of the Forge
Crafted an item that uses all 5 forge component slots.

This will require a decent amount of skill points in both Smithing (level 7) and Sagecraft (level 8) and a good amount of rare materials so I’d recommend going for this one either after or towards the end of the main story. There are a variety of 5 slot items that can be crafted at any Blacksmith, however, you will also need a Gem, hence the Sagecraft skill required. See Romancing the Gem for information on how to craft a gem. If you are struggling to find the materials in the world, try and purchase them from any of the shops throughout the world. Once you have the required materials and the gem, you can then craft your 5 slot item which will, in turn, unlock your Trophy.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Romancing the Gem trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Romancing the Gem
Crafted an Epic Gem.

You will require a Sagecraft skill of at least 8 in order to craft an Epic Gem as well as having 2 Pristine Shards, which you can make easily enough. See Diamond in the Rough for more information on crafting Pristine Shards. You will need a Sagecraft Altar, then craft any available epic gem to unlock your Trophy.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Diamond in the Rough trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Diamond in the Rough
Crafted a Pristine Shard.

This will require you to have a Sagecraft skill of at least 3, you will also need 2 Lambent Shards or a handful of Cloudy Shards (found throughout the world). Go to any Sagecraft Altar and choose to craft Pristine shards, as long as you have the required materials, you will successfully craft a Pristine shard which will then unlock your Trophy.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning They Never Saw it Coming trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

They Never Saw it Coming
Backstabbed 20 enemies.

You will need a set of Daggers and have unlocked the Assassin’s Art kill in the Finesse skill tree. You can then go up behind an enemy in stealth mode and attack them where you will perform a quick animation, instantly killing the enemy. This will not work on aggro’d enemies so ensure you are stealthy on your approach, if the enemies do get aggro’d, you can run away and come back later to try again. Once you have successfully backstabbed 20 enemies, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Cartographer trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Discovered 100 locations.

You’ll easily get this trophy as you’re making your way through the game, especially if you’re going after PerfectionistTo check how many locations you have uncovered, check your stats. When you find a new location, it will appear on-screen, so keep going to new locales until you find at least 100 locations, which will then unlock your Trophy.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning The Great Detective trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The Great Detective
Detected 25 hidden things.

There are a myriad of hidden things dotted throughout the game that include hidden doors, lootable piles of rubble or hollowed tree trunks that contain loot. To make these easier to find, I recommend you put a good amount of skill points into Detect Hidden which will then make the hidden objects / items glow gold when you are close to them. Simply interacting with 25 of these hidden things is enough to unlock your Trophy.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Loremaster trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Found all Lorestones.

There are a total of 175 Lorestones to find as you make your way through Kingdoms Of Amalur. Ensure that you max out the stat Detect Hidden in order to be able to find them all, fortunately the ones in the DLC (automatically installed with this version of the game) also count towards to the total number. The Lorestones themselves look like big engraved surfboards floating in the air, simply interact with them whilst not in a battle to find them, you shouldn’t have that much difficulty in finding them given their size, as long as you go throughout the map and look around meticulously, you should be able to find 175 fairly easily. Open your local map, wherever there is a blacked out section, go and uncover it, you’ll more than likely find more Lorestones as you do, clear every dungeon / area, again, looking around constantly. Once you have discovered your 175th Lorestone, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Bookworm trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Read 50 books.

Whenever you find an alchemy locale in a dungeon / visit the various Inns and generally have a good nose about peoples houses you will easily come across 50 books, to read one, simply press Square twice to count as having “read” the book. After you have found and read your 50th book, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Big Spender trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Big Spender
Spent 200,000 gold.

You won’t need to spend all 200,000 gold at once, you can spend this over the course of the game and at any shop / vendor you come across, if you leave this one until after you have completed the main story, you will easily have enough money. Then it’s simply a case of going off and buying as much as you can carry, you can then sell the items back / junk them, rinse and repeat the process until you have spent at least 200,000 gold, which will unlock your Trophy.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Five Finger Discount trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Five Finger Discount
Stole and fenced an item.

In order to steal an item, simply go into someone’s house, crouch down and when the cursor turns red, take the item (make sure you’re not seen to avoid potential issues later on). Also ensure, you keep hold of the item. Once you get to Rathir, head down to the Lower Tunnels, you’re looking for a female Dokkalfar called Gelphyne Nargyfier, offer to sell her your stolen goods, once successfully completed, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Where's My Wallet trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Where’s My Wallet?
Pickpocketed 20 times.

To pickpocket someone, ensure you go behind them, with no other NPC looking at you, then pickpocket anything from them with a high chance of success. If you are detected whilst attempting to pickpocket, this will not count, you need to successfully pickpocket an NPC then, if I were you, leave the area and find another NPC to steal from. This is easily done later on in the game by going to a shop, pickpocket an item of very low value, finding another shop, rinse and repeat until you have successfully pickpocketed 20 times, where your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Jailbreak trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

You broke out of jail.

Before you attempt this, ensure you have a very high Lockpicking skill, make a separate manual save to your usual one then go off and commit any crime that gets the guards involved, choose to surrender and go to jail. Now you’re in the cell, you need to be careful here as you only have 1 Lockpick, be very careful whilst picking the lock. After you have successfully opened your cell door, your Trophy will unlock. Then reload your manual save to continue on with no consequences.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning A Life of Crime trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

A Life of Crime
Got caught committing a crime 25 times.

See Crime Doesn’t Pay for more information.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Crime Doesn't Pay trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Crime Doesn’t Pay
Spent over 10,000 gold in crime bribes.

Please Note: I strongly recommend you make a manual save before attempting this one. Go to any major town / city and either (with no weapon equipped) attack people / steal items / attack a guard, generally be a nuisance and the guard will come after you, if you have the money, you can bribe them to leave you alone, or go to jail and serve your time by sleeping in the bed.

Fast travel away, then come back and commit another crime ensuring you’re in site of the guards to make this quicker. Once you have done this 25 times you will unlock A Life of crimeAfter you have spent 10,000 gold in bribes paying off the guards to forget your crimes, your Crime Doesn’t Pay Trophy will unlock. You can then reload your manual save to keep your gold you paid out in bribes and continue through the game as if nothing ever happened.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Some of This, Some of That trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Some of This, Some of That
Unlocked a two-class hybrid destiny.

You can unlock 2 class destinies by putting points in 2 of the 3 skill trees that are available in the game: Might, Sorcery and Finesse. You need to have at least 6 points in any 2 of these to then unlock a two-class destiny. Once you have acquired a two-class destiny, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning It is Your Destiny trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

It is Your Destiny
Unlocked a top tier destiny.

A top tier destiny requires you to pump a lot of skill points in a given skill tree either Might, Finesse or Sorcery, you will need 109 points in any of these skill trees to then unlock their top tier destiny. You can also split the points between 2 different skill trees putting 55 points in either so for example, 55 points in Might and 55 points in Finesse to unlock a top tier destiny or 55 points in Sorcery and 55 points in Might to unlock a different top tier destiny. Whichever way you choose to do this, once you have unlocked a top tier destiny, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Jack of All Trades trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Jack of All Trades
Unlocked a Jack of All Trades destiny.

Nice and simple this one, simply put 2 skill points into each of the 3 skill trees: Finesse, Sorcery and Might, once you have done so you will acquire the Seeker destiny, unlocking your Trophy in the process.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Breaking and Entering trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Breaking and Entering
Picked 50 locks.

Ensure you level up the Lockpicking skill to have a much easier time of this, lockpicks can be found around most places you come to or can be bought from the majority of general stores. The higher your lockpicking skill, the higher your chances will be of successfully picking a lock, forcing a lock doesn’t seem to count towards this so stay away from that. You can find plenty of locked chests as you make your way through the game, so start early to have less of a grind later on. After you have successfully picked your 50th lock, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Open Sesame trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Open Sesame
Dispelled 50 wards.

To make this a lot easier, ensure you have a good amount of skill points into your Dispelling skill tree. Head over to Detyre then to Adessa in the south eastern corner. You’re looking for a Gnome called Apotyre, speak with him then head to the laboratory and speak with Daedinnear. He will then give you a quest to dispel 3 wards, so go and do so, leave the area and come back to be able to dispel the 3 wards again, you can do this as many times as is required to unlock your Trophy.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning A Wink and a Smile trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

A Wink and a Smile
You have succeeded at 50 Persuasion attempts.

As you level up, ensure you increase your Persuasion stats to stand a better chance of unlocking this trophy. There will be plenty of opportunities to get this done throughout the main story, the side quests and generally talking with people throughout the game, although, take care and level the skill promptly as there aren’t an infinite amount of attempts. Once you have succeeded at 50 persuasion attempts, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Bull in a China Shop trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Bull in a China Shop
Smashed 1,000 objects.

You will come across all manner of breakable objects throughout the game, most of which are wooden boxes / crates. As long as you start smashing near the start of the game and make a conscious effort to smash every box / crate you come across, this won’t feel grindy, if you don’t, however, this can get very long very quickly. The Dark Harbor is a good place to farm these, smash them all, leave, come back, smash again. Rinse and repeat until your Trophy unlocks.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Streaker trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

You spoke to someone while not wearing clothes.

A nice simple one to unlock, go into your inventory and unequip everything, all of your armour, accessories, weapons, shields, absolutely everything needs to be unequipped then simply talk to any NPC in the game, where your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Message in a Bottle trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Message in a Bottle
Located all eight message bottles in Gallows End.

Click the link to go to the complete Message In A Bottle Trophy Guide.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Keep on Rising trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Keep on Rising
Gravehal Keep has been fully restored.

Go to Cape Solice then look for a dwarf called Padrig Dower he will task you to find resources to build up Gravehal Keep, every time you go off and find the resources, take them back to him and sleep at the Inn to then be able to talk to him again to go off for some more. Rinse and repeat until you have completed the entire quest line at which point your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Give Her a Hand trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Give Her a Hand
Found Aubrey Gilcrest’s severed hand.

You need to have completed the side quest Scattered Fragments for Aubrey Gilcrest she will then tell you about her missing hand. To find the hand, head to The Jawbone, just North of Mudhold Fasting, there is an area with a water, a large triangular rock, a few Boggart Urchins and a small crab, this crab has Aubreys hand so kill it and loot the hand to unlock your Trophy.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Manic Pixie Dream Elf trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Manic Pixie Dream Elf
Wooed Rast Brattigan.

The first thing to note is, you can “woo” Rast Brattigan as either a male or female character, she’s not particular thankfully. Bare in mind as well, you will need to be nice to her during EVERY encounter, don’t tell her it’s her fault, keep her sweet and happy then once you return to her at the end of the DLC, she will then fall for you, unlocking your Trophy.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Exterminator trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Killed 50 Scavs.

Scavs aren’t that common of an enemy here, fortunately, there are a few locations where they will respawn allowing you to get this done fairly simply. By the end of the DLC story, you will have defeated around 10 Scavs, after this head over to each of the following areas and clear them out:

  • Flooded Cavern.
  • Souldeep Fasting.
  • Undersea Fasting.

All of these areas contain several Scavs and they respawn fairly regularly, simply keep taking them out until you have killed 50 in total at which point, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning The Harder They Fall trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The Harder They Fall
You’ve bested Kahrunk without killing his attendants.

Ensure your Reckoning mode bar is full before you go into this fight, then the easiest way I found, was to simply activate Reckoning mode as soon as the fight starts, be quick so you don’t accidentally kill one of the other enemies that will jump into the fight. As soon as the kill animation is complete and you haven’t killed any of Kahrunks’  attendants, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning We Built this City trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

We Built this City
You helped the Kollossae in the Teeth of Naros break free from their fate.

DLC story related (inclusive with the re-reckoning edition) and can not be missed.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Mistaken Identity trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Mistaken Identity
You’ve found a strange Almain who has been hiding in the sewers of Idylla.

There are a couple of things you’ll need to do before you can find the Almain in the sewers. First up you need to have at least 5 in the skill, detect hidden and have completed the story mission Shapen in Iniquity, which will see you having to retrieve the Arkes’  Circlet from the sewers. Go back (if you’re not there already) to where you acquired the Arkes’ Circlet and continue forward, go left to find a hidden door, through this door will be a large platform, jump on here, then jump down the hole to find the Almain. Speak with him, at which point, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Beam Me Up trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Beam Me Up
Used the Henge to enter Idylla.

DLC story related (inclusive with the re-reckoning edition) and can not be missed.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning Murder Most Fowl trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Murder Most Fowl
Killed 50 Pteryx.

You will encounter Pteryx (overgrown headbutting flightless birds) as you make way through the game, killing 50 of them shouldn’t pose you any sort of difficulty as long as you kill every Pteryx you come across. Once you have killed 50 Pteryx, your Trophy will unlock.

Kingdoms of Amalur ReReckoning I Regret Nothing trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

I Regret Nothing
Fell to your death from the Idylla Concourse.

Once you have completed the main quest Rites of Passage, you can then travel to Idylla. Ensure you save before you do this as it will count as a death and with no autosaves or backup save. This trophy can take a lot of progress away from your game. In the centre of Idylla is a large open hole, go to the jump marker on the map and simply jump off. As soon as you have jumped from the concourse, your Trophy will unlock.

That’s the Kingdoms Of Amalur ReReckoning Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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