Lies Of P Corrupted Parade Master Boss Guide

15 G
Corrupted Parade Master
Kill the Corrupted Parade Master.
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls-like.
Lies Of P directory.
Here is the Lies of P Corrupted Parade Master boss guide which will help you bring this incredibly powerful Decay based monstrosity down who is so tough it has the power to shut down all fast travel and even lock you out of Hotel Krat until its defeated.
Location: Chapter 9, Krat Central Station Street.
Rewards: Full Moonstone, Quartz, x16,660 Ergo.
Once you have dealt with the Walker of Illusions boss from the Chapter 9, Collapsed Street biome ensure you are fully stocked on any gear you might need, especially fire based offensive items as once you enter the elevator it will then break preventing you from getting back up through the building and all Stargazers will be locked out meaning you are stuck in this biome until you manage to defeat the Corrupted Parade Master who is a very tough fight with no summonable Spectre so this fight is all you.
Go up the stairs and into the arena where the Parade Master boss who you fought in the tutorial has had a Decay based makeover and gained a serious amount of power and even the ability to spawn smaller minions who will explode just to create more Decay for you to deal with if you’re caught in the explosions.
Urgent Repair tools are all but essential in this fight as the Parade Master will slam, jump on, thrash about and knock you into next week with powerful Decay based attacks all of which are designed to not only rip your health away but also to ruin your weapons rendering them all but useless if you can’t repair them in time.
The Corrupted Parade Master will attack fast as well as hitting harder which is one of the reasons why it can be such a tough fight. If you get caught in a combo that turns into a slam or stagger then you can easily be crushed even if you have the best defensive gear currently available to you at this point in the game so lighter builds who can dodge will be a lot more efficient here than big heavy smacker going in trying to tank hits and trade blows as that will usually end with you being back a the Stargazer very quickly.
Get behind the Master, get a few quick attacks or a Fable Art then back away before the next barrage comes your way ensuring you back away far enough to avoid the lunges and running body slams. Employ the fire element as efficiently as you can with fire abrasives becoming almost an essential key to success as the Parade Master is so weak to fire you are making the fight more difficult than it needs to be if you try going in normally. There are 2 very effective fire based weapons you can acquire before this point in the game which are the Salamander Dagger Blade from the Chapter 3, Workshop Union Entrance biome and the exceptional albeit heavy Black Steel Cutter Blade from the Chapter 9, Hermit’s Cave biome.
Although that said if you rushed through to the elevator without waiting then they won’t do you a lot of good so Thermite, Fire Abrasives or any other fire based attacks will give you an edge. Work your Fable Arts and build up to a Fatal Blow if you’re able to inflict high amounts of damage and use anything you have to help win the fight whilst remembering consumables don’t grow back so if you need to throw a few Thermite, do so towards the end of the fight to help secure the win.
That’s the Lies of P Corrupted Parade Master boss guide complete, I hope it helped you burn away the largest threat Hotel Krat has faced.
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