
Lies Of P Eldest Of The Black Rabbit Brotherhood Boss Guide

Here is the Lies of P Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood boss guide which will help you take down a formidable boss who has an entourage who like nothing more than to jump down from their perches and join their older brother in an attempt to bring you down.

Location: Chapter 5, Malum District.
Rewards: Resplendent Ergo Chunk, Taunt Gesture, Ergo x11,106.
Once you have made your way through the Malum District, enter the Red Lobster bar, stay on the ground floor, go through to the back room and open the shortcut back to the Stargazer where, if you die, you can simply run into the bar, up the stairs and back through to the arena and you will more than likely die several times against the Brotherhood.

This fight can easily turn into a 3 on 1 which is pretty much a ticket straight back to the Stargazer as you can get overwhelmed in seconds here so summon at the Crack’s Calling if you’re struggling as it just gives you that small amount of breathing space to heal and refocus. The Eldest comes out you with hard hitting combos and plenty of them, running charges and slashes followed by overhead vertical slams designed to cleave large chunks from your health bar.

Staying clear of the Eldest isn’t particularly challenging, the real fight begins when you have another member of the Brotherhood jump down and begin attacking you which is designed to distract you from the Eldest coming round and smacking you off camera so put the interruption down as quickly as you can before refocusing your attention on the Eldest.

Build up the Eldest’s stagger to where you can hit a Fatal Blow, recharge your Fable Arts with Catalysts and use throwables if you need to. Combine that with the power of a potential summon and you will eventually come out victorious, just try not to be overly disheartened if that takes a good few attempts.

That’s the Lies of P Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood boss guide complete, I hope it helped you take down the gang in the Malum District.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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