Lies Of P Legion Arm Collector Trophy Guide

30 G
Legion Arm Collector
Collect all Legion Arms.
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls-like.
Lies Of P directory.
Here is the Lies of P Legion Arm Collector trophy guide which will help you collect all Legion Arms of which there are 8 found throughout the game which are either gifted, exchanged for items dropped from specific bosses or craftable as long as you can 1 of the 4 Legion Plugs scattered throughout Krat. Legion Plugs are an essential crafting material for the final 4 Legion Arms and can be found by referring to the Lies of P Legion Plugs for detailed guides on how to acquire each of them which you won’t be able to do until you are near the end game in Chapter 9.
Legion Arms can turn the tide of battle and with each one having their own use they should not be over-looked. I have, several times, struggled with a boss then simply by changing the Legion Arm I had equipped it made the fight a lot more manageable. You can change the Legion Arm you have equipped once you are done at Venigni’s Factory by heading to Hotel Krat, working through the initial dialogue with Venigni then going to the machine on his left. Interact with the machine then choose Switch Legion Arm. Your current arm will be displayed, if you then interact with your equipped Legion Arm it will bring up the menu allowing you to change your Legion Arm to any other you have acquired. The 8 Legion Arms you can find throughout Lies of P and the order you can find them are:
Left Arm Of Steel
Location: Default Legion Arm.
Requirements: Begin the game.
The Left Arm of Steel Legion Arm will, upon use deliver a powerful, chargeable punch to any opponent and is equipped at the start of the game.
Puppet String
Location: Hotel Krat.
Requirements: Speak with Eugenie.
The Puppet String Legion Arm will fire a grappling hook style wire which latches onto enemies pulling them closer to you or triggering traps with lock-on and is acquired before you leave Hotel Krat after you first arrive or by speaking with Eugenie in Hotel Krat.
Location: Hotel Krat.
Requirements: Acquirable once you have the Overcharged Storage Battery.
The Scrapped Watchman boss can be found in the Krat City Hall Courtyard and he can be a challenge so summon before hand if you need to then with the boss down you will receive the Overcharged Storage Battery.
Go and speak with Eugenie in Hotel Krat, go through the dialogue where you will then receive the Fulminis Legion Arm.
The Fulminis Legion Arm releases a burst of electrical energy which can be charged for increased damage, however, opponents need to be in very close proximity for the charge to be effective.
Location: Hotel Krat / St Frangelico Cathedral Chapel.
Requirements: Craftable once you have the High-powered Flame Amplifier.
The High-powered Flame Amplifier is a reward for defeating the King’s Flame Fuoco boss in the Venigni Factory. With the rolling furnace defeated go back to Hotel Krat and go to the machine to left of Venigni and select Craft Legion Arm. Choose the Flamberge and Craft it to have it added to your collection.
The Flamberge Legion Arm shoots a spray of fire forward at fairly decent range burning anything in your path.
Deus Ex Machina
Location: Chapter 4, St. Frangelico Cathedral Chapel / Hotel Krat.
Requirements: A Legion Plug is required to craft the Deus Ex Machina.
Before you can acquire the Deus Ex Machina you will need a Legion Plug. The first Legion Plug in the game can be found in the St Frangelico Cathedral Chapel area which has a shortcut available to get you back to the highest section without the need to go back around the beams and rafters. If you aren’t sure how to unlock the shortcut which is required to collect the Legion Plug then refer to the St. Frangelico Cathedral Chapel shortcut.
With the shortcut activated, get back down to the lower level where the decay pool is then go right to ride the platforms up, turn the camera around so you are looking away from the platform contraption where you will then, about halfway up see a platform you can roll onto to find 2 Carcass enemies you need to kill.
The space is tight so ensure you have smaller weapons equipped to prevent your attacks bouncing off the walls, deal with the 2 enemies here then open the chest in the alcove to find a Legion Plug which can then be used to craft the Deus Ex Machina Legion Arm at the Venigni Craft Machine in Hotel Krat.
The Deus Ex Machina Legion Arm will plant a mine which goes off when an enemy gets too close so this is highly effective in narrow corridors when you have a few enemies coming towards you. Plant a mine, back up then watch the explosion rip chunks off their health as well as stagger them meaning you can get in there with a few hits and finish them off.
Location: Chapter 6, Rosa Isabelle Street / Hotel Krat.
Requirements: A Legion Plug is required to craft the Pandemonium.
Pandemonium is another Legion Arm you need a Legion Plug to acquire. The second Legion Plug can be found in a safe in Chapter 6 Rosa Isabelle Street by dropping through the hole in the floor once you’re in the house with the puppet maid and the exploding girl comes through the window.
Kill the Puppet babies then exit the room and turn right to see a staircase you can climb back up to the floor you were on previously where you will also find a safe which holds the Legion Plug.
Take the Legion Plug to the Venigni Crafting Machine and craft the Pandemonium Legion Arm which throws out an arc of Decay which is very effective against Human enemies, Black Rabbit Brotherhood are Human so use it to your advantage later in the game.
Location: Chapter 7, Grand Exhibition Gallery / Hotel Krat.
Requirements: A Legion Plug is required to craft the Aegis.
To find the Legion Plug which is required to craft the Aegis you need to continue through the Grand Exhibition Gallery to where the robot smashes through the metal gate then continue along the Gallery to the area with the carriage and the gun-wielding Puppets.
Ordinarily you would go through the opening in the back wall to continue the game, however, if you take a left up the stairs you will come to an area with a powerful Puppet who needs defeating which will then enable you to loot the chest in the left corner of the room to obtain the Legion Plug.
With the Legion Plug collected, go to the Venigni Crafting Machine in Hotel Krat and choose to craft the Aegis which is a powerful shield which deals damage back to the instigator.
Falcon Eyes
Location: Chapter 9, Krat Central Station / Hotel Krat.
Requirements: A Legion Plug is required to craft the Falcon Eyes.
As you make your way through Krat Central Station you will go down a ramp and see an Elite trying to break a door down. Engage and defeat the Elite to acquire the final Legion Plug.
Take the Legion Plug to the Venigni Crafting Machine in Hotel Krat and craft the Falcon Eyes which is a Legion Arm that fires a sticky grenade which attaches to the target before exploding after a few seconds dealing high damage.
That’s a look at how to find all 8 Legion Arms in Lies of P, which one is your favourite?.
That’s the Lies of P Legion Arm Collector trophy guide complete, I hope it helped you collect all Legion Arms.
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