
Lies Of P Parade Master Boss Guide

Here is the Lies of P Parade Master boss guide which will help you take down the first boss who feels a lot more powerful than perhaps he should given the fact you’re not only in a tutorial but there’s a level cap as well.

Location: Chapter 1, Cerasani Alley.
Rewards: Parade Leader’s Ergo, Quartz x1, 1,852 Ergo.
The Parade Master is the boss in the tutorial for Lies of P although he is formidable. You can level up at Stargazer’s in the tutorial, however, there is a level cap of 20 and there’s no chance of re-speccing until much later in the game so endure you put some points into Vitality and Technique then go up the stairs where you will face off against an agile opponent with high reach and very hard hits. Ensure you have Pulse Cells and Fable Catalysts equipped as you can then recharge your Fable Art as well as your health which can mean the difference between success and defeat. Avoid the swipes and slams dodging out of the way before going in to counter with a charged attack or Fable Art to build up stagger.

When the Parade Master belly flops double dodge around to his back to negate the damage then punish him as he gets to his feet before backing away from his next set of combos.

Halfway through the fight the Parade Master will take the cage off his back slamming it into the ground then rip a girder from his back which greatly increases not only his range but the damage he can output so back away, recharge your Fable Arts then get up close when a combo stops, hit him with your Art then get in for a Fatal Blow when you can. Repeat this strategy until you bring the Parade Master down opening the path to Hotel Krat.

That’s the Lies of P Parade Master boss guide complete, I hope it helped you bring the big guy down which then opens the path to the rest of this fantastic adventure.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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