
Lies Of P Puppet Of The Future 2 Boss Guide

Here is the Lies of P Puppet of the Future 2 boss guide which will help you take down the 2nd Puppet of the Future who can be found in the Chapter 8, Barren Swamp biome, however, I recommend not fighting it when you first get to the Swamp as you will have a Puppet firing a ballista down on you which severely increases the difficulty of the fight.

Location: Chapter 8, Barren Swamp.
Rewards: Quartz, 3,522 Ergo.
Instead, work your way through the Barren Swamp and the Barren Swamp ravine biomes to where you will come back out at the top of the area once you have navigated through the cave with the rolling balls which then allows you to climb the tower and disable the ballista which, once out of action will stay decommissioned so you are free to rest.

Get back down to the Barren Swamp stargazer then go through to the Swamp and engage the Puppet of the Future, who, similar to the Puppet of the Future in the Venigni Factory will be walking through Corruption except this time you can’t shut it off so instead, lure the oversized wrecking machine to the shore to make the fight a lot fairer.

Focus on whichever leg is on the ground and attack it with your best attacks and avoid hitting the wrecking balls as your attacks will bounce off dealing minimal damage. Make good use of fire and shock elements as this will deal increased damage as will ensuring you use your Fable Art when one of its feet have gone back down to the ground to ensure you land the attack.

Fatal Blows will strip health from the boss providing you can land one then keep plugging away at the legs whilst avoiding the slams until you being the  2nd Puppet of the Future down.

That’s the Lies of P Puppet of the Future 2 boss guide complete, I hope it helped you bringing lay this pacing robot to rest.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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