Lies Of P Story Progression Essentials
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls-like.
Lies Of P directory.
Here we will go over the Lies of P Story progression essentials which will give you a breakdown Chapter by Chapter of what you need to do as you work towards the Platinum. Lies of P is a very complex game with a lot of missable elements. If you make 1 mistake you could need a brand new playthrough in order to rectify it and some of these requirements are at the end of the game behind some of the toughest bosses.
Nearly every Chapter in Lies of P has missable elements or elements that need to be completed so you can have the smoothest run possible progression wise. There are a lot of threads on Reddit with people not being able to do this and that so I have put this progression guide together to help you all through the game for your first playthrough where you can all but 5 of the trophies in the game.
The majority of the decisions you make will be made to work towards obtaining the Golden Lie Special Weapon which is only obtainable under strict conditions most of which are focused around lying and becoming more and more Human as you progress through the game where you appearance will begin to change until you look like a grey haired Human rather than a black-haired puppet. So let’s get to it, here is a breakdown of everything required Chapter by Chapter before you go into new game+:
- Chapter 1.
- Chapter 2.
- Chapter 3.
- Chapter 4.
- Chapter 5.
- Chapter 6.
- Chapter 7.
- Chapter 8.
- Chapter 9.
- Chapter 10.
- Chapter 11.
Ensure you have a good read of each Chapter before going through as there are game breaking decisions you need to make as well as elements you need to fulfil to prevent you having to go through a whole new playthrough.
Chapter 1
During Chapter 1, ensure you purchase the remaining 2 Normal Weapons from the Merchant before going into fight the Parade Master boss. You can purchase these weapons at any point up until the end of Chapter 8 where you take down the Puppet-Devouring Green Monster boss so get them early otherwise you will miss out on them.
- Trophy affected: Normal Weapon Collector.
Speak to Lady Antonia at Hotel Krat to acquire the Show Off Clothes gesture before you defeat the Walker of Illusions boss in Chapter 9. Do this early so you don’t miss out on the Gesture.
- Trophy affected: Learning about Emotions.
Chapter 2
Speak to the Weeping Woman and return her baby to here where you need to lie to her saying “She’s a cute baby” this will be a lie as well as rewarding you with the Feel record.
- Trophies affected: Golden Melody, Special Weapon Collector, (Golden Lie weapon).
Answer the Payphone to the right of the bridge you cross before going up the stairs into the Venigni Factory. Speak to the King of Riddles and answer with “Human” to receive a Trinity Key.
- Trophy affected: End of Riddles.
Chapter 3
Open the Trinity Sanctum which is found by going left pass the Red Fox and Black Cat, follow the path and take a right defeating the puppets along the way. This can be done later but as you have the Trinity Key it saves coming back.
- Trophy affected: End of Riddles.
Defeat the Survivor boss who is just through the tunnel and up the stairs to learn the Stalker’s Promise Gesture which you will need in Chapter 4 to lie to the Atoned.
- Trophy affected: Special Weapon Collector, (Golden Lie weapon).
Speak to Venigni next to the Venigni Works Control Room Stargazer in the room with the green vat in the centre to free him as well as learn the Fear Gesture. This will also begin Venigni’s questline.
- Trophies affected: Learning about Emotions, The Story of the Prince.
Speak to Venigni after defeating the King’s Flame Fuoco boss exhausting all of his dialogue options where he will, once he is done speaking about Pulcinella grant you the Swagger Gesture.
- Trophies affected: Learning about Emotions, The Story of the Prince.
Chapter 4
You need to do everything in Chapter 4 before defeating the Fallen Archbishop Andreus boss. Lie to the Atoned at the bottom of the area where the cable car is and show her the Stalker’s Promise. She will then give you the key and allow you on to the cable car. Come back after defeating the Fallen Archbishop Andreus boss where The Atoned boss will aggro allowing you to put her down.
- Trophy affected: Special Weapon Collector (Golden Lie Special Weapon).
Speak to Giangio who is found behind the Altar when you first get to the Cathedral border before crossing the bridge to the Cathedral Chapel. I am unsure if this is essential or if he will show up later, however, I would rather mention it than leave it to chance.
- Trophy affected: The Story of the Refined old Lady.
Open the shortcut at the top of the Cathedral Chapel to change the directionality of the platforms allowing you to get back up to the roof a lot easier. Refer to the St. Frangelico Cathedral Chapel shortcut if you are unsure how to do open the shortcut. Whilst this isn’t essential it is a lot simpler than navigating across the beams time after time as there is a Cryptic Vessel and Trinity Sanctum to be found or started to find up here.
- Trophies affected: End of Riddles, Veteran Explorer.
There is also a Legion Plug you can acquire before or after activating the shortcut, I recommend after otherwise you will need to navigate across the beams again.
- Trophy affected: Legion Arm Collector.
Speak with Cecile once you’re in the Cathedral Library and retrieve the Holy Mark from the Archbishops desk. Return the Holy Mark to Cecile then go off and defeat the Fallen Archbishop Andreus boss. Go back to Cecile after defeating Andreus to acquire a Record and the Pray Gesture.
- Trophies affected: Golden Melody, Learning about Emotions.
Meet Alidoro the Hound at the top of the St. Frangelico Cathedral Library by taking the elevator up to the balcony overlooking Krat which is accessible once the antlered Elite is defeated after you have gone through the Decay pool and up the spiralled staircase. You need to speak to Alidoro to be able to lie to him as well as be able to collect the first 3 Special Weapons. Alidoro will also drop a Cryptic Vessel much later in the game in Chapter 10 so speaking to him is important.
- Trophies affected: Special Weapon Collector, Veteran Explorer.
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 is a big one as this is where the majority of the story progression can be halted or falls into jeopardy if you don’t follow every step as it needs to be done. After you have defeated the Fallen Archbishop Andreus boss at the end of Chapter 4 and having lied to Alidoro sending him to the Venigni Works you now need to go there, head up the stairs and into the small room on your left to find Alidoro hiding out. Lie to him again by sending him to Elysion Boulevard which he will deny instead going to Hotel Krat where he will remain until you defeat the Romeo, King of Puppets boss.
- Trophies affected: Special Weapon Collector (Golden Lie Special Weapon), Veteran Explorer (Alidoro drops a Cryptic Vessel in Chapter 10).
After you either run pass or defeat the Elite pacing around the bonfire go up the ladder and follow the path to find a payphone. Answer the call then choose the “Candle” dialogue option to receive a Trinity Key. Go back to the Chapter 4, St. Frangelico Cathedral Chapel biome, use the shortcut then work back through to the area where the electric balls are going down the slope. Climb the ladder opposite, wait for an opening then sprint to the Trinity Sanctum door to the left of the tunnel which you can now open.
- Trophy affected: End of Riddles.
Defeat the Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood boss in the Malum District then immediately go into the Town Hall, head into the room on your left whilst staying on the ground floor and collect the portrait of a boy. Take this straight to Geppetto in Hotel Krat where he will then hang it on the wall which will give you the Clap Gesture. It is very important you do this before speaking to anyone except Giangio who is at the top of the Town Hall building which leads around to Hotel Krat.
The main reason for this is the Golden Lie Special Weapon will begin to grow out of the nose of the boy on the portrait so the earlier you get this up on the wall the earlier you can acquire the weapon. If you don’t do this straight away you only have 2 Lie opportunities to get the weapon after the point in the Golden Lie guide (Chapter 11, Ascension Bridge, offer Sophia peace).
- Trophies affected: Learning about Emotions, Special Weapon Collector (Golden Lie Special Weapon).
Chapter 6
Chapter 6 holds a lot of missable elements so you need to work through systematically. There are cut off points for some of these elements, however, given the amount you have to do I recommend just getting them done as you come to them that way you remove the chance of them being overlooked. Defeat the White Lady boss then rest at the Rosa Isabelle Street Culvert Stargazer. Look to the right of the Stargazer to find Julian who asks you to find his wife. Agree to do so then go through the sewers and around to where the puppet is torching the carriage and bodies. Turn around from the puppet to see female puppet in a black dressed slump against the staircase wall. Interact with it to receive the Wedding Ring.
Take the Wedding back to Julian then lie to him by choosing the “I saw the message she left, saying she loves you” dialogue option where you will then receive the Sad Gesture.
- Trophies affected: Learning about Emotions, Special Weapon Collector (Golden Lie Special Weapon).
Go through to the Estella Opera House. Take the stairs up to the right, deal with the Disruption girls and Spider-lady. Go right then left to find a door you can open and speak to Adelina several times exhausting her dialogue. She will ask for the taste of fruit. As long as you have returned the Krat Supply Box (refer to the Krat Supply Boxes) found in the Chapter 4, St. Frangelico Cathedral Chapel biome (I said the shortcut would come in handy). You can purchase the Red Apple from Polendina for 1,000 Ergo.
Give the Apple to Adelina BEFORE defeating the Romeo, King of Puppets boss. With Adelina satiated with the taste of fruit, go and defeat the Romeo, King of Puppets boss. Return to where Adelina was then collect the Fascination Record from her corpse.
- Trophy affected: Golden Melody.
After the Romeo, King of Puppets boss has been defeated go back to Hotel Krat and speak to Polendina who will have left his post and be out by the fountain towards the Elysion Boulevard gate. When asked if there is a puppet who has emotion lie to him by choosing the “There’s no such puppet” dialogue option.
- Trophies affected: Special Weapon Collector (Golden Lie Special Weapon), The Story of the Refined Old Lady.
After you have spoken to Polendina, go and speak to Lady Antonia where she will ask if there’s any beauty left on her face. Choose the “Of Course” dialogue option to lie to her.
- Trophy affected: Special Weapon Collector (Golden Lie Special Weapon), The Story of the Refined Old Lady.
Chapter 7
Go through the Lorenzini Arcade to where you find the Merchant to the right of the fountain. Just before will be a series of toilet stalls with the Scandal! V, the Tragedy Behind the Flamboyance Book can be collected. Read all 4 pages of this book which can be found by going: Menu> Bag> Collectible> Books.
- Trophy affected: The Story of the Prince.
Once you’re at the Grand Exhibition Gallery biome, go up to the blue rafters where the spinning Jesters are and drop down immediately to your left. You will land on a balcony and you can speak with Belle whose dialogue you need to exhaust. You need to ensure you speak to Belle BEFORE you defeat the Champion Victor boss otherwise it will be a fresh playthrough and she is instrumental in getting you the Golden Lie Special Weapon. You will speak to Belle again in Chapter 9.
- Trophies affected: Golden Melody (you can get the Why Record in Chapter 9), Special Weapon Collector (Golden Lie Special Weapon).
Continue through the Gallery to where you take a left through a narrow blue walkway and answer the payphone to your left. Answer with the “Egg” dialogue option. Follow the path down and rotate the statue on the right twice to open a hatch enabling you to collect the Trinity Key. Go back to the Estella Opera House and drop down into the pit under the swinging flaming chandelier and open the Trinity Sanctum there.
- Trophy affected: End of Riddles.
Once the Champion Victor boss has been defeated, ensure you answer Simon Manus by choosing the “Monsters” dialogue option which will be a lie.
- Trophy affected: Special Weapon Collector (Golden Lie Special Weapon).
Fast travel back to Hotel Krat and speak to Eugenie where she will give you the Alidoro Glove. Keep it for now as you need it in Chapter 8 to set up a Lie.
- Trophy affected: Special Weapon Collector (Golden Lie Special Weapon).
Speak to Polendina who will tell you of a cure he hopes will help Lady Antonia. Go and speak to Giangio who is next to the Gold Coin Fruit tree at the top of the Town Hall in Chapter 5. Have Giangio craft the cure then return to Polendina. Select the “Use the Cure” dialogue option then fast travel away from the Hotel and then straight back where you then need to speak with Lady Antonia who will tell you she is feeling better.
- Trophy affected: The Story of the Refined Old Lady.
Fast travel back to the Grand Exhibition Conference Room Stargazer, go back down to where you fought the Macho Man and open the door in front of you which will grant you access to the room where the Saintess of Mercy Statue can be found. Upon entering you will receive the Respect Gesture.
- Trophy affected: Learning about Emotions.
Go through to the balcony from the Champion Victor boss arena ensuring you have at least 1 Gold Coin Fruit in your inventory. You will find the Gold Coin Fruit tree next to Giangio at the top of the Chapter 5, Town Hall building and you can collect a Fruit every 10 minutes. Speak to the Red Fox who will ask you to give her Brother a Gold Coin Fruit. Agree to do so to receive the Quixotic Record as well as the Beg Gesture.
- Trophies affected: Golden Melody, Learning about Emotions.
Chapter 8
Chapter 8 is a complicated Chapter as there are many missable elements here as well as a biome you won’t be able to access until the end of Chapter 9 at the earliest although there is some setup to do to ensure you can get everything done that you need to on your first playthrough.
To begin with, work your way through the Barren Swamp Entrance biome to where you send the mine cart down the hill and explode the wall leading back to the Stargazer. From here, continue through a short way to find Alidoro on your right. Speak with the Hound and give him the glove you received from Eugenie in Chapter 7. He will say they are rubbish. Return to Hotel Krat and speak to Eugenie who will ask what Alidoro thought of the gloves. Answer her with the “He was happy” dialogue option which will be a Lie, it will also be a key moment in Eugenie’s story.
- Trophies affected: Special Weapon Collector (Golden Lie Special Weapon), The Story of a Stranger Girl.
Go back to Alidoro and trade the Reborn Champion’s Ergo for the Frozen Feast Special Weapon which you not only need as it is one of the Special Weapons, you also need this to complete the final Cryptic Vessel, the Mechanical Cryptic Vessel.
- Trophies affected: Special Weapon Collector. Veteran Explorer.
Work through the Barren Swamp to the Barren Swamp Bridge biome then before going down the ramp to face off against the Puppet-Devouring Green Monster boss, speak with Explorer Hugo exhausting his dialogue options who will be important. This is also where you will be able to gain access to the Hermit’s Cave biome through the Rusty Cryptic Vessel you can collect in Chapter 9. Explorer Hugo is where you will need to trade the final series of boss Ergo with having eliminated Alidoro in Chapter 10 but we’ll get to that.
- Trophy affected: Special Weapon Collector.
Defeat the Puppet-Devouring Green Monster boss then travel back to Hotel Krat where you can speak with Lady Antonia where you will play the piano. Once you’re done on the piano you will receive the Greet Gesture.
- Trophy affected: Learning About Emotions.
Chapter 9
Chapter 9 is where Lies of P can become complicated as the game will now lock you out of Chapter 1 as the Krat Central Station biome has now become overrun with some very hard hitting Decay based enemies. If you have anything fire based that will hep a lot here. Progress through the Chapter ensuring you collect the Special Krat Supply Box (refer to the Krat Supply Boxes) as you need this to unlock the Rusty Cryptic Vessel which will then grant you access to the Hermit’s Cave biome in Chapter 8.
Once you have the Hermit’s Cave unlocked go through to the end and defeat the Elite to acquire the Misty E’rA Record as well as looting the safe to complete the Rusty Cryptic Record.
- Trophies affected: Golden Melody, Veteran Explorer.
As you are returning the Special Krat Supply Box Polendina will declare he feels something akin to love for Lady Antonia, ensure you listen to his dialogue rather than skipping it.
- Trophy affected: The Story of the Refined Old Lady.
Progress through to the Walker of Illusions boss and defeat her. Before going into the elevator ensure you have a good supply of fire based offensive consumables such as Fire abrasives and Thermite as when you go down the elevator you will then be cut off from the World until you defeat the Corrupted Parade Master boss where you can then re-access Hotel Krat and use the Stargazer’s for travel again.
After going down the elevator, go round to the promenade overlooking the ocean, take a left then answer the phone where you need to answer Arlecchino’s final riddle which you need to answer with “Ergo” to receive another Trinity Key. Take the Key to the Krat Central Station Lobby Stargazer, go towards the outside area taking a left before leaving to find the Trinity Sanctum you can enter.
- Trophy affected: End of Riddles.
Once you are back in Hotel Krat, speak with Belle who will task you with finding her missing comrade. Fast travel to the Krat Central Station Platform Stargazer, as long as you have opened the gate when you went pass the Crocodile-Scorpion Elite go down the stairs as you did previously except this time turn around, go back on yourself and head into the train carriage. Speak to Atkinson until you receive Atkinson’s Letter then put him down. Return to Belle then when she asks who if you have any news answer with the “He was killed in action fighting a puppet” dialogue option. Belle will then thank you and give you the Why Record.
- Trophies affected: Golden Melody, Special Weapon Collector (Golden Lie Special Weapon).
Chapter 10
Take down the large axe-wielding puppet then take the left path up to the telephone where you can speak to Arlecchino a final time. Lie to him by saying “no” when he asks if you’re a killer where you will then receive the King of Riddles Surprise Box. Open your bag, go to the Collectible tab and use the King of Riddles Surprise Box to then receive the Chosen One’s Trinity Key which you will need in Chapter 11.
- Trophies affected: End of Riddles, Special Weapon Collector (Golden Lie Special Weapon).
Take down the Black Rabbit Brotherhood boss then go and speak to Alidoro who’s dialogue you need to exhaust where you will then find out he is an imposter having killed the real Alidoro. Choose to attack him then confirm your choice. Hit him where you will then receive the Alidoro’s Cryptic Vessel. Fast travel back to Hotel Krat and speak with Venigni where he will firstly ask you if you can hear a voice. You need to answer with the “I couldn’t hear” dialogue option.
- Trophies affected: Special Weapon Collector (Golden Lie Special Weapon), The Story of the Prince.
Once the previous Lie has been told to Venigni, speak to him again and have him decipher Alidoro’s Cryptic Vessel. Open the item you get and read it through. Immediately go and speak to Eugenie where she will say she hasn’t heard from Alidoro lately. You need to answer with the “I think he was just a talented Stalker” dialogue option where you will then receive the Far East Princess Record.
- Trophies affected: Golden Melody, Special Weapon Collector (Golden Lie Special Weapon), The Story of a Stranger Girl.
Chapter 11
Work through to the Arche Abbey Outer Wall biome go around and drop down to the lowest section using the ladders and planks to traverse along. Deal with the Macho Man then look to the Trinity Sanctum you can now unlock where you will then unlock End of Riddles. Go through and speak to Arlecchino initially answering with “Human” which is of course a Lie.
- Trophies affected: End of Riddles, Special Weapon Collector (Golden Lie Special Weapon).
Speak with Arlecchino again asking about him being a serial killer and listen to the dialogue. You can then ask about the Venigni incident where you will receive the Moon World Warrior Toy. Take the Moon World Warrior Toy straight to Venigni who can speak to then once the dialogue has finished you will unlock The Story of the Prince.
- Trophy affected: The Story of the Prince.
Go back to the Arche Abbey Outer Wall biome then go back down to the entrance of the Trinity Sanctum, defeat the Macho Man again then look to the long corridor you need to go through taking care not to tread on the trap plates then take the elevator down. You will find Test Subject 826 in this corridor who you need to speak to. You will receive the Happy Gesture. We will be coming back to Test Subject 826 later in the guide as he will move and have a weapon for sale. You need to speak to Test Subject 826 before you defeat the Laxasia the Complete boss.
- Trophies affected: Learning about Emotions, Normal Weapon Collector.
Work through Chapter 11 refusing to give Gold Coin Fruit to the Black Cat boss where he will aggro or give him Gold Coin Fruit if you don’t feel like a fight then proceed through to the Arche Abbey, Broken Rift Stargazer. Go through into the tunnels, make your way round to the ladder, climb up then go to the end of the walkway taking the third left, defeat the Elite then retrieve the Mechanical Cryptic Vessel from the chest. Take this to Venigni, have him decipher it then fast travel to the Chapter 9, Abandoned Apartment Stargazer.
Head out, take a left across the bridge sign then go left across the stone bridge and left again through the archway taking out the enemies as you go. Stay right of the area with the Disruption bugs, go up the stairs and equip the Frozen Feast Special Weapon (which you acquired in Chapter 8 from Alidoro) before speaking to the Merchant. With the Frozen Feast equipped speak to the Merchant to complete the Mechanical Cryptic Vessel, which as long as you have followed along will unlock Veteran Explorer.
- Trophy affected: Veteran Explorer.
Go through the rest of the Arche Abbey to the Prayer Room then defeat the Laxasia the Complete boss then it’s very important you don’t go through into the next room as we need to ensure a few thing have happened first. Fast travel back to Hotel Krat and play every record you have in your possession which should be 9 by this point in full which should, as long as you have followed along receive the “Your Heart is Pounding” message on screen. If you have told any truths then you won’t have met the requirements. Although you still have 2 more opportunities to get the Golden Lie.
With the “Your Heart is pounding” message received, go to the Ascension Bridge biome then go through and speak with Sophia who you need to answer with “Give her peace” which will then cause your hair to turn grey as well as receiving the Entreat Gesture which should then unlock Learning about Emotions. Collect the Memory Flower record from the chair where Sophia was sitting then fast travel back to Hotel Krat, go to Geppetto’s quarters where the Golden Lie Special Weapon will now be glowing Gold meaning you can collect it from the painting.
- Trophies affected: Learning about Emotions, Special Weapon Collector.
Speak with Polendina who will inform you Lady Antonia has now passed away which will then unlock The Story of the Refined Old Lady.
- Trophy affected The Story of the Refined Old Lady.
From here, go through and defeat the Red Fox boss who will aggro if you put the Black Cat boss down then go through and speak to Geppetto in his cell where you should answer “Yes” when asked if he was a trustworthy Father which will be a lie. Continue through to the Cradle of the Gods biome and fight the Simon Manus, Awakened God boss who after will ask you what you did with Sophia where you should answer with “I liberated her from Arche Abbey“.
Take the elevator down and speak with Geppetto, where as long as your hair is grey and you have the Golden Lie special weapon you should refuse Geppetto’s request to take your Heart where you can then fight the Nameless Puppet boss and obtain the Rise of P Ending.
- Trophies affected: The First Puppet, Rise of P.
That’s al of the Lies of P Story progression essentials you need to ensure you fulfil throughout your first playthrough.
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