
MediEvil Healthiest Man Alive - Er Dead Trophy Guide

MediEvil Healthiest Man Alive - Er Dead trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Healthiest Man Alive – Er Dead
Collect every Life Bottle.

Here is the MediEvil Healthiest Man Alive – Er Dead Trophy Guide. There’s a total of 9 Life Bottles in MediEvil, each Life Bottle you collect essentially increases your maximum health giving you a much stronger chance of surviving the later levels, or even the earlier ones depending on your skill in controlling Sir Fortesque.

  • Life Bottle 1
    Dan’s Crypt.
    You’ll pick this one up as you make your way through this very short level.
  • Life Bottle 2
    The Graveyard.
    Head to the angel statue, hit it 3 times to make it look left, make your way left and you’ll find your Life Bottle near the top of the small hill.
  • Life Bottle 3
    Dan’s Crypt.
    Once you have a blunt weapon such as the Club or Hammer, make your way back to the Crypt, smash the wall on the right side of the Crypt in between 2 fallen pillars, your Life Bottle will be in here.
  • Life Bottle 4
    Scarecrow Fields.
    You need to progress near enough to the end of the level. On the level hazard with the fast moving spiky wood, rather than taking the first exit to finish the level, take the second exit (keep going round) to find another path. At the end of this short path will be a harvest part. Backtrack all the way back to the Farmhouse (Just after the 2nd Mecha Imp and before the spinning windmill), go around the back to get into the Farmhouse, use the harvester part to fire up the harvester then the go back outside. Your Life Bottle will be at the end of the new path that has been created, jump over the small stream to grab your Life Bottle.
  • Life Bottle 5
    Pools Of The Ancient Dead.
    Make your way through the level as normal until you pass through the red rune gate, just off to the right (as the camera pans) will be a small island, it’s hard to miss. Jump over there, to collect the Life Bottle.
  • Life Bottle 6
    Time Machine.
    Head through the level as you normally would until you get to the red lasers, short circuit these lasers by first hitting the skull in the centre, then hit the bottom 2 laser nodes until the red crystal explodes. Proceed all the way back to the start of the level, go right this time to find a golden butterfly gate, on the left side of this gate a clock will appear, if you’ve gotten this far, you know what to do. Jump on the clock face and set the time again, opening the butterfly gate. Go through and grab your Life Bottle.
  • Life Bottle 7
    Hall Of Heroes.
    Redeem 2 Chalices in the Hall Of Heroes to unlock this Life Bottle (click the link to go to the King Of Cups Trophy Guide for information on the Chalices).
  • Life Bottle 8
    Hall Of Heroes.
    You will receive this Life Bottle after you have redeemed 16 Chalices in the Hall Of Heroes (click the link to go to the King Of Cups Trophy Guide for information on the Chalices).
  • Life Bottle 9
    Hall Of Heroes.
    Once you have redeemed the 20th Chalice you will receive this Life Bottle in the Hall Of Heroes (click the link to go to the King Of Cups Trophy Guide for information on the Chalices).

Whichever order you decide to do these in, once you have collected all 9 Life Bottles your Trophy will unlock.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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1 month ago

[…] Click the link to go to the complete Healthiest Man Alive – Er Dead Trophy Guide. […]