
Mortal Kombat 11 Trophy Guide

Welcome to the Mortal Kombat 11 Trophy Guide.

  • Platforms: PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC.
  • Trophies: 59: Platinum: 1, Gold: 1, Silver: 7, Bronze: 50.
  • Release Date: PS4, Xbox One, PC: 23-Apr-2019.
    PS5, Xbox Series X/S: 17-Nov-2020.
  • Missable Trophies: None: Everything can be replayed as many times as required.
  • Glitched Trophies: None.
  • Online Trophies: 2: Kompetitor , R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
  • Difficulty Rating: 6/10.
  • Approx. time to 100%: 80+ Hours.

Mortal Kombat 11 is a fantastic entry in this genre defining, heart stopping series. You will have a good amount to do in order to unlock your Platinum including completing online matches, towers of time, performing a multitude of fatalites, brutalities and spill rivers of blood along the way. Here is the complete trophy guide to help you through the game.

Mortal Kombat 11 Elder God trophy
PS5 Platinum Trophy

Elder God
Komplete all trophies

Mortal Kombat 11 Hit The Dojo trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Hit The Dojo
Komplete all Basics Tutorials

Start from the main menu, select Learn then Tutorial, select the Basic Tutorial which is the to option and complete all 6 tutorials which are:

  1. Basic Movement and Attacks.
  2. Blocking and Throws.
  3. Environment Interaction.
  4. Special Moves and Kombo Attacks.
  5. Fatal Blows and Amplified Special Moves.
  6. Basic Kombos.

Complete all 6 basic tutorials to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Ready To Kompete trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Ready To Kompete
Komplete all Advanced Tutorials

Similar to the Basics Tutorials except the advanced tutorials are much more in-depth and complex. If you get stuck on one you can press Touchpad to see the CPU perform the moves / combos / techniques which will help you out no end in being able to complete your tutorials. There are 19 advanced tutorials you will need to complete, these are broken down into three categories. Advanced Offense, Advanced Defense and Frame Data. Here is a breakdown of the advanced tutorials you will need to complete:
Advanced Offense:

  1. Special Move Cancels.
  2. Jump-In Attacks.
  3. Hopping.
  4. Dash Cancels.
  5. Block Damage.
  6. Krushing Blows.

Advanced Defence:

  1. Advanced Blocking.
  2. Reversal Attacks.
  3. Getup.
  4. Flawless Block.
  5. Block Attacks.
  6. Advanced Interaction.
  7. Breakaways.

Frame Data:

  1. Anatomy of a Move.
  2. Hit Advantage.
  3. Block Advantage.
  4. Unsafe Attacks.
  5. Safe Attacks.
  6. Punishing.

Complete all 19 advanced tutorials to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 No Bad Match Ups trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

No Bad Match Ups
Komplete all Strategy Tutorials

Strategy tutorials are by far the hardest of the set to complete and will require a lot of skill to get them all done. Ensure you watch the CPU perform the moves / combos / techniques as many times as you need to help you get through. I recommend you go through these one at a time, taking time to perfect one then move on, perfect another one and so on. You will need to complete 17 strategy tutorials that are broken down into 3 categories which are Building Kombos, Advantage & Pressure and Positioning & Resources. Here is a breakdown of the strategy tutorials you will need to complete:
Building Kombos:

  1. Corner Kombos.
  2. Kombo Limitations.
  3. Extending Kombos.
  4. Kombo Starters.
  5. Kombo Enders.
  6. Hit Confirming.

Advantage & Pressure:

  1. Getup Offense.
  2. Getup Defense.
  3. Block Pressure.
  4. Hit Pressure.
  5. Pressure Defense.

Positioning & Resources:

  1. Zoning.
  2. Fighting Zoners.
  3. Grounded Neutral.
  4. Anti-Air.
  5. Gauge Management.
  6. Fatal Blow Management.

Complete all 17 strategy tutorials to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Blood In The Water trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Blood In The Water
Spill 10,000 pints of blood

This will come naturally as you make your way through the game and may very well be one of the first trophies in the game. Keep attacking your opponents, dealing Fatalities / Brutalities to spill more blood. Spill 10,000 pints of blood to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Deadly Encounter trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Deadly Encounter
Perform 15 different FATALITIES

See Murder!!! for information on this.

Mortal Kombat 11 MURDER!!! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Perform 30 different FATALITIES

As you work your way through the trophy list, you will be need to perform 2 different Fatalities with each character in the game totalling 48 Fatalities so you will easily achieve this one along the way. You can, if you like perform the same Fatality 30 times with your favourite Kharacter, the choice is yours. Perform 30 Fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Brutal End trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Brutal End

See Psychopath for more information.

Mortal Kombat 11 Psychopath trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy


Using the Uppercut as the last move in the final round of a match will count as a Brutality and can be done in local coop to make things even simpler. Simply get your opponents’ health bar down to less than a half inch then hold Down and press Triangle to perform an Uppercut Brutality. Perform 25 Brutalities to unlock Brutal End and 100 brutalities to unlock this Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Not Dead Yet trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Not Dead Yet
Show MERCY 10 times

Choose Fight then head into a local match against the cpu, set the game to any difficulty you’re comfortable with (very easy is fine) then beat your opponent until you see the Finish Him / Her message appear. At which point, you need to press Down+L2 3 times whilst you’re mid distance away (4 paces) this will then bring the message Mercy on screen and allow your opponent to continue fighting. Perform 10 Mercy’s to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Grave Robber trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Grave Robber
Open 200 Krypt chests

Chests are found throughout the Krypt and cost Koins to open. The price to open a Chest can range from a few hundred koins to a many thousands so choose the cheapest chests as you make your way through the Krypt to have an easier time of it. Even choosing the cheapest chests, you will need well in excess of a million koins which are, fortunately, awarded at the conclusion of every fight with bonus koins being awarded for completing challenges as well as performing Fatalites / Brutalites. In order to see how many chests you have opened you can from the main menu, access you Kombat Kard then select Kareer Stats, Offline History looking for the third option on the list which will tell you how many Krypt Chests you have opened. Once you have opened 200 Chests, your Trophy will unlock.

Mortal Kombat 11 Kompetitor trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Play 50 Kasual Versus matches

From the main menu, choose Fight, Online, Kasual then Versus. On the Right side of the screen, ensure Kompetitive Mode is OFF (Toggle with Square), Krossplay Beta can be on or off then start a match. You need to complete 50 matches, the result doesn’t matter as long as neither you nor your opponent quit out or lose connection. At the conclusion of your 50th Kasual Versus match, your Trophy will unlock.

Mortal Kombat 11 Half Way There trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Half Way There
Komplete 50% of Story Mode

See What’s Next? for more information.

Mortal Kombat 11 What's Next trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

What’s Next?
Komplete Story Mode

Complete all 12 acts in the story (main menu, Konquer, Story), you are welcome to either watch or skip the cutscenes to make the story go by quicker. At the conclusion of the story, your Trophy will unlock.

Mortal Kombat 11 R-E-S-P-E-C-T trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Pay 100 total respect points in King of the Hill

From the main menu, select Fight, Online, Kasual then King of the Hill. At the conclusion of any match that plays out except your own, you will have the opportunity to rate the match from 1 to 10 points. Ensure you choose 10 points then repeat this 10 more time where you will have then paid 100 respect points in King of the Hill, unlocking your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Klassic trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Komplete a Novice, Warrior, or Champion Klassic Tower once

See I Want It All for more information.

Mortal Kombat 11 I Want It All trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

I Want It All
Komplete the Novice, Warrior, or Champion Klassic Towers with 10 different kharacters

This is easiest / quickest by completing a Novice Tower which is accessed by going from the main menu, Konquer, Klassic, Towers, Novice Tower then win all 5 battles to complete the Tower. Do this once to unlock Klassic and 10 times to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Enough Already trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Enough Already
Hit the Gong in the Krypt

Head into the Krypt (main menu, Konquer, Krypt) then head forward opening either of the chests opening the door in front of you. Head forward to find Shao Kahn’s Hammer which you need to collect. To use the Hammer you need to press Square so head down the stairs and smash through the large wooden gate then head left to the back wall. To the right you will see a broken section of wall, smash through this wall to find a large golden gong. Hit this gong with the Hammer to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Tower Champion trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Tower Champion
Komplete 125 Towers

See Master of Time for information on this.

Mortal Kombat 11 Master of Time trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Master of Time
Komplete 250 Towers

Towers are probably going to be your best source for Koins which are required to unlock 200 Krypt Chests and if you’re smart about it, you can get every Fatality trophy done along the way as you complete the Towers. You are free to choose any Tower for this including Novice Towers or just work your way through the available Towers doing as many as you can handle in a day then come back when you’ve had a rest and do a few more Towers.

This is definitely the grindiest of all the trophies in Mortal Kombat 11. To see how many Towers you have completed go to the main menu and press L2 to access your Kombat Kard. From here, go to Kareer Stats then Offline History, the first option on the right will tell you how many Towers you have Kompleted. Once you have completed 250 Towers, your Trophy will unlock.

Mortal Kombat 11 Disco's Not Dead trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Disco’s Not Dead
Flip Stance 50 times during a match

In order to Flip Stance you need to press (with default kontrols) L2 when you are not attacking or being attacked. Utilising Sub Zero’s Ice Ball attack (Down+Right+Square) can give you a good few seconds to spam the Flip Stance, wait for your opponent to thaw out then go again with another Ice Ball allowing you to Flip Stance a few more times. Flip Stance 50 times in a single match to unlock your Trophy. 

Mortal Kombat 11 Teamwork trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Play a Group Battle with 2 other players

You will need to go into the Towers of Time, if this is your first time in this mode then complete the first 4 tutorial towers where you will then be able to access the Towers themselves. You need to find a Tower which has the designation Ko-Op Towers, now please note that these Towers are random and change daily. If you don’t have the Ko-Op Tower option on any of the available Towers then try again the next day until one appears. When you have access to a Ko-Op Tower, enter it and select to Search For Players and when you find one the Tower will load up then at the start of the fight, your Trophy will unlock.

Mortal Kombat 11 Thrashed trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Baraka

Baraka’s 2 fatalities are:

  1. Food For Thought
    Close Range.
    Left, Down, Left, Triangle.
  2. Rock, Paper, Baraka
    Close Range.
    Left, Right, Left, Cross.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Family Values trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Family Values
Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Cassie Cage

Cassie Cage’s fatalities are:

  1. I < 3 U
    Mid Range.
    Down, Down, Right, Circle.
  2. #Girlpower
    Far Range.
    Left, Down, Left, Down, Triangle.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Balanced trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Cetrion

Cetrion’s fatalities are:

  1. Maintaining Balance
    Mid Range.
    Left, Down, Right, Down, Circle.
  2. Good And Evil
    Mid Range.
    Left, Down, Left, Cross.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Cyber Initiative trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Cyber Initiative
Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Frost

You will first need to unlock Frost which is done by consistently choosing Sub Zero in the Story whenever you have the chance to. Especially when your alternative choice is Scorpion. If you have already completed the Story, re complete Chapter 4, ensuring you pick Sub Zero as your fighter. At the end of Chapter 4, Frost will be available as playable character. Frost’s fatalities are:

  1. Ice Sculpture
    Close Range.
    Right, Left, Down, Square.
  2. The Cyber Initiative
    Mid Range.
    Left, Right, Down, Circle.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Bugging Out trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Bugging Out
Perform 2 different FATALITIES with D’Vorah

D’Vorah’s fatalities are:

  1. New Species
    Close Range.
    Left, Right, Left, Cross.
  2. Can’t Die
    Close Range.
    Left, Down, Down, Circle.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Kollecting Bounties trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Kollecting Bounties
Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Erron Black

Erron Black’s fatalities are:

  1. Melted
    Mid Range.
    Down, Down, Down, Square.
  2. Death Trap
    Mid Range.
    Down, Right, Down, Triangle.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Pound Town trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Pound Town
Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Jacqui Briggs

Jacqui Briggs has two fatalities which are:

  1. Spider Mines
    Mid Range.
    Right, Left, Right, Cross.
  2. Nothin’ But Neck
    Mid Range.
    Left, Right, Left, Cross.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Royal Guard trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Royal Guard
Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Jade

Jade’s two fatalities are:

  1. Bow Before Me
    Any Range.
    Down, Down, Right, Down, Circle.
  2. Pole Dance
    Close Range.
    Left, Right, Down, Right, Square.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Get Some trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Get Some
Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Jax

Jax has two fatalities which are:

  1. Coming In Hot
    Close Range.
    Right, Down, Right, Cross.
  2. Still Got It
    Close Range.
    Left, Right, Left, Down, Square.

Perform both of Jax’s fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Caged trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Johnny Cage

Johnny Cage has two fatalities which are:

  1. Mr. Cage’s Neighbourhood
    Close Range.
    Right, Left, Down, Down, Circle.
  2. Who Hired This Guy
    Close Range.
    Right, Down, Right, Square.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Ka-Ballin trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Kabal

Kabal has 2 fatalities which are:

  1. Road Rash
    Mid Range.
    Left, Right, Down, Right, Cross.
  2. Hooked
    Close Range.
    Down, Down, Down, Circle.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Bonzer Bog trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Bonzer Bog
Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Kano

Kano’s 2 fatalities are:

  1. Last Dance
    Close Range.
    Right, Down, Down, Square.
  2. Face Like A Dropped Pie
    Close Range.
    Left, Down, Right, Triangle.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Princess Power trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Princess Power
Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Kitana

Kitana has 2 fatalities which are:

  1. Gore-Nado
    Mid Range.
    Down, Down, Down, Down, Triangle.
  2. Royal Execution
    Mid Range.
    Down, Left, Right, Square.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Kollected trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Kollector

Kollector has 2 fatalities which are:

  1. For The Kollection
    Close Range.
    Down, Down, Down, Down, Circle.
  2. Head Lantern
    Close Range.
    Down, Right, Left, Square.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Sacrifice trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Kotal Kahn

Kotal Kahn’s 2 fatalities are:

  1. Totem Sacrifice
    Close Range.
    Right, Down, Right, Circle.
  2. Kat Food
    Close Range.
    Right, Left, Right, Left, Square.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Hat Trick trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Hat Trick
Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Kung Lao

Kung Lao has 2 fatalities which are:

  1. Headed Nowhere
    Close Range.
    Down, Right, Left, Down, Triangle.
  2. Meat Slicer
    Close Range.
    Down, Right, Down, Circle.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 No Bag Boy trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

No Bag Boy
Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Liu Kang

Liu Kang’s 2 fatalities are:

  1. Burn Out
    Close Range.
    Down, Left, Down, Right, Square.
  2. Belly Of The Beast
    Mid Range.
    Left, Down, Left, Right, Triangle.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Double Dose Of Deadly trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Double Dose Of Deadly
Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Noob

Noob Saibot has 2 fatalities which are:

  1. Split Decision
    Mid Range.
    Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle.
  2. Double Trouble
    Close Range.
    Down, Down, Down, Square.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Struck Down trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Struck Down
Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Raiden

Raiden’s 2 fatalities are:

  1. Alternating Current
    Mid Range
    Left, Down, Left, Square.
  2. Direct Current
    Close Range.
    Down, Right, Left, Cross.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Never Ends trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Never Ends
Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Scorpion

Scorpion has 2 fatalities which are:

  1. You’re Next
    Far Range.
    Left, Down, Down, Square.
  2. Chain Reaction
    Mid Range.
    Down, Right, Left, Triangle.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Blood Bath trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Blood Bath
Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Skarlet

Skarlet has 2 fatalities which are:

  1. Bloody Mess
    Mid Range.
    Right, Left, Down, Cross.
  2. Heart Condition
    Mid Range.
    Down, Down, Right, Circle.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Target Eliminated trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Target Eliminated
Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Sonya

Sonya has 2 fatalities which are:

  1. To The Choppa
    Mid Range.
    Down, Right, Left, Triangle.
  2. Supply Drop
    Close Range.
    Left, Right, Down, Cross.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 On Ice trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

On Ice
Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Sub-Zero

Sub-Zero has 2 fatalities which are:

  1. Ice-Cutioner
    Mid Range.
    Left, Right, Left, Triangle.
  2. Frozen In Time
    Mid Range.
    Right, Down, Right, Circle.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Turn Back Time trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Turn Back Time
Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Geras

Geras has 2 fatalities which are:

  1. Phasing Through Time
    Any Range.
    Left, Down, Down, Cross.
  2. Peeling Back
    Close Range.
    Down, Right, Left, Square.

Perform both fatalities to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Total Disrespect trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Total Disrespect
Defeat an opponent as Bug-Vorah

First, you need to “make” a Bug-Vorah build. To do so, from the main menu, choose Kutomize, Characters, D’Vorah then select any of the available slots that already have a build in them such as 1. Buzzing Hive. From here, press R1 twice to go to the Abilities tab, uncheck the Deadly Swarm and (Air) Ticking Time Bug abilities then head to the last Ability which is the Mother-Bug. Ensure you check this Ability, back out to the main menu then go into a standard fight (Fight, Local) and select D’vorah ensuring you choose the build with the Mother-Bug ability assigned to it.

(1. Buzzing Hive if you followed the steps), put the game on any difficulty you’re happy with, very easy is fine and begin the match. Now for this one (using default settings) you will need to win the first round, lose the second round then in the third round, get your opponent down to Kritical health (around 3-5mm) and allow the opponent to beat you where Bug-Vorah will burst out of D’vorah.
Please Note: Your opponents finishing blow must come from a standard attack, a throw or a special will not count and you will need to do the process again. Get one attack with Bug-Vorah, defeating your opponent, unlocking your Trophy in the process.

Mortal Kombat 11 Oh My Days trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Oh My Days
Duck 100 times during a match

Start any local fight (main menu, Fight, Local,) choose Sub-Zero and any opponent, any arena and start the fight. Using Sub-Zero’s Ice Ball attack (Down+Right+Square) will freeze your opponent in place for a few seconds. Once they’re frozen, spam Down as many times as you can, once they thaw out, freeze them again. Rinse and repeat until you have ducked 100 times in a single match, unlocking your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 My AI Can Do It trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

My AI Can Do It
Play 10 AI Battle Simulator sets

See Puppet Master for more information.

Mortal Kombat 11 Puppet Master trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Puppet Master
Play 25 AI Battle Simulator sets

To access AI Battles, choose Fight from the main menu then AI Battle, you will need to assign 3 defenders before you can start the Battle Simulator which is just a case of selecting Assign Defenders then choosing any 3 characters. From here choose Find A Battle where you can then choose any of the available opponent teams. Choose your attacking team then start the match, once in the match, press Touchpad to increase the speed to x4. As you aren’t actually controlling the fight this will make things a lot quicker. Complete 10 AI Battles to unlock My AI Can Do It and 25 AI Battles to unlock your Puppet Master Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 My Magic Shoes trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

My Magic Shoes
Run 5 miles in the Krypt

To access the Krypt, go from the main menu select Konquer then Krypt. In order to run, you need to hold R2 whilst moving around. 5 miles, whilst it sounds like a lot should easily be covered whilst you’re making your way through the Krypt opening 200 Chests. Once you have run 5 miles in the Krypt, your Trophy will unlock.

Mortal Kombat 11 Have We Met trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Have We Met
Equip 5 different character intros

One way you can guarantee you will acquire Intros is to go to the Towers of Time. In the top left section will be the Character Tower. It does cost you 25,000 koins for each character you choose to go through a Tower with meaning you will need at least 125,000 Koins, ensuring you only choose characters you are very comfortable with as these fights can pose a challenge. Complete every Tower to acquire an intro. Repeat this 4 more time to acquire 5 intros.

Alternatively, you can Impale 10 Heads in the Krypt (see Skull Kabob for information on this). After you have placed 10 heads on their relevant pedestals a new door will open at the entrance to the Krypt. Inside this room there will be a series of chests. Each one will cost you 25,000 Koins to unlock, however, each one has an intro inside of it. Whichever way you choose to acquire your 5 different intros, once you have them head to the main menu then select Kustomize followed by Characters. Select any character you have an intro for then choose any variation, press R1 to go to the Kosmetics tab, selecting the Cinematics option and finally intros. Equip a different Intro for 5 different characters to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Victorious trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Equip 5 different character victories

You will acquire a victory every time you impale a head in the Krypt (see Skull Kabob for information on this). Follow the steps in Skull Kabob 5 times meaning you will need to defeat 5 separate characters with 25 fatalities to acquire 5 different victories. Once you have the 5 different victories, head to the main menu then select Kustomize followed by Characters. Select any character you have a victory for then choose any variation, press R1 to go to the Kosmetics tab, selecting the Cinematics option and finally victories. Equip a different Victory for 5 different characters to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 More Power trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

More Power
Use 50 Konsumables

See Konsumed for more information.

Mortal Kombat 11 Konsumed trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Use 100 konsumables

Konsumables are items you can use before a fight in a Tower to give you a boost to your health, make meteors fall from the sky, have laser nets trap your opponents and so much more besides. Go to a Tower then just before a fight begins, press Square to bring up your Konsumables. Press R1 to go to Single Fight then add any Konsumables you have in your inventory (more can be acquired form the Towers of Time or the Krypt Chests), once you have at least one Konsumable equipped, start the fight. You will see the controls to use the Konsumbales at the top of the screen, so use them as much as you can in the fight. Once you have used 100 Konsumables, your Trophy will unlock.

Mortal Kombat 11 Get Over Here trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Get Over Here
Spear 50 hanging bodies in the Krypt

Firstly, head around to the Naknadan Shrine (see Gimme Dat Money for information on this) then proceed down the pathway where a meteor will crash into the floor, smash the meteor with Shao Kahn’s Hammer to receive the Gem of the Living. From here, head back to the first gong in the Krypt (see Enough Already for information on this) and place the Gem of the Living to open the Balance Door to the left of the gong.

Head through to the top left of the area, smashing the wooden circular wall then pull the lever against the back wall ensuring you collect the Cracked Horn of Motaro from the room. Take this back to where you acquired the Gem of the Living then use the Cracked Horn of Motaro against the Skull door in front of you, follow the path then the elevator down to Goro’s Lair.

Go forward, standing in front of Goro then head to the path on your right against the left wall at the end of the path, pull the chain to the left of the gate where you can go through and acquire Scorpions Spear. To get back out of this room, look above the now closed gate and press Triangle to use the Spear allowing you to leave the room. You now need to make your way through the Krypt spearing 50 of the hanging bodies that are found throughout the Krypt, especially in outside areas. To Spear a hanging body, look at it and press Triangle, do this 50 times, to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Skull Kabob trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Skull Kabob
Impale a head in the warrior shrine

You will firstly need to defeat the same character with a Fatality, 25 times. This can be done in the Towers easily enough, it will just take a while to do. A nice, easy method to grind out 25 Fatalities back to back is to go from the main menu, choose Konquer, Klassic Towers then Novice. Choose your best character then start the tower, if you need to see how to perform a Fatality for your chosen character, click on the link to go to the Ultimate Fatality Guide to see the button inputs required.

Put the game on Very Easy to make things easier here then start the match. You are aiming to defeat the first opponent, whoever that may be then in the second match, pause the game and press Tower Select which will place you back down in front of the Novice Tower with the exact same opponent. This seems to be the quickest way to grind out 25 Fatalities against the same opponent, if you know of a quicker way, then please let me know in the comments below. Once you have performed a Fatality 25 times against the same opponent, you will then receive their severed head.

You then need to take the Severed Head to the Krypt, follow the steps to get to the Naknadan Shrine (see Gimme Dat Money for information on this) then from the Shrine, head right to see a wall with statues of the players heads. Once you get the prompt to place the head on the spike, do so to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Gimme Dat Money trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Gimme Dat Money
Spend 50,000 koins in the Naknadan shrine

First up, follow the steps in the Gong (see Enough Already for information on this). From the Gong hit the broken wall on the right, then head forward taking a right across a bridge, you’re looking for the large golden statue with 2 purple orbs next to it, this the Naknadan Shrine. Interact with the Shrine to be able to donate koins, donate at least 50,000 koins at once to unlock your Trophy.

Mortal Kombat 11 Thank You For Being A Fan trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Thank You For Being A Fan
Reach The Kredits

The easiest / fastest way to reach the Kredits is to go into a Novice Tower (main menu, Konquer, Klassic Towers, Novice) and defeat all 5 opponents. You are free to use any character you wish and this can be done on any difficulty you feel you can manage. At the conclusion of your 5th and final match in the Novice Tower the Kredits will roll and your Trophy will unlock.

That’s the Mortal Kombat 11 Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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Haroon Ali
4 years ago

WOW! Absolutely amazing work! Seriously thanks for the guide guys really helped me out!

4 years ago
Reply to  Haroon Ali

Ah awesome, cheers dude
Really glad it helped you out
All the best