
Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate Fatality Guide

Here is the komplete Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate Fatality Guide. There are an amazing amount of Fatalities to use and perfect in Mortal Kombat 11, here we will show you to use every characters Fatality including every DLC character. In order to use a Fatality, you need to beat your opponent then see the Finish Him / Her screen appear, if you defeat your opponent with a Brutality or any other attack after this, you won’t be able to use a Fatality for that particular match.

To perform a Fatality, you will need to input a series of directions and buttons quickly and at a certain range depending on the Fatality you’re wishing to use. Every fatality will have a determined “range” that you will need to be for the fatality to be properly executed which are:

  • Close Range: You will need to be right next to your opponent, almost touching them.
  • Mid Range: You will need to be 4-6 paces away from your opponent.
  • Far Range: You will need to be at the opposite end of the screen.

In addition to the standard Fatalities, you can also use Stage Fatalities on the Dead Pool, Shaolin Trap Dungeon and the Tournament stages. I will list all of the main characters in the game first in alphabetical order giving you every Fatality you can use for that given Character, including their Stage Fatality inputs then the DLC characters in the order they are released.

With the button inputs they are all laid out as if you’re player one and on the left side of the screen when inputting the buttons for the fatality. If you’re on the right side, either jump over your opponent or reverse the order so for example Baraka’s Food For Thought fatality on the left side of the screen will be Left, Down, Left, Triangle whereas on the right side of the screen it will be Right, Down, Right, Triangle.


Performing both of Baraka’s fatalities will unlock Thrashed.

  • Food For Thought
    Close Range.
    Left, Down, Left, Triangle.
  • Rock, Paper, Baraka
    Close Range.
    Left, Right, Left, Cross.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range
    Right, Right, Down, Circle.

Cassie Cage

Performing both of Cassie Cage’s fatalities will unlock Family Values.

  • I <3 U
    Mid Range.
    Down, Down, Right, Circle.
  • #Girlpower
    Far Range.
    Left, Down, Down, Left, Triangle.
  • Stage Fatality.
    Close Range.
    Down, Right, Down, Cross.


Performing both of Cetrion’s fatalities will unlock Balanced.

  • Maintaining Balance
    Mid Range
    Left, Down, Right, Down, Circle.
  • Good And Evil
    Mid Range
    Left, Down, Left, Cross.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Up, Down, Up, Circle..
    To make this easier jump towards your opponent then input the buttons very quickly as you land.


Performing both of D’Vorah’s fatalities will unlock Bugging Out.

  • New Species
    Close Range.
    Left, Right, Left, Cross.
  • Can’t Die
    Close Range.
    Left, Down, Down, Circle.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Down, Right, Down, Circle.

Erron Black

Performing both of Erron Black’s fatalities will unlock Kollecting Bounties.

  • Melted
    Mid Range.
    Down, Down, Down, Square.
  • Death Trap
    Mid Range.
    Down, Right, Down, Triangle.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Right, Up, Down, Square.


Frost will need to be unlocked by choosing Sub-Zero on all 4 occasions during Chapter 4 in Story Mode.

Performing both of Frost’s fatalities will unlock Cyber Initiative.

  • Ice Sculpture
    Close Range.
    Right, Left, Down, Square.
  • The Cyber Initiative
    Mid Range.
    Left, Right, Down, Right, Circle.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Right, Down, Up, Triangle.


Performing both of Geras’ fatalities will unlock Turn Back Time.

  • Phasing Through Time
    Any Range.
    Left, Down, Down, Cross.
  • Peeling Back
    Close Range.
    Down, Right, Left, Square.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Down, Left, Down, Square.

Jacqui Briggs

Performing both of Jacqui Briggs’ fatalities will unlock Pound Town.

  • Spider Mines
    Mid Range.
    Right, Left, Right, Cross.
  • Nothin’ But Neck
    Mid Range.
    Left, Right, Left, Cross.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Down, Right, Down, Cross.


Performing both of Jade’s fatalities will unlock Royal Guard.

  • Bow Before Me
    Any Range.
    Down, Down, Right, Down, Circle.
  • Pole Dance
    Close Range.
    Left, Right, Down, Right, Square.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Left, Right, Down, Circle.

Jax Briggs

Performing both of Jax Briggs’ fatalities will unlock Get Some.

  • Coming In Hot
    Close Range.
    Right, Down, Right, Cross.
  • Still Got It
    Close Range.
    Left, Right, Left, Square.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Down, Right, Down, Circle.

Johnny Cage

Performing both of Johnny Cage’s fatalities will unlock Caged.

  • Mr. Cage’s Neighbourhood
    Close Range.
    Right, Left, Down, Down, Circle.
  • Who Hired This Guy
    Close Range.
    Right, Down, Right, Square.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Down, Down, Down, Circle.


Performing both of Kabal’s fatalities will unlock Ka-Ballin.

  • Road Rash
    Mid Range.
    Left, Right, Down, Right, Cross.
  • Hooked
    Close Range.
    Down, Down, Down, Circle.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Up, Down, Down, Triangle.
    To make this easier jump towards your opponent then input the buttons very quickly as you land.


Performing both of Kano’s fatalities will unlock Bonzer Bog.

  • Last Dance
    Close Range.
    Right, Down, Down, Square.
  • Face Like A Dropped Pie
    Close Range.
    Left, Down, Right, Triangle.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Up, Up, Down, Cross.
    To make this easier, jump towards your opponent then quickly input the sequence as you land.


Performing both of Kitana’s fatalities will unlock Princess Power.

  • Gore-Nado
    Mid Range.
    Down, Down, Down, Down, Triangle.
  • Royal Execution
    Mid Range.
    Down, Left, Right, Square.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Right, Down, Down, Square.


Performing both of Kollector’s fatalities will unlock Kollected.

  • For The Kollection
    Close Range.
    Down, Down, Down, Down, Circle.
  • Head Lantern
    Close Range.
    Down, Left, Right, Square.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Right, Up, Right, Square.

Kotal Kahn

Performing both of Kotal Kahn’s fatalities will unlock Sacrifice.

  • Totem Sacrifice
    Close Range.
    Right, Down, Right, Cross.
  • Kat Food
    Close Range.
    Right, Left, Right, Left, Square.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Left, Right, Down, Square.

Kung Lao

Performing both of Kung Lao’s fatalities will unlock Hat Trick.

  • Headed Nowhere
    Close Range.
    Down, Right, Left, Down, Triangle.
  • Meat Slicer
    Close Range.
    Down, Right, Down, Cross.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Right, Down, Down, Cross.

Liu Kang

Performing both of Liu Kang’s fatalities will unlock No Bag Boy.

  • Burn Out
    Close Range.
    Down, Left, Down, Right, Square.
  • Belly Of The Beast
    Mid Range.
    Left, Down, Left, Right, Triangle.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Left, Right, Left, Cross.

Noob Saibot

Performing both of Noob Saibot’s fatalities will unlock the Double Dose Of Deadly.

  • Split Decision
    Mid Range.
    Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle.
  • Double Trouble
    Close Range.
    Down, Down, Down, Square.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Right, Right, Down, Cross.


Performing both of Raiden’s fatalities will unlock Struck Down.

  • Alternating Current
    Mid Range.
    Left, Down, Left, Square.
  • Direct Current
    Close Range.
    Down, Right, Left, Cross.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Right, Right, Down, Cross.


Performing both of Scorpion’s fatalities will unlock Never Ends.

  • You’re Next
    Far Range.
    Left, Down, Down, Square.
  • Chain Reaction
    Mid Range.
    Down, Right, Left, Triangle.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Down, Right, Down, Square.


Performing both of Skarlet’s fatalities will unlock Blood Bath.

  • Bloody Mess
    Mid Range.
    Right, Left, Down, Cross.
  • Heart Condition
    Mid Range.
    Down, Down, Right, Circle.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Left, Up, Down, Circle.

Sonya Blade

Performing both of Sonya’s fatalities will unlock Target Eliminated.

  • To The Choppa
    Mid Range.
    Down, Right, Left, Triangle.
  • Supply Drop
    Close Range.
    Left, Right, Down, Cross.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Right, Left, Down, Triangle.


Performing both of Sub-Zero’s fatalities will unlock On Ice.

  • Ice-Cutioner
    Mid Range.
    Left, Right, Left, Triangle.
  • Frozen In Time
    Mid Range.
    Right, Down, Right, Circle.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Down, Left, Down, Triangle.

DLC Characters

All of these characters are available for purchase either through the store individually or as part of various combat packs, so shop around to save a bit of money.

Shao Kahn

  • Back Blown Out
    Close Range.
    Left, Right, Down, Down, Triangle.
  • Kahn-Sequences
    Close Range.
    Left, Right, Left, Square.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Down, Down, Left, Circle.

Shang Tsung

  • Kondemned To The Damned
    Mid Range.
    Left, Right, Down, Down, Square.
  • Shokan Reborn
    Mid Range.
    Left, Right, Left, Circle.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Up, Up, Left, Square.
    To make this easier jump towards your opponent then input the sequence quickly as you land.


  • Komo-tose
    Close Range.
    Down, Down, Down, Circle.
  • War Ritual
    Close Range.
    Left, Right, Left, Right, Triangle.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Left, Right, Left, Square.

The Terminator

  • I’m Back
    Close Range.
    Left, Right, Left, Square.
  • Target Terminated
    Mid Range.
    Down, Right, Down, Circle.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Up, Right, Left, Square.
    To make this easier jump towards your opponent then input the sequence quickly as you land.


  • Scream Queen
    Close Range.
    Down, Down, Right, Circle.
  • Hair Today Gone Tomorrow
    Mid Range.
    Left, Right, Left, Square.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Down, Down, Down, Square.

The Joker

  • Party Pooper
    Mid Range.
    Down, Right, Left, Triangle.
  • Pop Goes The Mortal
    Mid Range.
    Left, Down, Left Square.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Left, Right, Up, Circle.


  • Rest In Pieces
    Mid Range.
    Left, Right, Down, Down, Cross.
  • Unchained
    Mid Range.
    Left, Right, Left, Circle.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Right, Left, Down, Triangle.


  • Stomp The Yard
    Close Range.
    Down, Down, Down, Square.
  • Spinal Tap
    Close Range.
    Right, Down, Down, Right, Cross.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Right, Down, Left, Square.


  • Dead Or Alive
    Close Range.
    Left, Right, Down, Down.
  • Dead Or Alive Thank You For Cooperation
    Mid Range.
    Right, Down, Right, Square.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Left, Down, Down, Square.


  • Wind Blade
    Far Range.
    Left, Down, Down, Left, Triangle.
  • Twisted Twister
    Close Range.
    Right, Left, Down, Triangle.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Down, Down, Down, Circle.


  • Spinning Out Of Control
    Mid Range.
    Left, Down, Left, Triangle.
  • Violent Delights
    Close Range.
    Right, Down, Down, Circle.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Down, Down, Down, Square.


  • Eye-Solated
    Any Range.
    Left, Right, Left, Down, Triangle.
  • Power Washer
    Close Range.
    Left, Down, Down, Square.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Right, Left, Down, Down, Cross.


  • Straight To Valhalla
    Far Range.
    Left, Right, Down, Square.
  • Parilla Thrilla
    Close Range.
    Down, Right, Down, Circle.
  • Stage Fatality
    Close Range.
    Left, Right, Down, Square.

That’s how to perform every fatality throughout Mortal Kombat 11.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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2 years ago

Alot are wrong