Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered DLC Pack 1 Super Sports Pack Trophy Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Open World, Racing.
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered directory.
Welcome to the Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered DLC Pack 1 Super Sports Pack Trophy Guide.
- Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch.
- Trophies: 10: Silver: 2, Bronze: 8.
- Release Date: 16-Nov-2020.
- Missable Trophies: None, every event can be replayed as many times as required.
- Glitched Trophies: None.
- Online Trophies: 2: Biteback, Blast Off.
- Difficulty Rating: 4/10.
- Approx. time to 100%: 15+ Hours (skill dependant).
This guide will help you do a 1,000 yard drift in the Porsche 911 GT2 RS, hold the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Supersport at full speed for 2 seconds and earn a Gold Medal in every event as well as everything else required in the first DLC pack for Need For Speed hot Pursuit Remastered.

Fender Bender
Wreck 5 cops in the GUMPERT apollo s
Play through the game until you unlock the Gumpert Apollo s then go into any Hot Pursuit / online event and take down 5 cops. The takedowns can be across 5 events or in the same event, it’s your choice. Once you have wrecked 5 cops with the Gumpert, your Trophy will unlock.

Beat a friends recommendation in the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport
You will need anyone on your friends list to have beaten an event in the Veyron such as the Fast Track Time Trial in the Carson Ridge Reservoir area. You can, if needs be, get this one done on your own with 2 accounts, just ensure you set a slow time on your second account then beat your time on your main account. Whichever way you go for this one, beat a friends time in the Veyron to unlock your Trophy.

Blast Off
Complete 5 online races in the GUMPERT apollo s
The Gumpert can be found in the Hyper Series in Online mode so play through the game until it unlocks. Then it’s just a simple case of going off and completing any 5 events with the Gumpert, your finishing position doesn’t matter as long as you don’t get wrecked / busted. Cross the finish line using the Gumpert 5 times to unlock your Trophy.

Slip and Slide
Do a 1000 yard (915 metres) drift in the Porsche 911 GT2 RS
The Porsche 911 GT2 RS is one of the last vehicles you will unlock in the game so play through until you get there. Once you have access to it, head over to the Coral Bay area then press Triangle to start Freedrive. Once in Freedrive, head to the section of the map that has a long circular section that goes over the top of itself. Get some good speed up which won’t be a problem in the 911 GT2 RS then aim to drift around the entire corner in one go. This may take you a good number of attempts but it is doable as long as the traffic is on your side and stays out the way. Complete a 1000 yard+ drift to unlock your Trophy.

Land Speed Record
Hold the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport at top speed for 2 seconds
Top speed for the Veyron Super Sport is 258mph which will take a good straight piece of road and a full nitrous tank to get to, you then need to maintain the speed for 2 seconds which is only achievable if you stay going dead straight, any deviation in course here and you will lose 1 or 2 mph negating your attempt until you’re back to full speed again. Aiming to get this one in the desert will be your best bet so get yourself over there and practice until you hit 258mph for 2 seconds where your Trophy will unlock.

Moon Shot
Bust a racer in the GUMPERT apollo s Interceptor at night, online or offline
This is easily achieved in the Lockdown Hot Pursuit event in the East Gorge Canyon region. Load up the event then choose the Gumpert Apollo s Interceptor and simply take down 1 racer to unlock your Trophy.

Sting in the Tail
Get 5 spike strip hits with the Porsche 911 GT2 RS Interceptor
This can be done in the Show Of Force Hot Pursuit event found in the Coral Bay region. You can get 5 spike strip hits across 5 races or all in the same event, the choice is yours. The only vehicle available is the Porsche 911 GT2 RS Interceptor so start the event and get in front of the racers, line yourself up and release a spike strip. Once you have successfully achieved 5 spike strip hits, your Trophy will unlock.

Win an Online and an Offline Interceptor event in the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport Interceptor
For the online portion of this trophy, this will be best boosted with a friend online, however, it is doable in a public lobby but depending on your competition, this may be simple or near impossible. Ensure you choose the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport Interceptor as long as you are the cop online then win an Interceptor event.
After this, head to the career mode and choose the Cut To The Chase Interceptor event which is found in the Memorial Valley region. Ensure you takedown the racer (a pass will suffice) whilst in the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport Interceptor. Once you have won both an online and offline Interceptor using the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport Interceptor, your Trophy will unlock.

Get gold in all the Super Sports Racer events
There are 8 racer events you will need to attain a gold medal in under the Super Sports category. The majority of these won’t become able until you have completed nearly every other event in the game, so if they aren’t available, keep playing through earning gold medals along the way. They 8 racer events are as follows:
- Awe inspired which is a Preview found in the Coral Bay region.
- Fast Track which is an Interceptor found in the Carson Ridge Reservoir region.
- Hunted which is a Hot Pursuit found in the Fox Lair Pass region.
- One Step Ahead which is a Hot Pursuit found in the Coral Bay region.
- Pushing The Envelope which is a Gauntlet found in the Memorial Valley region.
- Redline Racing which is a Race found in the Oakmont Valley region.
- Rocket Science which is a Preview found in the Oakmont Valley region.
- Wing and a Prayer which is a Race found in the Big Timber Forest region.
Earn a Gold medal in all 8 of these events to unlock your Trophy.

Swift Justice
Get distinction in all the Super Sports Cop events
In total, you will have 5 cop events you will need to earn a distinction in that fall under the Super Sports category. For the most part, these events are end game content so keep playing through the game earning distinctions as you go in order to be able to unlock these events as well as earn a distinction in them. The 5 cop events are as follows:
- Any Means Necessary which is an Interceptor found in the Rockingham Point region.
- Cut to the Chase which is an Interceptor found in the Memorial Valley region.
- Duty Calls which is a Rapid Response found in the Big Timber Forest region.
- Lockdown which is a Hot Pursuit found in the East Gorge Canyon region.
- Pushing the Envelope which is a Gauntlet found inn the Memorial Valley region.
Earn a distinction in all 5 cop events to unlock your Trophy.
That’s the Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered DLC Pack 1 Super Sports Pack Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the pack.
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