Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered Trophy Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Open World, Racing.
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered directory.
Welcome to the Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered Trophy Guide.
- Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC.
- Trophies: 47: Platinum: 1, Gold: 2, Silver: 9, Bronze: 35.
- Release Date: 16-Nov-2020.
- Missable Trophies: None, every event can be replayed as many times as is required.
- Glitched Trophies: None.
- Online Trophies: 6: Settling the Score, Chase, Bounty Hunter, Festival of Speed, Race, Escapologist.
- Difficulty Rating: 6/10.
- Approx. time to 100%: 60+ Hours (skill dependant).
Please Note: The 2 DLC packs are included with the Remastered version of Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered, click the link to go the Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered Hub. Need For Speed Hot Pursuit has been fully Remastered for PS4, Xbox One and PC, here is the complete Trophy guide to help you through the game. You will have a lot of of very powerful cars to race through the countryside, desert and mountains as you try and become the Most Wanted racer or the Ultimate Enforcer whilst you race to greatness.

NFS Hot Pursuit Elite
Awarded for successfully collecting all Need for Speed™ Hot Pursuit Remastered trophies

Settling the Score
Select a Friend Autolog Recommendation and beat it
You won’t need to select it as such as this happens automatically as long as you beat a friends time in any event. You need a friend to have completed the event (it doesn’t matter if you have completed the event before) then go off and cross the finish line in a faster time than they managed, this could come easily or be a difficult one depending on how good either you or your friends are. Once you have beaten a friends time, your Trophy will unlock.

Tour de Seacrest
Complete the race “Seacrest Tour”.
The Seacrest Tour is a race found in the Coral Bay area and will take you on a 43.5 mile journey around the outskirts of the map. You need to complete the race, however, given the length, you need to drive conservatively so as not to wreck your vehicle. Complete the race to unlock your Trophy.

Bust a Racer
Take down any racer as a cop.

Reach rank (3) Officer as a Cop
Reach 60,000 xp to become an Officer, unlocking your Trophy.

Reach rank (5) Patrolman as a Cop
Reach 175,000 xp to become a Patrolman, unlocking your Trophy.

Reach rank (8) Trooper as a Cop
Reach 450,000 xp to become a Trooper, unlocking your Trophy.

Reach rank (11) Sergeant as a Cop
Reach 755,000 xp to become a Sergeant, unlocking your Trophy.

Reach rank (14) Lieutenant as a Cop
Reach 1,130,000 xp to become a Lieutenant, unlocking your Trophy.

Reach rank (17) Undercover as a Cop
Reach 1,550,000 xp to become an Undercover, unlocking your Trophy.

Reach rank (18) Captain as a Cop
Reach 1,700,000 xp to become a Captain, unlocking your Trophy.

Pursuit Agent
Reach rank (19) Pursuit Agent as a Cop
Reach 1,850,000 xp to become a Pursuit Officer, unlocking your Trophy.

Ultimate Enforcer
Reach rank (20) Ultimate Enforcer as a Cop
Reach 2,000,000 xp to become an Ultimate Enforcer, unlocking your Trophy.

True Blue
Earn a Distinction in every single-player Cop event
Click the link to go to the complete True Blue Trophy Guide.

Play 10 Online Hot Pursuits as a Cop
From the main menu, select Online Multiplayer, find session then hot pursuit. Choose any car class where you will be placed in as either a racer or a cop. The results of these event’s don’t matter, once you have loaded up your 10th Hot Pursuit playing as a cop, your Trophy will unlock.

Bounty Hunter
Play 10 Online Interceptors as a Cop
From the main menu, select Online Multiplayer, find session then Interceptor. Choose any car class where you will be placed in as either a racer or a cop. The results of these event’s don’t matter, once you have loaded up your 10th Interceptor playing as a cop, your Trophy will unlock.

Vengeance is Mine
Wreck a Cop
Wreck a cop as a Racer.

Reach wanted level (2) Suspect as a Racer
Reach 20,000 xp to become a Suspect, unlocking your Trophy.

Reach wanted level (4) Target as a Racer
Reach 120,000 xp to become a Target, unlocking your Trophy.

Reach wanted level (6) Felon as a Racer
Reach 275,000 xp to become a Felon, unlocking your Trophy.

Reach wanted level (8) Offender as a Racer
Reach 450,000 xp to become an Offender, unlocking your Trophy.

Reach wanted level (11) Outlaw as a Racer
Reach 755,000 xp to become an Outlaw, unlocking your Trophy.

Reach wanted level (14) Wanted as a Racer
Reach 1,130,000 xp to become Wanted, unlocking your Trophy.

Reach wanted level (17) Fugitive as a Racer
Reach 1,550,000 xp to become a Fugitive, unlocking your Trophy.

Reach wanted level (19) Notorious as a Racer
Reach 1,850,000 xp to become Notrious, unlocking your Trophy.

Most Wanted
Reach wanted level (20) Most Wanted as a Racer
Reach 2,000,000 xp to become Most Wanted, unlocking your Trophy.

Earn a Gold Medal in every single-player Racer event
Click the link to go to the complete Golddigger Trophy Guide.

Festival of Speed
Play 10 Online Races
From the main menu, select Online Multiplayer, Find Session then Race. Choose any car class and car then start the event. The results of these event’s don’t matter, once you have completed your 10th Online Race, your Trophy will unlock.

Play 10 Online Hot Pursuits as a Racer
From the main menu, select Online Multiplayer, Find Session then Hot Pursuit. Choose any car class where you will be placed in as either a racer or a cop, for this trophy you will need to be the racer. The results of these event’s don’t matter, once you have completed your 10th Hot Pursuit playing as a racer, your Trophy will unlock.

Play 10 Online Interceptors as a Racer
From the main menu, select Online Multiplayer, Find Session then Hot Pursuit. Choose any car class where you will be placed in as either a racer or a cop. The results of these event’s don’t matter, once you have completed your 10th Interceptor playing as a racer, your Trophy will unlock.

Fill the Nitrous bar then use it all in one go without hitting anything
Another one that should come naturally. Your nitrous bar is the small light blue bar to the left of your speedo, wait for it to fill up where it will then start flashing, get to any long straight, of which there are plenty in the game and use the Nitrous by holding Cross. As long as you use all of the Nos without touching anything, your Trophy will unlock.

Wall of Steel
Deploy a Road Block which then gets hit by a Racer
The first opportunity you will have at using a road block is in the event Block Buster in the Grand Ocean Coast list. Start the event then press Right to deploy a roadblock. Providing the racer hits the roadblock, your Trophy will unlock.

Shock to the System
Get a hit with an EMP
This should come naturally, progress through career mode until you can use the EMP, wait for a racer / cop to be in front of you, preferably on a straight then stay in range for a few seconds whilst the EMP charges up and locks on. As soon as the red square centralises on the target, the EMP will fire, unlocking your Trophy.

Hit Confirmed
Get a hit with a Spike Strip
Spike strips become available very early in career mode, get in front of either a cop or a racer, lining yourself up so they’re behind you and fairly close. This is the time to deploy your spike strip, as soon as you are successful in hitting another car with the spikes, your Trophy will unlock.

Aerial Assistance
Call in a Helicopter which then hits a Racer with a Spike Strip
Helicopters are only available when playing as a cop and around a third of the way into the career. It is purely luck based whether or not a racer will hit the spike strip that is deployed by the helicopter, but for me they hit roughly 1 in 3 times of deployment so you will get it done soon enough. You will get a message over the radio reporting a confirmed spike hit, where your Trophy will then unlock.

First Jammer use that affects a Cop
Play through the career mode where you will soon enough unlock the Jammer. Once it is available. You will need to be in a cop pursuit then as soon as a cop is close to you, activate the Jammer and as long as it affects a cop, your Trophy will unlock.

In the Zone
Use a full Turbo without hitting anything
You will unlock a turbo midway through the game, they’re essentially a more powerful version of Nitrous so find yourself a good straight bit of road, activate your turbo ensuring you don’t hit anything. This is easiest if you are in first place as trying to get pass racers, cops and traffic can make this one a challenge to not hit anything. Once you have used your full turbo without hitting anything at all, your Trophy will unlock.

Power Spike
Spike strip a car that is targeting you with an EMP
This can be done as either racer or a cop as they both have spike strips. Keep racing until someone gets a lock on you with an EMP, signified by an on screen message and a red square trying to centralise on the back of your vehicle. Use your rear view mirror to line yourself up then deploy a spike strip before the EMP can hit you. If you are successful, you will stop the EMP lock on as well as unlocking your Trophy in the process.

Eye of the Needle
As a Racer, drive through an undamaged Road Block without hitting it
This unlocked for me whilst I was driving down a road in a pursuit as a racer with no road block in sight which was a bit strange (06-Nov-2020 patch 1.01). However, to get this done if they have patched it, be a racer where a cop will eventually deploy a road block in front of you. The trick is, to be in first place meaning no other racer has damaged the roadblock then going through fairly slowly either on the sides of the roadblock or in between 2 cop cars either on the left or right side of the roadblock itself. Once you have successfully passed through a roadblock without touching it, your Trophy will unlock.

Accumulate 2,000 yds of drift in a single event using the Subaru Impreza WRX STI
The Subaru Impreza WRX STI is a car found in the Sports Series so load up an event that accommodates this series such as the Title Fight Duel in the Big Timber Forest area, ensure you choose the Suabru Impreza WRX STI then start the event ensuring you drift as much as possible. In order to initiate a drift, get some good speed up then just as you start turning into the corner tap the Square button then feather L3 either left or right to keep the drift going.
Try not to be aggressive with your steering otherwise you will skid out. When you do a drift you will get a yard counter in the bottom right of the screen to the left of your speedo. Keep a mental note of how many yards you have drifted then if you feel you haven’t done enough, do a 180 before the finish line and run the course again in reverse. You can do this as many times as needed until you manage 2,000 yards total. As soon as you have racked up 2,000 yards + of drifting, cross the finish line where your Trophy will unlock.

Flight of the Bumblebee
Win the ‘Muscle Reflex’ race in a Bee Yellow Chevrolet Camaro SS
The Muscle Reflex event is part of the Boulder Desert racer event section in the south east corner of the map and can be accessed early in the game, as can the Chevrolet Camaro SS. Ensure the colour is Bee Yellow which is the 2nd colour you can select on the palette then go off and win the race. Once you cross the finish line in the Camaro SS with the Bee Yellow colour, your Trophy will unlock.

Shaken, Not Stirred
Win any Hot Pursuit in an Aston Martin
Play through career until you are able to use the an Aston Martin in a Hot Pursuit, this can be doe either as a racer or a cop. Ensure you win the event by either first place as a racer or by taking down every racer if you’re playing as a cop to unlock your Trophy.

Wet in the Vette
Drive any Corvette in the wet
Play through the game until you unlock the event Under Pressure which is an Interceptor in Fox Lair Pass. Ensure you choose the Corvette and start the event. Once the event has loaded up take down the target, completing the event which will unlock your Trophy.

Get any medal in ‘Run to the Hills’ driving the Nissan GT-R SpecV without using any weapons
Play through Career until the Run To The Hills event unlock in the East Gorge Canyon, your objective here is to wreck all 5 racers without using a single weapon which may sound daunting but is doable. You are in a very powerful, strong vehicle so use it as a battering ram, going after the leaders in the race. I say that because if you get caught up trying to take down the mush in last place, you’ll seriously struggle catching up and then taking down the leaders. Once you have taken down all 5 racers without using a single weapon, your Trophy will unlock.

Iron Man
Get Distinction in a Hot Pursuit, Interceptor and Rapid Response using the Audi R8
Play through the game as a cop unlocking the events as you go. You will, eventually unlock the Audi R8 for use which is a very powerful but fairly weak vehicle so you will need to make good use of your weapons to help you get your 3 distinctions which can be done on the following events.
- Hot Pursuit,
Load up the Run to the Hills stage which is found in East Gorge Canyon and will see you take on and subsequently takedown 5 racers. - Interceptor,
For this one it’s best to load up the Hang Tough course in the Grand Ocean Coast where you will have a strict time limit to take down a tricky racer. - Rapid Response,
Start the event Guided Missile which is found in the Carson Ridge Reservoir which will see you need to go from point a to point b in record time. This is definitely the hardest of the 3 events as any damage to your vehicle will incur time penalties so drive fast but cautiously, taking your time to perfect the course.
Once you have earnt a distinction across all 3 events in the Audi R8, your Trophy will unlock.

Electrically Charged
Bust the 918 Spyder using an EMP in ‘Porsche Patrol’
Porsche Patrol is a Hot Pursuit event in the Memorial Valley section towards the south east of the career map. I recommend you hit the Porsche 918 Spyder several times to lower the cars’ health then get a lock on with your EMP until it fires. As long as it’s the EMP that takes out the Porsche rather than any other method, your Trophy will unlock.

Snakebite in Black
Spike a cop while driving a Black Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR or Ford Shelby GT500 Supersnake
A good event to get this done is the Unreasonable Force, Hot Pursuit in the Carson Ridge Reservoir. Load up ensuring you choose the For Shelby GT500 Super Snake in Black (it will have a red bumper but that’s fine). Go through the event until a cop chase begins then line yourself up in front of a cop and release your spike strip. As soon as the spikes hit the cop car your Trophy will unlock.
That’s the Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.
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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.
Can you also include the list of the events where the gold medal is required, please? I don’t want to waste time in DLC events
There you go dude, all filled in. I hope that helps, I will hopefully have the rest of the guide finished today
All the best
I thought the career was all main game, is there dlc in the career Id prefer to just get the career gold medals too.
Great work on the guide I had no idea it was this hard before I bought the game.
Ah awesome, really glad it helped dude
Yeah, the game is a bit on the challenging side to be fair, some nasty little time trials out there
Best of luck with it, let me know how you get on
All the best
Got my platinum + 100% DLCs some days ago. I got the Biteback using a second account before I completed some cop races with my main account. Then it becomes easily to get. Thank you for your guide.
Ah awesome work dude
Good way of doing it 👍