
Nerf Legends Trophy Guide

Welcome to the Nerf Legends Trophy Guide.


In this guide we will help you through every trophy in this homage to the Nerf brand that isn’t for the faint hearted. Even though this game has an ESRB recommendation for 7 year olds this game can be tough in places. Start off with the Gauntlet and work your way through each and every level then head through onto the multiplayer and work towards those trophies which will be easiest with a boosting partner. There are no difficulty options in Nerf Legends so you’re going to need to get skilled at the game. One thing I will say is melee attacks are over powered in this game so use them to your advantage as best as you can.

Nerf Legends Nerf Legend trophy
PS5 Platinum Trophy

Nerf Legend
Unlock all trophies

Nerf Legends Boot Camp trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Boot Camp
Complete Training

Choose Gauntlet> Training then complete both the Movement Trial  which teaches you the basics of movement, double jumping and ziplining and the Combat Trial where you learn how to fire your weapon and build up multipliers to unlock your Trophy.

Nerf Legends Down low, up high trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Down low, up high!
Tag Out a flying Nerfbot while you are sliding

You can get this done in the first level in the Gauntlet, Fortress Siege, Town Square. Once you hit the first 4 pads there will be a Stinger (flying Nerfbot) in your way of getting through. Line yourself up with your back to the stairs then push L3 to sprint forward then hold Circle to slide. During the slide you need to have a decent weapon equipped (the Ultra Two sidearm you have is a good choice) then aim and fire during the slide. You need to take the Stinger down during the slide, before or after or won’t count then once successful, your Trophy will unlock.

Nerf Legends Darts from above! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Darts from above!
Tag Out a Nerfbot while you are in the air

Originally I tried getting this against the Crabs which isn’t correct. Nerfbots are the humanoid enemies found throughout the game. I managed to get my trophy in the Fortress Siege Town Square area by having Nerfbots below me and jumping down the stairs whilst taking them down. There’s a lot of areas you can get this done especially with some of the later weapons you can unlock (I used the starting Ultra One). As long as you’re in the air when you get the final hit against a Nerfbot, your Trophy will unlock.

Nerf Legends This is how we play! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

This is how we play!
Get the multiplier up to x64

This is a lot easier than it sounds thanks to the Lower Keep area in Fortress Siege. As you make your way through and have completed the penultimate wave (with the ramps, the large flying bots and the large crabs) you will need to jump across an area where there are several turrets to your right. Jump up the ledges to the top right platform then shoot the 4 red arrows to drop a platform on the turrets which instantly gives you a x64 multiplier. Just ensure you don’t take out any turrets beforehand as it will negate the x64 and you’ll only receive a x32 multiplier. Once you hit a x64 multiplier your Trophy will unlock.

Nerf Legends On your way! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

On your way!
Get Bronze on all Gauntlet trials

See Master of the Dart for more information.

Nerf Legends Squire trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Complete Fortress Siege

To access Fortress Siege go Gauntlet, SinglePlayer Mode> Fortress Siege which is made up of 4 different areas:

  1. Town Square:
    Go through the areas dealing with the bots and shooting the red targets, jump through where you find the objectives shooting the targets when prompted. Melee the larger robots as they’ll go down a lot quicker. On the jump pad section, shoot the targets quickly whilst in the air to make new bounce pads appear then clear 3 waves of flying bots and take down the final large bot to clear the level.
  2. Lower Keep:
    Lower Keep is a rough time mainly due to the bounce pad section where you need to take out the 2 turrets. I found it easiest to jump on the first 3 pads then aim to land on the left of the fourth on the rocks where you can then equip (if it’s your first run) the Ultra Two sidearm (white and red pistol) which will take a turret down in 4 shots to the barrel. Take the turrets down then proceed through the area to the boss which goes down easily enough providing you aim for the panels on the side of the Scorpion.
  3. Upper Keep:
    Head through the tunnels at the start then make your way up hitting all of the mission pads as you go. Once you hit the 4 pads take out the Heavy Crab to proceed through then deal with the waves of enemies. Proceed through to the end taking care of the enemies as you go.
  4. Castle Master:
    Keep pressure on the boss and ignore the mobs, she’s very fast so get to her and melee her as much as you can as it does a lot more damage than your firearms at this early stage of the game. The rounds are set up as best out of 5 so as long as you get the Victory 3 times (doesn’t have to be consecutive wins), you’ll take the overall win.

Clear all 4 sections of Fortress Siege to unlock your Trophy.

Nerf Legends Young Explorer trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Young Explorer
Complete Jungle Trouble

Jungle Trouble is unlocked after you complete the Fortress Siege area (See Squire for more information) and is made up of 5 areas:

  1. Lower Jungle:
    Make your way through the area shooting the pads and dealing with the enemies. Go to the right when you drop down to find a hidden pad in a small cave then shoot the pads above you to drop the platforms allowing you to zipline across. From here proceed through the area taking out the enemies then drop the Striker at the end to complete the area.
  2. Upper Jungle:
    Proceed through the area as you usually would dealing with the enemies / shooting the pads as you go until you get to the Summoner who can only be damaged by shooting the red orb when it opens up. After this, shoot the panels around the structure then head through the areas shooting the obstructions when ziplining then take out the Striker to complete the area.
  3. Jungle Cliffs:
    A fairly linear area so go through shooting the pads / enemies as required to get through then near the end use the boost portals to get up to the higher section. Take down the enemies to complete the area.
  4. The Sky Tree:
    Make your way through the areas dealing with the enemies / shooting the pads. Keep heading towards the mission markers which will show you the way you need to go. At the end, focus fire on the Summoner when it’s open the take out the rest of the enemies and shoot the pad to complete the area.
  5. Jungle Master:
    Keep the pressure on the boss dealing with any enemy that stands in your way. Melee works best against the boss so get in there and punish him when he’s reloading. There’s health underneath the floor of the arena if you need it then take him down 3 times to win the match.

Complete all 5 areas of Jungle Trouble to unlock your Trophy.

Nerf Legends Dart-hala awaits trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Dart-hala awaits
Complete Ragnarok Showdown

You will need to have completed all 5 areas in Jungle Trouble (See Young Explorer for more information) before you can access Ragnarok Showdown which is made up of 4 areas which are:

  1. Viking Bay:
    Bring some powerful weaponry with you as you’ll need to clear out a lot of high level enemies in this area. Head through clearing out the goliath and the crab ambush where you will need to hit the pads (follow the green lines). From here go through following the mission markers taking care when you slide down the ramp towards the turrets. Shoot the hidden pads (look on the ships, behind crates and under the platform with the bridge) and head through clearing out the enemies. Finally, take down the Striker on the ship taking care of the Scorpion and Heavy Crabs to complete the area.
  2. Viking Villa:
    Another area where heavy weaponry is essential as you have everything coming at you including a Summoner which needs to be dropped quickly as it spawns a good number of Heavy Crabs which if they all go into tank mode can empty your health bar very quickly. Push through the enemy waves and take out the final 3 Heavy Crabs to complete the area.
  3. Viking Tomb:
    Head through hitting the pads then go to the top of the stairs and look at the symbols that are on a given number then go back down and line up symbol by shooting the pad so 1 could be a diamond, 2 could be a rectangle and 3 could be another diamond for example. From here, head through and stand on the numbered pads for the set amount of time (timer is on the walls) until all 5 pads have been activated. Then shoot the pads that activate the ledges where you can then take a big double jump across the large gap and take down the 3 Strikers. Next up, drop down into the canyon and take out the Soldiers and be careful when sliding down the hill which will allow you to take down the Goliath to complete the area.
  4. Viking Master:
    This guy can be tough as every time you get close you get blasted away by a powerful attack so use a powerful sidearm like the Ultra Two to lay down heavy damage from a distance. You will need to win 3 out of the rounds which can be tough given the Nerfbots in the area. Keep focus on the boss rather than being distracted by the enemies as they won’t stop spawning until the big guy is down.

Complete all 4 areas in Ragnarok Showdown to unlock your Trophy.

Nerf Legends The final frontier trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The final frontier
Complete Space Spaceport Blastoff

Like the other campaign trophies, before you can access Spaceport Blastoff you will need to have completed the previous area; Ragnarok Showdown (See Dart-hala awaits for more information). Spaceport Blastoff is comprised of 5 areas which are:

  1. Hangar 51:
    Make your way through the area going up and around the jump up to the bridge above you. Proceed through dropping down the large hole heading to the back of the area to find a pad behind a container which will open the forcefields. From here, head around and make your way up the pipes taking care of the collapsible platforms. Head up around the areas jumping up to the satellite dishes above you then take a running jump at the jump pad once activated quickly as you only have a few seconds before it disappears. You will need a big jump to make the central platform, if you do fall down it might be easier to jump off and respawn rather than working your way back to the top. Land on the central platform to complete the area.
  2. Launch Pads:
    Activate the pads then ride the containers across the gap. Head through taking out the Scorpion and Heavy Crab where you are then tasked with standing on the small pad with the Mines coming towards you for 2 minutes which is a long time given the number of enemies. Next, go up and shoot the panels around the central structure mantling up to the top of the structure ziplining down then head across the jump pads shooting the targets.
    From here, head up the stairs activating the pads allowing you to progress through allowing you to defeat the Summoner as well as the Striker where the area will then complete.
  3. Volcano Base:
    Proceed through the area where you will shoot the red arrows above the metal containers making a path through the lava, continue through and shoot the red pads around the centre structure activating the boost jump portal. The next section can be tough as you need precise timing to get through pass the moving blocks ensuring you don’t touch the red plasma channels on the floor or on the blocks themselves. Take down the Summoner and the Crabs then carry on through hitting the pads and shooting the 4 square containers down onto the pads below which will open the final path to the platform completing the area.
  4. Hangar Outskirts:
    Clear out the initial enemies then go through, hit the pad and survive the 3 minute onslaught of Chasers and Stingers then head through and activate the pads / take out the enemies as required. From here, you need to get through an Army of enemies as you work your way around the pads including Goliaths, Scorpions, Heavy Crabs, Stingers and everything else the game can throw at you. Zipline across then boost to the final platform to complete the area.
  5. Hangar Master:
    This is a fairly easy fight as long as you have the Energy Axe and are quick on your feet as the boss takes a good few seconds to spawn her rifle allowing you to get in there and rapidly melee her to bring her down. Win 3 out of 5 rounds to complete the area.

Complete all 5 areas of Spaceport Blastoff to unlock your Trophy.

Nerf Legends One Brain Gig trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

One Brain Gig
Upgrade all Base Blasters to max level

This is probably one of the longest trophies in the game as you need to firstly unlock every weapon in the base game (see Collector for how to unlock every weapon). Each weapon has their own requirements you’ll need to meet to level them up which can be viewed by going Locker Room> Collection> Inspect. Some weapons will have you do 2,000 damage, tag out 30 Stinger then deal 4,000 damage to get that weapon up to level 3 etc. Others are more challenging tasking you with taking out 10 Goliaths, deal 4,000 damage and tag out 50 Stinger etc.

Work your way through all 15 firearm weapons (melee are max as standard) levelling them up as you go and this will take a fair amount of time to complete. As for tagging out the Stingers, you can get unending waves of them (2 per few seconds) in Fortress Siege, Town Square just before you jump on the boost pad course after activating the 4 pads. There’s a farmable Goliath at the start of Ragnarok Showdown, Viking Bay so utilise that to get those objectives done. Perks play a big part in helping move through the levels of a weapon as increased damage means you’ll drop the enemy / deal damage at a faster rate. (See Engi Dude for how to unlock all 42 perks). Once you have upgraded all 15 weapons to their max level, your Trophy will unlock.

Nerf Legends Lil' Stick trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Lil’ Stick
Tag Out 10 rivals in Multiplayer Matches

See Champion of the Ages for more information.

Nerf Legends Collector trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Unlock all Blasters

Click the link to go to the complete Collector Trophy Guide.

Nerf Legends Engi Dude trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Engi Dude
Unlock all Perks

Click the link to go to the complete Engi Dude Trophy Guide.

Nerf Legends Poke! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Tag Out 10 rivals using Melee in Multiplayer Matches

See Home Run for more information.

Nerf Legends No Scope trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

No Scope
Tag Out a rival in a Multiplayer Match using a Blaster from the Striker class and not scoping

The 2 weapons in the Striker Class (Locker Room> Collection> Filter> Striker) and are called the Mega Centurion (Earn a Bronze Medal in Jungle Trouble, The Sky Tree then purchase the weapon for 20,000) and the Elite Raptorstrike (Earn a Bronze Medal in Town Square then purchase the weapon for 9,000). This will be a lot easier with an online boosting partner but it is possible in regular matches, as long as you hip-fire the weapon and take out an enemy you’ll unlock your Trophy.

Nerf Legends Hard Tackle trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Hard Tackle
Tag Out 10 rivals in Multiplayer Matches using melee while jumping

Throughout the various multiplayer matches you will find boost pads. However, these boost pads don’t count as “jumping” you will need to jump / double jump from standing then take down your opponents with gunfire. Using a heavy hitting weapon like the Ultra Two, Elite Trilogy DS-15, Mega Centurion or the Raptorstrike which increases your chances of getting a successful kill. Once you have taken down (tagged out) 10 rivals throughout Multiplayer matches whilst jumping your Trophy will then unlock.

Nerf Legends Stylishly Safe trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Stylishly Safe
Unlock all visors

Visors are a cosmetic item in Nerf Legends and can be found in Locker Room> Avatar> Visors. There’s 6 visors in total and to earn them you need to achieve a certain number of points in a given area where you will then earn a Medal. Try and keep yourself alive whilst going through the levels as dying will cost you points and consecutive kills will earn you big points especially when you unlock some better weapons and take the enemies down faster which will give you a greater multiplier. Below, I will list all 6 visors and what you need to do in order to unlock them:

  • Visor 1:
    Automatically unlocked at the start of the game.
  • Visor 2:
    Earn a Gold Medal in Hangar Outskirts.
    Hangar Outskirts is the 4th area in Spaceport Blastoff and earning a Gold Medal requires you to earn 40,000 points.
  • Visor 3+4:
    Earn a Bronze Medal in Hangar Master.
    Hangar Master is the final area in Spaceport Blastoff and to earn the Bronze Medal you need 10,000 points.
  • Visor 5+6:
    Earn a Bronze Medal in Grand Master.
    Grand Master is unlocked in the Grand Nerf Arena after you complete the Spaceport Blastoff area (see The final frontier for more information) and to earn the Bronze Medal you need to earn 10,000 points.

Once you unlock all 6 Visors your Trophy will then unlock.

Nerf Legends Aegis trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Parry 1000 Darts in Multiplayer Matches

You can parry darts by pressing / holding R1 which will activate your shield. Any darts that hit your shield will be “parried”. Be aware though that holding your shield will build up a bar in the bottom left which if it hits maximum your shield with flash golden and be unusable until the bar hits 0. Once you parry 100 darts in Multiplayer matches your Trophy will then unlock.

Nerf Legends Getting There trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Getting There
Get Silver on all Gauntlet trials

See Master of the Dart for more information.

Nerf Legends Knight trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Get Gold against the Fortress Siege Master

You might have trouble getting Gold here until you have unlocked some high level perks (see Engi Dude for how to unlock all 42 perks) as the boss is very fast and after round 2 has a heavy number of mobs to deal with most of which you will need to take down alongside the boss in order to get the 20,000 points required. The main problem here is that your health carries over between the rounds so if you have a bad time of it on rounds 1 and or 2 round 3 can be nearly impossible to get through and you’ll need to win 3 in a row not taking a defeat to earn enough points.

Melee works well as always as long as you an get close to her otherwise use any high damage weapon (see Collector for how to unlock every weapon in the game and their base stats). Once you take down a good few enemies as well as the boss 3 times in a row which will earn you at least 20,000 points your Trophy will then unlock.

Nerf Legends Master Explorer trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Master Explorer
Get Gold against the Jungle Trouble Master

This Gold Medal shouldn’t give you to much trouble as long as you have either the Energy Spear (Bronze Medal in Castle Master) or the Energy Axe (Bronze Medal in Jungle Master) melee weapon as they can rip through the bosses health bar. There are a lot less enemies that spawn in this boss encounter than you had to deal with in Castle Master (See Squire for more information) so just focus on the boss here. As long as you win 3 rounds in a row without dying (health win spawn on the lowest level under the floor of the main arena) you will be able to get the required 30,000 points to get the Gold Medal where your Trophy will then unlock.

Nerf Legends At Odin's Side trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

At Odin’s Side
Get Gold against the Ragnarok Showdown Master

This can be challenging as ordinarily melee is the best way to deal with bosses whereas against the Ragnarok Master you will be blasted away every time you get close. Use a heavy hitting weapon like the Ultra Two sidearm allowing you to get good damage from a distance whilst aiming for the head. You will need to win 3 rounds in a row with no losses in order to get the Gold Medal score so use heavy damage perks (see Engi Dude for more information on the perks). Once you earn a minimum of 40,000 points, you will earn a Gold Medal as well as unlocking your Trophy in the process.

Nerf Legends The Initiative trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

The Initiative
Get Gold against the Spaceport Blastoff Master

The Spaceport Blastoff master is an easy one as long as you’re quick. Ensure you have the Energy Axe equipped (see Collector for more information) then at the start of each round, get to the boss quick ignoring the mobs and melee her rapidly whilst she spawns her rifle. If the boss does manage to get her rifle before you get to her ensure you use your shield as her shots are very powerful and she rarely misses so keep an eye out for health as and when required then get in close and melee her to take her down. You will need to take her down 3 times in a row in order to get the Gold Medal score at which point your Trophy will unlock.

Nerf Legends Golden Legendary trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Golden Legendary
Get Gold against the Grand Master

The Grand Master opens up after you complete the Spaceport Blastoff area (see The final frontier for more information). This fight is tough, there’s no way around that, if you use melee attacks he will use a shockwave to blast you off the map, his attacks are very powerful and he’s also joined by a lot of light and heavy guard and Strikers as well. Combining all of those factors and the fact you need to get 3 wins in a row with limited health around the arena makes this very challenging.

Use a Sniper Rifle Mega Centurion / Elite Raptorstrike (see Collector for how to unlock these weapons) and stay away from the boss as much as you can whilst getting shots in. This is a battle of patience more than skill as even with maximum level perks equipped (see Engi Dude for how to unlock every perk) it’s still very hard to damage him. Once you do take the win 3 times in a row, your Trophy will unlock.

Nerf Legends Head in the Game trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Head in the Game
Play 10 Multiplayer Matches

See Keep Going! for more information.

Nerf Legends Gitting Gud trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Gitting Gud
Tag Out 100 rivals in Multiplayer Matches

See Champion of the Ages for more information.

Nerf Legends Medal Biter trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Medal Biter
Place first in a Multiplayer Match

This will more than likely come naturally as you work towards Keep Going!. If it doesn’t then set up a private match with a boosting partner and take the win that way. Either way, your Trophy will unlock once you win your first match.

Nerf Legends Slap Shot trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Slap Shot
Tag Out 50 rivals using Melee in Multiplayer Matches

See Home Run for more information.

Nerf Legends Keen Eye trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Keen Eye
Find all secrets

Click the link to go to the Keen Eye Trophy Guide.

Nerf Legends Master of the Dart trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Master of the Dart
Get Gold on all Gauntlet trials

Click the link to go to the Master of the Dart Trophy Guide.

Nerf Legends Keep Going! trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Keep Going!
Play 50 Multiplayer Matches

This requires you to play 50 multiplayer games to completion, backing out once you’re in won’t count unfortunately and you will more than likely need to work through at least 50 multiplayer matches on your way through to the 1,000 kills required in Champion of the AgesAt the conclusion of your 50th match, your Trophy will unlock.

Nerf Legends Champion of the Ages trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Champion of the Ages
Tag Out 1000 rivals in Multiplayer Matches

You can either get this done using an online boosting partner or through regular online matches. Get any weapon you’re comfortable with, I used the standard Ultra One with the TONS OF DAMAGE and Macho perks equipped (see Engi Dude for more information on the perks). Then grind out the 1,000 kills required which will take you a long time but it’s necessary to unlock your Trophy.

Nerf Legends Home Run trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Home Run
Tag Out 100 rivals using Melee in Multiplayer Matches

This will be a lot easier using an online boosting partner as characters can move fast in online matches making melee kills harder to achieve. The Energy Spear (Bronze Medal in Fortress Siege, Castle Master) is a good choice for melee kills as it has the greatest range out of the 3 melee weapons. Whether you’re using an online boosting partner or going through regular online matches, you will unlock your Trophy after achieving your 100th melee kill in Mutliplayer.

Nerf Legends Master Blaster trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Master Blaster
Win 200 Multiplayer Matches

Go to the Arena then either search for a lobby or create your own where you will then need to either wait for other online players or get an online boosting partner. Either way, you will need to win a total of 200 matches across any of the 4 game modes available to unlock your Trophy.

That’s the Nerf Legends Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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John Doe
John Doe
3 years ago

How many boosting partners do you need for this? And can PS5 players boost with PS4?

3 years ago
Reply to  John Doe

Hello dude
One boosting partner will be sufficient for what you need to do and I believe so. The game is woefully poor online connection wise. I know the developers have put work into fixing the issue but to enhance your chances I’d go for same console, you might be lucky but I wouldn’t count on it.
Best of luck with it

Helen Elizabeth Walker
Helen Elizabeth Walker
2 years ago

Hi could I get your help plz Griffin 😊

2 years ago

Hey dude
I’ll help where I can, what is it you need?