
Nioh 2 Trophy Guide

Welcome to the Nioh 2 Trophy Guide.

  • Platforms: PS4.
  • Trophies: 56: Platinum: 1, Gold: 2, Silver: 5, Bronze: 48.
  • Release Date: 13-Mar-2020.
  • Missable Trophies: None.
  • Glitched Trophies: None.
  • Online Trophies: 2: Help Wanted, Twilight Walker.
  • Difficulty Rating: 7/10.
  • Approx. time to 100%: 120+ Hours.

Nioh 2 is not an easy game, there’s no way around that, however, it is a very good one and a very in depth game. Below we have the complete Trophy guide to help you through every mission, collect every soul core, defeat every boss and collect all 150 Kodama as well as everything else required as you make your way through the truly epic Nioh 2. Here are a series of videos to help you get through the early part of the game:

NIOH 2 You Are Nioh trophy
PlayStation Platinum Trophy

You Are Nioh
Obtained all trophies.

NIOH 2 Samurai of Legend trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Samurai of Legend
Completed all missions on any difficulty level. (Does not include Twilight, training or additional missions included with updates.)

Click the link to go to the complete Samurai Of Legend Trophy Guide.

NIOH 2 The Beginning of a Samurai trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The Beginning of a Samurai
Reached level 10.

See Full-fledged Samurai for more information.

NIOH 2 Full-fledged Samurai trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Full-fledged Samurai
Reached level 100.

You should easily hit level 100 by the time you get to the end of your first play-through, to make things easier, go to the Dawn region and load the mission The Refined Man Of The Underworld which is a level 57 sub mission. In here you’ll face 4 enemies, one Gaki, an Enki then Gozuki followed by Mezuki, defeating all of them will net you roughly 80,000 amrita per run. Run this mission as many times as you need to in order to hit level 100 and above. Once you hit level 100, your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Dawn of a Dream trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Dawn of a Dream
Befriended Tokichiro.

Complete the first mission, The Village of Cursed Blossoms, after the cutscene plays, your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 An Electrifying Triumph trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

An Electrifying Triumph
Defeated Imagawa Yoshimoto and was made a samurai.

Defeat Imagawa Yoshimoto at the end of the, The Hidden Monsters of Okehazama main mission.

NIOH 2 Hideyoshi trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Decided to share a name with Tokichiro.

Finish the, A Way Out main mission then proceed into the Shadow Region, once the cutscene has finished, your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 The Paths We Tread trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The Paths We Tread
Parted ways with Tokichiro.

Complete the, The Sun Sets on Mount Tenno main mission to unlock your Trophy.

NIOH 2 Dream's Toll trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Dream’s Toll
Defeated Tokichiro.

Finish the, The Two Faces of Hospitality main mission where your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Mother and Child trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Mother and Child
Reunited with your mother in the Interim.

Defeat Daidara Bocchi in the, The High-spirited Demon main mission then watch the cutscene, interact with your mother in the, The Interim area to unlock your Trophy.

NIOH 2 What is Written trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

What is Written
Fulfilled your ultimate destiny.

Complete the, Cherry Blossom Viewing in Daigo main mission then watch the cutscene, at the end of the cutscene, your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Dream Within a Dream trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Dream Within a Dream
Saw Tokichiro off on his final departure.

Complete the main story in Nioh 2, at the end of the cutscene, your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 A Weapon's Mind trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

A Weapon’s Mind
Listened to the innermost thoughts of a Yokai Weapon.

You’ll need a Yokai weapon for this, for example, you can get a rare drop from Ippon-Datara to get the Ippon-Datara Hammer. You’ll know it’s a Yokai weapon as it will have a purple sentience symbol in the weapon’s description. There are several Yokai weapons throughout Nioh 2, the majority of which you can get through smithing texts. Essentially all you need to do to hear the thoughts of a Yokai weapon is simply use the weapon to take down enemies, keep using your Yokai weapon until your Trophy unlocks.

NIOH 2 Sword Master trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Sword Master
Acquired mystic art for the sword.

First off, you need to have completed the, The Ruin Draws Near mission in the Twilight region, once completed you need to go off and get a total of 120,000 proficiency in your sword ensuring that you have patch 1.05 or later installed to avoid the issues that were there at launch. Once you’ve fulfilled these requirements, make your way to the starting point, go to dojo, you’re looking for the mission entitled Opening Of The Mind’s Eye which will see you face off against Shisenin Kosen.

You only get 3 elixers and a wooden sword in this fight, he’s a tough opponent, best advice I can offer is learn him. Learn what attacks he’s going to use and when, play very defensively, only use your elixers when essential and you’ll drop him eventually. Once you’ve defeated him, you’ll be given 2 sword wielders locks, use them to get 2 sword skill points. Go into your sword skill tree, you’re looking for the either of these mystic arts:

  • Sword Of Salvation:
    Reduces Ki consumption when dodging with a sword equipped as your main weapon, and extends the window of opportunity for a successful timely guard.
  • Sword Of Execution:
    Increases damage dealt when attacking an enemy from behind with a sword.

Simply choose either of these mystic arts where your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Dual Sword Master trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Dual Sword Master
Acquired mystic art for the dual swords.

First off, you need to have completed the, The Ruin Draws Near mission in the Twilight region, once completed you need to go off and get a total of 120,000 proficiency in your dual swords ensuring that you have patch 1.05 or later installed to avoid the issues that were there at launch. Once you’ve fulfilled these requirements, make your way to the starting point, go to dojo, you’re looking for the mission entitled Master Of The Dual Blades which will see you face off against Ashikaga Yoshiteru.

You only get 3 elixirs and a pair of wooden dual swords in this fight, use mid stance against him, this fight is for me the easiest of all the dojo missions. Block where necessary then punish him, manage your ki and you’ll have him dealt with soon enough. Once you’ve defeated him, you’ll be given 2 dual swords wielders locks, use them to get 2 dual sword skill points. Go into your dual swords skill tree, you’re looking for the either of the mystic arts entitled:

  • Momentum:
    Landing an attack reduces the Ki usage of subsequent attacks. This effect can be boosted if you land another attack before it runs out.
  • Firm Resolve:
    Landing an attack reduces the amount of damage you take for a time. This effect can be boosted if you land another attack before it runs out.

Choose either of these mystic arts where your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Spear Master trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Spear Master
Acquired mystic art for the spear.

First off, you need to have completed the, The Ruin Draws Near mission in the Twilight region, once completed you need to go off and get a total of 120,000 proficiency in your spear ensuring that you have patch 1.05 or later installed to avoid the issues that were there at launch. Once you’ve fulfilled these requirements, make your way to the starting point, go to dojo, you’re looking for the mission entitled Hanzo The Demon which will see you face off against Hattori Hanzo.

You only get 3 elixers and a wooden spear in this fight, use high / mid stance against him, stay away from Hanzo as much as possible, he hits like a truck in this fight. Only use your elixers when essential and play defensively, after some practice have him downed soon enough. Once you’ve defeated him, you’ll be given 2 spear wielders locks, use them to get 2 spear skill points. Go into your spear skill tree, you’re looking for the either of the mystic arts entitled:

  • Fluidity:
    Allows you to use Spear Flourish from any stance.
  • Stability:
    Increases the force of your thrusts while also extending the range of your attacks.

Choose either of these Mystic Arts to unlock your Trophy.

NIOH 2 Axe Master trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Axe Master
Acquired mystic art for the axe.

First off, you need to have completed the, The Ruin Draws Near mission in the Twilight region, once completed you need to go off and get a total of 120,000 proficiency in your axe ensuring that you have patch 1.05 or later installed to avoid the issues that were there at launch. Once you’ve fulfilled these requirements, make your way to the starting point, go to dojo, you’re looking for the mission entitled The Unmoving Mountain which will see you face off against Sakata Kintoki.

You only get 3 elixers and a wooden axe in this fight, use high stance against him, press Triangle to do a very nice 2 hit hard-hitting combo with a quick recovery time. Only attack when you’re pretty sure it will land and you’ll whittle his health down eventually. Once you’ve defeated him, you’ll be given 2 axe wielders locks, use them to get 2 axe skill points. Go into your axe skill tree, you’re looking for the either of the mystic arts entitled:

  • Intensity:
    Massively boosts the damage of attacks that reduce your Ki to zero or below.
  • Inner Light:
    Massively boosts the damage you deal when in the Yokai Realm.

Select either of these mystic arts where your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Kusarigama Master trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Kusarigama Master
Acquired mystic art for the kusarigama.

First off, you need to have completed the, The Ruin Draws Near mission in the Twilight region, once completed you need to go off and get a total of 120,000 proficiency in your kusarigama ensuring that you have patch 1.05 or later installed to avoid the issues that were there at launch. Once you’ve fulfilled these requirements, make your way to the starting point, go to dojo, you’re looking for the mission entitled The Chain That Splits The Sky which will see you face off against Shisenin Kosen.

You only get 3 elixers and wooden kusarigama, once you’ve defeated him, you’ll be given 2 kusarigama wielders locks, use them to get 2 kusarigama skill points. Go to your kusarigama skill tree, you’re looking for either of the mystic arts entitled:

  • Waxing Crescent:
    Increases both the attack damage and Ki damage caused by the kusarigama’s sickle, while also reducing the amount of Ki used.
  • Shooting Star:
    Increases both the attack damage and Ki damage caused by the kusarigama’s metal weight, while also reducing the amount of Ki used.

Simply choose either of these mystic arts where your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Odachi Master trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Odachi Master
Acquired mystic art for the odachi.

First off, you need to have completed the, The Ruin Draws Near mission in the Twilight region, once completed you need to go off and get a total of 120,000 proficiency in your odachi ensuring that you have patch 1.05 or later installed to avoid the issues that were there at launch. Once you’ve fulfilled these requirements, make your way to the starting point, go to dojo, you’re looking for the mission entitled The Tengu’s Blade which will see you face off against Shisenin Kosen.

You only get 3 elixers and a wooden odachi, very important to manage your ki well here, if he gets a grapple on you, you’ll struggling surviving much longer. Use mid/high stance and take the time to learn his attacks. Once you’ve defeated him, you’ll be given 2 odachi wielders locks, use them to get 2 odachi skill points. Go to your odachi skill tree, you’re looking for either of the mystic arts entitled:

  • Subtle Blade:
    Increases the Ki damage of frontal strikes against enemies that are attacking.
  • Shifting Serenity:
    Reduces Ki consumption when performing Waking Winds or Sunset Breeze.

Choose either of these mystic arts where your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Tonfa Master trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Tonfa Master
Acquired mystic art for the tonfa.

First off, you need to have completed the, The Ruin Draws Near mission in the Twilight region, once completed you need to go off and get a total of 120,000 proficiency in your tonfa ensuring that you have patch 1.05 or later installed to avoid the issues that were there at launch. Once you’ve fulfilled these requirements, make your way to the starting point, go to dojo, you’re looking for the mission entitled Like Lightning which will see you face off against Hattori Hanzo.

You only get 3 elixers and wooden tonfa, this fight is tough whichever way you slice it, personally I went high stance and tapping Triangle with do a nice overhead double combo that seems to hit more often than not, don’t trade blows with Hanzo, that’s a fight you won’t win. Whittle his health down, playing as defensively as you can and you’ll beat him eventually. Once you’ve defeated him, you’ll be given 2 tonfa wielders locks, use them to get 2 tonfa skill points. Go to your tonfa skill tree, you’re looking for either of the mystic arts entitled:

  • Apocalypse:
    Increases damage from tonfa when you perform a series of consecutive attacks.
  • Kannagi:
    Allows you to cancel out of a tonfa technique using Demon Dance.

Select either of these mystic arts where your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Hatchet Master trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Hatchet Master
Acquired mystic art for the hatchets.

First off, you need to have completed the, The Ruin Draws Near mission in the Twilight region, once completed you need to go off and get a total of 120,000 proficiency in your hatchets ensuring that you have patch 1.05 or later installed to avoid the issues that were there at launch.Once you’ve fulfilled these requirements, make your way to the starting point, go to dojo, you’re looking for the mission entitled The Unstoppable Whirlwind which will see you face off against Sataka Kintoki.

You only get 3 elixers and a pair of wooden hatchets in this fight so make very good use of your ranged attacks in this fight to have a much easier time of it. Only use your elixers when essential. Use the trees for cover and you’ll have him downed soon enough. Once you’ve defeated him, you’ll be given 2 hatchet wielders locks, use them to get 2 hatchet skill points. Go into your hatchet skill tree, you’re looking for the either of the mystic arts entitled:

  • Trained Throw:
    Skills that allow you to perform a charged throw of your hatchets deal more damage when charged and thrown with the correct timing.
  • Tireless Throw:
    The damage dealt by hatchets you throw will no longer suffer a distance penalty.

Simply choose either of these mystic arts where your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Switchglaive Master trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Switchglaive Master
Acquired mystic art for the switchglaive.

First off, you need to have completed the, The Ruin Draws Near mission in the Twilight region, once completed you need to go off and get a total of 120,000 proficiency in your switchglaive ensuring that you have patch 1.05 or later installed to avoid the issues that were there at launch. Once you’ve fulfilled these requirements, make your way to the starting point, go to dojo, you’re looking for the mission entitled Sharp Eyes which will see you face off against Mumyo.

You only get 3 elixers and a wooden switchglaive, easiest way to take her down, go into high stance and double-tap Square or Triangle, Mumyo seems to really struggle blocking or avoiding attacks from high stance. Once you’ve defeated her, you’ll be given 2 switchglaive wielders locks, use them to get 2 switchglaive skill points. Go to your switchglaive skill tree, you’re looking for either of the mystic arts entitled:

  • Wildfire Flux:
    Increases your attack power by one level whenever you use Switch Stance: Retribution, Edge or Blade. When your attack power has been boosted five times, hold Square to unleash a devastating strike upon the enemy.
  • Tempest Flux
    Reduces your Ki consumption by one level whenever you use Switch Stance: Retribution, Edge or Blade. When your Ki consumption has been reduced five times, hold Square to unleash a devastating strike upon the enemy.

Select either of these mystic arts where your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Ninjutsu Master trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Ninjutsu Master
Acquired mystic art for Ninjutsu.

First off, you will need to unlock some Ninjitsu techniques / weapons which you can do through Ninjitsu skill points. You can easily acquire Ninjitsu skill points by defeating enemies and receiving Ninja Locks as rare drops. Once you have unlocked some Ninjitsu skills, simply go to a shrine, select the option ready jutsu select Ninjitsu and assign you points to your unlocked techniques/weapons. You then need to equip them in your shortcuts to be able to use them in battle.

With all that done, keep using your Ninjitsu techniques / weapons until you hit 200,000 proficiency and have completed the mission, The Ruin Draws Near in the Twilight region, at which point you can do a special mission in the dojo called The One Who Lives In The Shadows. This can be a very tough fight if you’re even slightly under levelled, make good use of your dodging / counters to make this simpler. Once you have defeated Hattori Hanzo, you will then receive 2 Ninjitsu locks. Use these 2 locks to give yourself 2 additional skill points, as always you unlock your mystic art in your skill tree. The 2 Ninjitsu mystic arts you can choose from are:

  • Concealment:
    Increases damage dealt by ranged weapons or throwing items.
  • Enlightenment:
    Allows you to perform Ninjitsu on yourself faster, and extends the duration of its beneficial effects.

Simply unlock either of these mystic arts which will also unlock your Trophy.

NIOH 2 Onmyo Magic Master trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Onmyo Magic Master
Acquired mystic art for Onmyo Magic.

You will need to have at least 250,000 proficiency in your Onmyo magic which will take a fair amount of time to collect. A nice easy way to boost your Onmyo proficiency is have 3 or 4 different types of elemental attack magic, the kind that envelops your weapon, then go off and kill as many low level enemies as you can (the first couple of missions are perfect for this). With that done, you need to have completed the mission, The Ruin Draws Near in the Twilight region, at which point you can do a special mission in the dojo called The Nine Symbols.

This will see you face off against a series of enemies with some half decent Onmyo magic to buff / debuff yourself, try and save as much Onmyo as you can for Onryoki, once he’s down the mission will complete, you will then receive 2 Onmyo mages locks. Use these to receive 2 Onmyo skill points, then in your Onmyo skill tree you’re looking for one of the 2 mystic arts entitled either:

  • Awakening:
    Allows you to use Onmyo Magic faster.
  • Amplification:
    Extends the duration of the effects of Onmyo Magic items.

Unlock either of these mystic arts which will unlock your Trophy.

NIOH 2 Burst Breaker trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Burst Breaker
Used the Brute, Feral, and Phantom Burst Counters five times each to counter a Burst Attack.

In order to perform a burst counter, you need to have a guardian spirit equipped, there are 3 different types of guardian spirits in Nioh 2 and they’re broken down into categories:

  1. Brute.
  2. Feral.
  3. Phantom.

Keep playing through the game to unlock at least one of these category of guardian spirit. Go up against any yokai such as an Enki, when they flash red and perform a special attack, you need to press Circle+R2 at the same time, at the very last second before you get hit, if performed correctly, you will transform into the version of the guardian spirit you have equipped and perform a very strong attack. You do need to have at least 10% charge in your yokai bar to perform a burst counter, simply do a burst counter 5 times with each of the 3 categories of guardian sprit to unlock your Trophy.

NIOH 2 Match Made in Heaven trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Match Made in Heaven
Performed a Soul Match.

See Fuse It or Lose It for more information.

NIOH 2 Latest Masterpiece trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Latest Masterpiece
Forged an item.

You will be able to forge items very early on in the game. To do so, head to the blacksmith, at the starting point, select forge then simply forge any available item to unlock your Trophy.

NIOH 2 Remodeling Novice trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Remodeling Novice
Remodeled a piece of equipment.

You need to have completed the main game and entered new game plus (Dream of the Strong) to unlock the remodelling option in the blacksmith. Simply remodel any piece of equipment, which won’t change the items qualities, however it will allow you to change the items appearance. If you have a particular favourite looking for example; Switchglaive, but you have a much more powerful version, change the appearance so you get the best of both worlds. Once you have remodelled for the first time, your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Tea Connoisseur trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Tea Connoisseur
Appraised your tea utensils 50 times.

To acquire a tea utensil you need to defeat high level enemies such as bosses / yokai, there is a much fast way of doing this however. If you go to the Dawn region, there is a mission here called The Refined Man of the Underworld, this will see you face off against 4 enemies, 1 Gaki, an Enki, then Gozuki followed by Mezuki. This mission is one of the best in the game for time>amrita, there is also a guaranteed drop of a tea utensil from Mezuki, simply play this mission until you have 50 tea utensils (you’ll earn buckets of amrita along the way as well which is always helpful).

Keep farming The Refined Man of the Underworld and appraising the tea utensils at the teahouse, I did this in blocks of 5, if you are a couple over, the worse you’ll have is some extra amrita and loot from the mission. After the 50th tea utensil has been appraised, your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Lover of Letters trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Lover of Letters
Displayed a calligraphy scroll in your hut.

A nice easy one to get done and out of the way, as you make your way through the game, you will come across red graves, these are enemies, which, when defeated, give you a special in-game currency called glory. You can spend your glory at the teahouse (starting point, hidden teahouse). To unlock a calligraphy scroll, you need to go to trade, then the far right tab will be hanging scroll text, simply purchase any one of these scrolls for 1000 glory.

After which you then need to go to your hut (starting point, hut) select the option Remodel Remodel Hut, Hanging Scrolls then calligraphy, select the scroll you have just purchased which will then unlock your Lover Of Letters Trophy.

NIOH 2 Trinket Triumph trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Trinket Triumph
Used the Kodama Bazaar.

A very simple trophy in Nioh 2. Simply go to any shrine, select make offering, select any equipment you no longer need and gift it, this will give you a wealth of items and amrita, but to unlock and use the Kodama Bazaar, you are looking for divine rice, a very common item you’ll receive for making an offer. Once you have received divine rice, simply go into the Kodama Bazaar and purchase any item, which will unlock your Trophy.

NIOH 2 Teamwork trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Completed 10 missions with NPCs or as Expeditions with other users. (Does not include Acolytes.)

As you make your way through the game, there are several missions that will give you an NPC to fight alongside, such as in the mission in the Soaring region, The Mysterious One Night Castle, when you get to the second shrine, you can fight talk to and then fight alongside Hachisuka Koroku. There are plenty of opportunities to get this trophy as you make your way through the game, and to make things easier, you can repeat the same mission, using the same NPC to unlock this trophy. Whichever way you decide to this, once you have completed your 10th mission with an NPC accompanying you, your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Help Wanted trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Help Wanted
Summoned an Acolyte from a Benevolent Grave 10 times.

You will need an online connection for this trophy, as you make your way through the game you will see red graves which are enemies. You will need to take down several of these enemies to receive a special item, the Ochoku Cup, which you will need to summon friendlies from the blue graves (benevolent) that are also found throughout the game. Depending on how much higher the level of the friendly NPC is than yourself, the more Ochoku Cups you will need to make the summon successful, do this 10 times to unlock your Trophy.

NIOH 2 Twilight Walker trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Twilight Walker
Completed your first Twilight mission.

Twilight missions are special versions of the regular missions that are a lot more challenging, but also hold much more powerful loot than regular missions. The Twilight missions unlock once you reach the Shadow region and change every day, so to start off with you might not be able to start a Twilight mission, however, by the time you have completed the main game, all of the Twilight missions will be unlocked.

You only have access to a maximum of 2 Twilight missions per day, these can be accessed from the 2 red circles over to the left of any given map screen, and can be completed as many times as you like, reaping the rewards each and every time. See Samurai of Legend for how to access and complete every Twilight Mission in Nioh 2. Complete your first Twilight mission to unlock your Trophy.

NIOH 2 Spa Healer trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Spa Healer
Bathed in first hot spring.

See Spa Lover for more information.

NIOH 2 Spa Lover trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Spa Lover
Bathed in every hot spring.

Click the link to go to the Spa Lover Trophy Guide.

NIOH 2 Yokai Quelling Master trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Yokai Quelling Master
Defeated all types of yokai.

Click the link to go to the Yokai Quelling Master Trophy Guide.

NIOH 2 Kodama Leader trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Kodama Leader
Collected all Kodama.

Click the link to go to the complete Kodama Leader Trophy Guide.

NIOH 2 Friend of Guardians trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Friend of Guardians
Collected all Guardian Spirits.

Click the link to go to the complete Friend of Guardians Trophy Guide.

NIOH 2 Sudama Swapper trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Sudama Swapper
Exchanged gifts with a Sudama for the first time.

A Sudama is the purple Kodama you can find as you make your way through Nioh 2. The first opportunity you will get to find a Sudama is in the mission called The Search which unlocks after you complete the first mission in the game, The Village of Cursed Blossoms in the Awakening region. Once you find a Sudama, hold Circle to greet the Sudama, then open your inventory, select any item and drop the item in front of the Sudama, it will then collect the item and drop you an item you can collect. Once you have successfully exchanged gifts with a Sudama for the first time, your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Core Score trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Core Score
Obtained your first Soul Core.

See Soul Searcher or more information.

NIOH 2 Friend to the Kodama trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Friend to the Kodama
Obtained a Kodama’s Soul Core.

See Soul Searcher for more information.

NIOH 2 Soul Searcher trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Soul Searcher
Obtained all Soul Cores.

Click the link to go to the complete Soul Searcher Trophy Guide.

NIOH 2 Fuse It or Lose It trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Fuse It or Lose It
Fused any Soul Core until it reached rank 9.

As you play through the game you will naturally pick up soul cores from the various yokai, in order to fuse a soul core to level 9 you need 5 of the same type of soul core. So for example if you have 4 Gozuki soul cores and 1 Mezuki soul core, you can only fuse the 4 Gozuki soul cores together. Ensure you have 5 of the same type of soul core to get to rank 9.

In order to fuse a soul core, you need to be at a shrine, select soul fusion from the manage soul cores section, then simply select 1 of the 5 and fuse it, you will see the rank of the soul core increase. Repeat these steps, ensuring the rank souls core is in the top slot so you can get the maximum soul core level faster. Once the soul core is rank 9, your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Seasoned Traveler trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Seasoned Traveler
Discovered 10 hidden items on the map.

A nice, easy trophy to unlock, once you’re on the map screen (not in a mission) hover your cursor around the map, every so often, the cursor turns red, when this happens, press Cross, to unlock a hidden location. You aren’t able to do anything at these locations, there’s no mission or reward, however, they do give you some background lore / information. Simply find 10 of these hidden locations across any of the 7 main game regions to unlock your Trophy.

NIOH 2 Let There Be Light trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Let There Be Light
Dispelled every instance of the Dark Realm in the main missions.

Click the link to go to the complete Let There Be Light Trophy Guide.

NIOH 2 Grazer Eraser trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Grazer Eraser
Defeated Mezuki and Gozuki in the same mission.

There are several opportunities to get this done as you make your way through Nioh 2. The first level will be your best bet if you’re looking at getting this done sooner rather than later. You’ll see Gozuki roaming around in the first clearing you come to, use fire, lightning and Burst Counters to make short work of Gozuki, if this bovine beast is to strong, go and level up a few times and come back to the fight. Mezuki is the first levels’ boss, so you’ll have to take it down eventually if you want to proceed through the game, simply deal with the pair of them in the same level to unlock this Trophy.

NIOH 2 Dungball Roller trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Dungball Roller
Became Ryunojo the Dung Lover’s best friend and received the Coiled Snake Helmet smithing text.

First up, you need to collect 30 dungballs, you can find these throughout the game, but they drop primarily from Tesso (farting rats) you can also find several dungballs in the mission, Bird in a Cage on the corpses around the level, it’s also in this mission you will find Ryunojo. To become his best friend, you need to collect 30 dungballs and then hand them over, to avoid any potential issues with this trophy, ensure you hand over all 30 in one go.

Noble dungballs, count as 2 dungballs, but they are also a much rarer item. To find Ryunojo, continue through the mission until you get to the second shrine, then proceed through and take a left into a cave system go to the end of the cave and make your way up the ladder, Ryunojo, is on the ledge you’ll come to. Give him 30 dungballs to unlock your Trophy.

NIOH 2 Hidden Hopes trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Hidden Hopes
Encountered all the Usura-Hicho in “The Frenzied Blaze”.

Click the link to go to the complete Hidden Hopes Trophy Guide.

NIOH 2 Clean Sweep trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Clean Sweep
Destroyed every Amrita shard in “The High-spirited Demon”.

Click the link to go to the complete Clean Sweep Trophy Guide.

NIOH 2 Devout Believer trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Devout Believer
Defeated the boss of “The Viper’s Sanctum” without breaking the statue of Shirohami.

Definitely one to leave until much later in the game, the Shirohami statues are at the lowest part of this mission, just before you go into fight Yatsu-No-Kami. The Shirohami statues look like snake statues with a green aura around them, every time you destroy one, it will lower the poison water in the level, thus making the boss fight a lot easier. For this trophy, you need to not hit any of the 3 Shirohami statues, fighting Yatsu-No-Kami with the maximum amount of poison in the arena. Come back much later in the game to have an easier time of this. As soon as Yatsu-No-Kami has been defeated without you having hit a Shirohami statue, your Trophy will then unlock.

NIOH 2 Seven Wonders trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Seven Wonders
Defeated each of the Seven Spears in “Cherry Blossom Viewing in Daigo”.

A slightly problematic trophy in Nioh 2, as you make your way through the Cherry Blossom Viewing in Daigo mission, you will be changing the way the level can be navigated. To avoid any issues in fighting the Seven Spears, which are essentially much stronger versions of regular enemies with fancy armour and all of them use spears as weapons, take them out as you progress through the mission. One of the biggest problems you’ll have in taking them down is they usually always have ranged soldiers near them covering their patrol routes.

I found it a lot easier to run past any of the Seven Spears, take down there entourage and then deal with them. The first area has 2 of the Seven Spears straight off, so take them out and you should be fine to take out the other 5 as you make your way through the mission, be sure to check all of the buildings, especially around the Mezuki fight to ensure success.

Please Note: After you have taken down the last of the Seven Spears, you need to complete the mission before your trophy will unlock, so pay close attention to how many you have defeated so as not to miss any. As soon as all Seven Spears are down and you have defeated Kashin Koji, your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Feather Buster trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Feather Buster
Drove back every Tatarimokke along the journey in “A Way Out”.

A Tatarimokke, are the glowing dimensional searchlights. There’s 2 of these located throughout the mission A Way Out. Make sure you take each Tatarimokke out as quick as you can, as soon as the spotlight finds you, every yokai in the area will come for you. The first one is located a few minutes into the main level, look for the large yellow circle patrolling the ground, follow this circle’s light to find the Tatarimokke. The second one is located at the bottom of the hill you’ll run down on the far left of the level just before you go down into the village. Simply hit them a couple of time to break them where your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Bold Wrangler trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Bold Wrangler
Defeated Gozuki in “The Village of Cursed Blossoms”.

The Village Of Cursed Blossoms is the first main story mission in Nioh 2. Gozuki will be the 2nd enemy you’ll come across, whilst it is possible to defeat this gigantic bovine brute at this point, I strongly recommend you leave this until later in the game as this fight can be tough at first. The biggest threat here is the tracking on Gozuki’s weapon, it just seems to land wherever you are, so make sure you stay back or burst counter to disrupt Gozuki’s attacks. It is weak to fire + lightning so make good use of these 2 elements. As as soon as Gozuki is down your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Schemer trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Got Gyuki to attack the dam in “Pervading Waters”.

Gyuki is the second boss you’ll face in this level, as soon as the fight starts you’ll be in front of the Dam. Stand still for a few seconds directly in front of Gyuki, he will do a charged dash attack that will go through you and hit the Dam in the process. If you’re unsuccessful, stand there again until he does another dash attacks destroying the Dam and unlocking your Trophy in the process.

NIOH 2 Peal of Ten Thousand Bells trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Peal of Ten Thousand Bells
Rang all the bells in “Ruin Draws Near”.

Click the link to go to the complete Peal of Ten Thousand Bells Trophy Guide.

That’s the Nioh 2 Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.




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4 years ago

Best guide I have come across for this. I might stand a change of getting this game platted now. Thank you grifgin gaming guides.