
Nioh 2 DLC Pack 2 Darkness In The Capital Trophy Guide

Welcome to the Nioh 2 DLC Pack 2 Darkness In The Capital Trophy Guide.

  • Platforms: PS4.
  • Trophies: 13: Bronze: 13.
  • Release Date: 15-Oct-2020.
  • Missable Trophies: None.
  • Glitched Trophies: None.
  • Online Trophies: None.
  • Difficulty Rating: 8/10.
  • Approx. time to 100%: 40+ Hours (skill dependant).

In this DLC you will be making your way through taking out some brand new yokai and facing insurmountable challenges, fortunately, you have a brand new set of weaponry, the fists to help you beat the darkness back in the second DLC pack for Nioh 2.

NIOH 2 The Demon and the Phoenix trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The Demon and the Phoenix
Completed “Suzune in the Flames”.

Suzune In Flames is the first of the DLC main missions and a surprisingly short one. Deplete Minamoto No Yorimitsu’s health down to 20% where the mission will complete and your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Guardian of the Gate trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Guardian of the Gate
Completed “The Blighted Gate”.

The Blighted Gate is the second of the DLC main missions. Make your way through this maze like level. At the end, you will face off against Tschigumo. Ensure you have plenty of fire magic to make the fight easier, once it’s been defeated, you will complete the mission and unlock your Trophy.

NIOH 2 What Must Be Done trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

What Must Be Done
Completed “Palace of the Damned”.

Palace Of The Damned is the third and final DLC main mission and can be a challenge. You will encounter 4 bosses as you make your way through this mission, White Tiger, Nue, Ashiya Doman as well as the Lightning Gods of Yomi. Bring some lightning stop talismans with you to have an easier time of it as well as a water based Guardian Spirit. After you have defeated the, Lightning Gods of Yomi boss, the mission will complete and your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Heian Samurai trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Heian Samurai
Completed all missions in “Darkness in the Capital”.

Click the link to go to the complete Heian Samurai Trophy Guide.

NIOH 2 Heian Demon trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Heian Demon
Completed all missions in “Darkness in the Capital” on Dream of the Demon.

This is the hardest trophy to unlock in this DLC, first up, you will need to have completed the main game of Nioh 2 on Dream of the Demon, you can then begin the Darkness of the Capital DLC on Dream of the Demon. You’ll know what to expect here and given the amount of boss fights in the DLC you’ll have to bring your A game. The majority of the latter missions will unlock as long as you completed the earlier missions first, you will also need to go to The Interim twice, the missions will tell you the requirements you need to meet if they are locked. Complete them all to unlock your Trophy. Good Luck!!

NIOH 2 Kodama Pathfinder trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Kodama Pathfinder
Collected all Kodama in “Darkness in the Capital”.

Click the link to go to the complete Kodama Pathfinder Trophy Guide.

NIOH 2 Fist Master trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Fist Master
Acquired mystic art for the fists.

The Fists are the newest weapon in Nioh 2 and they are a very welcome addition in my humble opinion. In order to acquire their Mystic Art, play through the DLC until you get a set of Fists as a drop, then equip them and start defeating enemies to increase your proficiency. You will need a minimum proficiency of 120,000, once you have accrued this amount or more, head over to the Starting Point, go to the Dojo then you’re looking for the mission entitled Strike Like a Yokai. This mission will see you face off against Kato Danzo and shouldn’t give you to many problems. Once he is defeated you will receive 2 Fist-Wielders Locks, use these if you require more Fist skill points then go to the Fist skill tree. You’re looking for either:

  • Gong:
    Activates when you recover full Ki from a Ki Pulse. Further extends the duration of the Unbroken skill.
  • Unbowed:
    Reduces your Ki consumption as you connect skills while the enemy is aware of your presence.

Simply choose either of these to unlock your Trophy.

NIOH 2 The Flame That Lights the Darkness trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The Flame That Lights the Darkness
Lit all fire altars in “Palace of the Damned”.

There are 5 fire altars throughout the Palace of the Damned, these are activated by going to them and holding Circle, there are 2 in the starting area then after you have defeated the Nue. You will then be able to find the last 3 in the final area of the level, I will have their exact locations for you shortly.

NIOH 2 Spa Fanatic trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Spa Fanatic
Bathed in every hot spring found in “Darkness in the Capital”.

There are 3 Hot Springs in the Darkness in the Capital DLC which are found throughout 3 different missions.

Check out the complete Spa Fanatic trophy guide for where to find all every hot spring required.

NIOH 2 The Ultimate Recognition trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The Ultimate Recognition
Completed “The Dragon’s Kin”.

The Dragon’s Kin is actually the mission The Dragon Clan, this is a level 140 mission on Dream Of The Samurai and sees you face off against none other than Ren Hayabusa. This is a seriously challenging fight, Ren hits like a truck, has very good defence and can employ a multitude of elemental attacks, the hardest hitting seem to be a homing fireball that he follows up with several shuriken immediately after. Keep your distance here and only go in once his magic has been cast, whittle his health down and make good use of your Onmyo magic such as Sloth and Steel Talisman to have a better chance. Once you have defeated him, and have completed the mission, your Trophy will unlock.

NIOH 2 Tsuchigumo Exterminated trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Tsuchigumo Exterminated
Defeated Tsuchigumo while equipped with at least one piece of gear with the special effect “Dragon Ninja”.

To acquire a piece of equipment with the Dragon Ninja active skill, you need to complete the mission The Dragon Clan, which will see you face off against Ren Hayabusa, an incredibly skilled ninja with a lot of powerful Ninjitsu at his disposal. At the end of the fight there is a high chance that his drops will contain a piece of equipment with the Dragon Ninja divine (green) skill imbued on it. Equip this piece of equipment (you can soul match it at the Blacksmiths to make it more powerful should you feel you need to) then go off and start the mission, The Blighted Gate. The boss in this level is Tsuchigumo, simply defeat it whilst the Dragon Ninja piece of equipment is equipped to unlock your Trophy.

NIOH 2 Behind the Bamboo Blinds trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Behind the Bamboo Blinds
Caused Oboroguruma to release Amrita from its carriage at least 10 times.

This is a very luck based trophy.
In order to do it you will need the Oboroguruma to have its horns glowing gold then hit it with a good attack in high stance, I tried this in both Mid and Low stances and could never get it to happen. You can also burst counter at the last second which works roughly 50% of the time. Ordinarily when you hit the enemy its face will change along with the attack. As long as you hit it when the horns are glowing gold you will have a high chance of it sending out a chunk of amrita instead of a face. Successfully do this 10 times to unlock your Trophy.

NIOH 2 True Atonement trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

True Atonement
Attained 100% Penitence on a Stone of Penance.

You will need to have a spare (unequipped) Accessory of any level. Once you have this, you can access the Stone of Penance at the Shrine. You will need to exchange the Accessory for a Stone of Penance which increases the games difficulty, you can select either Dream of the Strong / Dream of the Demon for this then go off and complete any missions (can be either main or side missions and they can be repeated).

When you have a Stone of Penance, you will see a new icon appear on the right side of the screen when in a mission, you will fill this up by defeating enemies. Once the bar is completely full, your Trophy will unlock. You can then select the option Increase the Pain to make the enemies harder but the rewards more plentiful.

That’s the Nioh 2 DLC Pack 2 Darkness In The Capital Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the pack.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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