Nioh 2 Dawn Region Missions
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
NIOH 2 directory.
Here we will go over all of the Nioh 2 Dawn Region Missions. Dawn region is the fourth main region in the game and is where you will see a noticeable spike in difficulty. In total, there are 3 main missions and 9 sub missions you will need to complete in the Dawn Region. If you need any other Nioh 2 missions then check out the Nioh 2 Samurai of Legend trophy guide which will help you through every single mission in Nioh 2. You have a lot of missions to complete throughout Nioh 2, in total there are 20 Main Missions, 53 Sub Missions, 25 Dojo Missions and 9 Twilight Missions.
The Twilight missions which are much harder versions of some standard missions in the game and only appear sporadically at the rate of 2 every 24 hours (real time). All of these missions can be completed on Dream of the Samurai which will help given the difficulty of the game, if you’re struggling to complete a mission, level yourself up a few times then come back for another go.
If you have already played Nioh, you will know what to expect here, if not then get ready for a tough slog through the missions in game which vary in difficulty requiring you to do anything from sneak through a village as you work towards taking down a single target or fight through enemy filled arenas in search of back to back boss fights. Either way, we’re here to help you through the games missions as best as we can with a brief description on how to complete every mission in the region. The 12 missions you need to complete in the Dawn Region are:
Pervading Waters
Main Mission, level 75.
Head through the mission to the Saika Magoichi boss fight, a flying enemy that can pepper you with bombs and rifle rounds, lightning helps out a lot in this fight, as will your usual buffs / debuffs. Take Saika down to receive the Founder’s Hall Gate Key. Use the Key on the doors to the right of the third shrine then head down the slope to fight Gyuki. Once Gyuki has been defeated, the mission will complete.
The Frenzied Blaze
Main Mission, level 80.
Push through the areas rolling quickly if you’re caught on fire, (the mission is full of fire and can easily be your biggest enemy). As you move towards the Kasha boss fight, defeat Kasha to complete the mission.
The Sun Sets on Mount Tenno
Main Mission, level 85.
Make your way through the base camp smashing the large amrita cluster near the Yoki, go up and around the rice fields pass the Soldiers then proceed into the main Army camp. Head up and around to the Ryomen Sukuna boss fight and take Ryomen Sukuna down to complete the mission.
The Missing Gun
Sub Mission, level 78.
Go around to the left then defeat Kosuzume, from here head to the building at the back of the mission, take out Hotaru to complete the mission.
Song of the Yokai
Sub Mission, level 79.
Head through the mission taking out yokai to receive the 3 Wood Tiles, “I”, “Ro”, “Ha” allowing you to open the door at the lowest part of the mission where you can go through and defeat the Ubume to receive the Back Room Key. Go through the back door and speak with Okuni to complete the mission.
The Refined Man of the Underworld
Sub Mission, level 79.
You have 4 yokai to defeat in this mission, 1 Gaki, an Enki then Gozuki followed by Mezuki. Take them all down to complete the mission.
Master of Three Evils
Sub Mission, level 80.
This is a very challenging fight against Matsunaga Hisahide, when the fight starts, he will 9/10 times use a yokai ability slamming a lit bomb down on you which can easily one shot you. Avoid these attacks throughout the fight at all costs, a well timed burst counter will send him flying backwards opening up him up for some heavy damage, combine that attack with the amount of bombs he will throw about in the mission and it will be a good idea to level yourself up considerably before taking him on. Defeat Matsunaga Hisahide to complete the mission.
Sub Mission, level 83.
Head through the mission defeating the yokai as you go then defeat the Ubume in the last area to complete the mission.
The Burning Sky
Sub Mission, level 83.
Go through the mission taking care not to fall off the cliffs, cross the bridge then head up to the small building where you will find a corpse holding the Rusty Key. Head up the stairs at the back of the mission and watch out for the One-eyed Oni who will send a boulder down the stairs towards you. Use the key to get into the Temple at the top of the stairs, take out the fire Onyudo to complete the mission.
The Warrior
Sub Mission, level 84.
Make your way through the mission then take down the Ippon-Datara to complete it.
The Abberant Mage
Sub Mission, level 87.
Head through the mission dropping down to your right once you have taken out the 2 Koroka, take out all of the yokai down here including Ubume, Tesso and Onyudo. Search the chest to find the Rusty Key. Go up and through the caves and through the red doors, smash the large amrita cluster to complete the mission.
The Third Word
Sub Mission, level 88.
Take out Saika Magoichi to complete the mission.
That’s how to complete all 12 missions in the Dawn region. If you need to complete any other missions in Nioh 2, feel free to check out the Samurai of Legend trophy guide.
That’s how to complete all of the Nioh 2 Dawn Region Missions. I hope the guide helped you through all of them and figure out what it is you need to do.
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