
Nioh 2 Dojo Missions

Here we will go over all of the Nioh 2 Dojo Missions. The dojo missions are accessible as you progress through the main game and are a very good way of testing and honing your skills. In total, there are 2 main missions and 1 sub mission you will need to complete in the Afterglow Region. If you need any other Nioh 2 missions then check out the Nioh 2 Samurai of Legend trophy guide which will help you through every single mission in Nioh 2.

You have a lot of missions to complete throughout Nioh 2, in total there are 20 Main Missions, 53 Sub Missions, 25 Dojo Missions and 9 Twilight Missions. The Twilight missions which are much harder versions of some standard missions in the game and only appear sporadically at the rate of 2 every 24 hours (real time). All of these missions can be completed on Dream of the Samurai which will help given the difficulty of the game, if you’re struggling to complete a mission, level yourself up a few times then come back for another go.

If you have already played Nioh, you will know what to expect here, if not then get ready for a tough slog through the missions in game which vary in difficulty requiring you to do anything from sneak through a village as you work towards taking down a single target or fight through enemy filled arenas in search of back to back boss fights. Either way, we’re here to help you through the games missions as best as we can with a brief description on how to complete every mission in the region. The 25 missions you need to complete in the Dojo are as follows:

  1. Training Ground.
  2. Basic Actions.
  3. Yokai Shift Controls: Brute.
  4. Yokai Shift Controls: Feral.
  5. Yokai Shift Controls: Phantom.
  6. The Way of the Warrior: Novice.
  7. The Way of the Ninja: Novice.
  8. The Way of Onmyo: Novice.
  9. The Way of the Warrior: Adept.
  10. The Way of the Ninja: Adept.
  11. The Way of Onmyo: Adept.
  12. The Way of the Warrior: Veteran.
  13. The Way of the Ninja: Veteran.
  14. The Way of Onmyo: Veteran.
  15. Opening of the Mind’s Eye.
  16. Hanzo the Demon.
  17. Master of the Dual Blades.
  18. The Unmoving Mountain.
  19. The Chain That Splits the Sky.
  20. Sharp Eyes.
  21. Like Lightning.
  22. The Tengu’s Blade.
  23. The Unstoppable Whirlwind.
  24. The One Who Lives in the Shadows.
  25. The Nine Symbols.

Training Ground

Level 1.
Practice your fighting skills against various enemies, you can leave the Training Ground at any time.

Basic Actions

Level 1.
A basic guide on how to perform various actions such as stance changes, Ki pulse and yokai shift.

Yokai Shift Controls: Brute

Level 1.
Learn the actions for the Brute yokai shift Guardian Spirit.

Yokai Shift Controls: Feral

Level 1.
Learn the actions for the Feral yokai shift Guardian Spirit.

Yokai Shift Controls: Phantom

Level 1.
Learn the actions for the Phantom yokai shift Guardian Spirit.

The Way of the Warrior: Novice

Level 35.
Use the Swordman’s Locks to learn the Sword Ki skill then defeat both Soldiers that appear to complete the mission.

The Way of the Ninja: Novice

Level 35.
Use the Ninja’s locks to learn the Shuriken I skill then ready the Shuriken at the shrine, defeat the Ninja to complete the mission.

The Way of Onmyo: Novice

Level 35.
Use the Onmyo Mage’s Locks to learn the Purification Talisman I skill then ready the Talisman at the shrine, defeat the Gaki to complete the mission.

The Way of the Warrior: Adept

Level 59.
Defeat Tsukahara Bokuden a sword master to complete the mission.

The Way of the Ninja: Adept

Level 59.
Take on and defeat every Ninja that arrives, you have various Ninjitsu equipment at your disposal or just use melee, once you have defeated every Ninja, the mission will complete.

The Way of Onmyo: Adept

Level 59.
Defeat the yokai including a Karakasa Umbrella and an Ippon-Datara using either the Onmyo Magic you have available, defeat every yokai to complete the mission.

The Way of the Warrior: Veteran

Level 88.
You will need to take on and defeat Tsukuhara Bokuden, a much more powerful version from the Adept mission, you have 3 Elixirs and a wooden version of whichever main weapon you have equipped. Take Tsukuhara Bokuden down to complete the mission.

The Way of the Ninja: Veteran

Level 88.
This is a one on one against Kato Danzo, a very powerful Ninjitsu Master, you have various equipment to help take him down. Just be careful of his lightning based Ninjitsu as it can slow you down considerably making the fight a fair bit more challenging. Defeat Kato Danzo to complete the mission.

The Way of Onmyo: Veteran

Level 88.
There are several yokai to take down here, including a Tesso and an Ubume, you will have a fair amount of Onmyo to help you through the fight. Defeat them all to complete the mission.

Opening of the Mind's Eye

Level 100.
Requires Sword proficiency of 120,000.
A one-on-one fight against Shisenin Kosen, you will have a wooden sword and 3 Elixirs for the fight, don’t get greedy and only use Elixirs when you have to. Learn his attack patterns and take him down to complete the mission.

Hanzo the Demon

Level 100.
Requires Spear proficiency of 120,000.
Take on and defeat Hattori Hanzo, a Spear master, you will have a wooden spear and 3 Elixirs, try and stay behind him when he’s doing a combo and back away if he goes into high stance. Drop him to complete the mission.

Master of the Dual Blades

Level 100.
Requires Dual Sword proficiency of 120,000.
This is a fight against Ashikaga Yoshiteru, a Dual Sword Master who is faster than he is hard hitting, you will have a set of wooden dual swords and 3 Elixirs, avoid his high stance attacks then get in and punish him. Defeat Ashikaga to complete the mission.

The Unmoving Mountain

Level 100.
Requires Axe proficiency of 120,000.
Going blow for blow against Sakata Kintoki is probably the easiest way to lose the fight, this guy is very strong and has an incredible amount of Ki to boot. Be patient in this fight, wait for Sakata to do a combo / move then get in with a couple of hits. As you have a wooden axe and 3 Elixirs for the fight, high stance is a good strategy, press Triangle to do a powerful double hit which if it connects will do decent damage. Defeat Sakata Kintoki to complete the mission.

The Chain That Splits the Sky

Level 100.
Requires Kusarigama proficiency of 120,000.
Shisenen Kosen will be your opponent in this fight, ensure you practice dodging to the sides when he’s in high stance as the weight on the Kusarigama can pull you in leaving you vulnerable for a couple of seconds which can be lethal. You have a wooden kusarigama and 3 Elixirs to take Shisenen down. Once you have defeated him the mission will complete.

Sharp Eyes

Level 100.
Requires Switchglaive proficiency of 120,000.
This can be a difficult event considering how proficient Mumyo is with a Switchglaive. She can devastate your health bar in pretty much any stance so dodging is vital here as if you can’t get get hit, you can’t get hurt. You will have a wooden switchglaive and 3 Elixirs for this fight so wait for her to run a few combos then go in with a few hits of your own, Mumyo’s weakness is her Ki meter, go in hard and heavy then grapple for decent damage. Take Mumyo down to complete the mission.

Like Lightning

Level 100.
Requires Tonfa proficiency of 120,000.
Hattori Hanzo is back and is very efficient with the Tonfa, he can utilise any number of attacks and combos, all of which are a bad time to block or get hit by so dodging is crucial here rather than trying to tank him. You have wooden tonfa and 3 Elixirs to help take Hanzo down, use whichever stance you’re most comfortable as the Tonfa has merit in all 3, learn his attacks as best as you can and strike when you have an opening. Defeat Hattori Hanzo to complete the mission.

The Tengu's Blade

Level 100.
Requires Odachi proficiency of 120,000.
Shisenen Kosen is your opponent here and as an Odachi master he can be a formidable foe especially given the odachis’ reach. When he goes into high stance, it’s time to back away until he changes as he hits like a truck. You will have a wooden odachi and 3 Elixirs, use the Imperative Strike skill (hold R1+Circle) to deal decent Ki damage as well as the Devastating Rush skill (hold Triangle) to deal decent Ki / health damage. Defeat Shisenen Kosen to complete the mission.

The Unstoppable Whirlwind

Level 100.
Requires Hatchet proficiency of 120,000.
A one on one Hatchet battle against Sakata Kintoki, he is very proficient with the Hatchets and seems to favour ranged attacks for the most part throwing the Hatchets at you then getting in close to finish you off. You have a set of wooden hatchets and 3 Elixirs, use the trees for cover which will help against the ranged attacks and as always against Sakata, don’t get greedy as he will punish you for it. Defeat Sakata Kintoki to complete the mission.

The One Who Lives in the Shadows

Level 100.
Requires Ninjitsu proficiency of 200,000.
You’re in for a tough fight against Hattori Hanzo, the Ninjitsu master who can use every element of Ninjitsu in the game as well as dealing powerful sword strikes, he is also very keen at paralysing you throughout the fight. You have wooden version of whichever weapons you have equipped before going into the battle so ensure you have your best ones equipped. You also have a good range of poison based Ninjitsu at your disposal, whittle his health down and defeat him to complete the mission.

The Nine Symbols

Level 100.
Requires Onmyo Magic proficiency of 250,000.
Arguably the toughest of all Dojo Missions as you need to take down a fire Oni-bi and an Onyudo, a Mitsume Yazura then Onryoki. You have a decent amount of Onmyo to help you through the mission as well as wooden versions of whichever weapons you have equipped before going into the mission so ensure you have the weapons equipped you’re most efficient with as well as having 3 Elixirs. Save your Onmyo for Onryoki as much as you can as he is a very powerful version. Defeat Onryoki to complete the mission. That’s how to complete all 25 dojo missions. If you need to complete any other missions in Nioh 2, feel free to check out the Samurai of Legend trophy guide.

That’s how to complete all of the Nioh 2 Dojo Missions. I hope the guide helped you through all of them and figure out what it is you need to do.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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