
Nioh 2 Friend Of Guardians Trophy Guide

NIOH 2 Friend of Guardians trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Friend of Guardians
Collected all Guardian Spirits.

Here is the Nioh 2 Friend Of Guardians Trophy Guide. Please Note: Since patch 1.09 was released there have been online missions added across the Regions, the patch also offers you another Guardian Spirit to collect, MizuchiI am unsure whether this Guardian Spirit counts towards the trophy as I unlocked my trophy before the patch was released, I have included Mizuchi at the bottom of the guide just in case it does count towards the Friend of Guardians Trophy.

In total, there are 26 Guardian Spirits to collect throughout Nioh 2, most of which are acquired as you make your way through the games main missions defeating the bosses / completing the missions. Each Guardian Spirt will affect the amount of Soul Cores and the intensity of the Soul Cores you can equip allowing you different yokai abilities, so check the stats and what each of them do to see what will help your playstyle the best.

You will get to choose 1 Guardian Spirit at the start of the game, it doesn’t necessarily matter which one you choose as it’s all personal playstyle preference. A Guardian Spirit will effect your yokai shift ability, each Guardian Spirit will be one of 3 types, Brute, Feral or Phantom. I’ll list below where you can receive all 26 Guardian Spirits:


Brute Yokai Shift, Fire elemental.
Makami can be acquired as one of the 3 starting Guardian Spirits or by completing the, The Shrine of Oaths, level 63 sub mission in the Shadow Region.

Ame - no - Mitori

Feral Yokai Shift, Lightning elemental.
Ame-no-Mitori can be acquired as one of the 3 starting Guardian Spirits or by completing the, The Shrine of Oaths, level 63 sub mission in the Shadow Region.


Phantom Yokai Shift, Water elemental.
Kagewani can be acquired as one of the 3 starting Guardian Spirits or by completing the, The Shrine of Oaths, level 63 sub mission in the Shadow Region.


Feral Yokai Shift, Fire elemental.
Marasu can be acquired by completing the, Village of Cursed Blossoms, level 1 main mission in the Awakening Region.


Brute Yokai Shift, Poison elemental.
Shirohami can be acquired by completing the, The Viper’s Sanctum, level 24 main mission in the Awakening Region.


Phantom Yokai Shift, Lightning elemental.
Rokugezo can be acquired by completing the, The Hidden Monsters of Okehazama, level 35 main mission in the Soaring Region.

Okuri - Inu

Brute Yokai Shift, Fire elemental.
Okuri-Inu can be acquired by completing the, A Hot-blooded Howl, level 47 sub mission in the Soaring Region.

Usaru - Hicho

Phantom Yokai Shift, Water elemental.
Usaru-Hicho can be acquired by completing the, The Viper and the Butterfly, level 58 sub mission in the Soaring Region.

Yaonami - Hime

Feral Yokai Shift, Water elemental.
Yaonami-Hime can be acquired by completing the, A Way Out, level 59 main mission in the Shadow Region.


Feral Yokai Shift, Water elemental.
Hiyokucho can be acquired in the, Bird in a Cage, level 71 main mission in the Shadow Region.

Shin - Roku

Brute Yokai Shift, Lightning elemental.
Shin-Roku can be acquired in the, Horns on Head, Dragonfly in Hand, level 71 sub mission in the Shadow Region.

Tengen Kujaku

Phantom Yokai Shift, Lightning elemental.
Tengen Kujaku can be acquired by completing the, The Demon King’s Blade, level 74 sub mission in the Shadow Region.


Brute Yokai Shift, Fire elemental.
Hyobishin can be acquired in the,  Pervading Waters, level 75 main mission in the Dawn Region.

Nine Tails

Phantom Yokai Shift, Fire elemental.
Nine Tails can be acquired by completing the, The Frenzied Blaze, level 80 main mission in the Dawn Region.


Feral Yokai Shift, Water elemental.
Itokuri can be acquired by completing the, Master of Three Evils, level 80 sub mission in the Dawn Region.

Atlas Bear

Brute Yokai Shift, Lightning elemental.
Atlas Bear can be acquired by completing the, The Warrior, level 84 sub mission in the Dawn Region.


Phantom Yokai Shift, Water elemental.
Genbu can be acquired by completing the, The Sun Sets on Mount Tenno, level 85 Main Mission in the Dawn Region.


Brute Yokai Shift, Fire elemental.
Inosasao can be acquired by completing the, Ruin Draws Near, level 88 main mission in the Twilight Region.


Feral Yokai Shift, Fire elemental.
Yatagarasu can be acquired by completing the, The Third Word, level 88 sub mission in the Dawn Region.


Feral Yokai Shift, Lightning elemental.
Nekomata is acquired by completing the, The Sun Sets on Mount Tenno, level 85 main mission in the Dawn Region then enter the Twilight Mission where a cutscene will start, after the cutscene, you will receive Nekomata.


Phantom Yokai Shift, Lightning elemental.
Hakutaku can be acquired by completing the, The High-spirited Demon, level 95 main mission in the Twilight Region.


Brute Yokai Shift, Water elemental.
Isanagami is acquired at the start of the, The Golden Castle, level 105 main mission in the Dream Region at the end of the cutscene.


Phantom Yokai Shift, Lightning elemental.
Yumehami can be acquired by completing the, Cherry Blossom Viewing in Daigo, level 112 main mission in the Dream Region.


Phantom Yokai Shift, Water elemental.
Saoirse can be acquired by completing the, The Blue-eyed Samurai, level 113 main mission in the Afterglow Region.


Feral Yokai Shift, Lightning elemental.
Gyokuto can be acquired by completing the, Dawn of Hope, level 117 sub mission in the Afterglow Region.


Brute Yokai Shift, Water elemental.
Mizuchi is only available providing you have patch 1.09 or beyond installed as the patch brought in online missions to the game. The mission you’re looking for will be blue in category signifying an online mission. Mizuchi can be found by completing the, A Strong Bond, level 99 online mission in the Shadow Region.

Once you have acquired all 26 Guardian Spirits, your Trophy will unlock.

That’s Nioh 2 Friend Of Guardians Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you collect all Guardian Spirits.




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