Nioh 2 Shadow Region Missions
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
NIOH 2 directory.
Here we will go over all of the Nioh 2 Shadow Region Missions. Shadow region is the third main region in the game and will see you use the skills you have learnt to help you survive the Yokai and tough bosses which await you. In total, there are 3 main missions and 13 sub missions you will need to complete in the Shadow Region. If you need any other Nioh 2 missions then check out the Nioh 2 Samurai of Legend trophy guide which will help you through every single mission in Nioh 2.
You have a lot of missions to complete throughout Nioh 2, in total there are 20 Main Missions, 53 Sub Missions, 25 Dojo Missions and 9 Twilight Missions. The Twilight missions which are much harder versions of some standard missions in the game and only appear sporadically at the rate of 2 every 24 hours (real time). All of these missions can be completed on Dream of the Samurai which will help given the difficulty of the game, if you’re struggling to complete a mission, level yourself up a few times then come back for another go.
If you have already played Nioh, you will know what to expect here, if not then get ready for a tough slog through the missions in game which vary in difficulty requiring you to do anything from sneak through a village as you work towards taking down a single target or fight through enemy filled arenas in search of back to back boss fights. Either way, we’re here to help you through the games missions as best as we can with a brief description on how to complete every mission in the region. The 16 missions you need to complete in the Shadow Region are:
- A Way Out.
- Corpses and Ice.
- Bird in a Cage.
- Learning a Lesson.
- Immovable.
- The Shrine of Oaths.
- A Formal Match.
- Lingering Snow and Crimson Tracks.
- The Brother’s Blades.
- The Tiger Approaches.
- A Shadow’s Duty.
- The Fallen Star.
- Horns on Head, Dragonfly in Hand.
- The Demon King’s Blade.
- The Golden Nation.
- The Point of no Return.
A Way Out
Main Mission, level 59.
Make your way through the mission taking care not to get caught in the searchlights, if you are caught then every local yokai will come for you at once. Get through the area to the village then head through to the Tatarimokke boss fight, defeat it to complete the mission.
Corpses and Ice
Main Mission, level 65.
Proceed through the mission taking care when crossing the narrow bridges to the end where you need to take down Magara Naotaka to complete the mission.
Bird in a Cage
Main Mission, level 71.
Make your way through the the sewers, climb up the ladder then rotate the red and blue bridges by pulling the levers. Go across the bridges and up the stairs where you will face Azai Nagamasa a very powerful boss who appears half yokai with a wing that can block damn near everything you throw at it. Lightning works well to slow him down allowing you a slight amount of breathing space to heal, take Azai Nagamasa down to complete the mission.
Learning a Lesson
Sub Mission, level 62.
Head through the area to the mission marker then defeat all of the yokai that appear to complete the mission.
Sub Mission, level 63.
Go through the mission to the last area, take out the Sohoya to complete the mission.
The Shrine of Oaths
Sub Mission, level 63.
Go through the caves then take out the Karasu Tengu to complete the mission.
A Formal Match
Sub Mission, level 64.
Take down the Obsidian Samurai to complete the mission.
Lingering Snow and Crimson Tracks
Sub Mission, level 68.
Go through the mission taking out the yokai, focusing on the Karakasa Umbrellas first as they can paralyse you very efficiently. Defeat the Flying Bolt at the end, collecting the Tattered Note to complete the mission.
The Brother's Blades
Sub Mission, level 69.
Head through to the back area then take Magara Naotaka down to complete the mission.
The Tiger Approaches
Sub Mission, level 69.
Make your way through the first 2 areas taking down the yokai, after the 2nd area has been cleared Honda Tadakatsu will join you. Clear the 3rd area to complete the mission.
A Shadow's Duty
Sub Mission, level 70.
Proceed through the mission going up and through the buildings, defeat the Gaki and Namahage at the final area allowing you to go through and speak with Hattori Hanzo completing the mission.
The Fallen Star
Sub Mission, level 70.
You will be with Maeda Toshii for this Sub Mission making things a lot easier. You need to take out the NPC but take care as shortly into the mission, a Biwa Boku-boku will spawn. Taking it down quickly is essential as it can spawn in any number of NPCs into the fight if left unchecked. Take down the first, large NPC to complete the mission.
Horns on Head, Dragonfly in Hand
Sub Mission, level 71.
Take down Honda Tadakatsu to complete the mission.
The Demon King's Blade
Sub Mission, level 74.
Defeat Oda Nobunaga to complete the mission.
The Golden Nation
Sub Mission, level 74.
Head through to the top right corner of the Zen garden, climb the ladder then drop through the building on your right. Take out the Onryoki then collect the Rusty Key, go through the doors then make your way right around the balcony. Open the doors at the back of the area and speak with Gamo Ujisato to complete the mission.
The Point of No Return
Sub Mission, level 74.
Defeat Saito Yoshitatsu to complete the mission.
That’s how to complete all 12 missions in the Shadow region. If you need to complete any other missions in Nioh 2, feel free to check out the Samurai of Legend trophy guide.
That’s how to complete all of the Nioh 2 Shadow Region Missions. I hope the guide helped you through all of them and figure out what it is you need to do.
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