Nioh 2 Soul Searcher Trophy Guide

Soul Searcher
Obtained all Soul Cores.
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
NIOH 2 directory.
Here is the complete Nioh 2 Soul Searcher Trophy Guide. There are 51 Soul Cores to collect throughout Nioh 2. A soul core can be attuned to a Guardian Sprit at a shrine giving you various buffs as well as giving you a powerful yokai ability to use during the games many missions which more often than not can deal incredible damage which can turn the tide of battle.
A soul core are rare drops from various yokai throughout the game which can be increased by firstly collecting all of the Kodama in a Region then selecting the Yamabushi Blessing as a Kodama Blessing from the shrine by up to 5%. Boss soul cores are guaranteed drops for beating a given boss. Once you have acquired a soul core, you need to either get to a shrine or complete your current mission. If you die beforehand your soul cores will be left at your grave along with your amrita.
If you fail to retrieve your grave, you will lose any soul cores you have retrieved and will need to re-defeat the enemy and collect another soul core. Mortal soul cores are rare drops from Soldiers throughout the game, however, as they are not yokai, you can not attune these soul cores to a Guardian Spirit, there are 3 Mortal soul core types to collect throughout the game. I’ll list the cores and where you can get them in alphabetical order to make keeping track of the ones you need easier.
Abberant Soldier
Yokai Ability: Fire Arm.
Abberant Soldiers can be found throughout the game, a good place to farm their soul cores is the, Dark Omens, level 21 sub mission in the Awakening Region.
Biwa Boku-boku
Yokai Ability: None.
Biwa Boku-boku are the lute playing yokai that summon Oni-bi as well as NPCs from revenant graves you can easily find a Biwa Boku-boku in the, A Way Out, level 59 main mission in the Shadow Region sitting on a branch above where the Yamanba comes out of a small building on the right as you’re making your way down the hill from the second shrine.
Daidara Bocchi
Yokai Ability: Mountain Sweeper.
Daidara Bocchi is the boss in the, The High-spirited Demon, level 95 main mission in the Twilight Region.
Yokai Ability: Dark Digger.
Dwellers are found throughout the game, these pickaxe wielding enemies can be found in nearly any cave system throughout the missions, especially in, The Hollow Fortress, level 50 main mission in the Soaring Region.
Yokai Ability: Monkey Dance.
Enki are ape-like yokai who wield a large spear and can be found in the, The Village of Cursed Blossoms, level 1 main mission in the Awakening Region as you go pass the first building once you’re pass the Gozuki.
Flying Bolt
Yokai Ability: Tangle Cotton.
Flying Bolt are fairly rare enemies that are white in appearance, float around the area and if they touch you, your movements will be drastically reduced.
A Flying Bolt can be found at the end of the, Lingering Snow and Crimson Tracks, level 68 sub mission in the Shadow Region.
Yokai Ability: Chomp.
Gaki are the most common enemy in the game, they have large heads and glowing yellow stomachs, you can find a Gaki in the, The Village of Cursed Blossoms, level 1 main mission in the Awakening Region.
Yokai Ability: Brutal Charge.
Gozuki will be the second enemy you come to in the game, however, it is a challenge to take it down here, a good place to farm for Gozuki’s soul core is the, The Refined Man of the Underworld, level 79 sub mission in the Dawn Region.
Yokai Ability: Lockjaw.
Gyuki is the last boss in the, Pervading Waters, level 75 main mission in the Dawn Region.
Yokai Ability: One-legged Fury.
Ippon-Datara are one legged yokai that attack you with either a hammer or an odachi. You need to defeat an Ippon-Datara in the, The Beast Born of Smoke and Flames, level 10 main mission in the Awakening Region to be able to access the next portion of the mission.
Infernal Oni-bi
Yokai Ability: Elemental Benison.
This soul core drops from the Infernal (fire element) Oni-bi which can be farmed in the Pervading Waters, level 75 main mission in the Dawn Region before going through to fight the Ubume in the Temple.
Yokai Ability: Indestructible Shell.
Kappa are fairly uncommon enemies that can spawn in near enough any mission in the game, however, they are fast so keep a Sloth (Onmyo Magic) Talisman equipped on one of your shortcuts to be able to slow them down.
Yokai Ability: Rising Winds.
Kamaitachi is the boss in the, The Mysterious one Night Castle, level 43 main mission in the Soaring Region.
Karakasa Umbrella
Yokai Ability: Rain of Terror.
Karakasa Umbrellas are small yokai which can easily paralyse you then charge at you dealing heavy damage.
A Karakasa Umbrella can be found in the, An End to Seclusion, level 54 sub mission in the Soaring Region.
Karasu Tengu
Yokai Ability: Tengu Tactics.
Karasu Tengu are one of the more powerful yokai in the game given both their attack and defence stats.
A Karasu Tengu will need to be defeated in order to complete the, Dark Omens, level 21 sub mission in the Awakening Region.
Yokai Ability: Go Nuts.
Kodama soul cores are a rare thing in Nioh 2. In order to get a Kodamas’ soul core, you need to trade any spare soul core you have in your inventory with a Sudama (purple Kodama) where you then have a low chance the Sudama will drop you a Kodama soul core in return. In order to drop a soul core, press Touchpad then go to the Items tab, press R1 to tab right to Soul Cores then select Drop Item.
Yokai Ability: Where There’s Smoke.
Koroka are the yokai which camouflage themselves as lanterns then take their yokai form when you get close. Koroka can be found in the The Hollow Fortress, level 50 main mission in the Soaring Region.
Yokai Ability: Hellfire Wheel.
Kasha is the boss in the, The Frenzied Blaze, level 80 main mission in the Dawn Region.
Lady Osakabe
Yokai Ability: Tentacle Storm.
Lady Osakabe is the last boss in the, The Golden Castle, level 105 main mission in the Dream Region.
Lesser Umi-bozu
Yokai Ability: Spitball.
Lesser Umi-bozu are blob-like enemies which fire water or throw swords at you. Lesser Umi-bozu can be found in the, The Mysterious One Night Castle, level 43 main mission in the Soaring Region by lowering the floodgate before the second shrine then dropping down to the now water-free area.
Maelstrom Oni-bi
Yokai Ability: Elemental Benison.
This soul core drops from the Maelstrom (water element) Oni-bi which can be farmed in the Pervading Waters, level 75 main mission in the Dawn Region.
Magatasu Warrior
Yokai Ability: Magatsu Muscle.
Magatsu Warriors are the powerful 4 armed yokai who fire energy blasts from their swords. Play through the, The High-spirited Demon, level 95 main mission in the Twilight Region where you will come across 3 Magatsu Warriors.
Yokai Ability: Razing Edge.
Mezuki is the boss in the, The Village of Cursed Blossoms, level 1 main mission in the Awakening Region.
Mitsume Yazura
Yokai Ability: Corrupted Breath.
Mitsume Yazura are the large, grey yokai with multiple arms and heads, they can send elemental blasts in any direction and have a nasty grab attack. Mitsume Yazaura can be found in the, A Way Out, level 59 main mission in the Shadow Region.
Mortal Brute
Yokai Ability: None.
Mortal Brute soul cores have a very low chance of dropping from any of the human Soldiers in the game, they have an increased chance of dropping from Magara Naotaka who is the boss in the, Corpses and Ice, level 65 main mission in the Shadow Region.
Mortal Feral
Yokai Ability: N/A.
Mortal Feral soul cores have a very low chance of dropping from any of the human Soldiers in the game, they have an increased chance of dropping from Magara Naotaka who is the boss in the, Corpses and Ice, level 65 main mission in the Shadow Region.
Mortal Phantom
Yokai Ability: N/A.
Mortal Phantom soul cores have a very low chance of dropping from any of the human Soldiers in the game, they have an increased chance of dropping from Magara Naotaka who is the boss in the, Corpses and Ice, level 65 main mission in the Shadow Region.
Yokai Ability: N/A.
Mujina are found in black chests that have 3 gold stripes rather than the usual 2 stripes and can be coaxed out by opening the Gestures menu (press ) then selecting the yellow “Whistle” gesture. Usually you would need to copy the gesture they would make, however, for their soul core to drop you need to attack and defeat the Mujina where you will have a low chance of receiving a Mujina soul core.
Yokai Ability: Whipper Snapper.
Namahage are large dual sword wielding yokai who have deadly grab attacks as well as heavy hitting combos. Namahage can be found in the, Corspes and Ice, level 65 main mission in the Shadow Region.
Yokai Ability: Petrifying Gaze.
Nure-Onna are the female snake yokai who can poison and paralyse you. Nure-Onna can be found in the, The Viper’s Sanctum, level 24 main mission in the Awakening Region.
Yokai Ability: Wall or Nothing.
Nurikabe are the yokai which make up a section of wall, when you get close to them their eyes open. You can get pass them usually using either Gestures or combat, however, to obtain their soul core, you need to defeat them in combat. Nurikabe can be found throughout the game and can be easily farmed in the top right corner of ground floor of the Forge in the, The Beast Born of Smoke and Flames, level 10 main mission in the Awakening Region.
One-eyed Oni
Yokai Ability: Spinning Top.
One-eyed Oni are the large cyclops style enemies with amrita fists, they are found throughout the game. One-eyed Oni can be farmed in the, Dark Omens, level 21 sub mission in the Awakening Region.
Yokai Ability: Ball of Hatred.
Onryoki is the boss in the, The Golden Nation, level 74 sub mission in the Shadow Region.
Yokai Ability: Slaphappy.
Onyudo are large, powerful enemies who attack with elemental tongue attacks and punching flurries. Onyudo can be found in the, Pervading Waters, level 75 main mission in the Dawn Region.
Yokai Ability: Sanmyo Storm.
Otakemaru is the boss in the, In The Eye of the Beholder, level 114 main mission in the Afterglow Region.
Yokai Ability: Whiplash.
Rokurokubi are yokai who appear to be normal Soldiers at first, one they’re down a bit of health, however, a long snake like yokai will spring out of their head where they will gain a good increase in damage. Rokurokubi can be found in the, An End to Seclusion, level 54 sub mission in the Soaring Region.
Ryomen Sukuna
Yokai Ability: Fire and Ice.
Ryomen Sukuna is the boss in the, The Sun Sets on Mount Tenno, level 85 main mission in the Dawn Region.
Yokai Ability: Scampush.
Scampuss are the cat yokai that you need to find then hold Circle to stroke them, they will then accompany you for a while helping you take out nearby yokai. Once the Scampuss has run out of time and departed, it has a low chance of leaving a soul core behind. The best mission I found for farming a Scampuss soul core is the, A Voice in the Twilight, level 20 sub mission in the Awakening Region. Once Gozuki has been defeated, look to where the Scampuss was to hopefully find the soul core.
Shuten Doji
Yokai Ability: Fiery Draft.
Shuten Doji is the boss in the, The Mausoleum of Evil, level 100 main mission in the Dream Region.
Skeleton Warrior
Yokai Ability: Skeleton Bowman.
Skeleton Warriors are undead versions of normal Soldiers and can be found throughout the game, especially in the, Pervading Waters, level 75 main mission in the Dawn Region.
Yokai Ability: Spectral Swarm.
Tatarimokke is the boss in the, A Way Out, level 59 main mission in the Shadow Region.
Yokai Ability: Offensive Odour.
Tesso are the rat like enemies that can inflict you with the muddy status making your healing considerably less effective. Tesso can be found throughout the, Bird in a Cage, level 71 main mission in the Shadow Region.
Thunderstorm Oni-bi
Yokai Ability: Elemental Benison.
This soul core drops from the Thunderstorm (lightning element) Oni-bi which can be farmed in the Pervading Waters, level 75 main mission in the Dawn Region.
Toxic Slime
Yokai Ability: Vile Venom.
Toxic Slime are poisonous versions of Lesser Umi-bozu and can be found in the, The Viper’s Sanctum, level 24 main mission in the Awakening Region down in the poison pools before going through to the Yatsu-no-Kami boss fight.
Yokai Ability: Ubume’s Cry.
Ubume are the female yokai who do an AOE scream as well as a good amount of clawing attacks. Ubume can be found in the Pervading Waters, level 75 main mission in the Dawn Region.
Yokai Ability: Wormhole.
Waira are large yokai with claws either side of its mouth, can throw rocks at you as well as having a heavy damage dealing rolling attack. Waira can be found in the, The Mysterious One Night Castle, level 43 main mission in the Soaring Region.
Yokai Ability: Wheel of Flames.
Wheelmonks are the rolling, wheel-style yokai who are always fire elementals. Wheelmonks can be found in the, A Favour for the Blacksmith, level 30 sub mission in the Awakening Region.
Yokai Ability: Sharp Old Hag.
Yamanba are the old hag style yokai with the grey hair and the large knives. Yamanba can be found throughout the, The Hidden Monsters of Okehazama, level 35 main mission in the Soaring Region.
Yoaki Ability: Impaling Doom.
Yatsu-no-Kami is the boss in the, The Viper’s Sanctum, level 24 main mission in the Awakening Region.
Yokai Ability: Fiendish Frenzy.
Yoki are large brutish enemies usually carrying an axe and are found throughout the game. You can find a Yoki in the, The Village of Cursed Blossoms, level 1 main mission in the Awakening Region.
Once you have acquired all 51 Soul Cores, your Trophy will unlock.
That’s the Nioh 2 Soul Searcher Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you obtain all Soul Cores.