
Nioh Chugoku Region Missions

Here we will go over all of the Nioh Chugoku Region Missions. Chugoku region is the second main region and contains 2 main missions and 7 sub missions for you to complete. There are a lot of missions to complete in NIOH. The missions are broken down into categories throughout the game, which are main missions, sub missions, twilight missions and the dojo missions. The Twilight missions which are much harder versions of some standard missions in the game and only appear sporadically at the rate of 2 every 24 hours (real time).

All of these missions can be completed on Way of the Samurai which will help and if you need any other Nioh missions, check out the Samurai of Legend trophy guide for how to complete every mission in the game. I recommend going through the game, completing The Queen’s Eyes (final mission) then levelling up on Way of the Strong then coming back to mop up any remaining / harder / twilight missions you have outstanding on Way of the Samurai. I will give you a brief guide on how to get through every mission in the Chugoku region as well as a Let’s Play video for every mission showing you what you need to do to complete that given mission. The 9 Chugoku Region missions are as follows:

The Silver Mine Writhes

Main Mission, level 27.
Head through the area going up and around the ladders and walkways, grab the Central Mine Key then head through the next area where you will need to take down the Giant Centipede boss. This boss is unique in NIOH as it is unrelenting in its movements, activate your living weapon then smash away at the body sections behind the head, making the fight more manageable. Take the Giant Centipede down to complete the mission.

The Ocean Roars Again

Main Mission, level 38.
Proceed through the mission lighting the 3 braziers (click the link to go to the Keeper of the Flame guide for more information). Lighting the braziers will prevent the Lesser Umi-bozu enemies spawning during the boss fight. The boss, Umi-bozu is very weak to fire so make good use of this element, be careful not to fall in the water and avoid the energy beam at all costs. Defeat the Umi-bozu to complete the mission

The Guardian Of The Underworld

Sub Mission, level 25.
This is the first arena mission you’ll come to in the game, defeat every yokai to complete the mission.

The Three Angry Gods

Sub Mission, level 31.
Go through the mission taking out the 3 Onyudo. One can be found at the end of the caves, another can be found in the building in front of where you start the mission and another can be found in the temple at the top of the large central staircase. Defeat them all to complete the mission.

The Magatama Of Fire

Sub Mission, level 34.
Head to the Great Centipede boss fight area (you will need to complete the boss fight in the, The Silver Mine Writhes main mission before this mission will unlock). Go to the back of the area and take out the fire Onyudo to complete the mission.

The Bridge Of Bone

Sub Mission, level 38.
Cross the bridge being careful not to fall through the holes, take out every yokai to complete the mission.

Heir To The Nioh

Sub Mission, level 43.
You will be in the same area as the, The Ocean Roars Again main mission, go through to the Umi-bozu boss fight area, take out every yokai to complete the mission.

The Conspirators

Sub Mission, level 45.
Make your way up and around through the ships to the caves, go to the back of the caves defeating the Ninja as well as the Yoki to complete the mission.

Secrets Of The Dead

Sub Mission, level 155.
A very tough, end game mission, there will be several yokai to defeat including a lethal combination of Karakasa Umbrellas, Flying Bolts and Skeleton Warriors, you will then have 2 Karasu Tengu to defeat finishing up with a very powerful revenant. Ensure you have some large spirit stones equipped to your shortcuts to replenish your living weapon. Defeat every enemy to complete the mission.

That’s how to complete all 9 missions in the Chugoku region. If you need to complete any other missions in Nioh, feel free to check out the Samurai of Legend trophy guide.

That’s how to complete all of the Nioh Chugoku Region Missions in Nioh. I hope the guide helped you through all of them and figure out what it is you need to do.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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